Reluctant Bride

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Reluctant Bride Page 21

by Sam Crescent

  “The Indian curry we had the other evening was delicious. But if you prefer—”

  “A hot, spicy curry sounds good to me,” he said.

  Amal took the next turn, and with a curry and naan bread on board, they reached Dune View as the sun was setting on the horizon.

  “I never tire of seeing the sunset,” she said. “I love the peace and quiet, and the solitude around. It almost seems a shame to go inside and—”

  “Then stay and enjoy the twilight while I go and find some plates and cutlery for us to use. I’ll also bring a few logs from the woodshed, and when we’ve thrown them into the chiminea, we can dine alfresco. How does that sound?”

  “Chilly, but good.”

  Lucas grinned and winked. “Then I’ll have to keep you warm.”

  Before Amal could collect her thoughts, Lucas disappeared into the house to gather wine glasses and supplies for their meal.

  After walking to the swing seat, she sat down.

  The swing’s padded cushions were still stored in the garden shed, but with multiple layers of clothes against her skin and the thickness of her woolen coat wrapped around her, she was protected from the cold. Yet, it wasn’t the freshness of the March night air that was worrying her. It was the flaming heat of her desire causing concern.

  Why was she thinking about having an affair? It was madness.

  To think she could sleep with Lucas was absurd. Not because he was much older than her, but because she didn’t know him.

  Sometime in the not too distant future, he would return to Paris, and once again, she would be alone.

  Since coming to the UK, he had spent most weekends away from Dune View. Friday nights, she had driven him to Cardiff airport, and he’d flown to Paris. When he was away, she always missed him. She missed their shared cups of coffee, their evenings spent beside the fire, and the comfort of having someone about the house. But when Lucas flew off, she never asked why he went to Paris or to whom, and that was how she liked it. The less she knew regarding his personal life, the better. Somewhere in France, someone was waiting for him, and she wasn’t about to allow herself to care or be jealous of who that might be.

  Lucas was a handsome man and there were bound to be lots of women in his life, and until now, that hadn’t been any concern of Amal’s.

  Although she was sexually aroused by Lucas, she didn’t want to become emotionally involved with him. Because when the time came for him to walk away, she knew she had to be free of any ties. She’d already been through one disastrous relationship with Kelvin, and she didn’t want to experience the same emotional trauma again.

  But a steamy affair with Lucas was something she was willing to consider, and intuitively, she knew tonight was crunch time. She had to make a decision.


  Lucas returned with a large kitchen tray loaded with the makings of their meal and a tartan blanket, which he’d taken from the back of the sofa. He placed the tray on the garden table and carefully tossed the blanket over to Amal. Once he’d done that, he went to fetch logs from the woodshed.

  Amal called after him. “Shall I help?”

  “I thought you wanted to watch the sun go down.”

  “I do.”

  “Then sit back and relax.”

  He soon had a fire going in the burner, and when he joined her on the garden’s swing bench, the sun was slowly dipping toward the horizon where the sea met the sky.

  The sun hadn’t quite kissed the water, but that wasn’t going to stop him from kissing Amal. The moment was right, and it was now or never.

  With his arm running along the back of the bench, he turned to face her. Cupping her chin in his hand, he lowered his head and found the softness of her lips. She tasted sweet. Like a ripened peach. And when there was no resistance, he slid his hands inside the opening of her coat and felt for the round contours of her breasts.

  A moan of pleasure escaped from her parted lips. As her arms lifted and clung to his shoulders, she pulled him close.

  With an urgent hunger, he teased the shell of her ear with his lips. When he began trailing hot, wet kisses to the hollow at the base of her neck, she lowered her fingers to his chest and curled them into his shirt.

  “Hold me, Lucas. Please … just hold me.”

  He smoothed her disheveled hair from her face. “You do know I mean to make love to you tonight, don’t you?”

  “Yes…” she whispered.

  The fire in the chiminea was throwing out a fierce heat, but it was nothing compared to the aching blaze burning in his groin.

  Ever since meeting Amal, he’d had a desire to make love to her. Her dark hair and dusky skin excited his passion. Whenever they worked side by side in the lab, he’d had a longing to reach out and possess her. And now, as he held her in his arms, he was doing just that.

  There would be no going back. He’d made his decision. And despite their age difference, tonight, she was going to become his. She was a grown woman. An adult. She knew what she would be letting herself in for, and he was giving her no reprieve. She was going to get what she deserved … his shaft, buried deep inside her.

  In the distance, on the crest of the skyline, the sun had set, leaving a red, scarring glow across the horizon. Night had fallen. And as she trembled in his arms, he knew it wasn’t from the cold, but perhaps it was in anticipation of what was to come.

  Lucas stood, and taking hold of Amal’s hand, he pulled her gently from the swing.

  “It’s time,” he said.

  “But the fire. The food. Shouldn’t we—”

  He silenced her words with a long, deep kiss. Her delay tactics were having no effect. His mind was set on one thing, and that was penetrating her with his throbbing shaft and claiming what was his.

  As his tongue probed and explored the sweetness of her mouth, he rubbed his hands over her pelvis and moved down toward the top of her thighs. He pressed against the mound of her mons hidden beneath her clothes, and he heard her gasp of pleasure.

  “The food can wait. I’m hungry for you.”

  Her gaze lifted to his as she ran her tongue provocatively across her lips. “Then let’s go to the bedroom … and eat.”

  They went indoors and climbed the flight of stairs until they reached the landing. It seemed only natural to gravitate toward Amal’s bedroom.

  During the time he’d lived at Dune View, Lucas had caught glimpses of Amal in her room, but until now, he’d never stepped inside. It had been her territory, her domain, but now it was to become theirs for the duration of the night.

  Amal walked to the window and drew the curtains, shutting out the darkness. She then moved over to the bedside table and switched on a lamp, casting the room into long shadows.

  The room was similar to his, but it had a feminine touch. Personal things, like her perfumes, a fringed shawl, and her books were scattered about, but that wasn’t where his interest lay. His attention was focused solely on Amal and the pleasure he was going to give her.

  When they came in from the cold, their coats had been discarded downstairs, which left only a few items of clothing to get rid of.

  With careful precision, he reached out, and unbuttoning her cardigan and tugging her blouse free from the waistband of her skirt, he peeled her clothes from her body and tossed them aside. Her skirt soon followed.

  She stood before him practically naked, and although she wasn’t protesting, she wasn’t joining in.

  “What’s wrong?” he murmured.

  He stroked her hair and cradled her against his side. She was probably overthinking the moment, and he suspected she was having second thoughts.

  “Nothing’s wrong. It’s just…”

  He waited. He wasn’t going to force her to make love. He wanted a willing partner. One who would give as good as she got.

  “Just what?”

  “Why do you want me? Is it because I’m here and available? Is it because you can walk away when this is over and not look back?”

heard the hurt in her voice and knew he had to tread carefully or he might lose her.

  On a chair near the window was a dressing gown. He picked it up, and wrapping it around her scantily clad body, he held her close.

  Amal’s arms curled about his waist. She was holding him, and he knew all was not lost. He steered her to the bed, and as they sat down on the edge of the mattress, he held her close.

  “I want you because you’re you, Amal. You’re beautiful … inside and out. I love your humor, I love your kindness, but most of all, I think I like the way you welcome everyone into your life … including me. For weeks I’ve wanted to get my hands on you, and until tonight, I thought I didn’t stand a chance.” He placed a kiss at her temple. “I’m so much older than you are. Why would you bed down with an aged man like me? At work, I’ve seen the way the young, testosterone-filled guys look at you and I think … what have I got to offer?”

  Amal’s hands reached up and cupped his face. She kissed his lips and then stared him squarely in the eyes.

  “You’ve got yourself to offer … and much more.” She reached down and pressed her hand to his swollen crotch.

  At first, her caresses were hesitant as she explored, and then, with unsteady movements, her fingers began undoing the buttons on his shirt. Her tongue ran over his torso, and as she concentrated her energy on opening the fastening of his trousers, it was clear she wasn’t having much success in reaching her objective.

  Frustrated and impatient with Amal’s lack of progress, Lucas pulled at his buckle and zipper until he freed his swollen cock. He couldn’t wait much longer. With gentle force, he pushed her down onto the mattress, and sliding a leg between hers, he rolled on top.

  She was his prisoner, but her heated kisses and impassioned pleas told him she was a willing captive.

  His hands explored, slipping beneath the edges of her dressing gown. And reaching for the clasp of her bra, and having released it, her breasts fell free. The fabric of her bra was in the way, and after pushing it to one side, his lips soon found the swollen points of her nipples, and he sucked.

  Her buds were hard. As he twirled his tongue around one areola and then the other, he nibbled on her delicate skin, and she thrashed beneath him.

  Amal lifted her hips and rubbed her pelvis against his.

  His clothes were in the way, and with urgent desperation, he wanted to feel her skin next to his

  “How old are you?” she asked.


  Lucas’s hand traveled the length of her inner thighs and found the tops of her stockings. Her suspenders held them securely in place, but they were no barrier to him gaining access to her slit. With a flick of a finger, he lifted the elastic of her panties, and when the delicate material tore, he had found what he was after. Her clitoris.

  “I asked … how old are you?”

  His mouth covered hers and as their tongues merged, he heard her gasps and groans of delight.

  He spread Amal’s wet folds and dipped two fingers into her warm crevice. His thumb wasn’t idle either. It was pressed down on the swollen nub of her clit, making her squirm. With long, drawn-out strokes, his fingers pumped in and out of her pussy, and she moved to the beat of his tempo.

  “I’m old enough to know better,” he said.

  Her hand squeezed between their bodies and clenched his thrashing rod. She held his penis and just her touch on his blood-engorged shaft sent him wild. It was torture. He couldn’t last much longer. If he didn’t bury himself in her hot cavern, and soon, he was sure he would lose his load.

  Impatient to enter her, he climbed from the bed and quickly shed the remainder of his clothes. He stood naked before her, and he knew what he had to do.

  His gaze traveled from her breasts and down her torso until it rested on the dark dusting of hair covering her mons. Her torn panties were no protection. And when he took hold of her ankles and dragged her to the edge of the bed, he allowed her feet to rest on the floor before crouching down. He had her positioned where he wanted her.

  Amal tried to sit, but he pushed her back.

  “Stay,” he said.


  She lay flat on the bed with her legs over the edge. Her gown was open, exposing all, and with his hands wedged between her inner thighs, she was his to do with as he pleased.

  “Spread,” he said.

  She lifted her head and tried to look at him. “What? Why?”

  “Because I’m hungry, and you promised me something to eat.”

  With firm pressure, he forced her legs apart. Her hands flailed as she tried to hide the soft triangle of dark hair covering her mons. She wanted to protect herself from his invasion, but she stood no chance.

  “You can’t. You can’t want to do that,” she said.

  He gripped her wrists.

  “Do you want your hands tied to the bed?” he asked. “Is that what you want? I’m willing to bind you. Tie your wrists and feet, if that’s what you wish. It’s not usually my sort of thing, but if it’s what you like…”

  “No … it’s not what I want.” He saw her tremble with excitement.

  “Then relax. I like my women free to do as they wish … until it’s time to have fun.”

  Amal did as ordered. Her tension eased, and her hands fell to her sides, doing his bidding.

  He could smell her heat and almost see the wet sap oozing from her crevice. He wanted to taste her juices and run his tongue along the length of her moist folds until he found the hard nub that was her swollen clit.

  “I said spread your legs!”

  And she did.

  Chapter Four

  Amal wasn’t concerned about how old Lucas was. And she didn’t care he’d bracketed her with his other women. All she worried about was having his shaft deep inside her. She wanted him to take her and make her his … and she wanted it now.

  His head was between her legs, and as she felt the rough rasp of his tongue against her inner thighs, she knew she was in trouble. She wanted to come, but she also needed to make the pleasure last.

  As she ground her pelvis against his mouth, her fingers were buried in his silver-streaked hair. And then she couldn’t move. She was frozen in time as his lips found the hard nub of her swollen clit and sucked.

  Searing warmth coursed through her body. He’d hit the spot that all women loved to have touched, and she was no different. There was scorching heat in her belly.

  “Yes,” she screamed, letting him know of her pleasure. “Don’t stop.”

  But he did.

  Lucas pulled away and she felt a cold rush of air hit her where his hot, wet mouth had been.

  She wanted him back. She wanted him sucking her sensitive breasts. But instead, he flipped her over on the bed until she was spread-eagle and face-down in the softness of the pillows.

  Her dressing robe was stripped from her back, and with only the remnants of her panties and stockings in place, she felt wanton.

  The mattress sagged as he joined her on the bed. And when his hands gripped her hips, and he told her to kneel, she knew something was about to happen. And it did.

  She was on all fours. Lucas was behind her, and it felt like her pussy was on fire.

  Her breathing was labored, and so was his.

  Lucas reached his hands around her. One went to fondle her breasts while his other zoned in on her throbbing clit. His long, dexterous fingers stroked and nipped her skin, and it was agony.

  She had to come. She needed to come. So why was he holding back? She wanted him to take her.

  “You asked me a question…” he said.

  His hands moved. Caressing the curve of her back and sliding upward, he forced her head down onto the pillow. As he leaned in, she felt the hardness of his penis graze against her inner thighs before he inched her legs apart.

  “A question?” She couldn’t think. What had she asked him?

  “You wanted to know how old I am.”

  “I did.” She thought the difference
in their age was too wide for a relationship to stand a chance. She was too young for him. He would soon tire of her, and with his life experience, she doubted her ability to hold his interest.

  But as Lucas would say, bon sang … damn it, she wanted him. And she was willing to give in to her desires, no matter how reckless they might seem.

  Amal pushed her ass back, hoping to hit her target, but she missed. His shaft was out of reach. He was keeping his distance.

  “Any particular reason why you need to know my age?” he asked.

  She couldn’t concentrate. Her mind was on other things. Like getting him deep inside of her.

  “It would have been nice to have known before we—”

  His hand hit her playfully on the buttocks. “All right. Here’s the deal. Can you count?”

  She turned her head and looked over her shoulder. Lucas had his shaft in hand and it was aimed at her entrance.

  A tingle of desire rushed through her at the size of his manhood. It was big. And she hadn’t realized how big until it was pointing in her direction.

  Could she take it? She didn’t know. But she closed her eyes and hoped she was going to find out. “Of course, I can count. Why?”

  “Then start counting, because when you reach a climax, that’s how old I’ll be.”

  Without warning, he impaled her on his shaft. Her eyes flew open with surprise, but she didn’t protest. With a brutal thrust, he’d plowed into her burrow and had lodged himself deep within. She hadn’t realized he would fill her, but his swollen cock was pressed against the sides of her pussy, and she couldn’t move.

  Her heart fluttered. What was he going to do? And then she knew.

  With slow deliberate strokes, Lucas withdrew and entered her, again and again.

  “One, two, three…” She let out a shaky moan.

  She counted with every lunge, and then she was lost.

  Just as she thought he was about to leave her, he would ram his prick back inside. And as the rhythm was repeated over and over, her ability to think, let alone count, vanished.


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