Reluctant Bride

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Reluctant Bride Page 40

by Sam Crescent

  Suddenly, he’s back on his side of the seat, leaving me lying there, legs spread and pussy on display through the barely-there panties I’m wearing. I’m dazed and take a moment to gather myself before starting to close my legs.

  “Stop,” he says, staring straight between my legs. “You may be able to live like this, but I cannot. I need to relieve the pressure.”

  Briefly, fear courses through my veins, thinking he may decide to take what he wants after all. But he smiles at me, letting those dimples shine through again.

  “Just let me look at you,” he says with a growl.

  Slowly, he unbuckles his belt, opens his pants, and pulls his cock free. It’s long and thick, with an angry red crown at the top. White pre-cum leaks from the top and moves down the shaft. His big left hand grabs the shaft close to the base, and he starts to violently stroke.

  “Spread your legs wider.” His voice is low and gravely, and I comply immediately. The lust coursing through me has robbed me of all sense of right and wrong, and now there’s nothing but Nero and following his commands.

  His hand strokes faster, and faster, and just as soon as it started, he comes. Thick ropes of cum land on the leg of his black dress pants. A guttural moan leaves him before he whispers my name.

  After he cleans himself and tucks his semi-hard cock back into his pants, he turns his gaze toward me. “Please close your legs before I do something I won’t be accountable for.”

  I move back to my position sitting by the window.

  I’ve never experienced anything like that. I’ve never experienced a man like Nero. Clearly, I can’t trust myself around him, my arousal making me lose my mind. I’ll need to be more careful to not end up in a situation like this again.

  “And I want that. I want to see your pretty pussy every day. I need to take the edge off until you come to terms with yourself.” The command in his voice is clear. I don’t answer him this time, but he knows I will do as he says.

  I am so fucked.

  Chapter Six


  Thalia and I have been married for six weeks. She’s in my home, my bed—in a completely non-sexual way—and in my fucking head. Constant thoughts revolve around in my mind. She spends her days playing with Mathias, swimming or riding horses, her nights sleeping in my bed.

  Every morning while she showers, I sit in the bathroom and watch her, cock in hand. I watch her wash her body, cupping her tits in her soapy hands, water sluicing over her beautiful, flawless skin.

  Two days ago, when Thalia finished her shower, she didn’t leave the bathroom as always. She stayed and took her place in the chair I had vacated. Getting in the shower, I watched her closely as my wife spread her legs and played with her pussy.

  The scene alone was enough to almost bring me to my knees. As it was, my cock had turned to granite again even though I had just come from watching her. So, again, I took my cock in hand and stroked myself to a second completion as I watched her come all over her fingers.

  Yesterday was the same, and this morning as well. We don’t speak about it, but she’s clearly enjoying this just as much as I am.

  The past six weeks have been amazing. Thalia, for her young age, is very intelligent and has a lot to offer. We never have a moment of awkward silence during our dinners together, love the same books and movies, and even have some hobbies in common.

  Mathias has taken to her like a duck to water, and I constantly have to battle my ten-year-old son for some of Thalia’s time. The two of them are thick as thieves and are constantly near each other. I find that although I don’t like vying for her attention, I love that my son is happy, as is my wife.

  The biggest surprise was a couple of weeks ago, when thinking it was necessary that Thalia should be able to defend herself, I took her to the shooting range. God damn! My wife is a better shot than some of my men, and I’ve never seen her look hotter.


  After a successful meeting with a new runner in the western territories, I take a seat in my office and pour myself a stiff drink. I hate having to see people in my home, but this was short notice and I wasn’t left with any other choice.

  My gaze catches Thalia making her way down the hallway and past my office.

  “Wife,” I call out to her.

  A moment later, she enters my office. She wears a black two-piece swimsuit, with a see-though coverup over it. Her curves are on display and my mouth waters. Large breasts, wide hips, and a beautiful ass make up the entire package.

  “Yes, Nero,” she replies, out of breath, the afterglow of an orgasm still around her.

  “What have you been doing, wife? Why are you out of breath?”

  A blush blooms across her fair skin. My hackles raise and I immediately get hot under the collar. What man has my wife so worked up?

  “I think we need to talk,” she replies. “I was going to wait until tonight, but now that you have caught me out, I may as well just get it over with.”

  She looks nervous, her gaze never meeting mine. My heart stumbles over its own beat and feels like it stops. I didn’t realize it before, but I’m in love with my wife. My son is in love with my wife. This betrayal is going to tear us both apart.

  She lifts her gaze toward me, and I can see the tears shimmering there. I want nothing more than to take her in my arms and comfort her, but I can’t. Not if she has done what I think she has.

  “I can’t do this anymore,” she whispers.

  I nod but don’t speak a word. With every word she speaks, she digs herself deeper into the hole. I need her to confess so I can lock my broken heart away forever. She stares at me but doesn’t speak for long moments before she whispers again.

  “I need you to fuck me.”

  Chapter Seven


  Nero’s eyes widen as he stares at me. I need to explain myself to him, but it’s hard. The emotions I’m feeling, the arousal, are hard to put into words.

  “It hurts.” I whimper. “I don’t know how you do it, day after day, just jacking your cock to the image of me in the shower, but I can’t do it anymore. Touching myself doesn’t make it better. I feel unfulfilled.”

  Nero is on me, cupping my face in his large hands before I can even register the fact he’s moved.

  “You didn’t betray me?” he asks with a scowl on his face.

  “No! Why would you even think that?” I try to pull away, but he holds me tightly.

  “I know you. I know what you look like before, during, and after an orgasm. I saw it when you walked in. You’ve orgasmed recently.”

  “I have, yes. By myself.” My cheeks heat further at the admission. “I saw you in your suit, moving around the house. I saw the fear on the man who visited you here, and I saw the confidence and power you held yourself with, and I couldn’t not.”

  “Wife.” He groans as his lips brush along mine. “Are you horny?”

  I don’t hesitate to answer him. “Yes!” I cry out.

  Six weeks of torture is my limit. I’m the reason for the rules he set. He said he wouldn’t touch me in a sexual manner, and he’s kept his word. But enough is enough, and I need him to take the burn away.

  “Do you want me to take the edge off?” He smirks as he runs a finger between my thighs, along my swimsuit-covered pussy.

  A moan slips from me, and like a lust-crazed woman, I thrust my pussy further into his hand. He chuckles before he weaves his fingers through my hair and slams his lips down on mine. For long moments, he kisses me deeply, thrusting his tongue in and out while he cups my pussy through the material. Slowly, he pulls away.

  He leads me around his desk, pushing paperwork to the floor before taking a seat in his massive office chair. He lifts me easily and sets me down on the desk.

  He stares at me for long moments before he speaks. “Our son will be home from his karate lesson in half an hour, and I will not simply fuck you quickly over my office desk for our first time, although I will do it someday. Tonight, I will have you, i
n our bed, spread for my pleasure and yours.”

  I thought I had this figured out. And I must say after opening up to him, this dismissal is a slap to the face. Before I can move off his desk, he places his palms on my thighs and pushes them open wide.

  “But I cannot deny my wife,” he says. His gaze doesn’t return to mine as he stares at the spot between my thighs. “I can take the edge off, for now, make you feel better until later. Will that help, wife?”

  When his gaze finally returns to mine, I see the lust, the possession, and the dominance he’s been hiding from me these last weeks. Allowing me to get used to him, to make this decision myself.

  “Please, Nero,” I beg.

  “Show me your tits,” he commands without hesitation.

  I push the triangles away, allowing my breasts to spill out. Nero growls lowly before taking a nipple in his mouth and sucking it. A cry escapes me. There must be a direct line between my nipples and my clit, because when he sucked, I felt it there.

  Nero pushes my back flat against his desk before moving away from me. Momentarily, I don’t understand what’s happening, but then I hear the door close and the lock engage. Moments later, Nero returns to his spot between my thighs, rubbing his covered cock along my pussy as he takes the other nipple in his mouth.

  His hands and lips are everywhere, so much so that it’s almost overwhelming. My breast, hips, thighs, he touches everything. His lips move to suck at my neck, marking me, before returning to my breasts. He captures a nipple and then the other before skimming over my stomach. He places kisses on the fabric covering my pussy before he inhales deeply.

  “Jesus, Thalia.” He growls before ripping my bottoms down my legs.

  Lifting myself on my elbows, I stare at him as he holds my thighs apart. His gaze is glued to the most intimate part of me, making me feel suddenly shy. I try to push my thighs closed, but Nero is too strong and keeps me spread.

  “Nero,” I whisper, ready to tell him my biggest secret, but I don’t get a chance to finish before his tongue touches me.

  He uses his tongue to lightly circle my clit, over and over again. My breath leaves me in a whoosh as I fall back onto his desk. He traces down my pussy before pushing his tongue into me. A moan spills from my lips and my thighs fall open wider. Nero takes this as an invitation and dives in with gusto. He licks and sucks at my pussy like it may be his last meal. Of their own volition, my fingers move through his dark hair and pull when he enters me with one of his strong fingers.

  He sucks my clit into his mouth before pumping his finger into me twice, causing me to scream his name as my orgasm crashes over me. My voice can probably be heard halfway through the fucking house, and I don’t care.

  My thighs tremble as he removes his finger and laps at my pussy, causing small aftershocks to wrack my body. Moments later, he moves from his spot between my thighs, gathers me in his arms, and takes a seat in his office chair. I cuddle into him and just enjoy the euphoria of my first orgasm at Nero’s hand.

  After sitting in his lap for a while, I realize his cock isn’t hard beneath my ass, and panic grips me. Did I do something wrong? How can the man who walks around with a constant boner not be aroused at this moment? My body goes stiff, and of course, he feels it.

  “What is wrong, Thalia?” he asks, cupping my face and turning it in his direction.


  “Don’t start lying again.”

  There’s a long silence between us before I finally gather the courage to speak.

  “Did I do something wrong?” I ask. “I mean, you’re not hard.”

  Nero laughs before kissing me. “Woman, give me five minutes to recuperate. As you so kindly pointed out, I’m an old man.” He winks at me.

  I don’t understand what he means. Recuperate?

  He smiles before kissing me again. “The moment I had my mouth on that juicy cunt of yours, my hand was wrapped around my dick. The maid is going to be pissed when she has to scrub my cum from the carpet tomorrow.”

  A gasp escapes me before I hide my blushing face in the crook of his neck.

  “Okay,” I finally reply.

  Nero has a way of moving me before I even realize it. In the next moment, he has me straddling him in his chair, his hand on my pussy, and a finger already buried deep in me. I didn’t know it was possible to be horny so soon after having an orgasm, but a moan pulls from me, and I could do it all over again.

  “How do you expect me to control myself around this?”

  It’s a rhetorical question, so I don’t answer him.

  “Soft, juicy, perfectly pink, and tighter than a vise. You have either taken very few men into your body, or very small ones. No pussy should be this tight.”

  He frowns as he says this. I don’t consider my actions as I raise my hand and lightly rub the line between his eyes. I press my lips to his forehead softly before tilting his head back so he can look me in the eyes.

  “None. I have never been with a man.”

  Chapter Eight



  It takes everything I have to let her walk out of my office. Mathias has arrived home and Thalia is going swimming with him. I want to reach out and pull her back. Could it really be possible that my beautiful, curvaceous wife is still a virgin?

  But why would she lie about it?

  Standing at the window, I stare down at my wife and son as they play together in the pool. Maria, our housekeeper, enters my office with a cup of coffee and a bagel.

  “Thank you, Maria,” I say as she places it on my desk.

  “Of course. There is a man to see you,” she replies before leaving.

  Making my way downstairs, I can’t think who would be here. I don’t have any other meetings today. No one should be here. As I reach the landing, I’m faced with a man I never thought I would see again. He is part of my past and was left behind in Columbia many years ago.

  “Brother!” Ernesto exclaims.

  “What are you doing here?”

  My tone is harsh, but he isn’t welcome in my home. He isn’t welcome anywhere near me and those I love.

  “Don’t be that way. Let us bury the hatchet and embrace each other as brothers.” He smiles with his arms outstretched.

  “You are no brother to me. The last time we saw each other you tried to end my life.”

  “Misunderstanding.” He waves me off. “We are blood and that should negate any previous issues.”

  “No. Tell me what you want so I can get rid of you.”

  “Stop being a child, little brother.” He frowns at me. “I have come to you with a very lucrative business proposition.”

  “Not interested.”

  “Hear me out, Nero.”

  “No,” I bark at him. “You can leave now.”

  “Brother.” Ernesto sighs. “You will hear me out. You will help me with this, or you will regret it. Do not push me on this. You have a week to consider it.”

  He walks to the small table beside the door and drops a business card before walking out. Leaving me behind to stew in my anger. I have no idea how he found me all these years later, but I have no intention of getting caught up in his mess again.

  “Marco!” I bellow loudly.

  Marco appears a moment later. “Boss.”

  “My brother was just in my home.” I glower at him. “Find out how he found me, and we are ramping up security. Get all the men you need. I want this place so secure it makes the White House look like a mall. No one in or out without being vetted.”

  Marco nods before lifting his phone to his ear, already making the arrangements. Turning, I head back to my office. I stand at the large picture window and stare down at the pool where my son and wife are laughing and splashing each other. My brother reappearing in my life is the last thing I want to think about today.

  Just knowing he got this close to them has a shiver of fear running down my spine. There’s no way I am allowing him near them. I would die before I let anythin
g happen to them.

  Chapter Nine


  The entire afternoon, I’ve tried not to think about what happened in Nero’s office. Which I can tell you is the single hardest thing I’ve ever done.

  I spend the afternoon in the pool with Mathias. In the past couple of weeks, we have bonded more than I ever expected us to. He grew up without a mother for so long that he has taken to me instantly.

  “Come on, sweetie. We need to get ready for dinner,” I call out to him as I get out of the pool.

  Mathias smiles up at me from his spot on the stairs before springing to action. He’s like a little whirlwind of energy, always running where he wants to be. Within moments, he is already in the house and headed upstairs to get dressed.

  I make my way to our room, take a quick shower, and stand staring into my closet. None of the clothes are from my former life with my father. Nero had the closet fully stocked the day I got here. Most of the clothes are not close to my taste, or what I thought was my taste, but everything is beautiful and luxurious.

  After staring for a long time, I select a red dress that lands just above my knees. It hugs every curve of my figure and shows a lot more cleavage than I would usually feel comfortable with. Taking my time, I fix my makeup and do my hair. Black heels complete the ensemble. I stare at myself in the mirror, satisfied with the final product. I want to seduce my husband, drive him as crazy as he has driven me. By the end of this meal, I want him to think of nothing but me.

  Hearing Mathias run down the stairs, I leave the room and follow him. As I descend the stairs, I watch my husband catch Mathias and hug him tightly. Putting him down, he raises his gaze to me. His face remains stoic, and I wonder if he doesn’t like what I’m wearing.

  I move toward him, taking measured steps. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me flush against his chest.

  “You tempt me, wife. You look delectable in that dress, and now I will have to keep my hands to myself. You should be grateful that Mathias is here or you would already be naked,” he whispers hoarsely in my ear.


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