A Night at Tears of Crimson

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A Night at Tears of Crimson Page 17

by Hughes, Michelle

  “Eduardo has already called,” he stated harshly, feeling his own anger at what she would be faced to suffer, “he will see us tomorrow evening.” He couldn't tell her that to them she was just a slave or a pet, and that any words she could offer would be inconsequential.

  His comment left her terrified, and she could tell by his look that tomorrow night would be anything but enjoyable. Part of her wanted to run again, and she saw the anger fill Rafe’s face at her thoughts.

  "They would destroy you!" Had she no care for her own life? he thought in anger. The beast was beginning to rage again and he had to put some space between them. "You will face your punishment tomorrow night and until then you will stay here with me," his words were clipped and he felt the last of his control ebbing. "Calvin!" he shouted knowing his employee would be close by.

  Calvin appeared quickly and she could only stare at Rafe in disbelief. This was all some nightmare she was going to wake up from soon, she told herself. Not only had she hurt the only man she had ever loved, but now it was apparent she was going to be in a fight for her life come the next nightfall. She wanted to beg Rafe to stay and talk with her. She didn't want to spend possibly her last night alive without knowing the touch of his hands one last time.

  Rafe turned his back on her, needing to control his impulses. Part of him wanted to turn and pull her into his arms, but the other part of him still suffered from the blow she had given by running away. Her thoughts of craving his touch made the demon in him want to take her body again desperately, but he needed time to sort through his raging desires. Blood lust, anger, and desire were not good partners when it came to someone he cherished.

  "Miss, come with me," Calvin place his hand under her arms sensing how close his Master was to losing control. The girl had no idea how close he was to losing control, but he had seen the damage a vampire could inflict when they didn't have full control of their mentality.

  She wanted to argue, but having Calvin see them fight was not something she was willing to suffer through. He had such a regal air about him that she felt it would be a dishonor to subject him to something so emotionally distasteful. Feeling he heart ache, she allowed him to lead her from the room.

  Calvin led the girl upstairs feeling the emotions rolling off her in waves. He took her to the Master suite, knowing instinctively that Rafe would join her later. It was not his place to give the human this knowledge, but the thought did cross his mind. He shut the door behind them, and then stood inside folding his arms over his chest in resolve.

  It was readily apparent that he was making himself comfortable and she really wanted to be alone. “You really don't have to stay,” she stated miserably, “I promise I won't climb out the window.”

  “Forgive me Miss, but I am not permitted to leave you alone,” his warmed in compassion.

  She nodded at him, knowing that any anger toward him would be misplaced. Rafe was his employer and she knew that his orders would be the only one he considered. “Can I at least shower?” she asked him like a petulant child.

  He nodded to her, knowing she wasn't in the mood for talking. He honestly couldn't ease her sorrow or fear, so there really was nothing to say.

  She walked into the bathroom with as much dignity as she could manage and shut the door. As angry as she was, that didn't even come close to the terror she felt at having to face the council tomorrow night. Needing to take her mind off that fear she turned on the steaming 8-headed shower to let it warm up.

  Undressing quickly, she walked in and allowed the steaming water to wash away all the road dust. Scrubbing every inch of her body then shaving her legs, she then stood there allowing the water to stream over her body. She really didn't want to sit in the room with Calvin, so the longer she dallied here, the better for her own sanity, she thought. As the water turned lukewarm she knew she couldn't dally any longer. With a sigh, she turned off the water, stepped out and dried off briskly.

  She searched in Rafe's drawers finding a brush and hair dryer. Combing out the tangles in her long chestnut hair she took deliberate time then drying them. She brushed her teeth, and after that couldn't think of any other excuse to remain in the room. She decided if nothing else, she could go rest on the bed. She grabbed Rafe's huge black bathrobe and slid it on, tying the tie securely. It covered her more than most of her clothes and she wasn't embarrassed to walk out in front of Calvin wearing it.

  She opened the door and Rafe was sitting on the bed as still as a statue until he heard her and looked up. She shrank back at the lingering anger in his gaze, and he sighed.

  “Come to bed Cara,” he stated his voice sounded anything but seductive at the moment.

  She bit her lip in indecision before walking over to him. It had to be the longest walk of her life, taking those few steps. “I'm sorry,” she whispered sitting down beside him. How had things gotten this out of control she pondered with a soft exhale of breath.

  The need to touch her was overwhelming, and without giving her any warning he pulled her into his lap. The monster in him wanted to punish her for running away, even as the humanity he had left demanded he remember how much love he had for this woman. Not sure which side of him was really in control, his lips found her and he kissed her like a man depraved.

  She put her arms around his shoulders and returned the kiss just as deeply. No matter what had happened, she was still in love with him. The agony of thinking she would never be in his arms again, mad her hungry for passion she knew he could bring to life with a simple stroke of his hand.

  He pushed her back on the bed determined to make her body burn. Giving in to desire his body quickly covered hers, and his hands trapped her hands above her head with only one intention, branding her his. His hands wanted roamed over her freely, cupping her breasts, tracing her face and then sliding down to the hidden heat and bringing it to life with mastery. The robe splayed open baring her body for his hungry eyes and he growled in need.

  She wanted him so desperately at that moment that nothing else mattered. She watched him stand and remove his clothing with a speed that left her gasping. Lifting her hands she beckoned for him to come into her arms.

  He joined her back on the bed, pushing her legs apart quickly with his powerful thighs. He heard her gasp as his steel sword rubbed against the sensitive nub of her passion and he refused to allow this to end quickly. His hands cupped her breasts, caressing them as his head moved down to the fragrance of her desire that had him ready to burst. She would remember who owned her passion, he thought, as he found her core. His tongue delved in and out of the tight sheath enjoying how her hips raised and strained towards him.

  Just as he held her on the verge of ecstasy he lifted his mouth, denying her that bliss that she craved so desperately. “Touch me,” he demanded, grabbing her hand and leading it to his staff. Covering her hand with his own, he showed her how to caress him.

  After a few moments he removed his hand and she continued stroking him, getting to know his body more intimately than she had ever thought to learn. His long, thick length was light velvety steel and she found pleasure in caressing the part of him that gave her such unbelievable passion.

  “Taste me,” he demanded, refusing to allow her any quarter, wanting her to remember his body and think of it every time she ached to find fulfillment.

  Even though she was shocked at his demand, she didn't want to deny him anything. She lowered her head to tentatively run her tongue over the enlarged tip, hearing his moan of pleasure and smiling at her own power. She grasped the base of his shaft on pure instinct, and stroked him as she took him deeply inside the warm recesses of her mouth. The salty taste of him on her lips was incredible and she continued to lick and suckle, amazed at finding pleasure in the act of pleasing him this way.

  He was going to find his release in her mouth if he didn't stop soon, and as much as he wanted to own her passion, he knew she wasn't ready to explore that scenario yet. He pulled his body away only long enough to turn her over onto
her hands and knees. Coming up behind her, his hands splayed across her hips and he drove in deeply.

  She cried out at the fullness of him stretching her body in ways she hadn't felt before. She was no longer a virgin but she had definitely not been prepared for how deeply his body embedded inside of her. It was both pleasure and pain at the same time as he continued to thrust inside her deeply. She grasped the sheets in her hands to keep her balance as his body demanded she comply. She was breathless at the force of his lovemaking.

  He couldn't control the need to ravish her tightness as the demon took over. “Never leave me again,” he growled, continuing his forceful thrusts. His hand tangled in her hair pulling back painfully as his other hand held her hip so she would feel the fullness of his penetration. He wanted her to feel every inch of him as he rode her body, having no doubts in her mind about just how powerful he truly was. There was no room in his mind left for restraint.

  Crying out, the sound filled the room and she wasn't sure what she wanted more. She wanted it to continue because even with his loss of control her body was reaching toward that pinnacle of ecstasy again. The other part of her was frightened by the intensity of his passion and wanted to plead for mercy. As his hard, deep strokes continued there was no room for thought. Her body came undone in waves of white hot pleasure that had her screaming out his name in pleasure.

  Her silken folds clenched him tightly and his body could no longer hold out from the release that had driven him on with such reckless abandonment. She milked every ounce of his essence and his body shuddered in the onslaught of desire, causing his world to grow dark for several seconds. Pulling from her tight haven as he came back into his body, he realized just what a monster he had been. Moving from the bed with lightning speed he turned from the sight of her beautiful body, splayed among the sheets in sheer exhaustion. He had never lost control that way in passion before and fought against the regret of treating her so callously.

  She managed to turn over but could only stare up at the ceiling gasping for air. She had never experienced anything like this in her life before. She was confused, her body was sore, every muscle she had screamed in protest and Rafe had turned away from her. Tears pooled in her eyes and slid down her cheeks in uncertainty. Had she completely destroyed whatever feelings he had for her by leaving? she could only guess that what happened in this room tonight was a punishment.

  She refused to cry, because it would only make her look like an idiot, she thought. She turned over and faced the opposite wall, her heart pounding in her chest. It wasn't like she had anything to go on from her past but she had never been so lonely in her entire life.

  Hearing her thoughts unmanned him and he slipped into the bed. He had been so angry at the thought of her leaving him that his mind had succumbed to insanity. “Cara come here,” he spoke softly, fearful that he would frighten her. She couldn't know that it wasn't her fault he lost control in such a way.

  His voice was so soft and tender that she knew if she did what he asked, she couldn't hold the tears that threatened to fall at any minute, in check. She shook her head no and refused to look at him.

  He moved over to her quickly and pulled her into his arms, cradling her body like he would a child. Stroking her hair softly, he had no idea how to explain how sorry he was for allowing himself to lose control in such a way. She was the most precious thing in the world to him and he had taken her like an animal. "Forgive me little one, I beg you," his voice was haunted as he continued to hold her against him, afraid that he had destroyed what love she felt for him by his selfish act.

  The tears fell over at his plea, and she held on to him as if her very life depended on his embrace. She couldn't handle the thought of losing him. Every horrible minute of the time she had been away from him resurfaced, and she knew that he owned her, heart and soul. As the tears continued to fall softly down her cheeks, she made the decision that without him, her life had no meaning. She would rather be damned than walk this earth without him.

  Her thoughts rushed over him and he could only be amazed at the love she still felt for him. He didn't deserve the beautiful woman he held so tightly, but he knew without doubt he could never let her leave. He refused to think about what accepting her gift would mean, because to allow that thought to surface meant that he would be forced to give up the heart of the only woman he had ever loved. He would spend eternity making up for the sacrifice she gave, and vowed that never again would he be the cause of her pain. She was his, the thought filled him with more elation than a cursed soul should be allowed to feel, he thought.

  Lifting her head her lips touched his, needing to find tenderness in his arms again. The fear of losing him terrified her, and she needed him to know just how much she loved him. "I can't walk through this world without you Rafe," she broke the kiss and spoke the words while staring deeply into his fathomless blue eyes. Her hand raised to his cheek and she gently stroked her finger across his firm jaw.

  "I will never allow you to walk without me, my love," he smiled down into her beautiful face feeling the bond between them strengthen. "You are all I cherish on this plane, and I pledge my soul to you for eternity." Brushing the hair away from her eyes he could only stare in wonder at the spell this beautiful creature had woven over his existence. His fangs descended and he wanted to share the gift of his life source so that she would always know how much he loved her. Soon he would ask for her to be his bride in the eternal night, but for now he could share a part of himself that he had allowed no other.

  Scoring his wrist with his fangs, he held it before her in offering. Smiling at the confusion written in the beautiful chocolate depths of her eyes he whispered, "Drink from me." He spoke into her mind showing her that he was offering her a part of his soul this night and it would strengthen their love.

  Softly she grasped his wrists in her hands and her mouth lowered to the crimson wine he offered. The first taste on her lips was like the sweetest fruit and she moaned softly as it trickled into her mouth filling her mind with scenes so beautiful that they left her breathless. Her body tensed in pure sensation as each taste had her on the edge of fulfillment. It was amazing to find such pleasure in his essence, she thought, her body flooding with a desire unlike any she had known before. She wanted even more, his blood was like an aphrodisiac that demanded she take every last drop. Holding his wrist tighter she suckled deeply.

  He pulled his wrist away forcefully, chuckling at the soft groan of disappointment that fell from her lips. He could feel her desire for more, but to allow her to continue could have harmful effects. "Lover, I would never wish to deny you, but your mind would suffer it you continue." He wanted her heart, but not in a capacity that would leave her unable to make her own choices.

  “We are a part of each other now,” he voice strong but relenting. He pulled her chin up making her meet his eyes, “You are mine, and I will never allow you to leave again,” he was feeling very possessive and fought to keep his tone light as not to give her reason to fear.

  She could only nod in agreement, and smile as a feeling of lethargy seemed to move through her veins. She felt closer to him than she had ever felt with any person in her life before. There was a tingle of sensation that seemed to stretch in a soft web from his body to hers and she was enchanted. The line seemed to sparkle in glittery undertones and a soft laugh escaped her lips in delight.

  He chuckled warmly at her thought and knew his blood was seeping through her veins making her hallucinate. It would have no harmful effect and she would sleep peacefully through what was left of the night. "Rest my beautiful lover," he cajoled with a softened tone. Tomorrow they would face the council and he needed her body to be prepared for the ordeal. He had bonded with her, which assured her life, but the punishment they could inflict could still be great.

  With a content smile on her face she snuggled into his arms and rested deeply. When she awoke, he was gone. There was light filtering in through the wooden blinds on the window. She was really sh
ocked that she had been able to sleep, considering what this night would entail. She stretched out her body like a feline and felt incredible, besides the tender ache between her legs.

  She felt as if she could see everything clearer, like the colors around her were more vibrant. In pleasant surprise she even thought she heard a train whistling, but there wasn't a track around for forty miles. Grinning, she breathed in deeply and was dazzled with an overwhelming sense of smell. Despite last night, and the terror awaiting later, she was so happy that she couldn't recall ever being so cheerful.

  She rummaged through Rafe's chest of drawers until finding an oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts with rubber in the waist. She had to roll the band over a few times so they wouldn't slide down, but they would work, she shrugged. Rafe's shirt fell almost to her knees and she shook her head. Feeling ravenous, she made her way downstairs finding Calvin. At least he wasn't standing in the door of the room this morning, guarding her like a prisoner.

  “Miss Cara,” he smiled genuinely, “would you like breakfast?” He thought the girl looked incredible this morning and knew instinctively that she and Master Rafe had made their peace. The thought pleased him, Rafe deserved some happiness, and if the human gave it to him, she had earned his respect.

  She nodded and smiled tentatively at him. The man didn't look so threatening when he smiled, and she felt herself relax in his company somewhat.

  “Jasmine prepared a meal, hoping you would be,” he smiled again.

  She followed him into the dining room and he pulled out her chair. The scents wafting in from the kitchen were heavenly, and her mouth watered in anticipation. She smiled at Calvin as he poured a steaming cup of coffee from a beautiful sterling silver service set.

  “Cream and sugar?” he questioned quietly.

  “Both please,” she answered politely. It really would be easy to grow accustomed to this kind of service she thought, not for the first time. The only thing missing was someone to talk with over her morning coffee with.


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