Reluctant Bride

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Reluctant Bride Page 34

by Sam Crescent

  She wasn’t going to allow her father to ruin this, too. “Tell my father that I want nothing to do with him or anything he’s doing.”

  “Signorina, I didn’t want to have to do this, but…” Somehow, he tugged her out of the car and heaved her over his shoulder to hurry down the sidewalk.

  “Put me down!” She beat the massive back ineffectually.

  He only held on tighter. Moved faster. “Mi scusi, I cannot.”

  The shoulder digging into her stomach prevented her from arguing more. It didn’t stop her from kicking and punching, however.


  “Gaël!” She gasped when she saw the tall, broad figure of her friend and managed to force herself to croak, “Help!”

  She was swiftly turned around as the man carrying her faced off with the newcomer. “Help me, Gaël!”

  Both men were oddly quiet. Eerily so. What was going on? What were they doing? Fighting telepathically?

  She was about to scream again when there was the pop of a silenced gun. “Gaël!” Even as she shouted his name, Odette became aware of the world tilting at an alarming angle before she was smashed into the ground by the heavy body of her kidnapper.

  Odette lay there for a moment in a tangle of pain and limbs. Thank goodness Gaël had shown up … with a gun?

  What the hell was a gardener doing with a gun?

  The weight was slowly rolled from her. “Get up, Odette.” Gaël’s voice was colder than she’d ever heard it. His jade-green eyes and his gun glinted with the same deadly shine. And both were trained on her.

  Her legs took some convincing to hold her up. “Gaël? What’s going on?”

  He wearily swept his unruly, sandy-blond hair out of his eyes. “You’re coming with me.”

  Stumbling back from him, Odette shook her head. “Where? What for?”

  “You’ll find out soon enough.” He waved her back with the gun as he lifted his other hand to show her the zip-tie cuffs. “Venez ici.”

  “And if I refuse?”

  “We’ll have to do this the hard way. I’d rather not since I’ve become rather fond of you, but it doesn’t mean I won’t hurt you if I have to.” He gave her a hard smile.

  “Can we do this without those?” Odette eyed the cuffs.

  “Are you going to keep trying to run?”

  She shook her head.

  “I don’t believe you.” Gaël raised a cynical eyebrow and closed the gap between them. With a shove of her shoulders, he turned her around then zipped the cuffs in place with practiced ease. Another shove got her moving.

  “Who do you work for?”

  “I don’t suppose there’s any harm in telling you. I was hired by your brother.”

  “What?” Enzo? “Why does he want to see me? And why do I have to be cuffed?” They’d had no contact with one another in years. Not that they’d been close before. She and Enzo had never seen eye-to-eye about anything. But did that require rough treatment? If he wanted to talk to her, all he had to do was ask.

  “All I know is that I was hired to monitor you.”

  “This isn’t monitoring.” Odette’s legs were leaden and getting worse the closer they got to a sleek black vehicle.

  “Things change.” He opened the door for her. “Get in.”

  If she got in that car, her chances of getting away reduced dramatically. She wriggled her wrists to test the slack. Perhaps he wasn’t so adept at this? Odette had kept them at an angle when he’d tightened them, which left sizable gaps between her skin and the cold metal. With some wriggling, she started working her hands free.

  Impatient, he reached for her.

  Odette took the chance to slip her hands from the binding. Grabbing his arm, she wrenched at it. The move caught him off guard, and she was able to pull him off balance and drag him past her. With a punch to the back of his head, Odette knocked him out.

  Kneeling by him, she checked his pulse.

  “And here I thought I’d have to play white knight.”

  The voice was deep and husky, causing a responding hum in her blood. It pricked a memory somewhere in the back of her mind. She turned to find long legs encased in finely tailored trousers. Her gaze traveled upward the short distance to a matching jacket, a vest underneath, and a tie under that. All black. Perfectly custom-made out of the finest fabric. All of which were the hallmarks of a powerful man.

  The face was familiar, not because she’d ever met the man, but she knew of his reputation. Had seen him on TV, in the newspaper, all over the internet. If her father reigned half of Rome, then this man ruled the other.

  His hair was a little more salt than pepper. There were laugh lines around his eyes when he smiled at her, and what a smile it was. She lifted her gaze in an attempt to avoid the tingles his grin produced. But when his piercing blue eyes met hers, she fell right in.

  Then jumped right back out.

  What was she thinking? If there was anyone more dangerous than her father, it was this man.

  “Bruno Genovesi,” she breathed. Mr. Big of the Genovesi Family.

  “Odette Gallo.” He held out his hand, and she took it before she could stop herself. “I’m impressed.” His glance landed on the inert men on the ground.

  She ignored the frisson of electricity that shimmied up her arm from his touch. “I didn’t have much choice. They were trying to kidnap me.

  The humor faded. “Did they hurt you?”

  Odette tried to make the negative twist of her head look nonchalant but the trembling probably made her look like a rusted robot. Who wouldn’t be terrified? First to have a mountain of a man ever so gently kidnap her, then her friend revealed he was actually hired to keep an eye on her for her brother, and now being face-to-face with a benign and helpful Bruno Genovesi? She’d be stupid not to be scared. “I’m fine. They surprised me more than anything.”

  There was a flicker in his eyes that told her he didn’t believe her, but Bruno said nothing and continued to propel her toward yet another lavish car. She couldn’t help but hesitate a little when they reached it.

  “Can you tell me what’s going on?”

  “All in good time.”

  “I’d prefer to hear it now.”

  “And I’d prefer to do this somewhere a little more private.” His glance flicked to the body on the ground. “There are bound to be more of them around.”

  Private did sound good on the one hand, but on the other, she’d be alone. With Bruno Genovesi. The vibe she got from him wasn’t threatening. Wasn’t scary at all. But she’d heard stories about him and what he’d done to his enemies. She was the daughter of his biggest rival. That made her a huge target. Why else would she have resorted to moving to an invisible village in another country to get away?

  “Prometto, you won’t come to any harm.” He pressed an elegant hand to his heart. “Not with me.”

  Chewing on her bottom lip, she nodded.

  It was just the two of them in the car, something that surprised her. Odette figured he would be like her father and have a team of guards on him at all times. She guessed he felt he could handle himself. He certainly looked like a man who could.

  As they crawled along the quiet, narrow streets, she peered at him openly. He was a beautiful man.

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  Mortified, Odette’s face heated up. “Sorry, I have a habit of thinking out loud.” When she allowed her mind to wander, she did. Thank goodness it wasn’t something she did while she was at work and dealing with patients.

  He chuckled. The sound was deep and rumbled through the small space. It caused ripples of reaction in her in a way that had alarms peeling in the back of her mind. It wasn’t a fear response, however…

  “At least I won’t have to worry about trying to figure out what you’re thinking.”

  Why would that be a concern for him? “So why are you here, signore?”

  “To save you.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  The expressio
n on his face turned grave. “No, I don’t suppose you do.” He pulled up to her little cottage. Before she could ask him how he knew where she lived, he turned to her. His dark eyes were grave and sympathetic when he said, “This isn’t going to be easy to hear, but your father is dead.”

  Chapter Two

  Shock paralyzed her muscles, froze the breath in her lungs. Dead? How? She remembered a man larger than life. Powerful, virile, frightening. Rodolfo Gallo seemed untouchable. Invincible. He wasn’t a man who showed his love, but Odette believed he did care for her in his own way. Even after she’d moved, she was aware that she was being guarded.

  Though not over the past few days. She should have known something was wrong…

  She slowly became aware of warm hands enclosing hers, drawing her out of the whirlpool of emotion.

  She glared at the beautiful man before her, tugging her hands from his grasp. Had he something to do with her father’s death? It seemed all too inconvenient for her father to suddenly pass and her to be swiftly in the hands of his enemy.

  Bruno pulled back but only by a breath. “I don’t blame you for thinking what you are right now, but I had nothing to do with it.”

  What proof did she have that what he said was true? “Then why are you here?”

  “I told you, for your own protection.”

  Odette crossed her arms protectively around herself, using them to keep from folding over in pain. She wasn’t going to show him an ounce of emotion. Nothing would be given to him to use against her.


  “Your brother is on a power grab.”

  Just when she didn’t think she could be any more shocked. “You’re telling me that Enzo killed our father?”

  “Is that so hard to believe? He’s tired of sitting on the sidelines and isn’t willing to wait any longer. There is only one obstacle left to him.” Bruno’s eyes latched onto hers meaningfully.

  “I’m the eldest.”

  “And your father made no secret that he thought your brother to be an unworthy idiot.” He pulled out his phone and tapped the screen. “This might help you understand a bit better.”

  She refused to look until she heard her father’s voice and the urgency behind it. His lean face was on the screen, pinched with emotion. Eyes dull with fatigue and … resignation?”

  “Bruno. I know I’m the last person you’d ever consider helping, but I don’t have much time, and you’re the only one I believe can help. Vincenzo is planning something big, and I didn’t see it coming until now.” Her father rubbed one eye with the heel of his hand as he took a long drag of a cigar from the other. “He’s going to go after Odette. I’ve tried to get to her, but the detail I’ve put on her has either been turned or eliminated when it was revealed that I have left her everything. You must help her. She’s not equipped to deal with what he’s going to bring down on her head. I know you owe me nothing, but Odette … she’s too good … too gentle. She needs someone to take care of her. Especially with her monster of a brother coming for her. Take care of her, and in return, all that is mine is yours.”

  Odette stared at the man on the screen. She might not have loved for her father, but undeniable feelings tightened in her chest at the news he’d given away everything he’d worked so hard for to keep her safe.

  “And Odette, I know you’re watching this because I doubt you’d believe Bruno otherwise. I know you didn’t want to be a part of my world. I have done everything in my power to respect your wishes and keep you safe. I trust Bruno will do everything in his to do the same. I hope you never have to watch this, but in the eventuality that you do, know that I love you, my darling Odette. You’ve always been the best of me.”

  The phone was gently tugged from her trembling hand to be replaced with a pristine white handkerchief.

  “For your tears,” Bruno explained.

  Was she crying? Odette dabbed at her cheeks to find he was right. “Thank you.”

  She slowly became aware that they’d been miraculously transported to her couch. Bruno sat quietly observing her. Not commenting. Not offering condolences. Just providing silent support as she worked through what she was feeling. What her father had said. What was he going on about? Odette knew that her father had cared. He wasn’t one to show his feelings, but what he’d gone through to keep her safe said enough. But the things about Bruno keeping her safe…

  She quickly pulled herself together and gave Bruno a watery smile. “Thank you for showing me the video. Now that I know what my brother is up to, I will have my guard up.” Odette held up the handkerchief. “I’ll have this cleaned and returned to you.”

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  “Oh.” Odette twisted the cloth in her lap. “Thank you.”

  “I meant it won’t be necessary because you won’t be leaving my side.”


  He nodded at the phone in his hand. “It’s my duty to protect you. You saw your father’s video.”

  Putting up her hand, Odette shook her head. “I absolve you of all responsibility for me.”

  “I must if I’m going to take over for him.”

  “You can have it all with my blessing.” What did she know about his “business” anyway?

  He dropped to a knee in front of her so that they were nearly face-to-face. “I consider myself a man of honor, and I will fulfill your father’s final wish.”

  “Even if I don’t want you to?”

  The look he leveled at her showed his determination.

  “You would put up with me just to get your hands on my father’s empire?”

  What would he do? Make her his ward? His mistress? The fact that the latter was even minutely appealing confused her. No. What was she thinking? She couldn’t let him take over her life. No matter how appealing the idea of being Bruno Genovesi’s woman was.

  “Not just for that. It’s time I settled down.”

  Odette’s breathing quickened. She couldn’t be hearing things right.

  “And what could be better protection for you than my name?”

  She wasn’t hearing things wrong.

  Bruno took her hand in his and slipped a massive, glittering diamond ring onto the appropriate finger.

  Chapter Three

  Odette couldn’t not look at it. Not by any fault of her own, it just filled up her vision with blazes of light. It was magnificent and perfect … and totally wrong.

  “You can’t want to marry me.”

  “Why not? It’s perfect.”

  It couldn’t sound less so to her. “When I marry, I want it to be for love.”

  Bruno rolled his eyes. “What is love other than a temporary hormonal imbalance? Not something worth hinging your future upon. Better to—”

  “Base it on misfortune and mercenary greed?”

  “Logic and reason, you mean.”

  Odette stared at him, trying to figure him out. Bruno seemed to be completely serious. It was just so surreal. Only a few hours ago, she was going about her life safe, even bored. How did it turn into this? Her father was dead, her brother wanted her dead, and she was weighing the pros and cons of a marriage to a man who was only doing this to get at her father’s money and power. The promise to protect her was secondary while love was nowhere in the equation.

  Was he right? All of her previous relationships had all gone bad. There weren’t any current prospects, there hadn’t been for a long time, and what Bruno was offering did make sense.

  But did she really want to get married this way?

  To a man she didn’t know? To end up back in the world she’d worked so hard to get away from?

  Odette twisted the handkerchief tighter. Did anyone ever get away? She’d distanced herself from her father and still found herself still tangled in the tendrils of his reach. And yet he’d taken care of her. Was still taking care of her.

  Well, he was gone now. It was time she took her life into her own hands. She slipped off the ring and held it out to him. “Signor
e, I appreciate the offer, as romantic as it is. I can’t. I don’t love you. You don’t love me. You can have whatever you feel my father owes you. I’ll sign whatever you need me to. Just please, let me go.”

  He closed her hand around the ring. “So you can what? Walk straight into your brother’s crosshairs? Do you even fathom the kind of danger you are in?”

  “He’s my brother.”

  “He killed your father. You think blood means anything to him?”

  “Then what makes you think he’ll care what my last name is?”

  “Because it will be mine, and everyone knows what happens when they mess with what’s mine.”

  “So, that’s what I’ll be? A possession?”

  “No. You will be my wife, and God willing, the mother of my future children.”

  “Ch—children?” Odette could barely choke out the word.

  “Why else would I need to get married?”

  “Besides getting your hands on my father’s empire?”

  “That’s not a consideration since you said I could have it regardless.” He regarded her critically. “Unless it was all a lie.”

  Her back straightened. “It wasn’t.” She wasn’t a liar.

  “Then this is about two people coming together in a mutually beneficial way.”

  “That’s just so … cold and clinical.”

  “And reasonable. This is a great opportunity for us both. And we’ll be going in with both eyes open.”

  “And a contract in place?”

  “Of course.” He eyed her. “Is that a yes?”

  Cocking her head, Odette looked at him. “And if we decide this no longer works?”

  “Then it will be dissolved, and we’ll go our separate ways.”

  “You with my father’s domain.”

  “And you with a large settlement. You will be taken care of for life.”

  “I won’t need that.”

  “I insist.” He put up his hand. “The papers will be drawn up and you can make the necessary amendments. Nothing will happen until you’re happy and your signature is down.”


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