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Battle Cry of Freedom

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by James M. McPherson

  on northern Democratic platform in 1864, 772

  on treatment of p.o.w.'s, 802

  on loss of Fort Fisher, 821

  at Hampton Roads conference, 822–24

  Stevens, Thaddeus: antislavery Whig, 87

  radicalism of, 227–28

  on the war as revolution, 358

  on war taxes, 448

  power of, 496

  ironworks of destroyed by rebels, 649

  conquered provinces theory of reconstruction, 699

  on reconstruction as revolution, 701

  Stone, Charles P., 362–63

  Stones River, battle of, 580–83, 586, 645–46, 669, 676

  Stonewall Brigade: at 1st Manassas, 342

  in Shenandoah Valley, 429

  at Cedar Mountain, 526

  at 2nd Manassas, 528–29

  at Appomattox, 850

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 38, 88–91

  Strader v. Graham, 171

  Strategy in Civil War: of Union armies, 331–36

  of Confederate armies, 336–38, 472

  Confederate strategic decisions after Chancellorsville, 646–47

  southern military strategy to influence northern presidential election, 720–21, 734

  Grant's strategic plan for 1864, 721–22

  Lee's strategy of attrition, 734

  Stringham, Silas, 370

  Strong, George Templeton, 484

  on Gettysburg, 664

  depressed in 1864, 757–58

  on capture of Atlanta, 772–73

  Stuart, James E. B. ("Jeb"), 206, 276, 513, 639, 737

  at 1st Manassas, 341

  first ride around McClellan, 462–64

  at 2nd Manassas, 528

  and Antietam, 537

  second ride around McClellan, 561

  at Chancellorsville, 640–44

  battle of Brandy Station, 649

  in Gettysburg campaign, 653, 656, 660–61, 663

  killed at Yellow Tavern, 728

  Sultana, explosion of, 853

  Sumner, Charles, 227

  leader of Conscience Whigs, 60

  founder of Free Soil party, 62, 63

  on Kansas-Nebraska Act, 124

  elected to Senate, 138

  and Know Nothings, 139

  speech on Kansas, 149

  assaulted by Brooks, 150–52

  on British recognition of Confederate belligerency, 388

  and emancipation, 505

  on copperheads, 591

  on Chancellorsville, 645

  state suicide theory of reconstruction, 699

  Sumner, Edwin V., 461, 541

  Sumter, C.S.S., 316, 547

  Sutter, John, 64

  Tactics, in Civil War, and casualties, 472–77

  Taney, Roger B.: and Dred Scott case, 172–79, 181

  and ex parte Merryman, 288–89

  Tariff: as a political issue, 158, 160, 188, 192–93, 438

  and Republican platform in 1860, 220–21, 225

  and Union war finance, 442–43, 451

  Taxes, see Finance


  Taylor, Richard, 633–34, 722–23

  Taylor, Zachary, 6, 634, 722

  and Mexican War, 3–4

  presidential candidate, 4, 58–60, 63, 118

  president, 65

  and slavery expansion issue, 66–69, 88, 105, 106

  and Compromise of 1850, 73–75

  death of, 74

  Temperance movement, 22, 24, 29, 31

  and nativism, 133–36

  and politics, 158, 223

  Terry, Alfred, 820

  Texas, annexation of, 47, 51, 53, 59

  and Compromise of 1850, 70–71 and n, 73–75

  Thirteenth Amendment: guaranteeing slavery, 256

  abolishing slavery, Senate passage of, 706, 712–13

  endorsed by Republican platform, 716

  House passage of, 823, 838–40

  ratification, 840, 842

  Thomas, George H.: in Mexican War, 5

  stays loyal to Union, 281

  victor at Logan's Cross Roads, 305

  in Corinth campaign, 416

  at Chickamauga, 672–75

  takes command of Army of Cumberland, 676, 677

  and assault on Missionary Ridge, 678–80

  in Georgia campaign, 744, 754

  defends Nashville, 808, 811

  battle of Nashville, 813–15

  and Alabama raid, 825

  Thompson, Jacob: Confederate agent in Canada, 763–64

  intrigue with copperheads, 765–66, 783

  Thompson, M. Jeff, 353n

  Thoreau, Henry David, 41–42, 210

  Ticknor, George, 861

  Times (London): on Civil War strategy, 336

  on 1st Bull Run, 348

  on McClellan, 359

  expects Confederate success, 367

  on Monitor-Virginia battle, 377

  and blockade, 383

  on cotton embargo, 384

  hostility to North, 551

  favors mediation, 554

  on Emancipation Proclamation, 558

  on Early's raid, 757

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 605

  Todd, George, 292

  Tompkins, Sally Louisa, 478

  Toombs, Robert: and 1848 election, 60

  and Taylor administration, 66, 67–69

  on southern unionists, 86

  in 1852 election, 118

  and 1856 election, 158

  on John Brown, 212

  and secession, 252, 254

  candidate for C.S.A. president, 258

  political general, 328

  denounces Davis, 435, 543, 692–93

  at Antietam, 543

  opposes arming of slaves, 835

  Trade between the lines during war, 620–25

  Transportation: and economic growth, 11–13, 22, 29

  and southern economy, 91–95. See also Railroads

  Tredegar Iron Works (Richmond), 97, 280, 319, 320, 818

  Trent: and diplomatic crisis, 367, 389–91, 555

  financial impact of, 444

  Trevilian Station, battle of, 739

  Trimble, Isaac, 655n

  Trist, Nicholas, 3–4, 50

  Trumbull, Lyman: elected senator, 130, 218

  on black rights, 159

  on McClellan, 362

  and confiscation act, 500

  on midwestern racism, 507–8

  Tupelo, battle of, 749

  Tyler, John, 257

  Uncle Tom's Cabin, 38, 88–91, 124

  Underground railroad, 79–80, 83, 85

  Uniforms, army, variety of, in 1861, and mix-ups, 318, 324, 342, 344, 351, 544

  Union Leagues, 599, 715

  United States Military Rail Roads, 514–15, 527

  United States Sanitary Commission, 742

  formation of, 323

  women and, 480

  influence and achievements, 481–85

  investigates war prisons, 797

  Upton, Emory, 729

  Vallandigham, Clement L., 803

  peace program of, 591–92, 599

  and Northwest Confederacy, 593

  arrest and exile, 596–97, 599

  candidate for governor, 598, 684–85, 688

  peace sentiments in 1864, 761–62

  confers with rebel agents, 764

  returns to U.S., 765

  role at Democratic convention, 771–72

  and McClellan, 775–76

  alleged intrigues with rebel agents, 782, 783

  Van Buren, Martin: and slavery expansion, 53, 55

  Free Soil nominee in 1848, 60–63

  Van Dorn, Earl: and Pea Ridge, 404–5

  at Corinth, 416

  defense of Vicksburg, 421

  attack on Baton Rouge, 422

  declares martial law, 435

  Mississippi command of, 515, 516, 534, 668

  battle of Corinth, 522–23

  Holly Springs raid, 578, 629<
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  and trade with enemy, 622

  Vance, Zebulon: opposes conscription, 431

  and home-front economic distress, 613, 615

  denounces impressment, 616

  loyal opposition of, 695–97

  reelected governor, 698, 767

  Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 112, 113

  Vicksburg: defies first Union attacks, 420–22, 488, 511, 512

  plans for defense of, 576–77

  failure of Grant's first campaign against, 577–79

  maneuvers against in winter 1863, 586–88, 592, 593, 625, 626

  and Grant's spring 1863 campaign, 627–36, 645, 740

  surrender of, 637–38

  consequences of, 664–65, 668, 682, 683, 684, 685, 691, 831, 858

  Virginia, C.S.S., 421

  rebuilt from U.S.S. Merrimack, 280, 314, 373–74

  attacks Union fleet at Hampton Roads, 375, 417

  fight with Monitor, 376–77

  scuttled, 427

  Virginia Military Institute: graduates of, in Confederate army, 528

  cadets at New Market, 724

  Hunter burns, 738

  Wade, Benjamin, 195, 227

  antislavery Whig, 87

  in secession crisis, 252

  chairman of Committee on Conduct of War, 362

  and Wade-Davis bill, 706, 708, 712, 843

  response to Lincoln's veto, 713, 717

  on Chase, 714

  Wages: antebellum, 10–11, 14, 22–23

  and "wage slavery," 24–25

  and free-labor ideology, 27–29

  inflation and, in Confederacy, 440

  inflation and, in Union, 448–50

  Walker, Leroy P., 317, 321, 322

  Walker, Robert J., and Lecompton constitution, 163–66

  Walker, William, and filibustering, 110–16

  Wall, James, 436

  Wallace, Lewis, 328

  and Shiloh, 407–10

  Wanderer, illegal slaver, 103

  War Democrats, and slavery, 506

  Warren, Gouverneur K., 659, 742, 845

  Washburn, Cadwallader, 588

  Washburne, Elihu, 329, 415, 588

  Washington, George, 187, 206, 274, 280, 337, 718

  Washington Peace Convention of 1861, 256–57

  Wayne, James M., 172, 173

  Webster, Daniel, 59n, 158

  and Compromise of 1850, 70–72, 74

  and fugitive slave law, 83

  Weed, Thurlow: in 1856 election, 154, 155

  and 1860 election, 217, 218, 219

  and secession, 253

  on peace sentiment in 1864, 761

  Weld, Theodore, 38

  Welles, Gideon: on slavery expansion, 53

  secretary of navy, 260, 313

  and Monitor, 374–76

  and Emancipation Proclamation, 504

  on Antietam, 545

  on Gettysburg, 652

  on retaliation for Fort Pillow massacre, 794

  West Virginia: creation of, political moves, 297–99, 303–4

  military actions in, 299–303, 336

  admitted as state, 304

  Westward movement: and American growth, 6

  and economic opportunity, 22, 41–43

  slavery issue and, 41

  and Mormons, 43–45

  and Indians, 45–46

  Wheeler, Joseph: and battle of Stones River, 579

  raids on Sherman's railroads, 749, 808

  and Sherman's march to the sea, 809, 810

  and Sherman's march through Carolinas, 828

  Whig party, and Whigs: and Mexican War, 4, 47–51, 59

  economic philosophy of, 27–29, 193

  constituency of, 30–31

  and slavery, 31, 53–54, 65–67

  and nativism, 33, 131, 136

  and Manifest Destiny, 48–49

  Conscience and Cotton factions, 60–61, 67

  and Compromise of 1850, 74–75

  and fugitive slave law, 86–88, 120

  death of, in South, 118, 126

  death of, in North, 121, 125, 126

  persistence of under different names, in wartime South, 689, 691–92. See also Elections

  Wigfall, Louis, 647

  secessionist, 250

  urges attack on Fort Sumter, 273

  supports conscription, 430

  critic of Davis, 691

  opposes arming of blacks, 836

  Wilderness, battle of, 724–26, 729, 731, 845

  Wilkes, Charles, 389–91, 444

  Williamsburg, battle of, 427

  Wilmot, David, 52, 53, 55

  Wilmot Proviso, 4, 52–60, 62, 65–67, 104, 138

  Wilson, Henry, 139, 144

  Wilson, James H., 825

  Wilson, Woodrow, 854

  Wilson's Creek, battle of, 351–52, 362, 370, 413

  Winchester: 1st battle of (1862), 457, 458

  Ewell's capture of, at 2nd battle (1863), 648

  3rd battle of (1864), 777

  Winder, John H., 434, 442

  Winslow, John, 5

  Winthrop, Robert, 67

  Wirz, Henry, 797, 802

  Wise, Henry: threatens secession in 1856, 158

  and John Brown, 208

  on secession as revolution, 240–41

  and Virginia's secession, 279

  operations in Western Virginia, 301–2

  confidence in southern military prowess, 316–17

  Confederate general, 328

  at Roanoke Island, 372–73

  Women: and antebellum economy, 7, 13, 14, 22, 23, 33

  and decline of birth rate, 9–10, 34–35

  and cult of domesticity, 34

  and education, 35–36

  in wartime economy, 449–50

  and medical care in Civil War armies, 477–84

  Women's Central Association for Relief, 480, 481

  Wood, Fernando, 247, 505

  Woodward, George W., 684–85, 688

  Wright, Rebecca, 777

  Yancey, William Lowndes, 259

  campaigns for secession in 1851, 86

  and for reopening African slave trade, 102

  urges secession, 166, 258

  at 1860 Democratic convention, 215

  Confederate diplomat, 387–89

  Yates, Richard, 595

  Yellow Tavern, battle of, 728

  Young, Brigham, 44–45, 76

  Younger, Cole, 292, 784, 786, 788

  Younger, Jim, 292, 784, 786, 788




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