Dirty Tricks

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Dirty Tricks Page 15

by Kiki Swinson

  Shutting off the ignition, Game looked at me. “Ready to retreat inside my humble abode?”

  I wanted to say “hell yeah,” but I chilled and played it cool. The last thing I wanted to do was seem too anxious, but damn, it was hard. “After you,” I replied.

  Jumping out of the car, he came around to my side and opened the door. Again I was floored once we were inside. His home was beautiful. There was this beautiful Tranquil Clear chandelier in his hallway that was to die for. Of course I didn’t know what kind of chandelier it was until he told me. I asked him if it was expensive, and he told me it cost twelve thousand dollars. So I left that conversation alone and quick. In my hood he could have got that same chandelier for less than five hundred, minus the crystals. The living room I would describe as majestic. It was decked out in all white with the plushest white carpet you could imagine. According to him the furniture had been custom made. I was excited to see the rest of the downstairs as I asked him to show me every inch. But before we made it to the beautiful circular staircase that sat off in the middle from the foyer, I told him I was thirsty. So we detoured back to the kitchen.

  “Who decorated for you?” I asked. We had decided to go back to the den and sit down for a minute after I had my drink. That was much more in my comfort zone, a huge leather sectional with a seventy-inch TV on the wall. I could sit there all day for relaxation.

  “Why you ask that? Who says I did not decorate myself?”

  I thought about his question for only a brief second, then laughed. “Again, who decorated for you?” I grinned. “It has a female touch all over it.”

  He gave me that handsome smile that I was growing to adore. “A’ight, you got me. My sister, Keisha. She did all this.”

  “Wait, you have a sister?” I ask. That was news to me. He had never mentioned a sister before.


  “Why didn’t you tell me? I assumed you were an only child.”

  “Nope, I have a sister. Her name is Keisha. She doesn’t live here in Oakland. No worries babe.” He sipped the Champagne he had poured in his glass.

  “Will I get to meet her?”

  “Actually, she doesn’t come out here much. But if she does, of course.”

  “Cool. I want to know the people that mean something to you.”

  “You mean something to me.” In one swoop he pulled me into his arms. Before I knew it, we were tongue tied. I really wasn’t into kissing with the tongue, but Game’s tongue action was so good I was willing to let him suck my tongue dry. My middle was on fire, and the drip that was threatening its way down my thigh confirmed I was ready. Game picked me up, and with his passionate magical kisses all over my body, we ended up in his room. Very gently, he laid me down on the bed. I can’t even remember how we ended up naked, but his tongue on my middle was driving me completely insane. I couldn’t take it another minute. Reaching for him, I all but begged him to fill me up. And he did just that. My middle was so hot Game moaned as he entered. He was home.


  Two months had flown by, and I was the happiest I had ever been. From the first night I spent at Game’s house, I never left. He was spoiling me rotten and I welcomed it. There was nothing I could dream of that he wouldn’t buy. The first week that I moved in I came home from work to find Game standing outside next to a brand-new, all-black Cadillac Escalade with deep black-tinted windows, all black rims, and a huge bow tied to the front. Excited, I jumped out of my old Toyota and ran straight into his arms. I fell utterly and deeply in love with my new truck. It was the first new vehicle I had ever had. Then there were the unlimited shopping sprees he had taken me on, in places I had only dreamed of going, like Saks Fifth Avenue. We took a trip down to Los Angeles, where he allowed me to shop until I dropped on Rodeo Drive. I was in complete awe.

  But clearly that was not the end of the spoiling sessions he had for me because today he had awakened me early with breakfast in bed and yet another surprise. Jumping in his Ferrari, we had taken a ride down to his bank. Outside in the car he told me that he we were going inside so that he could open me a secure bank account. I told him that I already had a bank account at Bryers Savings and Loans where I worked. But he insisted that he wanted me to have one where he banked as well. Inside the bank we sat down with an accountant to set it up. I was stunned when he revealed that he wanted to transfer a hundred thousand dollars into my account from his. My eyes felt as if they would bulge out of my head. The accountant looked at me and smiled. I had to sign a few documents to seal the account. The thought of all that money in my possession made me nervous. Yes, I dealt with that much money at work, but that money didn’t belong to me.

  “Babe, why didn’t you tell me you were putting all that money into that account?” I asked when we were outside the bank.

  “That’s nothing. I want to you to feel finically secure at all times.” The look on his face was sincere. And I didn’t want to seem ungrateful, but I wasn’t sure about this.

  “Listen, I know you’re doing this for a good reason. But . . . I just don’t know how I feel about taking that much money from you. You’ve done enough for me already. The truck . . .” I was starting to feel overwhelmed. Tears welled in my eyes. When we reached the car, Game turned me to face him. He wiped at the tears that started to roll down my face.

  “Porsha, you are the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. Anything that I do for you is because I want to. Seeing you happy makes me happy. I want to take care of you. You don’t have to work if you don’t want to. I promise I’ll take care of you. That’s my duty now. Let me love you.” Pulling my face toward his, he kissed me deeply, and I returned every stroke. Gently stroking my face, he asked, “Can you do these things for me?”

  Looking in his eyes, I saw nothing but trust and his love for me. “Yes, I’ll let you love me. But I’m not ready to leave my job. I have accomplished good things since I’ve been working there. I’ll know when I’m done.” I hoped he understood that, because my mind was made up. I was in love with him. Since the loss of my brother I had not felt protected until Game.

  * * *

  It had been over a week since I had seen Ma. Between work and the time I had been spending with Game, I was tied up. But today I was off and made it my mission to spend it with her. Up early, I went downstairs, had a cup of coffee, and talked for a minute with Rosa, Game’s housekeeper. She had worked for him for over three years. Rosa was a nice lady, and according to her, she only had two years left to retirement. And she couldn’t wait, because she was moving back to Puerto Rico. In only a short time I had grown to like her. She loved to crack jokes and kept me laughing. I would miss her when she retired.

  Two hours later I was ready. I jumped in my truck and headed toward East Oakland to Ma’s house. I was going to surprise her with lunch and shopping. I also had plans to put some of that money Game had put into my account into hers.

  Using my key, I unlocked the door and walked right in. “Ma.” I stretched my arms out to her. She had a cup of coffee in her hand and was about sit down when I came in. She quickly set the cup on the table.

  “My baby,” she said, full of joy, and hugged me so tight I could barely breathe.

  “I missed you.” I sounded like a kid.

  “I missed you too sweetheart.” She released me. “I thought you had forgotten about me.” She grinned.

  “Never. I could never forget my Ma. I told you on my next off day I was coming over.” I continued to smile. “How about you get dressed. I got the whole day planned for us.” I waited for her to say she couldn’t go.

  “Give me a minute to get dressed.” It came out faster than I would have expected. She wasted no time rushing to the back. I went into the kitchen and made myself another cup of coffee. Ma’s coffee was always bomb. Thirty minutes later she was showered and dressed.

  I let her choose the spot for lunch, and to my appreciation she chose Red Lobster. We both loved to eat there. My favorite, of course, was the
cheesy garlic biscuits. I could eat about ten of those without being full. The hostess seated us. No sooner were we seated than our waiter approached the table and took our order.

  “So I see they still keeping you busy over at the bank.”

  I sighed. Just thinking about it made me tired. “They never stopped.” The waitress put the biscuits on the table and I wasted no time reaching for one.

  “I remember when I was working all the time like that when you and your brother were little. It was a mess. But what I hated most was being away from both of you.”

  “You did what you had to do. Kenneth and I understood that.”

  She nodded in agreement. Her facial expression told me she was proud of me. “I’m glad to see you happy, Porsha.”

  “I am, Ma. Game is a good guy. He’s what I need right now in my life.” I was happy to say this. After my brother died, I felt as if nothing would ever make me happy again. I was wrong.

  “Don’t get me wrong. It’s okay for a guy to shower you with nice things. But I feel like Game is moving too fast. Doing way too much too soon.” The concern she was feeling was all over her face. I should have known she would worry. The day I pulled up in the truck that he had bought me, she loved it. But she was a little apprehensive of him purchasing something so expensive for me when we had just started dating. Not to mention the fact that I had moved in with him so soon. I thought she would flip, and although it was clear she wanted to, she decided not to. I wondered if she felt like it might push me away like Kenneth. The more she pried with him about his lifestyle, the deeper into it he became.

  “I know it seems that way. But he just cares for me, Ma. Right now we just want to be good to each other. Game doesn’t want anything from me but to be with me.”

  “I hear you. But what about his family?”

  “His parents are dead, but he does have a sister out in Texas.”

  “I’m sorry to hear about his parents . . . Listen, all I’m saying is that sometimes people can move too fast when really, there is no rush. I just don’t want you to end up with any regrets. I want nothing but the best for you.”

  “I know you do. And I’m telling you that you have nothing to worry about. Nothing has changed. I still plan to pursue my dreams. School is on the list and comin’ soon.” I smiled. I wanted to reassure her she could count on me. The last thing I wanted to do was disappoint her.

  “All right.” She smiled as the waitress sat her spicy Cajun chicken pasta in front of her. And boy, did it look delicious.

  I patiently waited for mine. “Now this is what I’m talkin’ about.” I stirred mine before taking my first bite. “Good,” I said with a mouth full of pasta. And there was no shame in my game.

  “This food is going to make me fat. I haven’t been to the gym in what, two, years?” Ma said, then forked another round of pasta into her mouth. Ma had been an athlete all through high school. She was a top basketball player at her school, even receiving a scholarship to USC, but when she met our dad, her dreams changed. Because of that, she had always been conscious of her body. She kept a membership at the Y, and no matter how hard she worked, she made time for the gym. Even now she still had a slim waist and long legs. At forty-seven, she looked good. When Kenneth died, though, just like everything else, the gym became no more.

  “Maybe you should get back into the gym. That would get you off that couch.”

  “It might.” She grinned. It was nice to see her talk and smile all in one motion. My heart chanted.

  “I have something I wanted to do for you.” I braced myself with this one. She had just finished discussing her concern about Game and how fast he was moving. But I wanted to do this, so I had to step up. “Game put some money into a secure account for me.”

  “He did, did he?” The concerned look was back. It wasn’t harsh, but it made my stomach nervous. I didn’t want this to go badly.

  “Yeah, just a little something so that I can feel secure.” I paused. I didn’t know what she would say next. Silence held the air, so I decided it might be okay to move on. “What I wanted to do was put some into your account . . . Just so I don’t have to worry. And if you need anything, you can go get it. And if I was at work it wouldn’t hold you up.” Finally I had it out. I waited.

  “Now, Porsha, you know how I feel about drug money. I can’t.” She shook her head and closed her eyes for a brief moment.

  “I know that, Ma.” I sighed. I couldn’t give up. “But like I told you before, Game ain’t into drugs. He is legit. He has his own business.” I looked her straight in the eyes and lied. I didn’t know what else to do. I felt some comfort in knowing it wasn’t a total lie. Game did have his own business, but he was in fact a drug dealer, and no peon at that.

  “Porsha, you want me to believe that a few car lots has him living the lifestyle he does? Do you really believe that?”

  I swallowed because I was about to lie again. And the one thing I hate to do was lie to my mother. “Yes I do. Ma, you have to trust me. In the past two years, haven’t I stepped up? Have I done anything that would give you a reason to doubt me?”

  She looked at me for a full minute, then smiled. “No you haven’t. You’ve been the perfect daughter, stepping up and doing everything that I couldn’t for this family.” A tear slid down her cheek. “I almost feel as if I let you down when you needed me most.”

  “No, Ma. You have never let me down. You just needed me to be there for you the way you were always there for Kenneth and me. Now it’s my turn to make sure you straight. Giving you this money makes me feel that you are secure.”

  Tears were flowing down her face. I handed her a napkin off the table. She dabbed at the tears. “Okay. You can put the money into the account. I’m so proud of you, Porsha.” She sniffed. Tears had already started down my face.

  “Now look at us.” I laughed. Ma laughed too. We sat and finished our food and chatted some more. After leaving Red Lobster, we drove over to her bank, where I deposited ten thousand dollars into her account. Next, we hit up some stores and did some shopping. Of course Ma’s favorite was Bath & Body Works. We both were candle freaks, but she was one times ten. And I let her go all out. Can you believe we spent three hundred dollars in a candle store? It was ridiculous, and I loved it. As long as Ma had a smile on her face, I would go completely broke.


  Backing out of the garage, I smiled at the beautiful sun. It went great with my mood. I was on my way to Macy’s to meet up with Briana and Sasha to do a little sunglass retail therapy. I couldn’t wait. We had been talking about sunglass shopping for the past two weeks, but none of us could find the time. Today we were all free, so it was on. I entered Macy’s on the women’s side of the store. A few maxi dresses caught my attention, and I couldn’t help but browse for a minute. There were at least two of them that had my undivided attention. Vowing to come back once I was done eyewear shopping, I continued on to my destination.

  “Oh, I see how it is. Y’all gon’ go ahead and start without me?”

  Sasha and Briana were busy testing their sunglasses in the mirror with a selfie.

  “Our bad, boo.” Sasha smiled. “We just got a little caught up.”

  “Porsha, I swear . . . Could you be on time sometime?” Briana asked while taking off her sunglasses and reaching for another pair.

  “So that’s your excuse for not waiting on me? It’s cool, though.” I pretended to be upset. “Look at these. They’re cute.” I picked up a pair of Persol that really had my attention. Modeling for the mirror, I was feeling them.

  “Bitch, you beat in those,” Briana complimented me.

  Placing them back on the rack, I reached for a pair of Coach that were screaming my name. “These right here stealing the show, though!” I slid them on.

  “Those are sick.” Sasha smiled, then held up her phone to take a pic. Briana jumped in wearing a pair of Gucci and we both struck a pose.

  “Bitch, we just killed it.” Briana was hype. “I’m abou
t to go broke up here.”

  “Always,” I agreed.

  “So what’s up, Porsha? I see that nigga keepin’ you ghost,” Briana chimed.

  Trying on my next pair of sunglasses, I smiled. “He has not. You know how the bank keep me locked down.” I laughed. “That shit ain’t changed. But me and bae, we spending some time.”

  “I hear that. I’m tryin’ to be on that too, but ain’t nobody passin’ the test.” Sasha said.

  “Shit, that’s my problem too. But I ain’t even trippin’,” Briana threw in.

  “Y’all stop. Both of you can have whoever you want.” And that was no lie, they both were beautiful.

  “I know, but these niggas on the bullshit. And I swear I ain’t feelin’ it,” Briana spat.

  “I feel you. And I have Rein to think about. So I can’t be pickin’ the wrong one.”

  “Real talk. You have to be careful. Right now I’m still tryin’ to get Ma to trust the decision I made to be with Game.”

  “What’s up? Is she trippin?” Briana asked.

  “Yeah, she concerned. She just don’t want us to move too fast . . . I guess the moving in together was too much too soon for her.” I decided to leave out the money and her worries about him selling drugs.

  “I wouldn’t worry about that much. She’ll be fine. It’s just basic mother instinct to worry. But I promise she’s probably gettin’ over it already. I’m sure she ain’t thinkin’ about you right now anyway. She called me to bring Rein over earlier. And girl, Rein didn’t give me one glance when I walked away.”

  The thought of Ma and Rein ignoring Sasha as she walked away made me smile. “Ma has fallen in love with Rein. I’m sure Rein has her wrapped around her finger.”

  “And you worried about her concerns for you. Ha, just like Sasha said, she has forgotten about you. She has a new baby,” Briana joked. We all laughed.


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