A Night at Tears of Crimson

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A Night at Tears of Crimson Page 11

by Hughes, Michelle

  He pulled back and lifted her chin so she would meet his eyes. “You have made me very happy,” the words were a spoken quietly and he never wanted her to doubt just how much this night meant to him.

  She couldn't help but smile back at his words, but she didn't want to leave him. She was afraid that they would never rekindle the magic they'd shared this night.

  “I promise you we will have many, many more nights like this my love,” smiling deeply, he sent the words into her mind as well, never wanting her to doubt his feelings.

  A warm glow filled her entire being at his words. He grasped her hand carefully in his, and she allowed him to lead her downstairs and outside where her SUV was parked.

  He opened her door then pulled her to him fiercely. His lips found hers and he kissed her deeply before pulling back. “Thank you for the lovely gift you gave me,” he stated passionately.

  She could only blush in response and lay her head on his hard chest. He caressed her hair and held her against him tightly and she felt more cherished than she had ever felt before.

  "If the dawn were not arriving soon, my love, I would show you again how much this night has meant to me." Fighting back his own disappointment, he knew he couldn't fight the power of the sun for her, no matter how much he longed to try. Opening her door, he watched her slide inside and felt his soul ache in loss.

  She could see him staring at her in the rear-view mirror as she pulled away. She knew without any doubt whatsoever, that her life would never be the same again. Forcing her eyes back on the road, her heart ached to hold him in her arms again.

  As she pulled into her parking space the sun was just about to rise and she hurried inside. She was greeted by her new place and even though she missed Rafe, she couldn't help but smile at everything he had given her. She walked upstairs and took a quick shower. Her body was sore but it was a slight discomfort, one she was definitely willing to live with. She toweled off and threw on a huge, oversized shirt before falling into her new bed. Within seconds she was sound asleep.

  She awoke later that afternoon, completely disorientated. She was still incredibly tired as she got up on shaky legs. A wave of dizziness hit her so hard she almost fell back in bed. For some reason she was craving orange juice and she made her way slowly down the stairs to her refrigerator. Grabbing the container of juice, she didn't even look for a glass and within seconds she removed the top and drank quickly. When almost half the container was empty, she pulled away gasping.

  When that initial thirst was met, she put the container back in and giggled over her bad manners. An incredible feeling flowed through her as she realized this was her house, and her juice, and she could drink it anyway she pleased. She was incredibly hungry, so she quickly scrambled up some eggs and ate them faster than she'd ever eaten anything in her life.

  Feeling completely satiated, she glanced at the clock she had hung up yesterday and gasped. It was already four in the afternoon and she had to work tonight. Where had the day gone? she wondered to herself and of course last night came flooding back into her mind and she felt flushed all over. She also noted that she was really sore, but it was actually kind of nice to have that little reminder as well.

  She really didn't have anything that needed to be done today and decided a nice hot soak in her new bathtub would be just the thing to get her going. She turned on the water so that it was steaming hot and got in slowly. As the warm water hit her still aching flesh, she sighed and rested her head back against the cool porcelain.

  As soon as her eyes closed, she could feel him, smell him, even thought she could hear his voice softly calling to her. Desire flowed through every limb of her body and she was so hungry for him that it was almost painful. Opening her eyes quickly she started to bathe, trying to scrub away all the images that were going through her mind. She knew last night was the first time for her, but this craving was a little ridiculous.

  After she bathed she stepped out of the water. Her thoughts kept drifting, wondering if she would always feel this desire. She knew it was going to be really hard to concentrate on anything else if this didn't let up a little. Drying off quickly and putting on a soft robe, she attempted to think of anything other than Rafe.

  In the short time she had known him, she was irrevocably hooked. She couldn't even begin to imagine not being with him now and the thought scared her a little. His face wouldn't leave her memories and she finally just gave up.

  She walked into the bathroom and put on her makeup artfully, she wondered if he would like her this way. She pulled her long hair up into a clip, would he like it better down, she pondered. Shaking her head as she was bombarded with ways to please him, she forced herself to get dressed. Glancing in the mirror, she noted the two very small puncture marks on her neck. They were barely noticeable, but she felt like a walking sign for vampires. The only thing that bothered her about that was there was only one vampire she wanted to share her blood with.

  Thinking it would probably be best to hide the marks at the club, she walked over to her jewelry box and found a dark black choker. It was one of those impulse buys she had picked up at the Boutique, but it was definitely serving its purpose for her tonight. The little choker actually covered the marks perfectly, and she was truly thankful for that. She hoped Angela hadn't left for work yet, and decided to walk down to her home. She was thankful that she answered on the first knock and all but dragged her inside.

  “So....?” her eyes were filled with curiosity and Cara blushed deeply. She laughed warmly and hugged her tightly. “That good, I take it?” she said in a cheerful voice.

  She could only nod, really embarrassed to talk about last night because everything was just so new to her.

  “I really am happy for you Cara,” Angela whispered softly.

  She could tell there was more she wanted to say so she just waited.

  “I just don't want you to get hurt if, well if things don't work out,” she grabbed her hands in hers. “Honey, men don't think like we do, and I think Rafe is a nice man, but he is still just a man.”

  She couldn’t help it, she had to laugh. The laughter continued until tears were pouring down her face. “I'm sorry, Angela,” she smiled at her, finally controlling her giggles, “I'm just so happy right now I can't think about it ending already.”

  Angela shook her head and rolled her eyes but laughed as well. “Alright we'll cross that bridge, if and when it comes,” Angela grabbed her hands and pulled her up to the bathroom. “You have completely streaked your face,” she shook her head and pulled out her make-up bag. Within a few minutes Angela had fixed her streaked face and smiled. “Let's get to work before the boss fires us.”

  She followed Angela outside and when she offered to drive them both in, she accepted quickly. They chatted all the way to work, but she was really happy that her friend didn't pry into the personal stuff. She was still getting used to the idea of having a lover, and discussing her night with Rafe would have been way too awkward.

  7 tears of rememberance

  Gabriel stood outside the Tears of Crimson nightclub watching the customers walk in. In the years he had walked the earth, he could only pity the human's meek existence, with their short lives and lack of immortal strength, they deserved only to be meals or pleasure slaves for gods like him. He remembered his beautiful wife Alianna, and the hands of the church ending her life. He would see them all pay for destroying such perfection while they bothered to stain the earth with their weakness. Shaking the thought away he remembered his business with his brother Rafe, and for a brief moment his countenance lifted. It had been many years since they had enjoyed time in each other's presence.

  For hundreds of years they remained inseparable, taking the world and all it offered, devouring it with a pleasure that damned their souls more than their curse had. The women had fallen at their feet and worshiped them. Gold and silver was always in their possession from the various deeds they performed, or simply from those that wished to pay for their own
safety. Such glorious days, he thought back in fondness. As with all things though; money, women, and pleasure seemed to lose the appeal after immersing yourself in every sin known to this world and Rafe had moved on to create his empire.

  The news he came to deliver, was not how he envisioned their reunion. The Elder had been challenged, and the wars would soon begin that would determine the order for their kin. 2,500 years Lord Eduardo had reigned without incident, Gabriel thought in anger, but times were different and loyalty did not appeal to these young. Deciding he had seen enough of the outside of the club, he walked inside and it took only seconds for the blood bond to bring Rafe into his line of sight.

  "My brother!" Rafe tried to keep the shock from his face as he gazed over the vampire who had sired him. Walking over with long strides he grasped his upper arm in greeting, a smile meeting his face for a brief moment before reading the seriousness of his manner. "We may talk in private upstairs," with a curt nod he released his arm and moved behind the bar with a speed that would have shocked the staff and employees had they been present.

  In the office, Rafe opened the small refrigerator that sat by his desk and pulled out an ancient looking bottle and sat it on the table with two silver chalices. "I fear this visit is one that will not leave me happy with the circumstances," pouring the ruby red liquid he looked up to Gabriel for confirmation of the thoughts moving through his mind.

  "It gives me no joy to share this burden with you brother, and you have discerned right there is a blood battle on the rise," taking the chalice he drank of the cool blood attempting not to shudder as he preferred his blood from the source.

  “We shall discuss this more tonight,” Rafe knew this war was the last thing he wanted to attend to especially with the danger it presented to those under his protection. His thoughts moved to Cara and he felt a deep pang of regret for allowing her to be drawn into this. There was no doubt in his mind that the elders would be extremely cautious under the circumstances and his relationship with a human would be one to cause great concern.

  “It seems we have much to discuss brother,” shaking his head as the thoughts of the young woman in his child’s mind was propelled into his own. “You know my feelings for humans, Rafe, they are little more than sustenance for us.”

  “I know your opinions well brother, but understand that they are not mine,” fighting back a wave of anger over Gabe’s words he decided a bit of space between them would be a welcome relief. “Perhaps you would like to get more familiar with your surroundings brother?” it was a suggestion but he knew his Creator understood how deeply his words affected him.

  With a curt nod of his head he nodded, “I will give you a moment.” He refused to apologize for his own dislike of the human race, especially after all they had cost him. Walking downstairs he was confronted with the object of Rafe’s desire and he felt the need to strike out against her for her heritage.

  It was a little before nine when Cara and Angela pulled into the parking lot and the employee lounge was empty. After stowing their purses in the lockers they went out into the empty club. The women glanced at each other in concern, because this was definitely not right. Normally Michael and Dante would already be in getting things ready for the night. It was just entirely too quiet. “Well, well, well,” a deep voice echoed throughout the club and startled both of them enough that they turned around simultaneously.

  “Rafe sent in some little treats,” Gabe laughed without humor and began walking toward them. "How delicious you both look."

  Cara glanced over the man taking in his appearance, feeling more than a little threatened. He was about 6'4, with blonde hair that fell across his massive shoulders, and he was clad in black leather from head to boots. He was irresistibly handsome, she conceded, but the ice his cold eyes put off, definitely left her fearing for her safety.

  Finding her voice after a few awkward seconds she looked him straight in his eyes. “Can we help you Sir?” her voice only shook a little. He began walking toward her and her friend menacingly and they took a few steps back in sync.

  "That depends, sweetheart how fast can you find your knees?" His mouth lifted at one side at the humans shocked expression and he moved closer.

  Cara was floored by his question and felt herself flush in anger. She was just about to give him a piece of her mind when she saw Rafe approaching. With a smile of relief, she knew he would take care of the problem.


  Rafe's loud voice was like a little slice of heaven, Cara though, as he roared loudly. The man named Gabe turned toward her lover and smiled deeply.

  “Now tell me you are not down here scaring the hell out of my employees.” Rafe's tone lowered and he spoke then gave a good-natured laugh.

  “Would I do that brother?” Gabe said with an insulting wink to Cara, enjoying seeing the anger that filled her dark brown eyes.

  Brother? Cara thought in shock, this man was related to her Rafe? Why wasn't he saying something? she couldn't help but ask herself. Brother or not the man had just insulted her. She turned her heated gaze on Rafe and wanted to scream at him, but forced herself to remain where she was.

  “Surely you wouldn't do that here?” Rafe stated with a small smirk. He knew Cara was angry, but he couldn't explain why calling out Gabe was something he couldn't do. He only hoped later she would forgive him.

  Cara couldn't understand what had gotten into him. He almost seemed like he approved of the way this giant man was acting. She was hurt that he wasn't defending her. Perhaps last night had meant nothing to him and all his words were lies.

  Gabe threw back his hair, like a lion would toss his mane and laughed robustly. “Introduce me to your, um, workers,” he turned his eyes back to the women and allowed them to roam over each of them seductively.

  Cara was deeply insulted, but a part of her knew better than to voice her opinion on that subject right now. Angela was completely entranced and she turned to her and shook her lightly by the shoulders until she was focusing again. She was close to having an emotional melt-down, and didn't want it to happen here.

  “Let's get to work,” She grabbed Angela's hand, all but dragging her back to the kitchen. Cara didn’t care that she just ignored the man's request for an introduction, she was furious and confused at the same time. She wasn't about to wait on Rafe to introduce her to the barbarian or allow Angela to wait around either.

  Gabe's deep laughter followed them to the back and she could hear him and Rafe laughing together. Her heart ached, but she refused to cry, instead she let anger take over.

  “What the hell was that?” Angela stated, finally coming out of her shock or the hypnotic spell.

  Cara didn't know exactly what he had done to her friend, but that made her even more furious. She shrugged and started cutting up lemons and limes, really not wanting to talk about the incident any further. Angela must have understood her mood because she started folding napkins and doing the other trivial things they did to prep for service. Cara heard Michael and Dante's voices, and her boiling blood finally cooled down enough that she stopped slicing lemons like she was imagining it was Gabe's head.

  People began piling in and they went to work. She plastered a smile on her face and took extra care in being nice to the customers that night. She was easily able to discern the vampires that frequented the club that night. She couldn't help but feeling they all knew about her discovery as well. More than a few of them cast curious looks her way. None of them voiced those opinions, but it wasn't hard to discern. She really didn't have time to ponder those thoughts as the crowd was in full swing, and it took everything she had to keep up with the orders.

  Philippe walked in and she quickly walked over to take his order. Smiling, hoping her face didn't show the feelings she really felt, she waited patiently for him to speak.

  There was something different about the little human tonight. His eyes moved over her face and his mind connected with hers, finding the truth. Rafe had worked faster than he
had, he thought angrily, he had wanted this little human. "A bottle of your red wine,” he waved her off trying to contain his anger.

  For some reason it really hurt that he dismissed her so easily. She had to chalk it up to being overly sensitive. Giving Michael the order, she moved to the back to grab a wine glass to add to her tray.

  “Everything alright with you, darlin'?” Michael asked in concern. She looked like she had just lost her best friend and wondered if there was already trouble in paradise. He was shocked that Rafe allowed her to walk around this way.

  She gave him her biggest smile, “I'm fine, just a little tired tonight. She really didn't like lying to him, but there was no way she was about to get into a discussion concerning her emotions. She was trying desperately to hold herself together.

  Michael smiled back warmly, and thought that Rafe should have his brain checked. The girl was obviously upset, and knowing his boss like he did he had a pretty good inkling about what was going on. Feeling his anger rise on her behalf, he struggled to keep his own nature in check.

  She quickly took Philippe his order. His eyes barely acknowledged her as he paid the total and told her, as usual to keep the change. She decided there was enough to worry about, without adding Phillipe's strange behavior to the mix. This wasn't the place to have a meltdown, so she forced herself to let the disappointment fade into the background. She made really great tips, and knew tomorrow she'd be happy about that if nothing else. As they got the last of the patrons out of the club, Cara sat at the bar drinking a sex on the beach. She hadn't seen Rafe the rest of the evening, and that was completely breaking her heart into small little pieces.

  “You need to get some more rest,” Michael said with a smile. Rafe was his boss and his friend, but Cara was a really sweet girl and didn't deserve how he was treating her. Angela had mentioned their date last night and he was angry on her behalf.


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