Nobody's Perfect

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Nobody's Perfect Page 11

by Steve Kirby

  Lynne came back with the BLT and a fresh cup of tea she put them down and sat opposite Rachel. “Thought you might need a fresh tea as well.” Lynne had been on the same catering course as Becky she had only done the first year.

  “So why did you pack the catering course in, Becky said you were very good?”

  “It was boring I needed a change.”

  “What you doing now then?” Rachel said taking a bite from her sandwich.

  “Drama, performing arts, I want to be an actress I think.”She said putting the back of her hand to her head and striking a pose.

  “You think ha ha you mean you might change subjects again.”

  “Possibly, I don’t need anything heavy in my life at the moment I want easy courses that don’t need a lot of studying I don’t have much spare time with my job.”

  “Oh...” Rachel said inquiringly.

  “A job eh, what do you do then?”

  “I work for an escort agency.” She said taking a sip of tea.

  “You mean you’re a call girl.”

  “Ha ha certainly not, people ring the agency when they need a partner to go to the theatre or out for a meal, it’s just lonely people who want a good night out and to be seen with a good looking girl on their arm.”

  “Yah but you know er well do you have sex with them?” Rachel asked shyly.

  “You can if you want but that’s just between you and the customer and if the agency find out you’ll probably get the sack.”

  “Well have you ever?”

  “Yes now and again.”

  “How much did you get?”

  “Well I got £75 for going out for a meal with him, then £150 for sleeping with him.”

  Rachel whistled.

  “225 quid for one nights work wow that’s good. Are there any jobs going I could do with that kind of money, even if I don’t do the sex bit £75 is a good enough for me.”

  Lynne looked at her cautiously.

  “Well I’m going to the agency to pick up some money tonight after collage, you can come with me if you like see if you can sign up.” Rachel looked at Lynne excitedly.

  “That would be great where is the agency then?”

  “Bradford we can catch the train from Dewsbury station, it only takes fifteen minutes to get there.”

  “Oh bugger I haven’t any money.”

  “Don’t worry about that I’ll pay and you can give me it back out of your first wages. One thing though you’ll have to say your Eighteen or Nineteen or she won’t set you on.”

  “That’s fine I’ll say I’m almost nineteen, think they will believe me?”

  “Yes with a bit of make-up you’ll be fine, right then I’ll meet you in reception at five then ok?” Rachel said finishing her tea.


  The agency was located down a little back street in the centre of Bradford, from the outside it looked a bit of a dump with a plastic sign above the door saying “Grangers Girls Escort Agency” but once inside it was a beautifully decorated office.

  It was like a living room with settees and easy chairs, in the far corner was a desk and a couple of filing cabinets, a computer, telephone and fax machine, a well dressed silver haired woman in her late fifties sat behind the desk, she looked up and smiled when she saw Lynne.

  “Hello darling.” She said getting up and walking from behind the desk, she gave Lynne a hug and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Who’s your friend?” She said looking at Rachel.

  “This is Rachel she would like to register with you if that’s ok?” Lynne turned to Rachel.

  “This is Phillipa Granger Rachel she owns the agency and she like a mother looks after all of us don’t you?”

  “I try to keep you safe and it’s Pippa to my girls.” She said leaning forward and kissing Rachel on the cheek.

  Phillipa Granger had run the Grangers Girls for ten years, she had been an escort herself for twenty five years in London and she prided herself on never having slept with a client as she called them.

  She knew it went on but she didn’t condone it and no matter how popular you were you would be sacked if she ever found out; there were no second chances with Phillipa.

  “Right then.” Phillipa say’s going back behind the desk.

  “While I’m sorting out Lynne’s wages will you fill out this application form for me please Rachel?”

  “Yes no problem.” Lynne and Pippa sat talking on one of the settees while Rachel filled out the form.

  After half an hour Rachel put the pen down.

  “Well I’ve finished Pippa.” Rachel said handing her the form.

  “When do I start then?” Pippa looked at her laughing.

  “Hang on a second lady I don’t just send you out on your own just like that you have to do a few doubles first with Lynne.”

  “Doubles?” Rachel asks slightly confused.

  “Yes.” Lynne said.

  “When they want two girls you come along with me and learn what to do.”

  “So I have to wait now until a double comes in then?” Rachel sounded deflated.

  “Yes” Pippa said giving her a motherly smile.

  “But the good news is I have a double this Friday if you’re available Lynne?” Lynne shakes her head

  “Aargg I have a date this Friday Pippa sorry.” Rachel looked at her pleading.

  “Oh alright Rachel put them puppy dog eyes away I’ll cancel, Yes Pippa we’ll do it, but you owe me Rachel.” Rachel sat with a big smile on her face.

  “Thank you Lynne you’re a mate.”

  “Well I’ll e-mail you the details tomorrow Lynne.” She stood up held out her hand to Rachel.

  “Welcome to Grangers Girls she said shaking Rachel’s hand.”


  The day after at collage Rachel was waiting in reception for Lynne to arrive, when she saw her getting off the bus from Huddersfield, she couldn’t contain her excitement any longer.

  “Lynne!” She shouted as she ran to meet her off the bus.

  “Well? Well go on then? Tell me where are we going?” She said almost yanking Lynne’s arm off in her excitement.

  “Well we meet them in the Embassy Hotel in Leeds on Friday evening 7pm and then they are taking us to the brass band concert at the St Georges Hall.”

  “Brass friggin band concert? You’re having a laugh aren’t you?”

  “Oi you just have to sit there and smile think of the money.”

  “Yeh but brass bands how old are they?”

  “Don’t know but after were going to Gino’s for a meal.”

  “Big wow.” Lynne stopped walking and looked at Rachel a bit upset by her attitude.

  “Gino’s is the most expensive Italian restaurant in Leeds.” Rachel looked slightly impressed.

  “Oh well not all bad then. What have I to wear?” Her enthusiasm coming back.

  “Something conservative a nice dress not too flash or slutty though.”

  “Ok not flash or slutty, right then that’s everything in my bloody wardrobe out for a start, I’ll have to see what my mum’s got in hers.” Lynne laughed and put her arm around Rachel’s shoulder as they walked into collage.

  Rachel caught the 6 o’clock train from Dewsbury to Leeds Lynne had already got on in Huddersfield.

  “Well how do I look?” Rachel said opening her coat she was wearing a black knee length dress red shoes and a red clutch bag.

  “Not bad, not bad at all, in fact I hope they are not too old or you may give the poor buggers a heart attack.”

  Lynne was wearing a beautifully tailored suit.

  “You look like you’re going to the office not a concert.” Rachel joked.

  “Well I’ve been to a couple of concerts and the halls are usually freezing so I’m prepared.”

  “Oh cheers mate, so I can freeze to death, you could have said. Right then let’s go pick up our old buggers”

  They weren’t old buggers in fact Barry and John Aspinall were twins in their late twenty’s,
they were very shy, at first, Barry bought a round of drinks in the bar, Lynne and Rachel had slimline tonic Pippa had told them no alcohol at all, While Barry was at the bar Lynne got talking to John although getting any information out of him was a chore as he was incredibly shy around people, it turned out their parents had been in a bad car crash ten years ago and they were both severely disabled which meant He and Barry had to care for them, they got one night off a month when an agency took over.

  They both had a love of Brass bands their Mother and Father used to be in one before the accident, Barry and John used to go to all their practices and concerts.

  All their time was taken up looking after their parents so they never got chance to meet girls so this was a kind of therapy for them going out and socialising with agency girls, they didn’t have to impress them they could talk if they wanted or just sit and say nothing they were paying.

  Rachel just thought they reminded her of the Proclaimers.

  The concert went well Rachel actually enjoyed it and the meal afterwards was wonderful very expensive but wonderful.

  Lynne and Rachel dropped them back off at their hotel then it was straight to the station on the train and Rachel was back in her house by 12-30.

  She went with Lynne the following day to the agency Pippa was pleased to see them both Barry and John had rung her to say they really enjoyed their company and could they have them again in a month’s time.

  Pippa handed both of them an envelope with their money in Lynne put hers into her handbag Rachel tore hers open she counted the money £85.

  “Wow!” she said

  “I thought it only paid £75?”

  “It did but they asked me to add a £10 tip onto your fee, you certainly made two blokes very happy, they’ve been coming to me once a month for over a year and this is the first time they have tipped anyone, well done you two.”

  Pippa had said Rachel had to do two doubles before she could go on her own, in fact she did four.

  Lynne was unable to do her fourth she was away on holiday so Pippa teamed Rachel up with a girl called Sally Beaumont.

  Sally was thirty six and had worked for Pippa for sixteen years she was very pretty without a single wrinkle her complexion was perfect.

  They were to meet a couple of guy’s in the Cedar court hotel in Wakefield where they were attending a conference on water treatment in England and Wales so they just knew the conversation was going to be boring but anyway they were paying their wages and treating them to dinner so what the hell.

  They talked on the way to Wakefield Sally drove to all her jobs because she never drank while she was with a client and she always took her car because once the client didn’t turn up and she was stuck in a little village in North Yorkshire all night because the busses and taxies stopped running at eleven o’clock, so now she drove everywhere.

  “So Rachel.” Sally said as the drove to the hotel.


  “Have you been asked for extras yet?”

  “Extras what do you mean?”

  “God you are new, Extras you know sex.”

  “No not yet I’ve only been doing doubles this is just my fourth job.”

  “Right, So what would you do If you were asked, would you do it?”

  “Suppose so I’m not a virgin or anything so yes I may do. Do you when they ask?”

  “Hell yes I couldn’t survive on what Pippa pay’s me.”

  “How much do you ask for then.”

  “Usually £200.”

  “Wow and they pay it?”Rachel asked surprised by the matter of fact way Sally spoke about it.

  “Well if they don’t they don’t get it sweetie Ha Ha.”

  Bloody hell that’s good money.”

  “I charge up to £500 when I go on my own.”

  “What do you mean on your own?”

  “I book into a posh hotel in Bradford, Huddersfield or Leeds wait in the bar or go to a night club and get picked up.”

  Rachel couldn’t believe what Sally was saying.

  “Picked up isn’t that dangerous.” She said slightly shocked.

  “Well you have to keep your wits about you that’s another reason why I never drink. I always take them back to my room don’t ever go with them. So if you take care and look after yourself it’s fine. Anyway do you fancy coming with me next time I go then?”

  Rachel thought for a second.

  “Yes why not, yes I’ll come with you when?”

  “Next Friday, we’ll go to Leeds always plenty of action there.”


  Lynne was due back from holiday on Monday Rachel couldn’t wait to tell her about Sally’s proposition.

  “You stupid cow.” Lynne said when Rachel told her.

  “Don’t be getting mixed up with the likes of her Rachel she’s bad news, look you’ve only just started you don’t have the experience she has, you could get hurt, promise me you will ring her and tell her you can’t make it. Promise me Rachel.” Rachel looked down at the floor like a child that’s just been scolded by her mum.

  “Alright Lynne, I promise.”

  That evening Rachel rang Sally.

  “Hi Sally its Rachel, look about Friday night.”

  “Yes you’re not coming “Sally interrupted.

  ” Someone’s been slagging me off and they told you not to go right?” Rachel began to blush Sally was right she wondered how many phone calls she had had like this one probably a lot she knew exactly what she was calling to say, then Rachel surprised herself with her reply.

  “Course I’m coming just wondered what I should wear that’s all Sally.”

  “Oh.” She sounded surprised.

  “Well, we’ll be going to a club so something sexy but not over the top we want to attract the right kind of people not some prat on a stag night trying to impress his mates. Is that it?”

  “Yes that’s fine right where do I meet you?”

  “The car park at Dewsbury train station 6 o’clock is that good for you?”

  “That’s great, see you there then Sally.”Ok bye”

  The day after at collage she told Lynne that she had rung Sally and told her she wasn’t going, Lynne was relived she kept telling Rachel she had done the right thing.

  Rachel smiled and wondered had she done the right thing.

  Sally picked Rachel up from Dewsbury and gave her some advice on the way.

  “Always sort the money out first then you can relax they seem to have a problem paying after they have had their way, you brought a bottle of wine with you?” Rachel nodded.

  “Well if you have a drink make it small and only the one you know just to be sociable.”They booked two double rooms in the Draganora Hotel for the night using a different surname Rachel had used Lynne’s last name Dyson, Sally had told her not to use her real name.

  The only two rooms left were one on the sixth floor and one on the eighth.

  Sally took the one on the sixth she as she was afraid of heights.

  “Yah right” Rachel laughed.

  “Anyway Rachel I have to be away first thing in the morning so I won’t be having breakfast is that ok?”

  “That’s fine, but I need to eat first thing or I’m grumpy all day, don’t worry I know the way to the train station I’ll give you a ring later in the week.”

  They both showered then met in the bar for a few drinks tonic water for Rachel, Sally had slim line bitter lemon.

  Then at ten o’clock they ordered a taxi to take them to “The Crystal Room Nightclub” once inside they found a booth, Sally went to the Bar for the drinks. When she came back she was full of excitement, she slid the glass of tonic water to Rachel.

  “These are paid for.” Sally said smiling.

  ”By whom” Rachel asked looking towards the bar.

  ”You see the two coloured guy’s at the end of the bar?”

  “Yes.” Rachel said seeing the two smiling guy’s waving in their direction.

  “Well they are professional foo
tballers their teams playing Leeds United on Sunday they are just out for a few drinks.”

  “Wow footballers eh. Who do they play for?”

  “How the hell should I know? Oh hang on one of them said something about Brighton Town or something. Do you know them?” Rachel looked stumped.


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