Lady Ellingham and the Theft of the Stansfield Necklace: A Regency Romance

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Lady Ellingham and the Theft of the Stansfield Necklace: A Regency Romance Page 15

by Rochester, Miriam

  William agreed that Richard was in no fit state to be going out this time of night, especially when things appeared to be in hand but thought that he should be told. ‘Perhaps My Lady he will listen to me.’

  The Countess looked hopeful. ‘Oh do you think so William, maybe between us we can dissuade him from doing anything premature. Ah well, he will be wondering where we are, I suppose we cannot delay much longer.’

  The three of them climbed the stairs and entered Richards’s bedchamber. He greeted them with a smile but it disappeared as soon as he noticed the troubled look on all of their faces. Richard listened in silence as his mother related to him the events of the evening, how Entwhistle had taken Felicity and that Gareth and Alex were hot on their tail. The Dowager asserted that her son and grandson could be relied upon and that they would be back before midnight. The three stood and watched Richard as he lay on the bed quietly absorbing the information and then suddenly he swung his legs over the side. ‘William bring me my riding jacket and boots and send the groom instructions to saddle my horse.’

  The Countess flustered, ‘No Richard, your foot! You cannot possibly be galloping off at this time of night. Please leave it to the Gareth and Alex.’

  Richard looked derisively at his mother. ‘I am afraid I cannot oblige you mother, you do not expect me to lie here on my bed when my sister has been abducted by that scoundrel. If you expect it you have windmills in your head. Now please leave me I need to get dressed.’ Lady Ellingham looked helplessly at William who stepped forward to the breech. ‘Your Lordship I do not think you should attempt it. It would be difficult to know where to start and I do not know how you expect to ride into Harrogate with your foot strapped up as it is, why I doubt you will even be able to get your riding boots on.’

  Richard ignored his Valet. ‘Where there is means there is a way. Now please my clothes if you will.’

  William dug his heels in. ‘I am afraid I cannot sir. You are in no fit state to be riding out and I for one am not prepared to aid and abet you.’

  The Dowager and The Countess looked at William with open mouths, astonished at his open defiance. Richard could hardly believe his ears either. William had been with him since he was fifteen and had never openly flouted him, even when Richard was younger. The two men looked at each other with determined eyes, neither prepared to concede to the other. Richard was the first to speak. ‘In that case you are dismissed; you can collect your wages in the morning,’

  William gave an affirmative nod, ‘Very well your Lordship, I will leave you then, but I would strongly advise you not to be so foolish.’ He turned on his heels and left the room. Lady Ellingham looked at her son, who she could see was regretting his hasty words. ‘You cannot dismiss William,’ she gasped in dismay, ‘he has served you loyally for 8 years.’

  Richard looked patiently at his mother. ‘I will attend to William later but meanwhile I have something to do. I will just have to manage myself and it will take me longer. Now please leave me while I get dressed.’

  There was nothing Lady Ellingham could do to dissuade him and Richard was becoming visibly angry, a characteristic his mother rarely had the chance to observe. She knew it was futile. The Dowager took the Countess by the arm and led her away. It was well past eleven thirty when Richard was ready to leave. It had taken him much longer to get dressed without the assistance of his valet. He was still not able to put weight on his injured foot and was using the stick that Alex had acquired for him; neither had he been able to pull on his riding boot, so had wrapped up his foot as best he could to keep it warm and supported. It struck him that they would not have obeyed his orders to instruct the groom to saddle a horse and swore with frustration, for that would delay him further. He was just hobbling down the stairs, leaning onto the banisters as he went, when the front door opened and the Duke strode in. Alex carrying Felicity in his arms followed him closely. The Duke looked up at Richard standing fully dressed on the stairs and sighed. ‘There was really no need. Did your mother not tell you that everything was under control?’

  ‘Indeed they did sir but I could not lie in bed and do nothing,’ he replied curtly. He nodded to Felicity in Alex’s arms. ‘Is she alright?’ Alex nodded, ‘she is fine. No harm has come to her. I think Entwhistle must have slipped her a huge dose of laudanum, she is drowsy, that is all.’ On hearing the voices, the ladies came running out of the drawing room. Lady Ellingham ran over to her daughter. ‘Oh thank God,’ she said with such relief as she stroked her head. ‘Oh I cannot thank you enough.’

  Alex smiled at the Countess. ‘I will carry her to her room and you can make her comfortable, she will be fine by the morning.’ He looked at the Earl, ‘Give me a minute Richard, I will just get myself sorted and will come up and apprise you of everything that has happened this night. Rest assured there is nothing to worry about.’

  Richard gave Alex an appreciative nod and hobbled back upstairs. He knocked on the adjoining door to summon his Valet to help him undress. He was not ready to admit it but the ordeal of getting dressed had sapped him of his strength and shooting pains were pulsing through his foot. He began to realise that he would not have been up to the task of retrieving his sister and was rather grateful that he had friends such as the Duke and Alex. William answered his summons and Richard gave him an apologetic look. ‘Forget what I said earlier William. I was frustrated and distraught and I did not mean it. You have never disobeyed my orders before and I know you thought you were doing what was best. I hope you will forgive me.’

  William nodded, ‘I know Sir. I did not take you seriously and knew you would see sense in the light of day, think nothing of it. You look fagged to death; here let me help you off with that boot and make you comfortable.’ The Valet helped Richard out of his riding Jacket and breeches and by the time Alex arrived, Richard was lying comfortably on the bed in his nightshirt with his foot propped up on a pillow. Alex walked in with a tray containing a brandy decanter and two glasses and set it on the bedside table. He was wearing a silk dressing gown embellished with a brown and gold leaf pattern. He pulled up a chair to the side of the bed and settled himself upon it with his feet popped up against the side of Richard’s bed. He gave Richard a devilish smile and poured them both a brandy, ‘Well you young fool, I cannot say that I blame you for making the attempt as I would have done the same myself, but you should have believed me when I said I would get her back.’

  Richard looked a little embarrassed, ‘I did believe it but I am not one to sit back and let others carry out my responsibilities for me.’

  Alex understood but replied, ‘never the less, it is not wrong to accept help when circumstances dictate it. No one would think any the worse of you for it, on top of which you were not there and had entrusted your family to me.’

  The two sat sipping brandy and chatting and it was nearly one o’clock in the morning by the time Alex had acquainted Richard with a detailed account of the night’s events. Unlike Alex and his father, Richard was not surprised when he informed him of the true identity of Adrian and Emily Entwhistle. Richard furrowed his brow, ‘I know you once had a tendre for Emily but I never could like that girl. I have always prided myself with being a good judge of character and there was something about her I found lacking. Flick and I argued about it but as usual, she would not heed me and won the day. She just thought I was being bull headed.’

  ‘It seems you were right,’ Alex replied, ‘I thought I was well past the age of being gulled but I fell for her hook, line and sinker. It is strange but after what they have done this night, I had no feeling left for Emily when the magistrate came to take her away. The bile that issued from her mouth was like something from the gutter. It seemed unearthly coming from someone you thought a Lady. She was certainly a consummate actress.’

  Richard looked at his friend in sympathy. ‘I am sorry to have put your though all of this tonight. If it were not for Felicity, you would not have been put in this position. She should not have gone to the Entwhistle
’s box alone. I can only apologise. I do not know what I am going to do about Flick. We are of a similar age and she will not heed me.’

  Alex chuckled, ‘It is I who should apologise, for after all you left her in my care. You need someone to take her off your hands, someone older. She needs a husband who knows how to deal with her without subduing her spirit. Someone who would could handle her strong will and not recoil whenever she succumbed to that impulsive streak of hers.’

  Richard gave Alex a watchful gaze. ‘If you know of such a man please let me know.’

  ‘I am such a man. I have made no secret that I find Felicity attractive and I want her. I know that you and I have always got on amiably enough but a few weeks ago, you told me in no uncertain terms, that you did not view me as a suitable husband for Felicity. Now you have come to know me better are you still of that view?’

  Richard laughed, ‘If I was still of that view I would not be staying here as a guest under your roof with my sister and mother in tow. I am no fool, I know you did not invite us here just for my company.’

  ‘You do me and injustice Richard. I did indeed invite you here to enjoy your company. I will not deny that Felicity gave me that extra impetus but I would have invited you here in any case to enjoy a bit of shooting and fishing. I thought it would be rather fun and my grandmother also seems to be enjoying your mothers company.’

  Richard sighed. ‘I am only sorry that I have cramped your style with this dam foot of mine but never mind I will be up and about in a day or two.’

  Alex laughed, ‘I doubt you will be dancing anytime too soon but hopefully when the swelling goes down we will be able to get you back on a horse again. Meanwhile we will have to organise some more sedate entertainment.’

  Alex poured them both another drink and hesitated, ‘Richard let me tell you something. I have to admit that tonight when Entwhistle took Felicity from the theatre I was fearful. Judging by my action your mother would never have been able to credit it, but my emotions were in turmoil and I have never felt such overwhelming relief as when I got her back. It made me realise that I love her. She is mine Richard. I want her and I will have her.’

  Richard choked on his brandy. ‘You do have a way with words Alex, it is a good job I know you, for your manner is shocking. Whatever happened to the customary etiquette of requesting a ladies hand from her guardian?’

  ‘I was never very good with etiquette Richard but seeing it is you I shall oblige,’ he replied in mock amusement. ‘May I have the hand of your lovely sister in marriage Richard, but if you say no I will have her anyway?’

  ‘Thank the lord for that,’ Richard replied, ‘Yes you may, if she will have you. Have you asked her yet?’

  ‘No but I shall ask her tomorrow if she is well enough.’

  Richard had the last laugh, ‘I pray she says yes and if she does may god have mercy on your soul.’

  The two men sat for a good while longer chatting and drinking brandy and it was 2am when Alex left Richard’s bedchamber, having arranged to go fishing the next day. The river was not too far away and it was a sedentary occupation that would not put too much strain on Richard’s foot. Both men had a better understanding of one another and Richard was of the opinion that Alex would make rather a fine brother in law after all. It only remained to see if Felicity would have him. One thing was for sure, Alex seemed determined and he did not appear to be a man easily deterred. Richard reflected that it would be a fine solution for since coming to London, Flick was becoming increasingly infuriating and Alex may just be the man to tame her impetuous soul.

  Chapter 14

  A Proposal

  The next morning the party arrived downstairs for breakfast late. Both Alex and Richard felt worse for wear after the flowing measures of brandy they had imbibed the night before. The Countess looked forlorn. Alex could guess why, for Richard looked as if he had chewed on a wasp and Felicity was sitting looking pale and with a mulish look on her face. It was obvious that the two of them had been at each other’s throats again. No doubt, Richard had given her an early morning ear bashing about her antics the night before.

  The Duke was the only person at the table who looked cheerful with a beaming smile on his face. The Dowager was not present and as usual had her breakfast in bed. The party looked up as Alex entered and the Duke gave him a jovial welcome, ‘Ah there you are Alex, come and help me to inject some cheer into this miserable lot.’ Alex helped himself to some ham and eggs and sat down, ‘yes I think we all had rather a late night but all’s well that ends well and today is another day.’

  Felicity looked rather relieved, at least Alex was not angry. Richard had spoken to her in no uncertain terms that morning, on top of which she had the most obnoxious headache. He had made it entirely clear that her behaviour had been totally unacceptable, enough for her hosts to have a disgust of her. The Duke however wiped his face on his napkin and smiled. ‘The Countess advises me that she would like to go shopping in Harrogate and I thought that we could make up a party.’ The Countess managed a smile. ‘Yes I want to buy a new pelisse for the winter and the Dowager tells me that there is a very good modiste in Harrogate. I never did get one ordered in London. Gareth has offered to take me.’

  Felicity looked guilty, as she knew that it was her fault that her mother had never got to Madam Fournier’s that day. The Countess looked reprovingly at her daughter. ‘Flick has left a perfectly good pelisse in London that would have served its purpose but she would not let me have it, even though she does not care to wear it herself. She said the colour would not suit me but with suitable accessories, I think it would have served very well.’

  Felicity glowered at her mother. She did not reply, as she did not want to continue the conversation. Her mother only had to mention the colour of the offending garment and she would slide off her chair and under the table in mortification. Alex has guessed at her discomfort and looked across at Felicity with a mischievous grin. ‘Does it happen to be grey by any chance,’ he quipped playfully. The Countess looked surprised, ‘Why indeed it is, however could you have guessed that?’ Felicity returned his gaze and flushed, wishing that the ground would just open up and swallow her whole. The Countess noticing the tense undercurrent, decided to ignore the matter but made a mental note to ask Felicity about it later. She changed the subject. ‘Well Flick would you like to go to Harrogate and help me choose some fabric?’

  Felicity held her head in her hands, ‘You will have to hold me excused mama for I have a dreadful headache. I don’t know what it was that dreadful man gave me last night, but I still do not feel quite the thing.’

  Alex looked at Felicity, ‘What you need is some fresh air to clear your head. After breakfast I will take you for a walk around the gardens and a little later perhaps you can come fishing with Richard and I. We arranged it last night, for it is an activity Richard can do sitting down. We can take the carriage down to the River, instead of walking down.’ Felicity readily agreed and so the day was planned.

  After breakfast, Alex patiently waited in the hall whilst Felicity went to fetch her Pelisse. She was longer than he expected but just as he was about to send out a search party she arrived in the hall suitably attired. ‘I am sorry I am late Alex, I thought I would take Tiber but I cannot find him anywhere. He would have loved to have come for a walk.’

  Alex grimaced, the last time his was alone with Flick the little dog and been an infernal nuisance. He could not get near to Felicity without him snapping at his heels. As far as his beloved mistress was concerned, Alex was the dire enemy to be kept at bay at all costs. He looked around him, ‘where was that annoying little mutt anyway?’ He smiled at Felicity. ‘Never mind. I know he has made a good friend of the cook. I expect he is his down in the kitchen and being fed tit bits.’

  Felicity moved back from the front door. ‘Oh just give me a moment I will go and collect him.’ Alex grabbed her by the arm and yanked her back. ‘Leave him Flick; I am sure he is happy where he is. Just you and I f
or this once, for I have something I wish to say to you.’

  Felicity looked at him suspiciously, ‘if you are wishing to give me an ear bending I can inform you now, that I have already had my fill from Richard. If that is what you wish to talk about I would rather I stayed indoors and be on my own. Besides I am not quite sure if I have forgiven you for your abominable behaviour at the breakfast table.’

  Alex laughed, ‘I am sorry I could not resist it, your face was a picture.’ They stepped out into the garden and he took her gloved hand and slipped it through his arm. ‘As far as last night is concerned, I am just pleased everything turned out as it did.’ He looked at her with affection. ‘The outcome could have been very different you know.’ Felicity bit her lip, ‘I know and I am sorry to have caused you so much trouble but who would ever have guessed that Adrian would act is such an unpredictable way. I did think to wait for you, really I did, but you had been a while and I wanted to talk to Emily before the third act started or I may have missed her entirely. I never even dreamt that Adrian Entwhistle would attempt such a thing in the middle of a crowded theatre.’

  ‘Well I did warn you in London that Entwhistle was not as he seemed. His appearance belies his strength and his cunning, at that made him dangerous.’

  Felicity conceded, ‘It is hard to believe, he appeared to be such a fop.’ I only wish I could have warned the gentleman Emily was with about her character, but he had disappeared when I arrived at her box. Oh I do hope he was not so hopelessly duped, Adrian overpowered me before I got the chance.’

  ‘You can rest assured Felicity that Mr Maitland was well informed for I made it my business to enlighten him. He was obviously fond of Emily and bitterly disappointed but no doubt he will get over it. He walked away a disillusioned man but at least he left with his bank balance intact.’


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