Reluctant Bride

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Reluctant Bride Page 31

by Sam Crescent

  “Because I couldn’t stand to see your innocence stripped away just because your father was ready to sell his soul to the devil. It wasn’t your debt to pay, Violet. I’m forty years old, but I still wasn’t thinking about settling down. When I saw the opportunity to save you from your fate, I gave up being a bachelor, gave up all other women, and committed to you. Took a financial hit from it, too. It’ll take me a while to make up my losses from all your father’s bad deals.”

  She was quiet, her brow furrowed slightly.

  “I’m trying to be your husband. Trying to make this work for both of us. But I’m tiring of you making me out to be the bad guy, Violet.”

  He noted tears welling up in her eyes, and still not a word.

  “I’m falling for you, Violet. Our wedding night, claiming your virginity, it meant something to me. I haven’t been unfaithful to you, either, and have no intention to.”

  She swallowed hard, opening her mouth to speak, but stopping.

  He approached her now that the volatile energy in the room had faded away. Henry ran a hand through her hair, forcing her to look up at him. “You’re breathtaking.”

  “I—I don’t know how to feel. What to think.”

  “Stop hating, stop playing the victim. I know I’m older than you, but it can still work between us. We can have a good life together. I didn’t go out that day with the intention of buying a virgin. I put myself in this position for your benefit. You need to understand that.”

  Henry had everything money could buy, but that didn’t mean he was without his own insecurities and flaws. Violet was half his age, and he didn’t want her viewing him as a stuffy father figure. He wanted to be her husband, her lover, her everything.

  “I don’t think you’re too old,” she whispered. It was the longest sentence he’d gotten out of her in a week.

  “Can you stop hating me?”

  She nodded. Her lips looked swollen and tempting. He wanted to kiss her, to feel the growing connection between them intimately. But he wanted her to take the lead this time. She’d been tearing down his ego the past two weeks.

  “My father never told me details,” she said. “I don’t want to push you away.”

  He pulled her closer, his hand trailing down to cup her ass. She fisted his shirt, her breath hitching when he grabbed her. “How about we start over? Have a redo.”

  “Of what?”

  “Our wedding night.”

  Chapter Five

  “You want to redo our wedding night?”

  Violet was still reeling from the revelation about her father. He’d always told her that desperate times called for desperate measures. She never considered that she’d be the one to pay for it.

  All this time, she’d been giving Henry a hard time. Her father must be laughing his ass off, counting the dollar signs he’d accrued from the deal. Not only did he get a bailout from the mess he’d created, he’d also made sure his daughter would make her husband’s life uncomfortable.

  She was a complete and total fool.

  “Taking your virginity, you were going to hurt regardless. I don’t want to hurt you.” He pulled her closer, their lips only a breath away.

  “You think it can be better?”

  He smirked, that all-knowing look that said he knew something she didn’t. Henry was older and far more experienced than she was. Violet started to realize her error with him.

  “Baby, I can have you screaming for more if you give me the chance.”

  She stared at him, curious. What exactly could he do to her? “I don’t know.”

  “I don’t know is not a complete no.”

  She smiled. “Maybe I just don’t like sex?”

  He put his hand on her hip. “That isn’t possible.” He drew her tighter against him.

  “Why isn’t it?” she asked.

  “Your body was made for fucking, Violet. You just haven’t given me a chance, and I know I can make you feel good.” He started to rub small circles across her hip and she couldn’t deny that she liked it.

  The warmth from his touch rushed through her entire body, and she didn’t want him to stop.

  However, he held his hands up and stepped back. “But if you really don’t want to, I’m not going to force you.”

  Again, he was being the gentleman. It was starting to irritate her.

  “Wait,” she said.

  He stopped moving.

  She nibbled on her lip, wondering what the hell she was doing. “I want to give it a try.”

  He smiled.

  She expected him to pounce on her, to kiss her or at least rush it along. Instead, he took her hand and they walked toward his bedroom. Once inside, her heart started to race. She wasn’t afraid of him, far from it, but she was curious about him after viewing him through new eyes.

  Henry surprised her even further as he put on some soft music. The soothing sound filled the room, setting the mood, relaxing her slightly.

  Violet still felt out of place, like a stranger in Henry’s home.

  “You know you could have done better, right?” she asked, making him frown. “Than me. You could have enjoyed any woman you ever wanted.”

  “And yet, I decided to chase you. There is no other woman for me, Violet. One day, you’re going to see it.” He stepped closer to her and she didn’t back away.

  His hands cupped her face and she stared up at him as he began to close the distance between them. She didn’t resist as his lips brushed across hers. The moment his lips grazed hers, she closed her eyes and waited for his kiss. He was so close. His presence consumed her—the scent of his cologne, the warmth of his breath, the roughness of his new stubble coming in.

  “You’ve got the most perfect lips,” he said.

  His tongue traced across her bottom lip and she opened her mouth. All of a sudden, he gripped the back of her head and his lips were on hers, kissing her, but this was more than just a mere kiss. This was pure possession.

  She moaned his name and he deepened the kiss.

  “Kiss me back,” he said, muttering the words against her lips.

  Violet hadn’t even realized she hadn’t been participating. It wasn’t her intention. They really did need a redo, a chance to undo her old habits.

  Gripping his arms, she did, feeling every part of her body tingle for more. He growled and plundered her mouth with his tongue. She touched his and this time, he groaned.

  He let go of her head and ran his hands down her body, grazing past her tits, going between her thighs. She mewled as he rubbed gently, toying with her, teasing in just the right way. Pleasure filled her body and she had no choice but to break the kiss to gasp at the intensity of his touch.

  Henry didn’t stop. His lips trailed to her neck, hitting the most sensitive pulse points, and she gasped for more. Each touch sent her arousal spiraling higher.

  “Tell me you want this, Violet,” he said.

  “Yes.” She didn’t even hesitate. This time, it wasn’t a lie.

  He took her lips again and she felt him pulling out her shirt. Violet backed away, staring at him. He didn’t say anything, frozen in place.

  Going to the buttons of her shirt, she began to open them, one by one. Not once did she look away from him. The eye contact felt more than just sexual. This was pure intimacy.

  With her shirt open, she let it fall to the floor. She didn’t stop with her shirt as she unclasped her floral skirt, the material floating to the floor.

  Standing in front of her husband with just her underwear and a pair of cozy socks, she clasped her hands. This hadn’t been planned and she wished it had been more spectacular. Did she even own any pretty undergarments?

  She expected him to laugh or to tell her he couldn’t bear to touch her.

  Henry began to remove his own clothes, only he didn’t keep on any underwear. His boxer briefs slid right off and she stared at his length. Violet hadn’t taken the time during their wedding night to really get a good look at him. She’d been too angry, in f
ull protest mode.

  At that time, she’d been determined to hate everything about him.

  Now, as she watched him, she had to wonder what the hell she was worried about.

  He was so beautiful. The man took care of his body, and it showed. His cock was a monster. She’d already felt him inside her before and she knew how good it could be.

  Watching him now, she wanted him again. Was it wrong of her?

  In her heart, she knew it wasn’t. Wanting her husband wasn’t a bad thing. What she hated was how much she’d trusted her father and how easily she could have ruined her relationship with this man. She was a fool. No more.

  This time, she closed the distance between them. She took the first step.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing,” she said. “I want you to enjoy being with me.”

  He cupped her face. “I already do.”

  He kissed her again, and it felt like love, if that was even possible. Henry walked her back toward the bed. She broke the kiss as she fell back against the mattress.

  Henry pressed his lips against her shoulder as he reached behind her and flicked the catch of her bra. Her tits spilled out, but he wasn’t done as he pushed her back to the bed and went to her hips. Grabbing the edges of her panties, he tore them right off her body.

  She cried out and he smirked.

  “You’re not going to regret this.”


  Henry wanted to slam balls deep inside her, but instead, he took his time.

  It was such a relief to finally have a willing partner. He’d been bending over backward for over two weeks with no progress to note—until tonight.

  Spreading her thighs, he moved between them, resting his cock between the lips of her pussy. She was wet, but not soaking.

  His wife still had a great deal of trust issues, but he intended to rectify that. Her father had just lost her trust, but he hadn’t. Rather than rushing into sex, he took his time, taking her mouth once again. Each time he kissed her, he noticed she started to relax, and that was exactly what he wanted.

  After breaking the kiss, he trailed his lips down, but he didn’t stop at her neck. He cupped her breasts, drawing them together as he traced his tongue across each mounded peak. She had big, luscious tits. She cried out. He circled one nipple, then the other, going back and forth before taking them each into his mouth.

  The sounds she made drove him crazy. He ached for her.

  Henry kept control of his cock as he slowly kissed down her body. He loved her tits and would spend a lot more time suckling them in the future.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Trust me, Violet. I’m going to make you feel so damn good.”

  He spread the lips of her pussy and stared at her beautiful cunt. Her clit was slightly swollen.

  She tried to close her thighs, but he gripped them, keeping her open. “Let me touch you and look at you.”


  “No buts, this is what I want. Let me have it.”

  She licked her lips and he expected her to call this to a halt, but she surprised him as she let her legs drop to the sides, giving him full access.

  He held the lips of her sex and as he stared up her body, he used his tongue to slide across her clit.

  Violet cried out, a deliciously feminine sound, arching up toward him. He wanted her to completely lose herself with him. To become addicted to what he could offer. He fucking loved seeing her give herself to him.

  So beautiful.

  Sucking her clit into his mouth, he used his teeth, creating a nice bite of pleasure that had her begging for more.

  “Please, Henry, please,” she cried.

  He rolled her clit with his tongue, feeling her body jolt like a live wire. Then he traced around her hole before licking his way back up.

  Flicking across her nub, he went back and forth, watching the pleasure build. He let go of her lips and plunged two fingers deep inside her, feeling how wet she’d gotten just for him.

  In and out, he worked her pussy, feeling her orgasm start to build, but he made sure to keep her at the edge rather than throw her over the peak.

  “Henry, please.”

  She was completely wanton now, grinding and mewling for more.

  Hearing his name on her lips was so fucking perfect, but he didn’t stop. He worked her pussy with his fingers, wishing it was his cock, and sucked on her clit simultaneously. His woman wasn’t used to being touched like this, but she’d gone from being lukewarm to on fire for him. He was going to get her used to begging for his touch. He already wanted her all to himself.

  Prolonging her pleasure tortured him, but he wanted Violet to feel how good it could be between them. He’d take his time, have the patience to explore everything about her.


  Removing his fingers from her, he cupped her ass, holding her pussy against his face as he ravished her cunt. He sucked on her clit, working down to fuck her pussy with his tongue, then back up again.

  When he couldn’t take it anymore, he settled over her clit. Her orgasm built and he didn’t once stop. He continued to work her pussy, and as she came, he swallowed down her orgasm, stroking her clit, making sure she came even harder than before.

  Once she settled down from her second orgasm, he crawled up her body, kissing her. He stroked his tongue across her lips and she opened up.

  Reaching between them, he pressed the tip of his rock-hard cock, pre-cum leaking from the tip, against her entrance, and slowly, he filled her, taking his time.

  Violet tensed up.

  “I’m not going to hurt you. You’re already so fucking wet.”

  She gasped and he watched her eyes close. She thrust her pelvis up to meet him, completely offering herself to him.

  “That’s it, baby,” he said. “How does it feel?”

  “So good. I feel so full.”

  “No pain?”


  He took hold of her hands, pressing them to either side of her head, holding her down to the bed so she had nowhere to go. With her trapped beneath him, he held her in place. He didn’t rush, though. He took his time, sliding in and out of her, enjoying the feel of her tight heat as she surrounded him. Slamming in deep, he stared into her eyes.

  He wasn’t wearing a condom.

  When he took his wife, he didn’t want anything between them. Violet looked right back at him. He’d never intended to tell her how far her father had been willing to go, but he’d known it was important for her to know. She trusted her father and he didn’t.

  He had no doubt her father would try to use her again one day. Henry had to do everything he could to protect her.

  The bachelor life he’d once loved wasn’t something he wanted to go back to. He barely knew Violet, but she was the first woman in his life he wanted to know.

  He began to move, going slow, making love to his wife so she was wild beneath him, meeting each of his strokes. His own orgasm was close as he kissed and necked her. Henry built up his speed, thrusting in deep, fucking her hard. As his orgasm built, he pushed as deep as he could inside her, filling her pussy to the hilt.

  In the back of his mind, he wanted to make her pregnant. He’d do anything to have her completely bound to him. These feelings Violet inspired in him shook him to the core.

  No woman had ever mattered to him, but Violet was different and he intended to keep her with him always.

  Chapter Six

  Life had been different since the redo of their honeymoon. She no longer felt the need to be standoffish, so their relationship began to flourish. Everything changed since that day, and not just because Henry had a big dick and knew how to use it.

  He was perfect.

  Considerate, fun, playful, and passionate all rolled into one Adonis of a man.

  Everything felt too good to be true. The day her father called her cell phone only proved her fears.

  “How has married life been treating you, Violet?”

sp; “Good.”

  “Really? You were so reluctant on your wedding night,” said her father.

  “Yes, because you sold me to save your ass.”

  “Language, Violet,” he said. “I’ve been getting my connections together, and I can finally make amends.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Your boy, Henry, has bailed out all my businesses. The employees even got a bonus.” He laughed, but it wasn’t happy. Her father thought Henry was weak.

  At least her husband had kept his promises to her. He’d kept his side of the deal.


  “Well, there was nothing in the contract to say how long the marriage had to last. I have something even better lined up for you, Violet. A better opportunity for us both.”

  She narrowed her eyes, already hating him more. “You just said Henry paid off your debts. What more do you want now?”

  “Henry was nothing. I can match you with a man in control of an empire. You’ll never want for anything.”

  “I never asked for anything more. Why don’t you marry him?”

  “I don’t like your tone, Violet. You should have more respect for your father. I have your best intentions in mind.”

  “I wanted to help, but I know you were planning to auction me off. You don’t care about what happens to me, only what can benefit you.”

  “Not true,” he said. “Come home. We’ll fix all this mess and arrange a divorce. We’ll take him for half of his fortune. And don’t worry, you’re still young, we can even pretend you’re a virgin.”

  “What?” Violet felt sick to her stomach. Her own father made her feel like a cheap whore. Made her marriage feel dirty and disposable. She’d made her peace with Henry King, and Violet wanted her marriage to last. If she were perfectly honest with herself, she was falling in love and couldn’t imagine a day without her husband now.

  “Come home tonight.”

  “I’m not interested,” she said. “How about you leave us both alone?” She hung up the phone, feeling completely lost and broken. How could her own flesh and blood feel so little love for her? He was more a pimp than a father. After everything he’d put her through, he was now ready to backtrack and put her through a new nightmare?


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