Reluctant Bride

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Reluctant Bride Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Not yet.”

  “Where is my phone? If you want, I can give him a call.”

  “Not necessary.”

  Cecilia pressed her lips together. She had hoped that by casually bringing up the subject of her belongings, she’d catch him off guard and he’d hand them to her.

  “All right, but where is my phone? My purse? ID? You know, the things I had with me last night when we were detained.”

  Sven munched on a piece of toast before answering. “Safe.”

  “Safe?” She scooted forward. “What do you mean? You’re hijacking my things?”

  “Just until you trust me and don’t try to run off with them. It’s for your own good.”

  Cecilia clenched her jaw. “Where would I run off to? You’ve made me your wife.”

  “Please, Cecilia, we both know you would try to get away.”

  “Where are my things?” She jumped to her feet, slamming her palms on the table.

  Sven tensed. “I won’t allow that kind of behavior,” he said tersely.

  “What are you going to do about it? Spank me? Punish me?”

  His nostrils flared and his head tilted. Cecilia’s jaw dropped.

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  His smile was cold. “Tempt me and you’ll find out.” He took a sip of his coffee. His green eyes gleamed as they found her gaze. “You might even like it.”

  “Are you kidding?” she yelled, ignoring the tingling in her chest. “Who would like something like that?”

  Sven stood up. She stumbled backward. Her adrenaline spiked and her warmth flooded her, a shiver spreading awareness through her system. He was more than a head taller than her, broad and muscled. Desire curled low in her belly, frantically searching for an escape route. He could do whatever he wanted to her and she would take it without questioning it.

  “You have nowhere to run, Cecilia,” he said, his voice holding a dark edge. Her heart pounded and her knees trembled. “Sit down, pet.” He pointed at the chair she’d vacated. His tone brooked no argument. Lust and anger flushed through her body. She sank onto the seat, uncertain of what to do.

  As if nothing had happened, Sven resumed eating. Frustration clawed at her from within, digging its sharp nails into her and slicing open old wounds. Silence stretched between them.

  “You’re as bad as Trevor. All talk and no action,” she muttered.

  She didn’t think he’d heard her, until his voice rumbled across the table.

  “Really? What do you mean?”

  She glanced at him. There seemed to be genuine concern in his eyes.

  “I’ve basically lived life under a threat from him. He’s been promising to kick me out of his home for ages. First, when I didn’t get good grades in high school, then when I started going out, then, when I decided to study art.”


  “A worthless profession, according to him. I was to study business.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ve never been interested in economics and I’m terrible at it.”

  “Are you studying now?” Sven asked.

  She shook her head.

  “I dropped out.”


  “Trevor didn’t want to pay unless I studied business. I didn’t want to, so he stopped paying tuition and I couldn’t afford it.”

  “Couldn’t or didn’t want to.”

  “What difference does it make?”

  “A lot. If you wanted to continue and you couldn’t afford it, then I’ll pay it for you, Cecilia. If you’re genuinely interested, I don’t mind. If you simply didn’t even bother to research your options, well, I’m sure I can find a better use of your time.”

  Cecilia gawked at him. “Really?” she stammered.

  “Yes,” he said, keeping her stare.

  “I did look into my options, but Trevor said if I continued down that path, he’d disown me completely, so I chose to quit,” she admitted. “My mom, she didn’t support me either.” She hung her head. “I chose the easy path.”

  “I see. Sometimes we’re not ready to cross to the other side of the road and it’s okay. Still, weren’t you angry with them? They basically cut off your wings.”

  She rolled in her bottom lip, recalling the many tears she’d spilled over the situation.

  “I was.” Cecilia hesitated. How much could she tell Sven? “I was livid for some time, but eventually just accepted it for what it was. If I didn’t, I would have been sleeping in a cardboard box in the street. I didn’t have many options.”

  “You have them now,” Sven said.

  Cecilia studied him.

  “I do?”

  “Yes. You’re my wife now, Cecilia. If you want to study, you shall.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Sure. Even though I’d love to have you tied to my bed all day, it’s not realistic. I’d rather have someone intelligent at my side than a dead weight.”

  She shook her head. “I’m speechless.”

  “About time,” he replied with a grin. “I might have to gag you when we fuck if you are equally as vocal.”

  She bit down on her bottom lip and looked away. “Pervert,” she teased, glancing back at him.

  “And we haven’t even fucked yet.”

  His gaze locked with hers, heat flooding her synapses and wetting her pussy. Her lips parted. She struggled to breathe, an unknown pang hitting in the chest. Sir. The word hung on her tongue, tickling her. Saying it would bring consequences, and she craved them.

  Abruptly, his phone rang, breaking the spell. Sven lifted a finger to silence her and picked it up. His countenance became deadly serious.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there.” He hung up and glanced at her. “I need to go take care of some urgent business.”

  Her heart seemed to shrink, disappointment snagging on the organ. “Okay, and what am I supposed to do here?”

  He shrugged. “Read? Sleep? Watch TV?”

  His carelessness swept away her earlier dismay and replaced it with frustrated anger.

  “Can I go home and grab some clothes?” she snapped. “I would like to have something to wear.”

  “I kind of like having you partly naked.” His cocky grin fired her mood.

  “Do you intend to keep me here all day? A slave to your whims and desires?”

  “Not at all. I need to run downstairs to take care of some business, and then we’re going to go shopping.”

  Just like that, he threw her off guard. “Shopping? You like shopping?”

  “Only when it means watching you parade yourself in lingerie,” he replied while shrugging on his suit jacket.

  “I need to wear other clothes, too. Pants, skirts, shoes. Can’t I go home and—”


  He headed for the door and she followed.

  “My parents are probably wondering where I am.”

  “Not really.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I sent Gracie home, remember? I explained the situation to them.”

  “You did?” Cecilia held on to the nearest chair. “They know we’re married?”


  Bile rose the back of her throat. Her family knew where she was and who she was with, and they hadn’t come to her rescue. She narrowed her gaze. Maybe Sven was lying. “Fine. Let’s go shopping then. But what am I supposed to wear when we do? My vomit-stained dress?”

  “I’ll bring you something. Sit still, relax. I’ll be back shortly.”

  She didn’t get a chance to sidestep him. He reached for her and pulled her into his arms, his lips smacking against hers and taking possession. Lust exploded in her veins, fogging her brain and obliterating everything they’d been discussing. Finally, he released her. His eyes shone, his pupils dilated, and his hair was slightly disarrayed from where she’d tangled her fingers on.

  “I’ll see you in a bit, wife.”


  He was gone. Cecilia stared after him like a love-struck teenager. What was it about Sve
n that had her so mesmerized? She headed back to the living room and sat down. He was good-looking for his age, and he licked pussy like no one she’d ever met, but that wasn’t enough for a relationship.

  She’d be lying if she didn’t admit she was attracted to him. She more than was. Heck, she’d found him tantalizing a year ago when she’d caught sight of him, but she’d never pictured herself married to him or anyone. Married.

  Restless, she stood and went to one of the large living room windows. The city was just waking up, the early-morning sunshine reflecting on all the tall buildings. She hadn’t gone home last night, and it wasn’t the first time, but did her parents really not wonder where she was? Especially, since Gracie had returned home, and they’d left together. What had her sister told them? Did she even know what had happened? What had Sven told them? He hadn’t left her side, so she imagined he’d called them or sent them a letter, but someone had to know something was wrong, right? Did they think she was a traitor to the Handel family?

  Pacing around the room, she asked herself an array of questions without answers. Finally, mentally exhausted, she found herself on the couch. She stared at the ceiling. Her mind jumped to breakfast with Sven. She couldn’t believe he’d offered to pay for her studies, and art, too. It was a dream come true. Before meeting Sven, she was certain she’d end up marrying some rich boy and becoming a trophy wife. Cecilia laughed.

  “Well, you are a trophy wife, except not to a rich kid.”

  No. Sven was something else entirely. She sighed and closed her eyes, pressing her legs together. Her pussy tingled, recalling the attention it had received earlier. She wished he was here.

  When she woke up, she found Sven hovering over her. Her lips curled into a smile at the sight of him. “Hey,” she said, voice hoarse from sleep. His gaze became warm and full of emotion.

  “Hi, pet. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. Here.” He placed a shopping bag in front of her. Sitting, she picked it up and peeked inside.


  “So we can go shopping.”

  She pulled out a short, plaited skirt, sneakers, and a t-shirt. “How’d you know my size?”

  “Not hard to guess, pet. Change and we can go.”

  “Okay.” She stood and made to turn toward the bathroom, but he stopped her by grasping her wrist and tugging her to stand between his legs.

  “Do it here.”

  A flush crept up her cheeks. He wasn’t asking her. It was an order and damn if it didn’t make desire creep down her spine.

  “Here?” she echoed.

  Sven grinned. “Here.”

  Chapter Nine

  Sven watched Cecilia carefully. Her cheeks were flushed and there was nervous energy coursing through her. He wanted to bottle it up and focus it on him. His gaze swept over her body, and his dick hardened. He couldn’t wait to be inside her, fucking her until she screamed out his name.

  “Go on.”


  “I’ve already seen you naked, Cecilia. Besides, it’s not like you were this bashful yesterday.”

  She rolled her eyes, threw back her shoulders, and tossed off his shirt. His breath caught. Her nipples tightened before his sight and goosebumps sprouted on her skin, which practically glowed under his perusal.

  “Here.” He handed her the new shirt.

  She put it on slowly, purposefully snagging it over her breasts. A low growl escaped him and she glanced at him, fire in her gaze.

  “You are tempting me.”

  “I am your wife,” she said with a shrug.

  His mouth dried and his cock jerked.

  “Yes, you are. Put on the skirt,” he replied, giving it to her.

  Grinning, she leaned forward, her face at his crotch. He grabbed her head and held it there for an instant. Her breath was hot against him and even if he hardly felt it over his clothes, he could see the rippling excitement coursing through her, the breathless way she trembled. When he released her, she found her blush had extended down to her neck.

  “Hungry?” he asked.

  “No,” she replied.

  He nodded. The way she tucked in her upper lip and didn’t meet his gaze spoke volumes. “Turn around and put on the sneakers. Bend at the waist.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She turned around quickly, her skirt flowing around her.

  “It pleases me that you remembered what to call me.”

  “Not difficult considering how bossy you are,” she replied, glancing back at him while slowly learning forward. Her skirt hitched, giving him an eyeful of her pussy. Red and glistening, it made him clench his fists to stop from jumping on her.

  “You’re soaked, pet.”

  She didn’t reply but chose instead to spread her legs slightly, while putting on a shoe. He waited for her to have both of them on her feet before plastering his palm over her folds. She cried out in surprise but didn’t run from him. Rubbing her, he relished her juices on his hand and the soft, barely-there rolling of her hips.

  “Sven,” she whispered hoarsely.

  Removing his hand, he licked it clean, enjoying the way her eyes widened.

  “Delicious. Come on,” he said, standing so their bodies were an inch apart.

  She swallowed slowly. Her hands curled and uncurled as if she wanted to touch him but didn’t dare.

  “What about underwear?” she asked.

  Sven grinned. “You don’t need that right now.”

  Ignoring her shocked expression, he grabbed her hand and led her to the elevator. The box climbed down to the garage. Every second that ticked by made his lust for his pet grow. He wanted to kiss her, slam her against the wall, and fuck her. Instead, he rushed to the car, opened the door for her, and ran to the other side. He had to be patient. Make her trust him so they could fully enjoy the kind of sex he wanted and so his long-term plan could work. She was his wife now and though he was going to keep her forever, he also, for some reason he didn’t quite understand, didn’t want to scare her away.

  “You’re driving?” she asked.

  He fastened his seatbelt and nodded.

  “I don’t have a license,” she said.

  “How come?”

  “My mother said I wouldn’t need it. Our driver would take us everywhere and women driving was just well, basic.”

  “Basic?” he choked out the word.

  “Primitive. You know.” She shrugged.

  “Would you like to learn?”

  She nodded. “Maybe if I knew how to drive, I wouldn’t be in this mess.” She gave him a sidelong glance.

  Sven laughed. “I highly doubt it, but it’d be easier for you to try to escape. I’ll teach you to drive.”

  “You will?”

  “Yes. I think you should learn. It’s a useful skill.”

  “Oh. Um. Thank you.” Cecilia looked out the window. They drove in silence for a bit. Suddenly, voice quiet, she spoke. “Why are you so nice to me?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be? You’re my wife.”

  “I’m your prize. Your possession. You could do anything to me, and I’d have to stay. I have no choice.”

  “Yeah, but I rather have a wife who at least likes me a bit than just a slave.”

  “What if I don’t like you?”

  “Your pussy doesn’t lie and neither do your eyes,” he said.

  “My eyes?”

  “They’re very expressive, Cecilia. You know how to use them to your advantage and sometimes they just speak on their own. Here we are.” He parked near the entrance of the mall, opened the door for her, and offered his hand to help her out. She hesitated but finally took it. Without releasing it, he led her inside.

  “We’re going to get you some undergarments first.”


  Upon entering the boutique, the shop assistant who’d been organizing some bras rushed to greet them.

  “Sven, is this your wife? She’s lovely. You’re lovely,” she blathered. “I’ve got everything set up for you. You can go into t
he changing room to your left. The garments are all hanging there. Let me know if you need any assistance.”

  “Thanks, Mary. Come on, Cecilia.”

  She followed him and entered the door he opened for her. Her eyes widened at the garments hanging on the rack.

  “You set everything up? When? How?”

  Sven winked at her. “I told you I had some things to do before we went shopping.”

  “I see.” She touched the clothes on display. He’d asked Mary to pick out some comfortable but sensual items, as well as some racy ones.

  “Some of these are not the kind of things I would wear.” She pulled out a sheer bra.

  “It’s what I want my wife to wear. You can strip and model for me. I want to see what I like best.”

  “Here?” She glanced at the door.

  “Mary won’t bother us. No one will.”

  “But it’s a shop.”

  “Which I’ve rented out for us. Cecilia, you’re not dumb. Strip. Try on the garments. We’ll choose a few and move on to another shop.”

  Her gaze narrowed, annoyance flitting through her features.

  “Fine.” She made quick work of her clothes and picked out the first set. A turquoise-green bra and matching panty. She slipped it on and stomped around the room. Sven bit back his amusement.

  “For someone who declares themselves an adult, you sure enjoy acting like a petulant child.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “We’ll get to that, but not yet. Try on the red set.”

  Without a word, she picked it up, threw it on, and walked back and forth. There was no showing off her body, being sultry and sexy, but at least she wasn’t clomping like an elephant through the savannah.

  “Nope. Try on the black.”

  Her gaze went to the one he pointed out. He watched, amused as her anger puttered out at the sight of the sensual piece. She strapped it on, the lace hardly covering her nipples and the center winding around her neck like a choker. The panties had a bandage effect at the sides, and lace at the back, while the front was crotchless. Sven clenched his jaw. It’d be so easy to stand and fuck her right now. He crossed his ankle over his left knee and leaned back in his seat to give his erection a bit more breathing room. Cecilia took three steps through the room, her gaze wandering to the mirror at the back.


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