Freak Show

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Freak Show Page 6

by Richards, J

  His hands waste no time in wrapping around my body. One pressing against my lower back and the other takes a hand full of my ass. He squeezes my cheek so tight I whimper, which pulls another growl from his sexy throat. Those big hands of his press me against his hard body and I look up into his eyes. He holds me like he owns me.

  Light eyelashes brush against his cheeks as he looks down at me. His lips move as if he wants to speak but then close again, making it seem like he doesn’t know what to say. I smile softly and stroke my fingertips across his scratchy jaw. He grabs my wrist and brings my fingers to his lips. He kisses them softly before opening his mouth and nipping the pads of my fingers.

  The feeling sends turmoil and confusion to my overworked nerves. “Chaos,” I whisper breathlessly and he chuckles.

  “I’ve missed you, too, my sweet Serenity.” His voice still sounds like a growl when he speaks. He turns me around so that I’m facing the crowd with my ass meeting his thighs. He is so much taller than me that when I tip my head back and into his lower shoulder I’m looking up directly at his jaw.

  Chaos nuzzles his chin against my cheek, his rough stubble scratching against my skin. I moan lightly hoping he’ll leave a bit of a red blush on my cheeks from his cuddling. He lowers his head to bring his mouth to my ear while his massive hands slip up the front of my corset, stopping on my ribs just under my tits. “You’ve interrupted my show, Serenity. Now you’ll have to be a part of it.”

  “OK,” I whisper back, pressing my body into his front. My brain screams that I don’t know him, but every cell in my body wants his touch. Needs it like I need air to breathe. I have no idea how I knew his name. I only know that it describes exactly how I’ve felt since we began this trip and looking at him caused the word to slip off my tongue like I’ve said it a thousand times in the past.


  The solid weight of his hand against my ribs is hot in every sense of the word. Veins line the backs of his hand and I want to lick every life giving line until I know each and every pathway to his heart. His flesh is searing against the leather of my corset. It feels as if even after the garment is removed, his hand print will still be embedded in my skin.

  I wiggle slightly in his hold. My ass is flush against his thighs and I grind until I find the telltale ridge that lets me know I have the same effect on him as he does on me. His hand flexes against where he’s holding me in response to my bold grinding.

  “Fuck,” He groans and moves both hands to my hips. His lips brush the shell of my ear as he speaks to me low enough that only I can hear him. “I’ve been able tosmell you since you walked through the mist. It’s been torture waiting for you to find me.” His fingers pinch into my skin as he lifts me up and turns me around to face him while I’m in the air.

  I feel weightless and yet my lower belly feels so heavy. He sits back down in the chair with my legs falling to either side of his outer thighs. Shamelessly, my pelvis grinds into his. The crowd is quiet as they watch and wait for what will happen.

  I’m waiting, too. Waiting and wanting. He leans close to me and trails his nose up the side of my throat. “Why didn’t you come and find me?” I ask softly as my hands begin to unbutton his dress shirt. My chin lifts as I tilt my head to the side. His breath is hot as he exhales near my hairline and goosebumps of arousal spread out down my arms.

  “That’s not how it works.” His head shakes a little and his hips lift under me to let my front feel the erection that I had caressed with my ass. “I’ll explain when we’re off this stage. I have to give the ladies what they came for, when all I want to do is love you.” He leans back and is looking so deeply into my eyes I feel like he is already a part of me. “I need to love you, fuck you and make you mine. Right. Now.”

  His words bring out the whore in me and I moan deeply. At this moment I don’t care who watches, I only want him to do exactly as he says he wishes. “Please, yes.” I whine and rip at his shirt when I can’t seem to undo the last few buttons. “Fuck me, Chaos.”

  “Such a dirty little thing in this lifetime, I see.” He chuckles gently and holds my ass with one hand while the other hand braces the chair under him and he slides us to the floor. My knees bump the stage and I lean down to kiss his shoulder while shoving his shirt to the side. He tastes so fucking good on my lips. “Be a good girl for me, Serenity.”

  With that he rolls us over until my back is flat on the stage floor and he lifts into a push up position above me. Like a perfect male stripper, he rolls his spine to dry hump my crotch. I spread my legs and thrust my hips up to meet him, but he slides away from me.

  Chaos glides down my body without touching me until his face in pressed high against my inner thigh. I feel him inhale my scent and with a nose full of my sex he jumps up to his feet.

  I’m left panting on the floor and push myself up to my elbows to watch him. Facing the crowd to tease them and give them their show, Chaos lets the rest of his shirt and suit jacket slink to the floor and his body moves to the music. He’s easily one hundred times sexier than the six men that had been up here before him, and the women in the crowd are practically breaking down the stage to get in my position. His shoulders are broad and thick with muscles that taper down to his slim waist and hips. I’m not usually an ass girl, but his ass is so fine its begging me to bite it. I press my lips together to keep from crawling over to him and doing just that.

  From behind me three more dancers come onto the stage in different stages of undress. Each one built for sin and oozing charisma. They dance past me and jump off the stage to push the crowd of ladies back. The women throw themselves against the three who receive them welcomingly. Joyous yelling and bold moans vibrate the air as I shift my body to sit on my knees and my ass lowers to my spiked heels.

  Chaos slowly turns to face me and our eyes meet. He winks before looking over his shoulder and lowering his slacks below his ass. He’s wearing white boxer briefs and his cock is perfectly outlined in the fitted material. My mouth waters and my hands move to the stage. I can’t see his ass from here, but I know it’s firm and perfect just as I suspected, judging by the squeals of delight coming from the crowd. His pants drop to the floor when his hips grind against the air between us.

  Stepping out of his pants he walks toward me, I’m still on all fours and cat crawl to him. We meet in the center of the stage and he grabs the pile of messy hair on top of my head and shoves my face into his hip. Chaos’ fingers are gentle, but firm, as they dig deeper into my hair and clench closed. His cock rubs my nose and I nuzzle against him. I don’t know who I am with this man, I just know it all feels so good. I want his cock more than I’ve ever wanted anything, but it’s not just that. I want all of him, to know him and to love him.

  I let my tongue snake out and lick around the outline of his cockhead. A pained moan leaves his lips and a thrill zips through my body. This man is mine and has been for longer than I’ve known. I need him more than I’ve needed anything in my life, no matter how unrealistic my feelings seem.

  Above us the moon’s light is blocked again and in the darkness he bends down to lift me from under my arms. I rush to get my feet under me but before I’m able to stand, he picks me up like a groom carrying his bride over the threshold of their new home and heads for the back of the stage. The curtain begins to drop as we pass under it and more dancer’s line up for the next number.

  He keeps going, deeper into the backstage area where all the setup happens. His face is focused ahead of us and even though I want his hands all over me, I’m content just watching his profile as he carries me. We move down hallways and through rooms until we get to a large closed door. He kicks it open with his bare foot and inside is what appears to be a big office. A big occupied office.

  Three desks piled with papers and office paraphernalia take up a good chunk of the room, but it’s the people inside that surprise me. Pandora is there at the first desk and two more women sit on a couch in front of a TV with a game system playing on the screen.
Four young men who look similar to Chaos are battling with controllers and yelling at the TV and each other. When we enter the room everything stops and all eyes are on us. The four boys jump to their feet and they are standing at attention like little soldiers.

  “Serenity!” Pandora pounces as Chaos sets me down on my feet. In only his boxers, Chaos hugs my back to his hard chest and holds me close. “You found him.” Pandora’s face is beaming with happiness then she hugs me and Chaos together.

  “I guess, I did.” I pat her shoulder as she squeezes me. When she backs away I look over my shoulder to Chaos. “I’m so confused.” He grunts and kisses my temple.

  “Let’s sit down and I’ll do what I can to explain.” The two females on the couch get up to make room for us and hurry to the door. The girl with light blonde hair smiles at me like girls do when they have been invited to a wedding for their best friend, but the other girl seems sour. Her hair is long and a deep, deep brown. Her eyes squint toward me and her mouth is pinched tightly as if she wants to say something but knows it won’t be welcomed.

  “I’ll make coffee.” Pandora grins and pushes the two girls the rest of the way out of the door as they all leave the office. The four young men are still standing tall with their long arms down by their side.

  “Thank you,” Chaos says and pulls me towards the couch where he sits before he places me sideways on his lap. My hands move to his jaw and his hand gently rubs up and down my thigh. “You’re dismissed.” He says loudly and firmly. All four sets of heels clap together before they turn and in one line leave the room as well. Finally, we are alone and my belly flutters with excitement and burning need.

  “My friends,” suddenly I remember I’m not really here alone. “They’ll be so worried about me. I have to go back.” I try to stand up but he squeezes my thigh to keep me in place.

  “Pandora will get them, sweetheart. I need to keep you close. I’ve missed you so much.” Pain fills his words and I know he means them. He lowers his forehead to mine and the pads of my fingers scratch against his rough jaw.

  “I feel insane.” My hands leave his face to cradle my own head as I pull away from him a little bit. “I don’t remember meeting you before, but everything in me says I know you, no.” I peek up at him. “That I need you.”

  “You are mine, Serenity. You always have been.” Again his hand moves up and down my thigh. The flesh under his calloused hand feels like it’s vibrating with excitement. “I’ll tell you about us, but I need to feel you.” His tone is rough again and his hand skims up my inner thighs. Without thought, I open my legs for his seeking hands. Chaos presses forward and his fingers find the edge of my panties.

  Instead of moving them to the side and jamming his fingers into me like I hoped he would, he just traces the elastic that keeps my panties from falling off my legs. Up and down the apex of my thigh his fingers move, until I’m dizzy with need. “Please,” I whimper and push my legs open even more.

  “Just let it build Serenity. It’s been so long since I could touch you, please don’t make me rush. I want to savor how fucking hot your cunt is.” My body tightens with his words and I feel my pussy slickening in preparation for whatever he wants to do to me. “I want to watch every shiver race through your body.” As if to prove his point he drags his finger up the center of my pussy and straight up over my clit. The gentle pressure on my bundle of tightly coiled nerves makes me shudder and he groans in appreciation. “That’s its sweetheart. Let me watch you as I remind you of who we are.” I can’t think of any words to speak so my head bobs in agreement.

  “I’ve prowled this earth since before there was a way to measure time. I didn’t find my human form until your race was created. In my wolf form, I was free to hunt and do as I pleased. I didn’t care about anything other than my pack, keeping them safe and fed. Our breed of wolf has always been rare. We are spirit wolves. The only white wolf known to our native lands. My father was the first and gave life to our small pack. We have grown over the centuries but there are only about four hundred of us in the world today.” He begins to pluck the pins from my hair with his other hand as he tells me this story that I feel like I’ve heard before. His fingers tease my hair from the pile it was in. He continues to speak and trace the seam of my pussy at the same time.

  “Pandora, my sister and my Beta, is the next in command of the pack. But she wasn’t always. My brother Din and I took over the pack after our father was killed during a routine hunt. Din wanted to lead our pack like a king ruling slaves, and hated my idea of community choice. We argued for days after father’s death and even physically challenged each other, but we were too closely matched. Both of us young and fit and willing to die for our own ideas of what was best for the pack. During that time our pack split when we couldn’t come to a compromise, and Din became my rival instead of my brother. A few wolves in the lower ranks had chosen to follow him, hoping to jump the chain of command by joining his new pack.”

  “That must have hurt the entire pack.” I whispered with a shaky breath, his finger is now drawing random patterns over the thin material of my panties which quickly woke every nerve ending in my pussy lips. He nods with a lopsided smile.

  “It did, but we were still stronger, more unified, than Din’s new pack. We forced them to a new territory and, for a while, things were fine. Life seemed to be going back to normal, until a small group of humans wandered into our area.” His hands still play in my hair but his eyes are less focused on me. The combination of his hand teasing my skull and his lazy fingers waking my pussy has me dizzy. He doesn’t seem to be paying attention to how he is touching me anymore, as if he is seeing the past while he retells his story.

  “That was the first night I shifted. I didn’t have any idea what was happening. In human form, I stumbled through my woods in search of a way back to my wolf. In the middle of the night, I ran in to Din, who had also shifted. For the first time since the split, we walked together in hopes of figuring out this weird change. That’s how we found the human camp. We stayed hidden in the woods and watched. They were so strange to us. These figures that stood upright and crowded around a fire talking in a language we have never heard. They wore clothes made of animal fur and fed themselves from a carcass they turned over the fire.”

  “I wanted to enter the small camp and learn even more about the people. I needed knowledge to keep my pack safe, but Din wanted to make slaves of them. Unable to agree once again, we turned back and once more went our separate ways.”

  “Not long after I returned to my confused but welcoming pack, I heard un-Godly screams coming from where I had been. I knew Din had gone back and had overtaken the camp. As fast as my human feet could carry me, I grabbed Pandora and we rushed to the humans in hopes of saving them from Din. But we were too late.” The hand teasing my most sensitive flesh stopped moving and tightly cupped my center. His fingers tightened as he held me and my body strained under him from the pressure.

  “When we arrived, we found three dead wolves, and even more human bodies, slain on the ground. The small campfire the humans had been gathered around had spread in the battle and their tiny huts smoldered in ashes. The air was thick with black smoke, but Pandora found you.” He snorts a little. “As she always does. You were terrified and curled under a pile of unburnt firewood clutching a knife made of bone. She howled to get my attention, but that only frightened you more and you dropped your only source of protection to burrow deeper into the pile.”

  “I ran over and got to my knees, holding out my hand for you. Your body was so dirty, caked in dirt and smoke. When you saw that I, too, was human, you threw yourself into my arms. Crying for your killed family members. You were all alone and I couldn’t leave you for Din to find, but that wasn’t the only reason I needed to cradle you in my new arms. I felt a bone deep need and longing for you.”

  “I-I don’t know what to say.” And I really didn’t. I could feel the truth in his words, this wasn’t a story made up to put children to sl
eep. This was my beginning. He turned to again look deep in my eyes and his grip on my pussy relaxed. Again he started tracing my lower lips, that by now must be soaking my thin panties. I can smell my arousal, and his nose flares as we look at each other. He can smell me too, but even that doesn’t hurry his probing fingers.

  “Pandora and I took you back to our pack and we bonded quickly. Surrounded by my wolves you helped me understand my human body and I fell deeply in love with you. I’d like to say you were crazy about me from the first moment I found you, but that wouldn’t be true. You made me work for your affection. I did anything and everything I could to make you happy and please you in every way. My pack loved you and would lay in your lap for hours just letting you stroke their fur. It wasn’t until after you finally admitted that you also felt strongly for me and we mated as humans that I could shift back to my wolf.” He finally peels my damp panties to the side and slowly sinks a long finger into my center. My body clutches at the intruding digit and I exhale deeply. He curls his finger and my thighs tremble as he strokes my insides.

  “My kind calls us Spiritbonds, human’s today call it soulmates, but the meaning is the same. The morning after we made love and I claimed you as mine, I woke up as my wolf with you curled under my front leg. When you woke I was scared you would run, but instead you ran your fingers down my snout and I shifted back to my human form. It was you who gave me the power to change as I pleased.”

  “Spiritbonds.” I test the words on my tongue and they feel true. “But if you are so…” I look down at his hand between my legs before finishing my thought. It’s such an erotic sight that it steals my breath in a longing gasp. His tan, corded forearm rests against the smooth expanse of my milky white thigh. I have to close my eyes to block out the desperate urge to come for him. “Old. If you’re so old, how are we here together? Why don’t I remember any of this?” My brain is struggling to keep up with the storyline as he teases me. I close my eyes and listen to his voice as the current inside my body builds.


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