Engravings of Wraith

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Engravings of Wraith Page 21

by Kiera Dellacroix

  “I see, anything else?” Terry asked.

  “Not at this time,” Bob answered.

  “Alright, let’s reconvene on Monday unless something breaks,” Terry said getting up from his chair and walking silently out of the room.

  As soon as he left all faces turned looks in Bob’s direction.

  “That was quick,” Keith commented.

  Bob could only shrug his shoulders. “Anyone got anything else to add at this time?”

  “Robards arriving tomorrow?” Keith asked.

  “Yes, early. All non-surveillance people have been told to check in with him,” Bob said.

  “Has he been briefed?”

  “Limitedly. As soon as we set up shop on Wednesday, he’ll brief all of our people in the field,” Bob answered and the room grew silent for several minutes. “Alright then, let’s call it a day.”


  Bailey stirred from the light sleep she had fallen into when her cell phone rang. She twisted around on the bed until she could get the phone out of her pocket.


  “Miss Cameron, this is Marta. I’ve found five potential candidates for the position you asked about earlier.”

  “Great, any of them make it out here today?” she asked.

  “Two can be here this afternoon the others can’t make it until next week.”

  “That’s fine. Would you get with Piper so she can fit the interviews into her schedule today?”

  “Yes, I’ll give her a call now.”

  “Thank you, Marta,” Bailey said and hung up.

  She put the phone on her nightstand and stared at the ceiling for several minutes before she again rolled over and fell asleep.


  Martin had thoroughly investigated the library and was intrigued to find an enormous assortment of music on CD. Being a music aficionado himself, he was impressed beyond words at the size and selection that Bailey possessed. After perusing her collection for several happy hours, he noted with a touch of humor that she owned not one country music selection. Her tastes very much mirrored his own and he had fallen asleep with the stereo on several hours ago. He awoke to the persistent foot that was periodically nudging his leg and was slightly startled to find Bailey sitting across from him.

  “Uhm… hello,” he said a little groggily.

  “How’s your hand, Mr. Satterfield?” she asked politely.

  “Still hurts, but seems to be healing,” he said honestly.

  “Good, I’m going out but I wanted to give you this,” she said handing him a cell phone and a charger.

  “What’s this for?” he asked curiously.

  “Keep it with you. If it rings, be prepared to get your things together.”

  “Has something happened?” he asked alarmed.

  “No, and I don’t expect anything to happen in the very near future, but I wanted you to be prepared just in case.”

  “Alright,” he said cautiously. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” she said and stood.

  “You look nice, where ya headed this evening?” he said and smiled when she frowned slightly.

  “Would you believe that I’m going country dancing?” she said distastefully and he chuckled.

  “That’s about the last thing I thought you’d say.”

  “Me too,” she admitted but smiled. “Have a good night, Mr. Satterfield.”

  Martin waited until she was out of earshot and whispered. “Be careful, Bailey.”


  She’s got a light around her,

  And everywhere she goes,

  A million dreams of love surround her.

  —B. Joel

  Bailey exited the elevator and repeated the route she had taken to Piper’s office earlier in the day. She nodded politely to the people that she passed and was surprised to find an attractive black woman that she guessed was in her late thirties or early forties sitting at the assistant’s desk in front of Piper’s office. The woman saw her approach and rose from her chair.

  “Miss Cameron, I’m Debra Womack,” she said extending her hand and Bailey shook it politely.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Debra,” she said formally. “Is Piper in?”

  “Yes, she’s expecting you. She told me to tell you to go on in.”

  “Thank you,” Bailey said and rounded the desk to enter Piper’s office.

  Piper looked up from the computer when the door opened and she smiled brightly at Bailey. She was dressed in her customary black, but wore a vest with a Celtic knot pattern in silver embroidery on the front.

  “Howdy, you look great,” she said.

  “Thanks,” Bailey said with a shy look to the floor.

  “Give me a sec to finish this up and we can be on our way,” Piper said as she returned her attention back to the computer.

  “Okay,” Bailey said agreeably and sat down in a chair. “I see you already found someone to your liking.”

  Piper looked up confusedly for a second. “Oh, you mean Debra?”


  “Yeah, the first one was a bit of a battleaxe. But Debra is sweet and has a lot of experience, she seems perfect. She won’t let anyone push her around either.”

  “Great,” Bailey said. “Did you let Marta know not to bother sending out the others?”

  “Yep,” Piper said and stopped what she was doing to level a look at Bailey. “I know Thanksgiving isn’t an Irish holiday, but it’s coming up next week.”

  “Yes, it is,” Bailey said suspiciously.

  Piper took a deep breath. “Do you have any plans for it?” she asked nervously.

  “No,” Bailey said with narrowed eyes. “Why do I get the feeling that you’ve something up your sleeve?”

  “Well, I’m supposed to go home and I’d like you to come with me,” Piper said quickly.

  Bailey’s eyes widened and she sat quietly until Piper couldn’t take it any more and came around the desk to seat herself in the chair across from her. “Please,” she pleaded.

  “Uhm… I’m not sure I’m ready for that, Piper,” Bailey said quietly.

  “My family will love you, Bailey,” Piper said soothingly. “I don’t want you to be alone on the holiday.”

  Bailey thought hard, it was obviously important to Piper and she didn’t want to disappoint her. “How long?”

  “Leave Thursday, come back on Sunday,” Piper answered readily.

  “Where do we stay?”

  “At my parent’s house.”

  “Is that okay with them?”

  “I’m sure they’ll be thrilled that I’m finally bringing someone home,” Piper said with a touch of sarcasm. “But if you say yes, I’ll call them tonight.”

  “I dunno, Piper,” Bailey said uncertainly. “I wouldn’t know how to act.”

  “Just be yourself,” Piper said.

  “How do you plan on getting there?”

  “I thought we’d fly,” Piper said with an emphasis on the ‘we’.

  “Alright,” Bailey said reluctantly drawing out the word. “But I have to make the travel arrangements,” she added hastily.

  “Deal,” Piper said in delight, hopping from her seat. She gave Bailey a quick peck on the cheek and walked around the desk to sit back in her chair. “I’ll call my Mom tonight, she’ll be excited,” she said happily as she logged off the computer.

  Bailey sat very still and wondered worriedly if she had made the right decision. Raising her eyes to look at Piper happily smiling behind her desk, she knew that she had chosen correctly.

  Piper tapped the speakerphone. “Debra?”


  “I’m leaving for the day, I’ll see you on Monday.”

  “Alright, Piper. Have a good weekend.”

  “Thanks, you too,” Piper said cheerily and disconnected.

  “You ready?” Piper asked with a look at Bailey.

  “Yeah,” Bailey said.

  “Let’s go,” Piper said rising from her c
hair to put on her jacket and to collect her purse.

  As they walked together toward the elevator, Bailey was keenly aware of several lingering glances shot in their direction and idly wondered if having made an appearance twice in one day would add material to the rumor mill. Not that she cared on her own behalf, but it might end up affecting Piper and that would be totally unacceptable. She decided to let the subject pass when she glanced sideways at her companion and noted that the woman seemed totally oblivious to anything out of the ordinary.

  As soon as they entered the elevator Piper curled an arm under Bailey’s and beamed a smile in her direction. “Nancy dropped me off this morning on her way to the airport, so my car is at home.”

  “Okay,” Bailey said slowly noting the expectant look directed at her.

  “So do I get to drive?” Piper asked sweetly.

  “Sure,” Bailey chuckled.

  The elevator opened and Piper let go of her arm, following her through the lobby to the private door that led to her garage, where she produced a keycard to gain entrance, leading her down a short hall and through another door before they descended a short flight of steps into the garage.

  Piper looked around curiously, noting the presence of another car in the garage.

  “Is that what I think it is?” she asked walking over for a closer examination. “My brother would try and steal you away from me just for your cars. What year is this?”

  “1970,” Bailey answered.

  “A GTO Judge with a 455 Super Duty,” Piper drooled, running her hands down the fender. “Can we take this one?” she asked hopefully.

  “If you’d like,” Bailey said with a smile as Piper nodded vigorously.

  “What’s with you and rare black muscle cars?” she asked curiously.

  Bailey shrugged and tossed her the keys.

  “Let’s rumble,” Piper said happily as she got in behind the wheel.

  Bailey sat down in the passenger seat and hit the remote for the garage door. As soon as Piper backed out, she closed the door and put on her seat belt, smiling at Piper who was bouncing in her seat excitedly.

  “Can we abstain from ludicrous speed this time?”

  Piper sighed. “Killjoy,” she said with a pout. “Why don’t you drive this one?”

  “I do from time to time, but the Barracuda is my favorite.”

  “Hmmm,” Piper grunted as she navigated the car through the parking garage and onto the street.

  “You disagree?” Bailey asked.

  “I’d have to engage ludicrous speed to make up my mind,” Piper said with a smile.

  “Oh, alright,” Bailey gave in. “But you have to wait until we’re out of traffic.”

  “Heh, heh, heh,” Piper cackled.


  “Zack, what the fuck are you doing?” Russell asked when the car started and began to follow the GTO.

  “I’m keeping our target under surveillance, scabby,” Zack said condescendingly.

  “That’s not her car.”

  “Sure it is, didn’t you read the dossier, scabby?” Zack said. “She has several cars registered to her. One of which is a 1970 Pontiac GTO.”

  “Would you please stop calling me that?” Russell asked angrily.

  “Sure, whatever you want, scabby,” Zack said smiling. “If you took off the Band-Aid it would heal faster.”

  “Just shut up, we’re in enough trouble as it is.” Russell sulked.

  “True, but I think it was worth every second of the ass chewing we got this morning,” Zack said happily.

  “I’m glad you think so,” Russell said tenderly probing his bandaged nose.

  He yelped in pain a second later when Zack accelerated hard enough to force him to painfully poke his wounded extremity.

  “What the fuck?” he yelled.

  “Shit,” Zack said as their target suddenly squealed away in the distance, slowing gradually when he saw the GTO coming to a stop for a red light. “Sorry, she’s just fucking around.”

  “This is ridiculous, she could lose us anytime she wants,” Russell whined.

  “True,” Zack agreed.

  “I don’t see why they just don’t move on her,” Russell wondered aloud.

  “Russell, I hope this ordeal just ends peacefully. My spirit guide tells me that a confrontation with that woman would be extraordinarily bad.”

  “Why do you say that?” Russell asked curiously.

  “Just a feeling I have.”

  “Hmmm,” Russell grunted thoughtfully. “That reminds me, her and that redhead are obviously a couple, why haven’t you mentioned that in your reports?”

  “I dunno,” Zack said honestly. “It just strikes me as the wrong thing to do.”


  “It just does, you’d better call in her movement.”

  “Alright,” Russell said reaching for his cell phone.

  Zack listened quietly as Russell called it in and waited until he got off the phone to speak. “She’s headed for the girlfriend’s house again.”

  “Cool, and its Friday night too, think we’ll get to see some action?” Russell asked hopefully.

  “You’re a horny little bastard, scabby,” Zack said amused.

  “Like you aren’t?” Russell said accusingly. “Night scope in the backseat?”

  “Of course.”

  “Good, since you won last time I get first chance at it tonight,” Russell proclaimed.

  “You know better than that,” Zack said as the GTO pulled into the driveway and he pulled over to the curb to park.

  “The redhead was driving,” Russell said as he observed the two women get out of the car.

  “Yep.” Zack confirmed with his own eyes as he watched them go into the house. “Let’s wait and see if they go out before we call it in.”

  “Alright,” Russell said. “I want four out of five this time.”

  “Russell, you can’t break such a long standing tradition just because you suck at the game,” Zack explained as if speaking to a child.

  Russell sighed. “Fine, let’s get it over with,” he said turning in his seat.

  Less than thirty seconds later, Russell sulked while Zack chuckled merrily at his expense.

  “You’re so fucking predictable, scabby,” Zack laughed. “Why in the hell do you always choose rock?”

  “Shut up,” Russell said as Zack continued to irritatingly chuckle at him.


  “Make yourself at home,” Piper said as she threw her purse on the coffee table. “I’ll hop in the shower.”

  “Alright,” Bailey said agreeably. “Nancy gonna be gone long?”

  “Four days is what she said.”

  “What’s in the upstairs room?” Bailey asked curiously.

  “There’s a piano up there, but mostly storage.”

  “Can I see it?”

  “Sure, do you play?” Piper asked curiously.

  “A little, do you mind if I go up there while you’re in the shower?”

  “Not at all,” Piper said with a smile. “I’ll be ready in a bit.”

  “Okay,” Bailey smiled back and watched as Piper padded down the hall. She puttered around in the living room until she heard the water start running and headed upstairs.


  Piper got out of the shower and was drying herself off when she heard the music. She wrapped the towel around her and opened the door so she could hear better, smiling when she got an earful of the notes wafting down the stairs.

  “A little, she says,” she whispered shaking her in amusement.

  She recognized the tune as Mozart but couldn’t pin down the title. However, she knew enough about the piano from years of childhood practice to know it as a vastly complicated piece of music. It was apparent that Bailey could play it flawlessly. She leaned against the doorjamb and wondered just how many secrets the woman upstairs had. She stood thoughtfully in place until she heard the piece finish and another one start before she padded down the hal
l to her bedroom and closed the door. Still wrapped in the towel, she sat down on the edge of the bed and picked up the phone.

  “Hi, Mom,” she said as soon it was answered.

  “Hi, sweetie. I’m glad you called. Are you coming home next week?”

  “Yes, would you and Dad mind if I brought someone with me?”

  “Really?” came the intrigued inquiry. “Someone important?”

  “Yes,” Piper said rolling her eyes.

  “Well, I would be thrilled,” her mother said. “I’ll ask your Dad, hold on.”

  Piper nervously chewed on her pinky nail until her mother got back on the phone.

  “Sure, bring her home,” her mother said happily. “Tell me about her.”

  “What would like to know, Mom?” Piper winced.

  “Everything. You’ve never brought anyone home before,” her mother chided and Piper sighed.

  “She’s thirty-one and Irish,” Piper said slowly.

  “And?” her mother prodded.

  “And she’s very special to me.”

  “I guessed that much. Is she pretty?”

  “She’s beautiful,” she said and heard her father’s voice in the background.

  “Your father wants to know if she’s Catholic,” her mother said and she ground her teeth.

  “I’d assume so, she’s from Northern Ireland,” she said. “Mom, listen. She’s very shy around people and I know she’s scared about staying there, so could you tell everyone to take it easy with her?”

  “Don’t piss me off, Piper,” her mother said warningly. “Everyone will be on their best behavior.”

  “I’m sorry, but I can tell she’s more worked up about it than she’s letting on,” Piper said contritely.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. She’ll be fine,” her mother consoled. “What’s she do for a living?”

  “She owns the corporation I work for.”

  “Really? She must be loaded,” her mother said happily. “Nice catch, dear,” she teased and Piper flopped back on the bed in exasperation.

  “Mom,” Piper groaned.

  “Lighten up,” her mother said. “Listen, I have to finish dinner, why don’t you call in a couple of days and let us know when we need to pick you up?”


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