The Mage Chronicles- The Complete Series

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The Mage Chronicles- The Complete Series Page 40

by Lisa Cassidy

  “So he drinks?”

  “Yes, but he rarely gets completely drunk. Oh, he likes to party, of course, and drinks when off-duty like any Bluecoat, but he’s never let it become a problem. On the rare occasion though, I think the pain he carries gets to be too much, and so he just tries to drown it. When he does, it’s…” Alyx hunched further into her towel. “He was fifteen when it happened the first time. I only remember one or two occasions after that incident, but tonight… I think he was heading there.”

  “You said he hasn’t had an easy life?”

  “That’s his story to tell. Dash is an intensely private man.”

  “I feel like something else is upsetting you.”

  “I think Cayr knows what’s wrong with Dash, and he won’t tell me.”

  “I’m sorry.” Dawn squeezed her hand. “If there’s anything I can do, just let me know.”

  Alyx smiled. “Thanks, Dawn.”

  As they strolled back towards the city later, Tarrick deliberately slowed his pace to drop back beside Alyx. She was so lost in her thoughts it took her a moment to realise he was there.

  “Tarrick.” She acknowledged him. “You look serious.”

  “It’s only a few days to the ball, and then we’re leaving the day after.”

  “I know that.” She looked at him curiously.

  “Have you thought about your responsibilities, Alyx?” he asked bluntly. “Mages are disappearing, and you are possibly the most powerful amongst us. How can you just turn your back on that?”

  Alyx was shocked by his words. “Tarrick, I’ve made it very clear I’m not going back to DarkSkull. I never chose to be a mage, and I don’t want it.”

  “And I think you’re doing the wrong thing. Fully trained, you could stop it, Alyx.”

  “No, I couldn’t.” It was ridiculous to think she could, surely? And even if he was right, she had the right to choose her own life. She’d had enough of others deciding what was best for her.

  A heavy silence fell, to be broken by Tarrick.

  “I’m coming back here with the twins after my next year, no matter what you say. Maybe one day I’ll convince you.”

  “Tarrick, I...”

  But he was gone, striding on ahead to join the twins.

  Dawn came over to the Egalion estate the day of the ball and she and Alyx began readying themselves together.

  Alyx sighed. “I can’t believe you have to leave tomorrow.”

  “I want to be a mage, but I’ll admit to being terrified. Galien will still be there, you know?” Dawn looked away. “And what if DarkSkull is attacked again? I never felt safe in that world, and I know it’s going to be the same again.”

  “Tarrick’s fighting skills are getting better every day, and his powers are strong. He will be able to protect you,” Alyx said as reassuringly as she could. “There’s also the fact that if you don’t survive and return home in a year I’ll never speak to you again.”

  “Ha! By then you’ll be married to Cayr and living in bliss, having forgotten all about us.”

  “Dawn…” Alyx hesitated. “You realise that the ball tonight won’t be…” She struggled to find a diplomatic word.

  “We won’t be welcomed with open arms?” Dawn smiled. “I’m not silly, Alyx. However, I know that you and Cayr want us there. Finn and I can ignore everything else, and Tarrick is used to a court environment.”

  “Okay.” Alyx smiled.

  “Did you talk to Cayr about what’s been bothering him?” Dawn asked as a servant dressed their hair.

  “Not really.” Alyx sighed. “Every time I try, he tells me nothing’s wrong. He’s never lied to me before, so then I feel like I’m just imagining things. Then I remember I used to be confident my father would never lie, so it’s all a confusing mess.”

  “Well, you changed in the past year, and Cayr probably has too. Maybe he’s just afraid you won’t like the changes.”

  “I’ll talk to him after the ball, make him tell me what’s going on,” Alyx said determinedly. “We can’t be together if he is going to hide things from me.”

  By nightfall, both girls were dressed in their ball gowns, Dawn in a pale blue that set off her lovely eyes and raven hair, and Alyx in deep violet. Both girls’ hair hung down their backs in shimmering waves, brushed to silkiness.

  Garan Egalion was in the front foyer as they came down the stairs, speaking to their carriage driver for the evening.

  “You both look beautiful,” he said appreciatively as they came down. To his credit, he gave no sign that he disapproved of Dawn’s presence. “I’m a very lucky man to be escorting two such lovely young women to the ball.”

  “Thanks, Papa.” Alyx recognised his peace offering and tried to reciprocate. “You look very handsome too.”

  “Miss A’ndreas, it’s a pleasure to have you with us this evening.” Garan bowed elegantly over her hand before kissing it lightly.

  Dawn smiled politely. “Thank you, Lord Egalion.”

  “Are you ready to go, ladies?” Garan pulled on a pair of velvet gloves.

  “Yes.” Alyx squeezed Dawn’s hand in excitement. “Let’s go.”

  “Miss A’ndreas, I believe Prince Cayr has organised for the palace steward to escort you and your brother, and your friend this evening,” Garan said. “Alyx and I will need to be formally introduced into the ball.”

  Dawn already knew this from Alyx. “Thank you, Lord Egalion.”

  As if summoned by Garan’s words, the palace carriage arrived, with Finn and Tarrick already inside. Dawn gave Alyx a quick smile, then climbed up to sit beside her brother.

  “See you there,” Alyx promised, then closed the door with a wave as the carriage lurched into motion.

  “We’d best go, Alyx,” her father called her.

  “Coming.” She watched the departing carriage for a moment, then walked over to join her father in their family carriage.

  Chapter 35

  Lord Garan Egalion and his daughter, Lady Alyx Egalion, were announced by a loud-voiced herald and a single melodic trumpet blast. As they descended into the massive-but-crowded ballroom, Alyx’s father was immediately drawn away by a series of other lords needing a moment of his time. She scanned the room, her gaze lingering on some of the beautiful dresses and the bright lights coming from the hundreds of mini-chandeliers hanging from the roof. Eventually she spotted Dawn, Finn and Tarrick coming through a side entrance. Seconds later, she was swamped by Mira, Lissa and several other girls.

  “Alyx, I can’t believe how long it’s been since you came to see us!” Mira gushed at her.

  “You’ve ignored all our invitations.” Lissa pouted.

  “I’ve been tired,” Alyx said weakly, feeling uncomfortable at their fawning attention. In the past, she’d accepted their attention as her due, but now she found it vaguely ridiculous, especially with Dawn approaching and seeing all of it.

  “You’re feeling better now, I hope?” Mira asked. “There’s a picnic tomorrow at the beach.”

  “That sounds lovely.” Alyx smiled. “Everyone, this is Dawn A’ndreas.”

  “Hello, Dawn,” Lissa said politely.

  “You’ll come and sit with us?” Mira moved forward to take Alyx’s arm.

  “I’m going to show Dawn around first. She’s never been inside the palace ballroom before. How about I come and sit with you all a bit later?”

  Alyx grabbed Dawn’s arm and fled. Seeing Dawn’s grin, she rolled her eyes. “Not a word, do you hear me?”

  “Those are your friends?”

  “How would you like to go home now and miss the rest of the ball?” Alyx scowled. “I can have you kicked out, you know.”

  “They seemed like such lovely people.” Dawn worked hard to suppress her amusement.

  By weaving their way through the crowd to the head of the ballroom, they found Cayr, along with Finn and Tarrick. All three were dressed formally, Tarrick looking exotic in a dark formal tunic and breeches. Cayr seemed to be keeping his promise t
o stick by the boys and shield them from comment. Together they found their table.

  “I’ll get us drinks.” Cayr left, making his way towards the bar.

  “This is an amazing place, Alyx,” Dawn exclaimed, eyes wide.

  “I’d imagined it in my head, but I’ve never seen anything like this splendour before,” Finn agreed.

  “You should see the Zandian Emperor’s court,” Tarrick said. “This splendour is a daily event, or so my brothers say.”

  “Hello, Lady Egalion.” A sugary sweet voice interrupted them, causing them all to look up.

  “Jenna,” Alyx said with trained politeness. “Can we help you?”

  “The other tables seem full, I was wondering if you minded me joining you?”

  “Not at all!” Finn and Tarrick stood at the same time, almost falling over themselves at being faced with the girl’s blonde beauty. “Please have a seat, Lady Casovar.”

  Just like that, and both boys’ attention was firmly on the stunningly dressed Jenna. Dawn shot Alyx a look of sympathy, but was far too out of her depth to be able to refuse Jenna’s request.

  While Alyx and Dawn waited for Cayr to return with some drinks, the gaggle of young women that had accosted Alyx earlier reappeared. This time, however, their attention was fixed on Lady Jenna Casovar.

  “Jenna, we saved you a seat on our table,” Karina protested. Alyx did not miss the way the girls cast disdainful glances towards her friends.

  “We’re over there.” Lissa pointed. “Alyx, you too. You said you’d sit with us.”

  Alyx went to reply, secure in the knowledge it was her presence at the table that was most important, but Jenna spoke over her. Alyx stared in astonishment at the girl’s rudeness.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t notice.” Jenna smiled. “Prince Cayr has invited me to sit at his table.”

  “Excuse me?” Alyx spluttered, but her words weren’t noticed by the gaggle.

  The girls tittered excitedly. “You’re so lucky. Maybe he’ll kiss you again like at the spring ball. Everyone knows your father has been pushing the king for a betrothal between you.”

  Alyx’s chest tightened as if a vice had clamped over it, and she stared wordlessly between Leila and Jenna. He wouldn’t, he wouldn’t do that to her. Leila was lying, she had to be.

  “I can’t believe it took you so long to tell us about that.” Lissa giggled.

  “Well, Prince Cayr did ask me to be discreet.” Jenna smiled knowingly.

  “Excuse me?” Alyx found her voice and stood abruptly, silencing them all.

  Jenna turned towards Alyx, a sweetly triumphant gleam in her baby blue eyes. Her glance shifted slightly to behind Alyx, and the triumphant gleam turned to one of polite warmth. Alyx spun and saw Cayr standing there, drinks in hand. It was clear he’d heard the last exchange. His expression was a mixture of guilt and shock, telling Alyx instantly that Jenna had been telling the truth.

  Tarrick rose to his feet in the silence that ensued. “Lady Casovar, you need to find another table. Now.”

  His voice was polite but unyielding. Jenna opened her mouth, but at the hard look on his face, walked away. The other young women followed her.

  Alyx only barely heard this exchange. Her gaze was still focused on Cayr.

  “We need to talk,” she told him, striding off through the crowd, cursing the heels that slowed her down when what she really wanted to do was run.

  She found her way to the edge of the ballroom and headed up a set of spiralling stairs to the next level, which formed a balcony around the ground floor. Once there, she made directly for Cayr’s rooms.

  They were dim as she stalked in, lit only by a couple of wall lamps. The curtains over his open windows were blowing in a slight breeze. Cayr entered the room behind her and Alyx spun to face him.

  “Did you kiss her?”

  “Alyx, I…”

  “Did you kiss her?” Alyx demanded furiously.

  He stared at her a long moment. “Yes, I did.”

  Alyx’s heart dropped into her stomach, and she turned and leaned a hand against the wall. “That’s wonderful.”

  “It meant nothing. She’d been pursuing me for months, we were at the ball, and it just happened.”

  “How could you?”

  “It meant nothing.” He came over, placing a hand on her shoulder and forcing her to turn and face him.

  “I don’t care that it meant nothing, I only care that it happened! How could you feel so little for me that you were able to kiss another girl?”

  “Alyx, I love you.”

  “You have some way of showing it! I spent the past year pining for you, Cayr. I had no idea you were off kissing other girls. Did you get bored while I was gone?”

  “It’s not like that,” he said softly. “I love you, I want you. It never happened again after that one time.”

  “Oh of course, how could I forget? When I was bored at DarkSkull, I kissed Tarrick and Finn, just for fun. It didn’t mean anything, because I love you,” she said with withering sarcasm. “Oh wait, I forgot Dashan, him too.”

  Cayr laughed. “You wouldn’t kiss Dash if your life depended on it.”

  “You think this is funny?” she shouted.

  He took a step back, hands raised as if to ward off her anger. “Of course not.”

  “Everything has changed,” she said, almost to herself. “My father, and now you too. Both of you keeping secrets and telling lies. I don’t know what the truth is anymore.”

  “Alyx, please. I’m sorry. Can’t we just forget about this?”

  Fury roared through her. “You may not have realised this yet, but I am not the same Alyx who went away last year. I am not the Alyx who is just going to be fine with this. I am stronger than that.”

  He took a step back, eyes widening in shock. A tense silence fell. Alyx closed her eyes, trying to summon her thoughts into some sort of order and calm the emotion raging in her chest. She wanted to hit him and burst into tears all at once, and fought not to do either.

  “Your father isn’t going to approve a betrothal between us any longer, is he?” she said wearily. “That’s what you’ve been keeping from me, why you’ve been acting strangely? He wants you to marry Jenna.”

  “That won’t happen, I promise you.”

  “I’m right, aren’t I?”

  Cayr ran a frustrated hand through his blonde hair. “A year ago Father told me that if we waited a few years, he would likely approve us marrying. But that was before the attack on your convoy and the Shiven making more inroads than ever into the disputed territory. Lord-Mage Casovar is our strongest protection, and he is pushing my father to betroth me to Jenna.”

  “Leave me alone.”


  “Please, just leave me alone.”

  Cayr nodded and turned to leave. As he did so, a violent shudder rocked the palace, causing Alyx to fall hard into the wall she was leaning on. The shuddering was followed by the sound of an explosion.

  “Are you all right?” Cayr shouted at her across the room.

  Alyx started nodding a reply, then rocked on her feet again as she felt Dawn’s magic rampage into her head. She caught the impression of smoke and fire, and people screaming in the ballroom.

  “Get out,” Alyx tried to send back, but she was so frantic she didn’t know if it was working. Trying to calm her mind, she visualized for Dawn the path to reach Cayr’s rooms. “Come!”

  Blinking and trying to force Dawn’s urgency out of her head, she looked up at Cayr. “I need to borrow some of your clothes.”

  “What?” He looked at her in incomprehension. “Alyx, what’s going on?”

  “I think the palace is under attack,” she said as she ran into his bedroom and stripped off her ball gown. “Are you armed?”

  “No,” he called back. “You?”

  Alyx scanned the darkened interior of Cayr’s room, sighing in relief at the sight of her staff leaning against his wall. She’d brought it over to s
how him weeks earlier and had left it behind deliberately, wanting no reminders of DarkSkull at home. After rummaging through Cayr’s closet, she pulled on breeches and a tunic, then grabbed her staff and ran back towards the door. By then she could hear Dawn announce their approach in her mind.

  Alyx pulled open Cayr’s door and saw Tarrick and the twins running down the hall towards them.

  “Get in and borrow something to wear, quickly.” Alyx pointed Dawn to the bedroom. “Tarrick, what’s going on?”

  “Attack on the palace, Shiven I think. Mages too,” he said quickly, sounding calm and competent. “The Blue Guard looked overwhelmed.”

  “My father?” Cayr demanded.

  “Sorry, I didn’t see. Dawn spoke to Alyx and we left straight away.”

  Cayr started questioning him further, but Alyx turned and ran to the bedroom where Dawn was hastily undressing.

  “Do you think you know Dash well enough to enter his mind?”


  “Get a message to him that the palace is under attack and that we need every Bluecoat he can muster. Let’s hope he’s at the barracks where he’s supposed to be and can raise the alarm.”

  Dawn pulled on breeches and shirt, then sat on the bed and concentrated for a few long moments. Eventually, her eyes snapped open.

  “I can’t reach him. Something is in the way.”

  “Damn,” Alyx muttered, thinking furiously. “What about Casta?”

  “I know him even less than Dashan.”

  “Try,” Alyx urged her.

  Dawn closed her eyes, again concentrating, this time for a painfully long while. Alyx could hear the faint sounds of fighting from below and Cayr was pacing anxiously in front of Tarrick and Finn. A moment later, Dawn’s eyes flew open.

  “I think I got to him!”

  “Thank goodness,” Alyx said in relief. “Now, let’s go.”

  “I’m going to make sure my father is okay,” Cayr said as soon as the girls reappeared from the bedroom.

  “We’ll come with you,” Alyx said.

  “No. Barricade yourself in here where it’s safe.”

  Tarrick gave Cayr a contemptuous glance. “She’s a mage, while you’re just a pretty princeling. Maybe you should barricade yourself in here and stay safe.”


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