A Quarter-Back's Pluck: A Story of College Football

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A Quarter-Back's Pluck: A Story of College Football Page 40

by Lester Chadwick



  _12mo. Cloth. Illustrated. Jacket in Colors_

  _=Price per volume, $1.00, postpaid=_

  _This is a new line of stories for boys, by the author of the BoyRanchers series. The Bob Dexter books are of the character that may becalled detective stories, yet they are without the objectionablefeatures of the impossible characters and absurd situations that mark somany of the books in that class. These stories deal with the up-to-dateadventures of a normal, healthy lad who has a great desire to solvemysteries._

  1. BOB DEXTER AND THE CLUB-HOUSE MYSTERY _or The Missing Golden Eagle_

  This story tells how the Boys' Athletic Club was despoiled of itstrophies in a strange manner, and how, among other things stolen, wasthe Golden Eagle mascot. How Bob Dexter turned himself into an amateurdetective and found not only the mascot, but who had taken it, makesinteresting and exciting reading.

  2. BOB DEXTER AND THE BEACON BEACH MYSTERY _or The Wreck of the Sea Hawk_

  When Bob and his chum went to Beacon Beach for their summer vacation,they were plunged, almost at once, into a strange series of events, notthe least of which was the sinking of the Sea Hawk. How some men triedto get the treasure off the sunken vessel, and how Bob and his chumfoiled them, and learned the secret of the lighthouse, form a greatstory.

  3. BOB DEXTER AND THE STORM MOUNTAIN MYSTERY _or The Secret of the Log Cabin_

  Bob Dexter came upon a man mysteriously injured and befriended him. Thisled the young detective into the swirling midst of a series of strangeevents and into the companionship of strange persons, not the least ofwhom was the man with the wooden leg. But Bob got the best of thisvindictive individual, and solved the mystery of the log cabin, showinghis friends how the secret entrance to the house was accomplished.

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