Nobody's Perfect

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Nobody's Perfect Page 9

by Steve Kirby

  Vicky and Ben laughed hysterically at their father’s reaction it took a couple of weeks for it to sink in with Colin.

  The twins were born in early spring Sally and George Wilson were delivered three weeks early by caesarean section both weighed at just under two pounds so their first four weeks were spent in an incubator building up their weight so they could go home, this as it worked out was a good thing because Rachel’s wound became infected so she was confined to bed for a week.

  When they were finally allowed home Vicky and Ben had decorated the front room put flowers by Rachel’s bed and with Colin’s help made a welcome home twin’s cake.

  Rachel burst into tears.

  “She doesn’t like it Ben.” Vicky say’s a bit downhearted.

  “No it’s not that Vicky, I’m so happy I feel like we are a complete family at last, Thank you thanks both of you.” She gave them both a big hug and kiss.

  “Right let’s cut that cake I’m starving.”

  It was two days before Vicky’s sixteenth birthday.

  “So Vicks?” Rachel asks.

  “How many of your friends are coming here for your party tomorrow?”

  “Well about ten for definite but I have asked fifteen but that cow Abigail is having a party as well tomorrow so some might be going there instead, I hope it rains because they are having a barbecue ha ha.”

  “Oh. That’s not very nice but I know how you feel I don’t like her snooty mother neither, Ha ha aren’t we nasty.” They were both laughing when Colin came in from the garden.

  “What are you two so happy about?”

  “Oh nothing just girly stuff eh Vicks.” She gave her a smile and a wink.

  “Well have you seen out there? This place is going downhill there is another Asian family moving in to the Scott’s old house, That makes eight family’s that’s moved in in the last two years.”

  “Colin Stop being a racist, they have a right to live where they want and possibly if you weren’t so old fashioned and stuck in your ways you might talk to them and find out they are just like us they want to live in peace and bring up their family.”

  “Yah right but what about the house prices this place won’t be worth bugger all in a few years.”

  “ Colin I’m not listening to that stuff and I don’t want you saying anything like that again in front of the children it’s not nice, it’s bigoted and not true so stop it OK.”

  “Whatever, Ok darling.”

  “Anyway it’s Vicky’s party tomorrow we need the birthday banners and things from the attic please.”

  “Can we do it please?” Vicky asks excitedly.

  “Can Ben and me do the decorations this time please, we’ll be careful please Dad.”

  “Don’t see why not. What do you think Rachel should we let them?”

  “Yes. Right there are some balloons on the kitchen table and the banners are in the attic in a box with “Birthday deck’s” written on it ha ha original eh? Now be careful on those ladders and don’t mess around, Do you hear me you two.”

  They were up the stairs before she’d finished the sentence.

  The attic was a dusty strange smelling place full of boxes from their old house that were never unpacked, they found the box with the decorations in but this was too much of an opportunity for a good rummage around to resist.

  There were boxes with old photos and cards in, Christmas cards, Birthday cards, Anniversary cards it was stuffed full.

  “Look Ben shouts this one’s full of my old toys.” He said as he pulled at a pile of boxes they began to topple over.

  “Watch out Ben!” Vicky shouts and pull’s him back as the pile falls.

  “Thanks Vick you saved my life then.”

  “Stop being so dramatic Ben and stop being so damn clumsy.”

  “Look!” Ben say’s pointing at a box marked “Junk” Isn’t that one of Mum’s old dresses sticking out of this one.” Vicky digs the box out and puts it under the light so they can have a good look inside.

  It was full of Angie’s shoes and dresses.

  “These were Mums, you’re right Ben” Vicky picked up one of the dresses and held it to her face, she could smell her mother, then a bad memory came over her she dropped the dress before the visions came flooding back.

  “Come on Ben let’s put this back and go down.”

  “Not yet sis I want to see what else is in here. What’s this then? Your baby book mum did for you.” He opened the book laughing at Vicky’s first baby picture, there were old pictures of Vicky with mum at the park and Vicky in the bath.

  “Put it back Ben please!” Vicky said making a grab for it.

  “Not yet Vicky It’s interesting.”

  “Ben please!” Vicky said making a grab for it, Ben pulled the book away then something caught his eye.

  “Hang on Vick there’s something stuck in the back of it.”

  “Give it here then.” Vicky took the book opened the back page and peeled the back cover back.

  “What is it Vicky? Treasure?”

  “No it’s a letter addressed to you and me I think it’s from Mum.” She held the envelope in her hands and began to cry unable to stop some of the visions spilling into her head the dam she had built in her mind to protect her from the demons had begun to crack.


  “Right Colin, You call in Preston’s in the high street tomorrow afternoon and pick up the cake for Vicky’s party, it’s all paid for so just nip in and pick it up ok?”

  “Alright, what times the party anyway?” Rachel was just about to speak when a noise like thunder shattered the peace.

  “What the hell’s that?” Colin shouts looking stunned, and then the front door slams shut like it’s going to come off its hinges.

  “Vicky? Ben?” Colin shouts as he heads towards the front door, he opens it in time to see them both disappearing round the corner at the end of the street.

  Colin turns back to Rachel.

  “Well I don’t know what’s got into them.” Just then Sally came down stairs.

  “What’s up with Vicky and Ben Sal?” Colin asks.

  “I don’t know she took all her birthday money and went, She looked like she had been crying so did Ben.”

  “Didn’t they say anything? Like where they were going and why they needed the money?”

  “No sorry she just looked sad and angry. Where’s George?”

  “In the back garden feeding the rabbits, or he was, he may have run off as well, I can’t keep up with you lot.” Colin went back into the room to read his paper.

  Sally and George were in bed it was 8-30 Colin and Rachel were just settling down for the evening with a glass of wine, when the phone rang. They both looked at each other slightly puzzled. Colin answered.

  “Hello who is it?”

  “Mr Wilson?” The caller asked.

  “Yes how can I help?” Colin answered cautiously.

  “It’s Sergeant Walker from Batley police station, we have your Son and Daughter here.” There was a stunned silence for a second or two then Colin found his voice.

  “Police? Are they alright? Nothing’s happened to them they’re ok?”

  “Yes Mr Wilson. They have been brought in with a group of other children on suspicion of theft.”

  “Theft? Theft of what?” His concern beginning to grow.

  “They along with the rest of the gang have been accused of stealing from an off license. Now we need to interview them and because of their ages you or your wife has to be there.” There was a slight pause.

  “So Mr Wilson, when will you or your wife be able to get here?”

  “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” Colin hung up the phone turned to Rachel a shocked look on his face.

  ”Vicky and Ben have been arrested for theft.” Rachel shook her head in disbelief.

  “No there is some mistake they would never do anything like that, there will be some simple reason, and you’ll see it’ll all be a big mistake.”


  Twenty minutes later Colin walked up to the desk.

  “Hi, its Mr Wilson I’ve come to see Sergeant Walker.” The WPC at the back of the desk looked up from her typing.

  “That’s fine Mr Wilson would you mind taking a seat and I’ll tell Sergeant Walker you’re here.” Colin sat down as the Officer rang the phone.

  She looked over at Colin and smiled.

  “He won’t be a minute Mr Wilson he’s on his way up.” Colin somehow knew up meant from the cells.

  The door swung open and a mountain of a man walked in he was at least six foot six massive shoulders and short cropped ginger hair. He sent a shiver down Colin’s spine when he entered. He marched over and stuck out an enormous hand.

  “Mr Wilson?”

  “Err yyyes” For some reason Colin found himself thinking he was guilty of something.

  The thought ran through his mind this guy frightened him how Vicky and Ben were feeling god knows, he must terrify them.

  “Right can you follow me please?” He went back to the door punched in a few numbers and the door clicked.

  He pulled the door open and held it for Colin the door shut behind them and they were faced with what looked like a cell door complete with bars, the sergeant took his key ring from his pocket and using a brass key opened the cell door.

  When Colin had gone through the Sergeant slammed the door behind them.

  “Shit!” Colin said out loud.

  “Sorry that’s a bit unnerving.”

  ”Ha ha it is a bit, sorry, I like to do it for effect when we bring the young offenders in, it’s sometimes all that’s needed to put them back on track.”

  “Well it would bloody work for me I almost shit myself.” The sergeant led Colin into an empty interview room and closed the door; He motioned Colin to sit down.

  “Well we’ve got the CCTV from the shop and it turns out your two actually didn’t have anything to do with the theft, it clearly shows your son and daughter entering the shop just as the gang from Wiltshire estate were barging out they got mixed up and pushed out onto the street where our lads were waiting. Most or the Wiltshire lot escaped we got six of them unfortunately your son and daughter were among them.”

  “So they are free to come home with me then?”

  “Yes after we give them a warning.”

  ” Warning for what you said they had nothing to do with it.” Colin looked confused.

  “The warning Mr Wilson is not for the theft it’s for being drunk.”

  “Drunk! What do you mean drunk?” Colin realised his voice had just gone up two octaves.

  “They have been drinking got someone to buy them a bottle of vodka, say’s they used your daughter’s birthday money to pay for it so what we’re going to do is read the riot act to them and hopefully that should have the desired effect on them. Right I’ll get them brought in won’t be a minute.” The Sergeant left the door open and went towards the cells, there was a rattle of keys then he could hear the door being swung open, then the sergeant’s voice boomed out.

  “RIGHT! You two out now and follow me come on get out or I’ll drag you out by the scruff of your necks. NOW MOVE!” A door slammed shut making Colin jump, then there was a shuffling and Ben followed closely by Vicky came into the interview room, both weren’t wearing any shoes neither of them looked at their farther.

  “SIT!” The sergeant bellowed as he came into the room both sat in the chairs facing Colin eyes down, sergeant Walker sat at the side of Colin, as he sat down he slammed the table hard with his fist.

  “Right you two!” Colin almost jumped off his chair.

  “So you think you’re pretty hard and grown up drinking then eh?” There was no answer they just looked at the table.

  Sergeant Walker shot up sending his chair skidding across the room and slamming into the wall.

  “Look at me!” He screamed.

  “Look at me when I’m talking to you or you’ll be back in the cells again for the night separately, do you hear me?” They both looked up but not at him they looked right at Colin he could see pure hatred in their eyes, Colin felt a little unnerved he broke their gaze and looked down.

  Then Sergeant Walker’s voice started again.

  “I see little shits like you two every day, think they are big and hard then when they are being sentenced to time in prison they cry like a baby for their mummy’s. Is that what you two want? Eh? To go to prison because that’s where you will be going if you don’t pack in drinking and hanging around with people like those little bastards you were with tonight, you might think it’s clever but who suffers Eh? Your mum and Dad that’s who they are the ones who have to identify your bodies when you get killed through walking into the road while you’re pissed or you get into a fight with some lads and they stick a knife in you, or your sister...” He bent down and looked Ben in the eyes.

  “Or your sister get’s raped because she is too drunk. How would you feel then Ben Eh? Would you like that and you know it’s not always girls that get raped, do you hear me the pair of you?” He leaned forward and looked into their eyes.

  “Do you hear me?”

  “Yes.” They both whispered. Sergeant Walker slammed his fist down onto the desk.

  “What!” He bellowed.

  “Yes we hear you.”

  “Right get out of my sight and if I see you in here again I won’t be as nice, OK? Now get out of my sight, go on get!” They got up and left very quickly.

  The Sergeant looked at Colin and gave him a smile, noticing the colour had drained from his face he gave a little laugh as he stood up.

  “Well hopefully that might have some effect on them. If you go down to the desk they will give them back their belongings and you can take them home and let’s hope this is the end of it.”

  “Ok thanks sergeant.” Colin got up sheepishly and went to the desk just as Vicky and Ben were putting their shoes on.

  “Home you two!” Colin said seeing the sergeant watching him.

  ”You have some explaining to do.”

  They never spoke a word on their way back from the police station.

  As soon as Colin stopped the car the two of them jumped out into the house and straight up to their rooms.

  Colin barged in after them.

  “Vicky, Ben, down here NOW!” His face was like thunder.

  “Colin.” Rachel said as she came out of the kitchen.

  “It’s after eleven leave them for tonight or things may be said that you don’t want to say or hear, so leave them, and you to calm down a bit we can sort it out tomorrow OK?” Colin walked over and gave her a cuddle and a kiss on the forehead.

  “You’re right as always. Yes tomorrow will be better.” Things never got better in fact they got worse they would steal money from Rachel and Colin they even broke open Sally and Georges money boxes and took that.

  They fell in with the gang from Wiltshire estate who they were originally arrested with, they started smoking, drinking and experimenting with various drugs which they financed by stealing, burglary and selling their possessions they hardly ever went to school and when they did they usually got sent home for being disruptive or fighting.

  Rachel couldn’t remember the amount of letters and phone calls they had had about their attendance and behaviour.

  Vicky walked out of school when she was sixteen the last day of term (one of the few times she went) and never went back.

  Ben who was ten months younger also stopped going the, school never even sent a letter or called his parents, he used to get up eventually and set off for school but he never went he used to use his dinner money for cigs or other things.

  Both Colin and Rachel didn’t know what to do, every time Colin tried to talk to them it would end up in a massive augment with Colin losing his temper to the point where he would threaten to hit both of them, they would stand in front of him urging him to hit then.

  “Well you try it and we’ll hit you back we’re not scared of you and it will be t
he last time you ever see either of us again.” Rachel once came home and found Colin in their bedroom crying.

  “Colin, what’s the matter darling?” She said putting her arm around his shoulders.

  “Why do they hate us so much Rachel? What have we ever done to them to make them act like they do? We have given them a good loving home; they have just about had everything they have ever wanted, so where have we gone wrong? I don’t know what to do any more.”


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