The Kings Fire

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The Kings Fire Page 14

by Leilani Love

  As he watched Angyalka run across the backyard, his face instantly softened. He couldn’t help but smile as she gave one of his guards a hard time. Her name might mean Angel in Hungarian, but he was pretty sure the guard chasing her, thought she was anything but.

  There was a knock on the door, then Scott walked in. He looked at Aithne before glancing at Viktor and raising an eyebrow. Aithne glanced at him over her shoulder. “Can I get my maps from the car?”

  “Scott, take Aithne to get her maps and whatever else she needs. Make sure she doesn’t grab any weapons or try anything.”

  Scott gestured for Aithne to walk in front of him and she snorted. “Scaredy-cat.” she muttered before leaving with Scott.

  Chase watched Viktor carefully and when Aithne and Scott were both gone, he cleared his throat. “Are you sure we can trust her, Viktor?”

  Shaking his head, Viktor rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t know.” He watched Chase’s face to gauge his reaction. “Are you okay with helping her?”

  Chase shrugged. “I never had any siblings, but I’ve seen V with hers. I know she would do anything for them. And those girls would do anything for her. It’s amazing. Plus, Violca thinks you have the hots for her.” Chase flashed a grin that told Viktor he found the entire thing amusing.

  Viktor shook his head. “There used to be a time when a king’s subjects showed him some respect.”

  Chase’s head threw back as he bellowed out a hearty laugh. “That was probably before any of your subjects watched two little girls wrap you around their fingers like you were their favorite play thing.”

  Before Viktor could respond, the door opened and Aithne came in carrying a folder overflowing with paperwork. Scott closed the door behind them. Aithne carried all the paperwork over to the desk and put everything down in front of Chase. She then pulled out a map, opening it and spreading it over the entire desktop.

  Viktor watched as she began to twirl her hair around her finger unconsciously, before pointing to a location. “This is where I was thinking, since I would be alone. I had also looked at this spot here.” She pointed to a spot about an hour away with higher ground. “I think this would be better if I had help.”

  Viktor listened as they spoke about the advantages and disadvantages of different locations. Vampires, like dragons, had fantastic hearing and sight. The goal was to be able to pick a spot that would give them the best advantage, as well as hide them even with the vampire king’s sight.

  Chapter 32

  Aithne straightened up. She was good at strategy, but she had to admit, Chase sure did give her a run for her money. About a hundred miles from Lazzaro’s place, there was an open field. The hill in that field was where Aithne would meet with Lazzaro to get her sister back. Surrounding that field were some dense trees and a mountain to the left. Far enough away that the vampires couldn’t use it to their advantage, but the dragons could.

  Picking up the phone she looked at Viktor who was watching her intently. Turning her back on him she called Lazzaro. “I have him. I want to set up a meeting.”

  Lazzaro chuckled at the other end of the phone. “You’re later than I expected, Cara Mia. What took you so long?” Hearing a small growl she looked up at Viktor. She raised an eyebrow at him, and he swore softly before turning away.

  Aithne rolled her eyes. “Well, if you could have done it faster, you should have.”

  “There’s that spirit I love. How long till you get here?”

  “Oh Lazzaro, you don’t think I’m stupid enough to meet you in your home and trust you to give me my sister, do you?”

  “You wound me Aithne, I would never betray you, my dear.”

  “I’ll text you the exact coordinates tomorrow. Have my sister and come alone.”

  Before he could reply, Aithne hung up the phone, tossing it to Chase. “Don’t text him the coordinates until just before sun set tomorrow. He’ll have time to send out a few of his guards, but won’t have enough time for them to get into any strategic positions or plan an attack.”

  Chase raised an eyebrow at her, and she smiled at the look on his face. “Please.”

  “You know he won’t come alone.” Chase responded, ignoring her earlier command.

  “True. But he expects me to tell him not to come alone. No one ever does, but that doesn’t mean we can’t ask.”

  Chase smiled at that, and she felt her shoulders relax. Aithne wasn’t sure what she should expect. Especially after she knocked him out and tried to kidnap him. She had to give him credit, except for being a little standoffish, he was treating her way better than she felt she deserved.

  Chase got up. “I need to talk to V, then talk to a few of the men to finalize the plan for tomorrow.”

  Viktor nodded. “Make sure to get me after you finish with Violca.”

  Chase walked out the door, leaving the two of them alone. Aithne turned to see Viktor watching her. His eyes were dark pools of sexiness that made her feel like she could drown in them. She found herself fighting the urge to go to him. “Does this mean you trust me, and I’m no longer to be kept under your personal guard?”

  At the sound of his snort, Aithne found herself fighting a smile. Her lips actually twitched. Instead, she cleared her throat to keep herself from giving in to the urge.

  “Why you?” Viktor asked her.

  “Why me, what?” Aithne replied, raising an eyebrow.

  “Why did Lazzaro choose you to kidnap Chase? It wasn’t because he thought you could seduce him. So, why you?”

  Aithne winced when he pointed out she couldn’t have seduced Chase. Compared to Violca, her figure more closely resembled a teenage boy. “Maybe Lazzaro didn’t know Chase well enough to know I couldn’t seduce him.” Aithne almost swore out loud when she heard the pout in her voice.

  Viktor was in front of her so fast she could only blink, never having seen him move. His hand came up to her face, gently tracing her cheek. “Dragon’s never stray from there mate, no matter how beautiful the woman. Why did he send you, my fiery one?”

  Aithne felt her heart beat pick up and when he glanced down at the base of her neck she knew he could see it. Her eyes wanted to close, and her body wanted to lean into his touch. “He sent me because I’m very good at hunting my prey and returning with it. Since I’m a female, and human, most of you supernaturals dismiss me. Gives a girl a great advantage.”

  Viktor smiled at her. A true smile, his eyes twinkling. “Only a fool would dismiss you.”

  “But you, like the rest, underestimated me.”

  He grinned. “A mistake I will never make again, I assure you my dear.”

  Licking her lips at his words, she noticed how his eyes left hers and fixated on her lips. His eyes began to darken more and she felt herself wanting to close the small distance between them. “Why do I have a funny feeling there’s more that you aren’t telling me?”

  Taking a step away from him she walked to one of the windows. “Maybe you’re reading too much into it. Maybe since I’m human, he just saw me as… someone who could be easily replaced.”

  Without looking, she was aware that Viktor was now standing behind her. He was close enough that she could feel his heat, but not quite close enough that he was touching her. “If that’s true, then he’s a bigger idiot than I ever thought he was.”

  Surprised by his words, she looked over her shoulder and up at him. Viktor’s eyes almost seemed to be glowing. Having to actually look up at him made her feel small and feminine. Every inch of her was aware of him, and she felt her breath catch.

  Viktor leaned in and her eyes closed. His breath was on her lips, and she whimpered when he didn’t kiss her. Her eyes slowly opened and met his. He smiled as if he were just teasing her. Deciding two could play that game, she slowly licked her lips and was rewarded when she saw his eyes focus on her tongue. Aithne pushed her hips back just a little, causing her ass to brush against his groin, and when he let out a groan of his own, she smiled before stepping away.

  Aithne tried to keep the smile off her face when she heard him growl. Her shoulders were forced back, pushing her breasts out as far as they would go as she walked around the desk, pretending to look at the maps again. She could see Viktor out of the corner of her eye, his body tense as he stood there, watching her every move with an aching hunger in his eyes.

  The room was so quiet, she could hear the door knob turning. Chase stepped in and stopped, Violca running into his back. Chase’s eyebrow shot up, glancing at Viktor then at Aithne. She saw a small smirk play across his lips. “I hope we’re not interrupting anything?”

  Violca stepped around Chase and Aithne saw the confusion on her face until she looked at Viktor. She smiled brightly at Aithne. “I have a funny feeling we’re here just in time.”

  The look on Violca’s face told Aithne that she had picked up on Viktor’s sudden foul mood and knew she was the cause of it. Based on the smile on her face, she was enjoying it. “Chase tells me you came up with a plan to get your sister. Since we’re now on the same side, I think we need to have a talk.” Aithne noticed her looking over shoulder and she glanced to see Viktor watching them with a scowl on his face. “We’re going to the kitchen so we can eat.”

  Aithne tried hard not to smile at the little witch in front of her who grabbed her hand before turning her back on Viktor and leading her out the door. Once the door was closed, Violca let out a giggle as she continued to pull her down the hall toward the kitchen.

  When they got to the kitchen, Violca walked over to the fridge and released her hand. Aithne watched her for a moment, before reaching up to unconsciously twirl a strand of her hair. Violca turned and looked up at her. “I’m sorry.” Aithne blurted out.

  Violca’s eyes widen at her sudden announcement, then she smiled. “I understand. I have four sisters I would give my life for, and I thought about what I would do if I was in your shoes. You didn’t know us, we didn’t know you. I believe I would’ve probably done the same thing.”

  Aithne nodded, unable to say anything. Violca closed the fridge and opened the freezer. “I think you look like you need some ice cream. We have chocolate, cookie dough and some kind of brownie batter kind.”

  “Chocolate works.”

  Violca grabbed two pints of ice cream and then grabbed two spoons. Handing her one of the pints and a spoon, she led her out to the dining room. “My mother used to say that nothing tasted better than ice cream from the container.”

  Aithne smiled and sat across the table from her. Part of getting close to random people, was learning how to read them. She never would have ever thought Violca would forgive her so easily. “Why are you being so nice to me?”

  Violca bit down on her lower lip as she opened her ice cream, taking a small bite before she finally looked up at her. “Angel said you’re important to our family.”

  “So because your sister said I was important, you forgive me and are being way nicer to me then I deserve?”

  Violca shrugged, taking another bite of her ice cream. “I learned a long time ago to trust my sisters. I trust them and they trust me.” Taking another bite of her ice cream Violca smiled at her tilting her head, “Having said that, if you ever mess with my family again, I will make you pay.”

  Aithne threw back her head and laughed. When she was done she took the lid off her own ice cream. “Deal.”

  Chapter 33

  Viktor watched Violca and Aithne walk out of the room before turning to look at Chase who raised his hands in the air. “Don’t look at me, Violca does what she wants.”

  Viktor snorted. “Learn to control your mate.”

  Chase laughed, clapping him on the back. “Heaven help me if I ever tried.”

  Viktor took a seat in the chair behind his desk. The look on Chase’s face told him he loved Violca just the way she was. Shaking his head he looked over the map on his desk. “Do you think Aithne’s going to try to betray us again?”

  Chase leaned against the wall, his golden brown eyes meeting Viktor’s as he shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s hard to trust someone who just tranquilized you, but her plan seems solid. The places we talked about should give us the best vantage point.”

  Viktor found himself agreeing. He leaned back in his chair, his eyes going to the window. Despite everything, his dragon still trusted her and wanted her in a way it had never wanted anyone else. His first obligation was to his people, that had never been an issue. But he loved that she stood up to him and even when she was being ‘docile’ she still stood her ground.

  Hearing a soft knock at the door, he called out “Enter.” Looking up, he was surprised to see Kassandra with Scott. She smiled, shaking her head when she looked at him. “You don’t think I’m going to let you guys go alone, do you? Besides, I’m curious to watch Chase as she tries to hand him over.”

  “Thanks Kat, I’ll remember that.” Chase said, chuckling as he glanced over at her.

  Viktor looked at Kassandra, thinking about the plan. “I’m glad you were able to come back. You can get the closest to her sister and pull her to safety when the fighting starts.”

  Kassandra nodded. “Speaking of which, where’s your hostage?”

  Rubbing the back of his neck, Viktor wondered why everyone found this subject so funny. Kassandra had a straight face but her cat like eyes were twinkling as if she were laughing at him. “She’s with Violca.”

  Kassandra’s lips curved up in a smile and her eyes turned to Chase. They shared a look and Viktor shook his head mumbling, “Traitors.”

  Scott laughed as he sat down in one of the chairs. “So, how many guys are going with us and how many are going to be hanging back?”

  Viktor looked over the map. In human form, he could hide more people easier than he could if they came as dragons. The guards hanging back would shift, then fly out to where the fight was taking place. “I think ten total out there, the rest hanging back further. I was thinking another ten or so. We aren’t giving Lazzaro enough time to get his army in place.”

  Scott nodded. Viktor had already told Scott he would be in the field. It would take him longer as a panther to join the fight than one of the dragons. Viktor knew Eryk would also want to join them, but they decided it would be best if he stayed with the guards. With the twenty going to meet with Lazzaro, that would leave only five guards at the house. He didn’t like leaving that few at home with the sisters. They would all need to stand guard near the house. Eryk would be inside with the girls.

  Chase shook his head. “I’m a little surprised Lazzaro joined up with your brother.”

  “I don’t think he did. I haven’t heard his name mentioned in any of the meetings I’ve managed to sneak into.” Kassandra replied before continuing, “Did you do something to piss Lazzaro off?"

  Viktor almost laughed when Chase frowned, as he actually thought it over. “I don’t think so.”

  Scott laughed. “In other words, he doesn’t remember.”

  Viktor stood up, glancing at the door, wondering what Aithne and Violca were doing. “I have a hard time believing that Lazzaro suddenly wants Chase after he happened to mate with Violca. We have to assume it’s about the girls until we’re sure otherwise.”

  Everyone nodded and he turned and walked toward the door. “Where are you going?” Kassandra asked, and without even looking at her, he knew she had that smirk on her face.

  “There’s one thing I still don’t know, and I think it’s about time I find out.”

  Walking out of his office, he debated about where Violca would have gone. Up to their suites, or toward the kitchen. Making a guess he walked to the kitchen, figuring if they aren’t there and he runs into someone, he can always say he was getting food. His dragon snorted in his head and he wondered when he had started to feel the need to make excuses in his own house.

  He stopped when he heard talking coming from the dining room, and let his dragon come to the surface, just enough that he could better hear what was being said.

  “Both my sisters ten
d to get themselves in trouble. Every time I tell myself I’m done rescuing them…” he heard Aithne’s voice trail off and he could imagine Violca reassuring her.

  “They’re your sisters and...” That was the last thing he heard before he heard Angyalka squeal and run toward him. Not wanting to get caught eavesdropping, he walked toward the kitchen slowly so she could catch up to him.

  In the kitchen, Angyalka quickly opened the door behind him, yelling happily, “Viktor, Viktor!” as she jumped into his arms.

  A small laugh escaped him as he caught her, picking her up. “Yes Angel, what can I do for you?”

  “What were you doing?”

  Viktor tweaked her nose. “I came to get something to eat. I’m hungry.”

  Angyalka grinned up at him. “Want to make me a sandwich?”

  Putting her down, he made them both sandwiches and listened to her prattle on about the guards and how they are making them stay near the house. When he was finished, he put the sandwiches on plates.

  Grabbing her plate, Angyalka walked toward the dining room door. Following her with his own plate, he let her lead them through the doorway. As they walked in, Violca smiled at them both, and he looked between her and Aithne. He almost chuckled when he saw them both eating ice cream.

  “Viktor made me a sandwich.” Angyalka announced, taking a seat next to Aithne at the table.

  Violca smiled, as she raised an eyebrow. “I see that.” Her eyes sparkled with laughter.

  Taking the seat at the head of the table, he shrugged. “I was hungry.”

  Violca snorted and he noticed Aithne’s eyebrow go up as if she was wondering what Violca found so funny. Ignoring them both, he took a bite of his sandwich and was thankful when Angel began to chatter.

  Violca leaned back in her seat, rubbing her belly. “So full!” she said with a small laugh.

  Pushing her ice cream away with a grin, Aithne nodded. “Yeah, I’m done too.”

  They both rose and Viktor looked up between the two, then grabbed a hold of Aithne’s arm. “Go back to my office and wait for me.”


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