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Betrayal Page 7

by A. Marie

  “Did y’all have to fucking jump her bitch?” He barked as he yanked her by the arm and trapped her against the brick wall that used to be an old bridge on her street.

  “Dominic if you don’t get the fuck off me, I’m going to have my nigga rock yo ass,” Leah spat while struggling to free herself from his tight hold.

  “Why did y'all embarrass her like that?” He yelled as he broke down, tears falling from his face. He hadn’t meant to get physical with Leah, seeing her caused him to snap without thinking.

  “She was fucking pregnant, WITH MY BABY, she took her life and my babies because of this shit,” he screamed while beating on his chest. Leah recoiled at the revelation.

  “She was pre… pregnant Nic?” Leah asked as she chocked on her words. She held a hand to her mouth in shock. Oh my god.

  Tears immediately started accumulating in her eyes and regret coursed through Leah’s heart. I’m a murderer, she thought.

  “Yeah, she was and now my babies are gone man, they’re fucking gone,” he shouted.

  “Oh my god, Nic I had no idea,” Leah said, wrapping him in a hug. She could no longer keep those tears at bay, they streamed down her face like water sliding down a glass window on a rainy day.

  “I’m so sorry, had I known she was pregnant, I would have never touched her or even allowed Nu to touch her,” she whispered while still embracing him.

  “Y’all was wrong for how y’all did NuNu though Nic and you know it,” Leah stated.

  “I know,” he said, pulling back from her and taking a step back. “I never meant for any of this to play out the way it did to be honest. I truly was going to smash Mandy and then throw it in NuNu face and not give a fuck how it unfolded afterwards, but she got to my heart.” he said lowly as he touched the left side of his chest.

  Dominic took a seat on the curb and Leah followed him feeling sorry. She never would have guessed that this rude, ruthless boy sitting next to her could feel. He treated girls like they were one hit wonders, played them one time and never spoke to them again. She had no doubt in her mind that he would have done NuNu the same, it explained why he was so mad that he couldn’t take her most prized possession from her and went after Mandy. However, here he was in love with her deceased friend and mourning the loss of their child. The lives she felt responsible for taking. Leah started feeling queasy. She was literally sick to her stomach being in Dominic’s presence knowing her involvement in Mandy’s death.

  “I didn't know she was pregnant either until that day I got back to the house and found her body in the tub. I went to the bedroom to call 911 and I noticed she left the pregnancy test and this letter to me and her mom,” he said, pulling the letter out of his front pocket.

  “You haven't read it?” Leah quizzed.

  “No, well I mean I read a sentence or two, but I couldn't bring myself to read the whole thing.”

  Leah took the letter from him opening it slowly as she looked at him with sympathy, “I’ll read it for you. I can tell that love was really there between you two,” she said. Leah took a deep breath as her eyes scanned the letter and then proceeded.

  Dear Dominic and Tracy,

  I am so sorry for the pain I will cause. Dominic… Baby… I’m pregnant and I am sorry that I will be robbing you of the chance to be a father. I love you and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me one day. Please take care, move on, and be happy. I hope you find another love like the one we experienced but please don’t forget the one we shared. Also, for me will you please apologize to NuNu for the mess we created and the hurt we caused her. For me Nic PLEASE… Please tell Leah I’m sorry she was one of my first real friends and I know I disappointed her after she found out what we did.


  You caused me so much pain. I've always felt like a motherless child, you were never home, and you always put your boyfriend before me. I tried to tell you for years that Richard was touching me, and you never listened. You left me to believe that it was okay or that it was all my fault. Why didn’t you listen? Why didn’t you protect me? I know you heard my cries for help while you were in the other room. He violated me every chance he got and you let him. You were my mother, you created me but failed to protect your creation. I hated you for years. Hated you for the lack of love, the lack of guidance. Was I that bad as a child? What made you not want to listen or protect my innocence? Me no longer wanting to live is all your fault. If my own mother doesn’t want me then who does? How could you not love me, what did I ever do to deserve the way you have treated me? I just wanted your love, why couldn't you give me that?

  I Love you Dominic take care and I'll be with you always

  As Leah finished reading the last line tears were streaming down her face. She never knew that Mandy was battling issues with her mother, she was always cheerful and didn’t show any signs that she was feeling the things she wrote in the letter to Dominic and her mother. She looked to her left and saw Dominic with his head hanging low and fist balled together pressed to his forehead as he sniffed back his own tears. He was visibly hurt. His heart didn’t beat the same now that Mandy and their child was gone. And Leah was being mad disrespectful being in his space right now.

  “Nic I’m sorry you’re going through this,” Leah cried as she stood dusting off the back of her jeans and then pulled him into an embrace. She knew he needed the embrace because she did too. She would live with this secret about Mandy’s death and regret for the rest of her life. Mandy was still a major part of her life. The girls had been friends since the 9th grade. The trio was no longer a trio, there were only two remaining.

  As they stood there hugging Leah saw Marcus pull up swiftly. She jumped back scared that he would hit them from the way he pulled up on the curb so recklessly. Dominic instantly got in defense mode, ready for whatever because he knew if he saw what was going on, he would assume exactly what Marcus was assuming.

  “Nigga why the fuck you all over my bitch?” Marcus asked as he came up out of his Ralph Lauren t-shirt and tossed it on the hood of his car. Leah’s neck snapped in his direction. I know the fuck he didn’t, she thought. Leah scoffed. She couldn’t believe the disrespect that flowed from his mouth, but she moved quickly to stand in between the two She held her hand to Marcus's chest and one hand was in front of Dominic as she tried to keep them from fighting. Marcus shoved her out the way and swung on Dominic. He was so short and didn't stand a chance against Marcus, but he didn’t back down. Dominic blocked his first punch by ducking and then coming up hitting Marcus in the chin with an uppercut. The hit shocked Marcus and made him beast on Dominic. Leah caught her balance, so she didn't fall and attempted again to get her man off Dominic.

  “Marcus! Baby… stop it,” she pleaded as she pushed Dominic out the way and was finally able to get in between the two boys.

  “Marcus he wasn't all over me!” She yelled.

  “You know Mandy is gone, I was reading the fucking letter she left for him and her mom.”

  Leah was trying her best to explain what he had just seen. She didn’t understand how he could just automatically assume that she would be all over Dominic as if he hadn’t already been with both of her best friends. She was baffled that he would even try to play her like she would be just as scandalous as Mandy was.

  “Why the fuck did I just catch you hugging this nigga? HUH tell me that shit, you just like these other bitches a straight bopping ass bitch,” he spat with nothing but venom.

  “Excuse me,” Leah said as she cocked her head back in stun.

  Marcus had never spoken to her in the way he was, she couldn't believe her ears.

  “Nigga, I’m far from a fucking bopper and don’t you EVER call me a bitch again,” she said as she mushed him in the forehead with her pointer finger and then stormed off in the opposite direction. Marcus looked to his left to see that Dominic had hopped on his bike and took off.

  “City, park my car real quick while I go get this fucking girl man.”

� City shot back as he climbed from the passenger seat and headed to the driver side to do what was asked.

  Marcus turned on his heels as he grabbed his shirt from the hood of the car to go after Leah.

  Leah arrived at NuNu’s and started pounding on the door in haste.

  “Nu, open the door!” Leah shouted as she grew slightly nervous. She didn’t know where Marcus was, but she wanted to be in the safety of her friend’s home.

  Ms. Andrea swung the door open in alarm.

  “Leah, what's wrong baby?” She asked as she motioned for her to come in the house.

  Leah quickly stepped in the house and kicked her shoes off in relief. She went to give NuNu’s mother an explanation but grew concerned when she saw Tyson on the couch hugging NuNu as she cried. The situation with Marcus was no longer a concern with Leah. She crossed the room swiftly to get to her friend, she didn't know why but seeing her cry had tears building in Leah’s eyes as she wondered what was going on. Leah took a seat on the couch next to NuNu as she started rubbing her back while asking her what was wrong. Tyson spoke before NuNu could even get it out.

  “We went half on a baby and she scared now,” he said, smiling. He was the only one happy with the news. Tyson wasn’t lying when he told NuNu that he could wait for her body. And she made him wait. After giving him the pink slip, they had created life. His life. One he would cherish forever because it came from her. He loved NuNu and was glad that she was pregnant. It was nothing that he wouldn’t do for her and the fact that his baby was having his baby warmed his heart.

  “Boy shut yo ass up, talking about half on a damn baby,” Ms. Andrea stated with a grin. This boy is really happy, she thought to herself.

  “Ms. Andrea you already know I was knocking it out, cause you had to tell us a few times to go somewhere else with all that noise your daughter was making,” he said with a smirk.

  “TYSON!” NuNu yelled in embarrassment.

  “And that’s exactly how you were yelling my name,” he said, winking at her.

  NuNu was slightly perturbed at how Tyson spoke so loosely around her mother. It was like he didn’t think before he spoke to anyone, it was no filtering Tyson’s mouth. Nonetheless, his lewd mouth had NuNu salacious. Leah's eyes grew wide as golf balls at Tyson’s broadcasted news and her tears finally started to fall. She placed a hand on NuNu’s belly and started singing “I'm gonna be an auntie, I'm gonna be an auntie,” over and over. Leah’s non-signing ass had got a smile out of NuNu as she placed a hand on top of her friends and wiped her tears.

  “Leah, I don't want to mess up my dreams, I don't want to drop out of school,” NuNu said as tears started sliding back down her face. It was always both girl's fear, becoming a teen mom. She had dreams that she wanted to chase after high school. A baby on her hip would only slow her down. NuNu wanted to attend college for business management and real estate. It was her desire to be a business woman. How am I going to do all this with a baby? She thought. Leah and Tyson both said, “I got you and you got this,” in unison.

  All three of them looked at each other and burst into laughter. Ms. Andrea walked up on her daughter, forcing her to stand for an embrace.

  “I'm going to be right here baby. I'll be here every step of the way to guide you in the right direction,” her mother whispered in her ear as they rocked back and forth hugging.

  NuNu sighed in relief. She needed those words. She needed to hear that she had support from all angles. It gave her courage that she would be able to take on motherhood with the help from her very own and still go after her dreams.

  “Thanks, mommy,” NuNu said, wiping her eyes as she laid eyes on Tyson.

  “I Love You, Ty,” she mouthed followed by a smile.

  “I love you more baby girl,” he mouthed back with a wink.

  Their love was undeniable. It could always be felt no matter what. Since their first encounter at Tyson’s home, their love story was being written. Seeing the two of them interact made Leah smile, she was happy for her friend. However, the news of NuNu being pregnant caused Leah to think of Mandy being pregnant and then dying. The thought started filling her with so much remorse. She pondered on how she would tell NuNu that Mandy was pregnant, but the thought was interrupted with a knock at the door.

  Marcus walked in and Leah became irritated, she had forgotten he was outside. Tyson walked over and dapped Marcus up and told him the news about the baby. “That's what's up my boy congratulations,” Marcus stated before he made his way to Leah. Leah remained seated on the couch as Marcus stood in front of her, her arms folded, and lips poked out. He then grabbed her arms unfolding them as he pulled her up and whispered for her to come talk to him.

  “No, I'm not talking to you,” she whispered back as she moved from in front of him and started talking to NuNu.

  Marcus shook his head. He didn’t have time to play with Leah, and he wasn’t about to cause a scene in someone else’s home. Marcus walked over to Tyson dapping him up again and telling everyone he’d see them later. “No, the fuck you won’t,” Leah mumbled under her breath as he closed the door behind him.

  NuNu heard her and had also noticed Leah’s attitude toward Marcus.

  “What was that all about?” she asked.

  “Nothing boo, me and him into it and I just don't want to deal with him right now,” Leah said only telling half the truth. She didn't feel like it was the right time to tell NuNu the whole story, she didn't want to upset her in any way and wanted the moment to stay about her and the news that she and Tyson just revealed.

  Ms. Andrea had made her way to the kitchen leaving the teenagers in the living room talking. About 45 minutes later she called from the kitchen for everyone to come and eat. She had whipped up soft tacos for dinner.

  “Nu I made your plate baby, I need to make sure you feed my grandbaby,” she said smiling as she set the plate in front of her daughter.

  NuNu rolled her eyes.

  “Mom please don't start with all that, Please,” she replied. I know she is about to get on my nerves, NuNu thought.

  Tyson saw the irritable look on NuNu’s face and laughed.

  “Yeah, make sure you feed my baby like Ms. Andrea said.”

  NuNu rolled her eyes at him as well and smiled.

  “Oh, he gets a smile with the eye rolling and I get a smart mouth,” her mom said, smirking.

  “And boy, you don't have to keep calling me Ms. Andrea, being that you and my daughter went half on a baby as you would say.”

  The whole room broke out into laughter.

  “Okay Dukes, you got it,” Tyson said as he finally took a seat next to NuNu and pecked her on the cheek before he began to eat with the ladies.

  “Leah, what was wrong baby? Why were you knocking at the door like that earlier?” Ms. Andrea asked after remembering Leah had not answered her question from earlier.

  Leah froze as she tried to come up with a quick lie. She didn’t want to cause an uproar over the small dispute her and Marcus had. She thought it would be best not to spoil the moment, so she decided to keep it to herself. Leah said the first thing that came to mind. “Oh, I was being chased by a dog and was scared.” Leah felt like she was betraying her friend with holding onto not one but two secrets. Her and NuNu had always told each other everything, down to the most irrelevant things. But there was no way Leah would ever reveal her darkest secret. They all sat around the table eating and talking about how school was about to start in the next few weeks. Leah hardly participated in the discussion. She was thinking about Marcus. She stayed another hour before she called it a night and walked home. Tyson had offered to drive her home. He didn’t believe in letting women walk anywhere. Leah declined his offer, insisting that she needed the time alone to clear her mind and think things over.

  Walking in the house, she saw her god mom laid out on the couch as the T.V watched her. Leah bent down and pecked her on the forehead before she made her way to her bedroom and laid across the bed. She was in deep thought. Her thoug
hts were heavy, mainly on her friends and all the news she had heard that day, she was exhausted and before she knew it, she had drifted off into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Nine


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