Unique, Different, Found: Werewolf Paranormal Romance (Nightfall Book 1)

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Unique, Different, Found: Werewolf Paranormal Romance (Nightfall Book 1) Page 26

by Violet Samuels

  A loud knock brings me from my thoughts.

  "What?" I yell as the door opens to reveal my Beta, John.

  "Don't 'what' me. I have some powers too, you know," he jokes while I roll my eyes. He has no power over me. I am the Alpha and I am the one in control.

  "Sorry, John," I say sarcastically. He shakes his head at me, but I ignore his playful attitude. We have a war and he's joking around, not very beta-like...

  "Any updates?" he asks as he takes a seat opposite my desk. That's more like it, getting straight to business. I settle into my desk chair and grab a file off the desk with everything I need to know about the Nightfall Pack.

  "Well, my spy was sighted and he thought his job was over so I yelled at him to get back to work, then he hung up like the coward he is so I punched a hole in the wall," I explain without looking up from the file, motioning behind me to the very obvious hole.

  "I don't see why we don't just kidnap her. It'll be a lot easier and you'll have her working again in no time," John shrugs.

  I slam my hands down on the desk, creating a loud bang and scaring John half to death.

  "That's not the reason I forged this war! She is power, she's a royal, and she's strong. The perfect qualities of an alpha female and the perfect material to create pups that will be invincible. So no, my objective is to not 'have her working again in no time,' but to have her for myself," I admit easily.

  John stares at me in shock and slight fear at my confession.

  "She's already pregnant though... What are we gonna do with the pups?" he asks with curiosity and fear in his voice.

  I smirk evilly.

  "Easy, we make sure they disappear," I say menacingly. John catches on and smirks along with me. Celina and Axel will never know what hit them.

  (20 days until the war)

  We have twenty more days to prepare and I'm not letting any slack get pass me. I begin training the newly shifted with our newest fighter, having only shifted five days ago. What I do is for my pack's survival. If that means putting more lives than necessary on the battlefield to keep the younger ones safe, then so be it.

  "Go, go, go! You would all be dead if we were in the actual battle! Step up your game!" I growl out to the younger part of the group. They're lagging and I don't like it.

  We're doing surprise attacks and I've treated it like a game, every wolf for himself, so to speak. The point is to pin as many wolves as possible to the ground without being pinned yourself. Everyone's getting the hang of it except for the ones that shifted less than a month ago.

  "I said step up your game!" I growl louder as another young wolf gets tackled to the ground by one of the older ones. I growl loudly. This is hopeless!

  "Ok, that's enough! Everyone shift and meet back here in five!" I order in my alpha voice.

  Five minutes later and I got at least thirty young wolves in front of me, all panting, sweating, and looking just plain worn out. Too bad, training isn't over.

  "That was our warm up," I admit to them with a devilish smirk. Groans and curses are heard throughout the group. I growl. Are they judging my teaching method?

  "I wouldn't argue if I were you. I can make the rest of your training an absolute hell," I threaten with a low growl. That seems to shut them all up.

  "Everyone, grab a partner," I order. They all immediately start to bustle around, trying to find someone they can fight. I watch as everyone finds a partner within a minute, silently judging who they've paired themselves with.

  "In the unlikely event that you are attacked while still in human form, you need to build up strength. With only twenty days to go, I don't want any weaknesses to be spotted," I announce.

  My eyes scan the crowd until I find a fairly larger boy out of the rest. I hear he's on the football team and he was the first one to shift out of all of them, so he seems like a good opponent.

  "You," I say as I point to him. All eyes snap to him, some of them showing pity.

  He gulps visibly.

  "Me?" he asks and points to himself with a shaky finger. I roll my eyes, nodding. I gesture with my hand for him to move towards me and he does so slowly.

  "What's your name?" I ask loudly. The boy flinches slightly from my harsh tone, but answers nonetheless.

  "Jarod, Alpha," he says meekly. Jarod? What a pathetic name.

  "Well then, Jarod, you're going to be my dummy," I say bluntly, causing the young boy to freeze in fear. Good.

  "What we're going to do is have one person try to pin the other. Whoever gets pinned three times first is out and the person who wins has to find another partner. Jarod here is going to show you how to miserably fail because I doubt he can beat me," I say with a cocky voice, causing Jarod to gulp again.

  A circle forms around us as I get into an attack stance while Jarod takes a deep breath and gets into a defensive one.

  "Watch and learn, pups," I say before launching myself at Jarod.

  Training went smoothly and I have officially struck fear into their hearts. I'm now going over the Nightfall Pack's territory so that I'm familiar with my surroundings and not a sitting duck. With only twenty days left, who knows what could happen. Of course at that thought, John bursts through the door. Uninvited, I might add.

  "What?" I growl, really not in the mood to deal with anymore news for the day.

  "It's about the Nightfall Pack, Alpha," John says in a rush. I roll my eyes, but motion him in anyway.

  "This better be good," I warn. My Beta gulps and draws in a shaky breath. Whatever he's about to tell me, it is certainly not good.

  "Celina has been put into a containment facility that can only be opened from the outside, and only Axel can open it. It is immobile to all weapons, liquids, chemicals, anything you can think of. Only Axel has the power to open it and even then, there are many levels of security. Celina is totally inaccessible to us," he finishes, then bolts out of the room after seeing my majorly pissed off expression.

  Inaccessible? Inaccessible? No! She's our main target! She's the one we're going to capture! She's the one who will bring this pack to greatness! She's the one that bloody caused this war! She can't be inaccessible! I will find a way to her. I always find a way.



  "Celina, please, this is for your own good," Axel pleads with me. I shake my head in determination.

  "No! I'm not being locked up in a box with only twenty days left until the war! You think a box will keep me safe? You know, sometimes I really think you don't have a brain in there, Axel," I snap at him.

  Yes, you heard me right. Axel wants to lock me up in a box for twenty days until the war is over. Yeah, right! Hell no! No way! Keep dreaming!

  "Celina, please, it's for your safety. I'll never forgive myself if something happens to you," Axel continues to plead. I glare at him.

  "So what you're saying is that by locking me up in a box, I'll be safe, while you, the pack, and everyone else outside of it will be in danger," I conclude in a disbelieving voice. Axel nods after my little wrap up of the whole thing. I feel my anger bubble at his plan. How dare he.

  "May I remind you that this war is going to happen because of me, and let's not forget that I'm pretty much giving birth in twenty days too, to three pups, mind you! Axel, there is no way in hell that I'm being locked up in a box while a war is going on and I may or may not be in labor. So, the answer to your question is no, I will not be locked up in a box and that is final," I seethe, not caring that my anger has taken over me.

  Axel looks at me stunned for a moment while I sport a triumphant grin. A knock on the door brings us out of our little moment.

  "Come in!" I call, ignoring Axel's look. Comrade's head pops through with a sheepish smile on his face.

  "Sorry to interrupt, but I couldn't help overhear," he admits shyly. "I have an idea though. If it's for Celina's safety, why don't we trick the Moonlight Pack into thinking that we put Celina in the so called box when we really don't? That way, Celina will still stay safe and we
will effectively piss off the Moonlight’s Alpha."

  I look at Axel with hopeful eyes while biting my lip. I hope he agrees to this, it's a pretty good plan.

  "How will we do it?" he asks while putting his arms across my waist possessively and bringing me closer to him.

  "Easy. Get a Celina look-a-like and bam!" He claps his hands together loudly, making me jump. "We have our so called Celina."

  "Who will do it though?" I ask. "Maybe a weak pack member that definitely won't be able to fight or something like that will do."

  "Hmm, maybe. The question is who’s willing to do it? It's a big thing to ask for. Being locked away from your friends and family for twenty days all by yourself can really change you," Axel says wisely. So now he gets it? Ugh!

  I slap him on the head, making him wince. He glares down at me while rubbing where I hit him.

  "Ow! What was that for?" he yells at me.

  "That’s for trying to lock me up in a box without a second thought! I swear men can be so stupid sometimes," I mutter the last part, but both Comrade and Axel hear it.

  "Hey! I made up a new and better plan!" Comrade defends himself. I roll my eyes.

  "Sometimes, I said sometimes," I tell him like I'm speaking to an idiot. Men! Well, in Comrade's case, since he's only 18, boys!

  "Ok, ok, that's enough criticism for the male race in one day. Back to the task at hand, who has any ideas about who to send in?" Axel asks while rubbing his eyes. We all stay silent at Axel's question. Who will do it?

  No one comes to mind. Except... No, no that wouldn't be fair. She doesn't deserve that. Axel notices my torn expression and kisses my temple.

  "What? Do you have someone who will do it?" he asks in a hurry. I quickly shake my head.

  "No, no, no one at all," I say nervously as I avoid eye contact will both males in the room.

  "Yes you do, you just feel guilty about it. Who is it, Celina? We need to know," Axel pleads as Comrade takes a seat on the end of the bed.

  I sigh. She's gonna absolutely hate me for this.

  "Chloe," I whisper. They both look at me confused, opening their mouths to protest.

  "Before you say anything, let me explain," I quickly rush out, holding up my finger to silence them. They look at each other before nodding at me. I sigh and take a deep breath through my nose. "Chloe is a sweet and happy girl with a lot of friends surrounding her. She has a mother and father and has her life set out in front of her."

  I begin with Comrade and Axel listening intently to what I say. Comrade's eyes hold concern about what I'm saying. He's pretty close to Chloe. She obviously hasn't told him though.

  "Problem is she's not happy at all. When she was young, I mean eight years old, she met her mate. Just shush!" I quickly say as Axel tries to talk. He grumbles something under his breath, but I just roll my eyes at him. "Her mate was already of age, so to speak. He was between the 16 and 18 mark, she never told me. Her mate didn't want her eight year old self for a mate, so he rejected her and left the pack. She was so torn and heartbroken that she couldn't bear to be around anyone that seemed to intimidate her. She stayed away from girls her age and older. She was fine with girls younger because they didn't pose a threat. Let me ask you a question, have you ever seen Chloe around other girls apart from her mother and myself?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. Both males shake their heads after putting on a thinking expression.

  "My point exactly. Chloe is far from being happy. Yes, she has friends surrounding her and yes, she has her mother and father, but she doesn't have the one thing that will bring her true love, true happiness, and true joy. She doesn't have her mate," I finish, my voice going to a whisper. I can't even imagine what my life would be like without Axel. It's heartbreaking.

  Comrade stays silent as he thinks over everything I've said, but Axel doesn't seem to get it yet.

  "Why would locking her in the box help her though?" he asks, a little less confused than before.

  I look at Comrade to see all the puzzle pieces click together in his mind. He knows why.

  "It'll be her escape," he whispers, looking me directly in the eye. I nod.

  "It will. It will be her way to finally end her torture and to finally have peace within herself. Locking her in that box for twenty days will give her time to do a great amount of thinking. She will see what she can finally do with her life. At the end of those twenty days, either a new Chloe will walk out... or no Chloe will walk out at all." I whisper the last part.

  Comrade and Axel freeze in shock somewhat. They don't move or blink or speak, I don't even know if they're breathing. They must know what I mean... it's a horrible thought to think, but it may just happen.

  Don't ask me how I know this because I honestly can't explain it. Chloe and I have had many talks and she's told me many things, including about her mate. She's never seen him since and it's been eating away at her since the day he rejected her. He almost killed her because of it. Giving her this choice to escape from all her worries and all her pain, may just bring her peace and contentment. It doesn't matter how, whether she ends her life or if she chooses to move on, she will be at peace.

  "I guess it's up to Chloe then," Axel whispers in his shocked state. Comrade gives a stiff nod from behind him.

  "It's all up to Chloe," I repeat. A single thought pops into my mind at that statement, I'm going to lose my best friend, my only proper girlfriend. My sweet and funny Chloe, I'm going to lose her. One way or another, I'm going to lose her.

  A single tear slips from my eye, but I quickly wipe it away so no one can see.

  "Right then, someone go and get her because I sure as hell can't get up." I try to joke, but it doesn't come out as one and no one laughs.

  Comrade seems to bolt out the door at one moment then come barreling back in with a stunned Chloe the next. A little bit angry Chloe, too.

  "What the hell! Why did you drag me up here?" she asks with a confused look in her eyes. I purse my lips, patting the spot next to me. She timidly sits down while looking at the three of us strangely.

  "What's going on?" she asks.

  Callum should really be here for this, but it's too late to have him come strolling in without a care in the world. We'll explain it to him later.

  I take a deep breath and look at Chloe. As soon as I begin, I know she'll catch on. The look in my eye will give it away, but I have to tell her. I have to get her to see reason.

  "Chloe, we are giving you a choice," I begin, her eyes widening as she immediately catches on to what I'm saying. I know she will. She stands, shaking her head at me.

  "Chloe, just listen-" I try to say.

  "No," she cuts me off definitely. "No, no, no, no, no! You will not give me a choice! I have been suffering for eight years now and I can't just throw that all away! I've made myself who I am today and nothing can change that."

  I nod at her, understanding.

  "I know, Chloe, but please hear me out. I might have a way to help you be at peace," I whisper to her. She doesn't look convinced, but she sits down again and listens with all ears.

  "Axel has devised a sort of ultimate box that can't be destroyed, attacked, broken, nothing. Only Axel has the power to open it and no one else. The choice is would you like to occupy it? For twenty days, you will be all by yourself, no one to hold on to and no one's shoulder to cry on. It will just be you and your thoughts. One way or another, you will come out of that box at peace with yourself, in whatever state you may be in," I tell her, trying to stay strong.

  Chloe stays silent. She stays silent for a very long time. Her eyes don't move from mine as she goes over what I've said and what I've offered.

  "So, you're telling me... I can escape the whole outside world and just be by myself for a whole twenty days? No interferences, no brothers, no Mums, no mates, nothing?" she whispers in astonishment. I nod with a neutral face.

  Her answer now will impact herself and us greatly, whatever she chooses. She closes her eyes for another few moments before they snap
open and stare straight into my own. They're bluer than I have ever seen them, seeming to shine with a new hope. In that millisecond, I know what her answer will be.

  "Ok, I'll do it," she whispers in a voice I hardly recognize as Chloe's.



  (10 days until the war)

  All I can think of is poor Chloe being cooped up in that box for the last ten days. I can't think of anything else! I don't even know if she's still alive! We give her food everyday, well, Axel does. He won't tell me what her situation's like because we need to keep up the act that I'm actually the one in the box. If Axel stops bringing food, then the Moonlight Pack might get suspicious.

  It was hard enough to get Chloe to look like me while I'm pregnant! Plus, my hair's black, hers is blonde. I have gold eyes, she has blue. I'm pregnant, she's not. Plus, we had to mask her scent somehow to smell like mine! We had to fix all of it! The hair was solved with a wig that was styled to look exactly like my hair, the eyes we fixed with contacts, much to Chloe's dislike, and for the scent we just bought a perfume that Axel claims smells exactly like me. Getting Chloe pregnant was a bit harder...

  I don't mean that way! No, no! What I mean is, we couldn't just stuff a pillow up her shirt and call her pregnant. I'm so big that I can't even walk anymore, so if we had a walking Chloe that would be kinda weird. To solve it, we got the pack doctor to find a jelly substance and carve it to the shape of my super large belly. Surprisingly, it worked!

  By the end of the transformation, Chloe was almost an exact replica of me. Gold eyes, black hair, the perfect scent, and she had a fake belly. When Axel scooped her up into his arms, after we all said our goodbyes, he walked out the door and that's the last I saw of Chloe.

  Back to the present, I'm worried sick about her. Axel's gone to give her some food and should be back in about fifteen minutes. It takes a while to get there and then he has to go through all the security measures and so on and so forth. I honestly stopped listening to him after he said security. I did listen when he said that the box has an invisible force field around it that only he can get through, which means the Moonlight Pack won't be able to get through to Chloe. That put me at ease a bit.


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