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Betrayal Page 18

by A. Marie

  “Lazy ass,” she mumbled under her breath.

  “Shit call it what you want,” he shot back.

  Marcus wasn’t the handyman type. He wasn’t good at following directions and always paid his little homies to put something together for him. Leah thought just maybe he needed to see someone else do it and then he’d catch on but no he was just plain useless when it came to handy work.

  “Uncle Ty will put it together,” she said indirectly.

  “He will have to cause I ain’t,” Marcus said as he pushed the cart over to the sock and t-shirt area. He was annoyed. Leah was always talking slick shit underneath her breath and being indirect. He believed that’s why they always had issues that caused him to lay hands on her. She always got smart shit to say.

  “And you can go somewhere with all that slick shit you talking, too,” he voiced.

  “Whatever,” she said as she followed behind him reaching inside her Coach purse for her ringing phone. “Speaking of the devil,” she said.

  “What's up Ty?” she said stopping in the middle of the aisle at the alarm in his voice.

  “SHE WHAT?” Leah yelled.

  Leah caught Marcus’s attention and he turned around in concern.

  “What's wrong mama? Everything okay?” He asked.

  “We have to go,” she said as she pushed the cart out the way.

  “Ok let me pay for this shit real quick,” he said, grabbing the cart.

  “NO.! Let's fucking go now. Nu had the baby,” she screamed.

  Leah entered Toledo Hospital heading to the third floor where the labor and delivery was. She stepped off the elevator and rounded the corner to the front desk. She approached the counter where a middle age white woman sat holding a phone to her ear.

  “How can I help you?” the lady sitting at the desk asked.

  “Yes, I need Nu’Asia Collins room number please,” Leah said.

  “Oh, she can't have visitors at the moment until the doc--.”

  “Bitch, I don’t give a fuck what the doctor got to do I’m going in there to see my sister and god daughter,” Leah spat cutting the lady off.

  “Mama chill,” Marcus said as he wrapped an arm around her waist. The nurse was stunned by Leah’s outburst. Leah’s hormones had her going crazy. Being told she couldn’t see her best friend wasn’t the right answer, so the woman caught an explosive attitude in return.

  “Ma’am I’m sorry but…”

  Leah saw Tyson coming out of the room and dismissed whatever it was the lady was about to say.

  He guided them to her room. Leah stepped in laying watery eyes on NuNu as she laid in the bed sleeping. She noticed the baby sound asleep in the bassinet beside NuNu’s bed. Leah approached NuNu kissing her forehead and then turned to the sleeping baby.

  “Oh my god Ty, she is so freaking pretty and small.”

  “He!” Tyson corrected.

  “What?” Leah said as she looked down at the baby again.

  “You heard me right,” Tyson said as he shook his head.

  This whole time they thought they were having a girl, it turned out they were having a boy. The nurse that had given them a false gender was new and didn’t realize that the baby had his legs crossed. After giving birth to the baby NuNu had unkind words for that nurse who had just so happened to be assisting the doctor with the birth.

  “Had me calling my lor baller princess and shit.” Tyson scoffed.

  “Hi, baby Ty,” Leah cooed.

  Her god baby was a spitting image of his dad. Tyson couldn’t deny him. Baby Tyson had his father’s whole face and Leah couldn’t believe it. He had the juiciest cheeks she had ever seen, and the cutest dimple rested on his left cheek.

  “You sure you’re not the one that carried him Ty?” she said as she went to reach for him. “Wash your hands before you pick him up Leah,” Tyson said as he rubbed NuNu head climbing in the bed next to her.

  “Sorry, sorry, sorry,” Leah said as she headed for the sink in the room.

  “Congrats dawg,” Marcus said walking up to Tyson and dapping him up.

  “Thanks, homie.”

  Leah returned from washing her hands picking up Baby Ty as her heart immediately swelled.

  She fought back tears of emotions. Her best friend was now a mother and her god son was perfect.

  “Ty, how in the world was he born so early,” Leah quizzed.

  “He was technically only born 2 weeks early. The doctors had his timing off somehow.”

  “How big was he and what's his length?

  “He was 6lbs and 7oz and 19in long,” Tyson replied.

  “JuRell god mommy so in love with you and I’ve only known you all but 5 minutes,” Leah said, calling him by his middle name.

  Tyson smiled, it made him feel good knowing that his lady had a friend like Leah. He then nudged NuNu awake, she had wanted him to wake her once Leah got there and he knew if he let her stay asleep she would throw a fit. NuNu's eyes fluttered open as she groaned. NuNu looked to the left and smiled as she saw Leah sitting in a reclining chair next to her holding her son. Leah looked up.

  “Hi Heffa, how are you feeling?” she asked. Leah was filled with questions.

  It was going to be her turn soon and she wanted to be prepared for what she had involuntarily signed up for.

  “My pussy hurt, it feels like he split me right in half,” NuNu said.

  “Nu’Asia your mouth we got other people in here.” Tyson warned.

  NuNu looked toward the door noticing Marcus standing there on his phone.

  “What he…”

  She stopped herself and rolled her eyes she didn’t have the energy to even ask what the fuck he was doing there knowing she didn’t like him. Tyson whispered in her ear for her to be cool and relax. She whispered back, “this nigga knows I can’t fucking stand his dawg ass, Ty.”

  “Okay, baby girl we know but you got to chill you just went through a rough 3 hours.” “Okay baby,” she whispered, putting her head back against the pillow.

  “Leah can you hand me the cup of water sitting right there on that tray?” NuNu asked.

  Her mouth felt like cotton and she felt dehydrated. Leah lifted carefully making sure she didn't move too fast and disrupt the baby's sleep. She handed NuNu the cup, noticing the ring on NuNu’s finger and her eyes widened.

  “Um, Nu’Asia Marie what the fuck is that on your hand?” she asked.

  NuNu smirked.

  “Yeah, bitch I locked that nigga all the way down now,” she said, sticking out her tongue. Leah hollered laughing.

  Tyson shook his head and kissed her. She was so damn cocky and arrogant. “Naw, I locked you down the moment I bust all in you and created my world,” he said, smirking.

  NuNu's face turned hot, his mannish mouth had always been her favorite thing. Tyson was a pretty boy and his filthy talk always stirred something in her. This boy’s fucking mouth is what led me here in the first place, she thought. The entire room shared a laugh at his response before Leah asked when it all happened.

  “Girl he did the cutest thing ever after we had a disagreement. I came downstairs and the nigga was singing to me,” NuNu said.

  “Awwww Ty,” Leah laughed.

  “He asked, I said yeah. Then I remember asking him if it was real and passed out after. That's what sent me into labor,” NuNu told her as she took a sip of water.

  “Can you believe he came out a boy?” Leah asked.

  “Girl I cussed that damn nurse out when she came in here,” NuNu said, shaking her head. “We bought all that girl stuff just to have a boy instead.”

  “Well since we’re having a girl, I’ll take that stuff and will go get boy stuff for baby Ty,” Leah said looking down at him.

  “JuRell,” Leah cooed to her god son again. She was so in love with him already and could only imagine how it would be once Ma’Laysia arrived.

  Chapter Eighteen


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