Reluctant Bride

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Reluctant Bride Page 44

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re certain you’re hiring my father’s employees in a comparable role with a more than generous salary increase?”

  “Along with premium benefits.”

  Cora nods. “Well then, my time here is up.” She stands and turns for the door without so much as a goodbye. She apparently has parting words as she throws out, “Have a good life.”

  Before her hand grasps the door handle, I call out.

  “I want you.”

  She scoffs as she shakes her head, barely breaking her stride. When she turns the handle, I try again, hoping my desperation isn’t evident.

  “I have your patents.”

  This time, she freezes and I see her body stiffen. She drops her hand and slowly faces me. I can see the fire in her eyes and damn if it doesn’t make my cock stiffen. “What do you mean you have my patents?”

  I continue to sit, trying to appear relaxed and in charge when that’s the furthest thing from what I’m feeling. My hormones are inexplicably raging for this woman, and I’d love nothing more than to scoop her up, lay her out across my desk, and feast on her.


  “The patents for the rehabilitative devices.”

  Her eyes widen and her mouth parts. So, dearest daddy didn’t include that little piece of information in their discussions.

  Cora’s eyes narrow as color rises in her cheeks. “Those were not part of the deal. Those patents are mine.” She grits her teeth and I notice her hands clenching into fists at her sides.

  “According to your father, they are part of the Bristow Integrations package. I’ll have you know I paid dearly for them. I hope I didn’t overpay.” That was a cheap shot, but I love seeing her riled. I am a true glutton. Or maybe just an asshole. Probably both.

  “How dare you,” she seethes. “I’ve worked years on those designs, poured my heart and soul into them, and now they’re in your hands? I’ll talk to my father and he’ll renegotiate. There’s no way he’d include my work without telling me.”

  I unfold myself from the chair and stand to my full height of six-two. Sliding my hands in my pockets, I continue to display a relaxed attitude. “Apparently, he did. There will be no more negotiations between your father and me, Cora. We’ve signed the papers and it’s a done deal.”

  She takes several steps forward, stopping within an arm’s reach of me. “You slimy rat,” she says quietly, belying the rage I’m certain is brewing beneath the surface. “Why?”

  I cock my head. “Why, what?”

  “Why all this? Why have you constantly undercut me, taking away projects I’ve gone after? Why pay ridiculous amounts of money for something you clearly don’t need?” Her stare bores into me, but I see the flicker of a change. “Why do you hate me?”

  That last sentence is barely a whisper as her voice breaks. Her eyes shine with unshed moisture, and it takes all my resolve not to pull her into my arms and assure her my actions were never meant to hurt her. But clearly, that’s what I’ve done.

  Have I gone too far?

  The end justifies the means, I tell myself. As long as I get what I want.

  I fight to keep my voice neutral. “I don’t hate you, Cora. Quite the opposite.”

  She begins to laugh like a mad woman. “You have a warped sense of what the opposite of hate is. Why don’t you just take a knife, ram it into my sternum, and cut out my heart? I think that would’ve hurt less.”

  I take a step closer and raise my hand, intending to wipe away the tear that’s lost its hold as it rolls down her cheek. Cora slaps my hand away before I can touch her.

  “Don’t you dare touch me. I will fight you on this and I will regain my patents. You’ll never have anything to do with them.”

  “You can have them.”

  Her eyes narrow once again with doubt and suspicion.

  “Work for me,” I rush to say. “You’ll have everything you’d ever need at your disposal in order to make those devices a reality.”

  “How can I believe you after all you’ve done?”

  “You have my word, but I’ll gladly put it in writing. A contract between the two of us.” I give her time to process my words before I drop the final piece. “With one more detail to be included.”

  “And that is?”

  “You agree to marry me.”

  Her eyes widen as she takes a step back, sputtering. “What … what … are you insane?”

  “No. I’ve never been more serious in my life.” I take a cautious step toward her.

  “You’re a playboy who’s been around more than a few blocks. Never settling with a woman for more than a month, if that. Why would you even think I’d consider your proposition?”

  “Because you want your patents. You want to put them into operation yourself instead of seeing them manipulated by someone else, or sitting on a shelf, never to benefit a soul.”

  Cora stares at me, assessing. “And if I don’t take your offer?”

  “Spears Technology will take your designs as our own and find a use for them.” I watch her nostrils flare and her jaw tightens while she processes my words. “This is a mutually beneficial arrangement.”

  “Like hell it is!”

  “You get to implement your designs with the backing of Spears Technology, gaining wealth and status as well. My company reaps the rewards of your ingenuity while I improve my image with a beautiful and intelligent woman by my side.”

  “I couldn’t give two shits about wealth and status, and I certainly don’t give a damn about your less-than-stellar image.”

  “My, my, Cora, such language.” I can’t help but smirk, no doubt pissing her off even more.

  You’re trying to get her to agree to this arrangement, not push her further away, you dipshit.

  “Fuck. You.”

  I know I’m on the verge of losing her for good and desperation erupts from my mouth. “A five-year contract. Spears Technology is at your disposal for anything and everything you’ll need. In exchange, you be my wife for the public eye. I’ll even agree to no sex until you decide otherwise.”

  “You really are delusional, aren’t you?” She shakes her head while blinking rapidly.

  “I’m a man who knows what he wants, and that’s you.” I take another tentative step closer and delight when she doesn’t retreat.

  “Sell my soul. All to be your trophy while you continue to have your flings with countless women.”

  I step into her personal space, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her to my body. She gasps as she struggles against me, her hands pushing on my chest with no effect. I have at least six inches on her in height difference and easily outweigh her by eighty pounds.

  “Let me go,” she says with a growl as her green eyes darken, narrowing at me.

  “I would have no other woman. Only you.” I crush my mouth to hers, cutting off further protest. Her body tightens as her hands fist my jacket. I continue my assault on her mouth as I strike out with my tongue, demanding entry. But when her lips remain sealed, her body rigid, I try a different tactic. Bringing a hand up, I gently tangle my fingers in her hair, massaging her scalp while I soften my kisses, sipping on her lips. My body hums with pent-up desire for her and it takes all my willpower to control myself. I caress her lower back, daring not to stray and push my luck. When she begins to soften by an infinitesimal amount, I sweep my tongue tenderly across her swollen lips, hoping to soothe. To coax. And when a tiny moan escapes her lips, I revel in the sound.

  But my victory is short-lived when Cora manages to push away, breathing heavily, eyes unfocused. She leans against the door, covering her mouth with a trembling hand.

  “Cora,” I say softly, taking a step toward her.

  “Don’t,” she says in a panic. “Just, don’t.” Her plea cuts into me, making me wish I wasn’t the prick I am, instead, someone truly worthy of her. Regardless, I want her and I’ll do what’s necessary to have her.

  I take a step back and straighten, my gaze never leaving hers.

p; “I’ll give you three days to make your decision. If you agree, I’ll have a contract drawn up for you to review. If you refuse, you lose your patents and the ability to create anything remotely close in concept.”

  A muted sob escapes her throat, tearing into me, but I press on. “You may hate me now, but think with your brain, Cora. My offer is generous and you will benefit from it.”

  She glares at me as more tears streak down her face. “You are soulless,” she whispers.

  I don’t bother to deny her words. After all, what kind of man proposes such a deal in order to claim a woman who will probably never love him?

  Oh, yeah, that’d be me.

  “Three days, Cora.”

  If looks could kill, I’d be incinerated. Without saying another word, she flings open the door and rushes out. As the door slowly closes, I release a heavy sigh, knowing all I can do now is wait.

  Chapter Three


  Two days I’ve spent in my apartment, alternating between self-pity sessions with crying jags and cursing Theo Spears while throwing whatever objects were nearest to me at the time. My neighbors and landlord can thank me for limiting those objects to the soft variety kind like pillows, wadded-up papers, and the occasional sneaker when it would’ve been much more satisfying to hurl dishes that’d shatter or knives that’d lodge in the wall, imagining instead it was Theo’s body.

  Okay, that’s rash, and I’m not normally such a hostile, vindictive person, but damn that man! His actions were unbelievable, unconscionable, and undeniably loathsome. I’m sure I can think of more descriptors, but my brain is simply wiped. I’ve ignored my phone and stayed off my computer, not even wanting to speak with my parents, knowing I’d need to be in a calmer, more rational state of mind. I still can’t believe what my father did.

  Was it unintentional? Did Theo trick him?

  No, I’ve told myself over and over that my father had to have known exactly what he was doing. His mind is still sharp and cunning.

  But why? He said he was worried about me. Does he think me working for Spears is the answer? As if I can’t figure out my own future.

  And marriage? To Theo? I refuse to believe my father had any part of that outlandish scheme. So what is Theo up to? Why the hell would he want me to marry him? Just to help him clean up his image? No possible way there wouldn’t be someone else better suited. Someone closer to his age and within his circle of society. I mean, I’m no slouch. I’m educated and driven, and I think I’m decent to look at. I may not be cover-model gorgeous, but I’m certainly not hideous.

  “Argh, that man!” I bellow inside my empty kitchen. “He just wants another possession.” I slurp down my fourth cup of coffee, not caring that it’s six in the evening and it’ll keep me wired for at least half the night. My deadline is tomorrow and I need it to come up with a plan on approaching Theo. The infuriating man had a contract couriered over with a note saying it seemed reasonable that I know the terms he’s setting forth in order to be prepared for any discussion in the morning.

  Oh, I know his terms, all right. Five years of marriage, taking his name, living at his residence, working at his company. And the kicker, the wedding would take place within a week. A week. How the hell does one explain that to your family and friends when there’s not been even one mention of a date or interest between the two of us?

  “This is ludicrous.” I slam the coffee mug down on the counter, the force reverberating up my arm and doing little to ease my anger.

  He even put in the no-sex clause, stating it’d be my choice if and when we engaged in intimacy. Jesus. And he swore he wouldn’t take any lovers. Could he really hold out for five years without sex? His hand would be getting plenty of action.

  I snort out a chuckle.

  Could I go five years without sex? Probably. I’ve had only one lover in the previous five years myself and he wasn’t anything to brag about, sadly.

  The contract goes on to detail obligations with social appearances, holidays, blah, blah, blah. He even included a clause on what would happen as far as a settlement should a divorce occur. As if it wouldn’t? Damn, the man is thorough. There’s also an employment contract, basically giving me carte blanche with my designs and programs. After reading that, my mind immediately conjured the multitude of projects that could be realized and the people who would benefit.

  I froze, thinking, My God, I’m actually considering this.

  And then when I read what he was offering as my salary… Holy shit! Only if I were to combine my past three years’ pay would it equal what he’s willing to pay me yearly—for the next five years. People say money can’t buy you happiness, but I bet that saying came from those who never had to worry for much in their lives. They obviously didn’t know how to spend it. There’s no way I need all the money Theo’s offering, and again, my mind is picturing all I could do with that wealth. Scholarships, donations to schools to increase their supplies, and so much more.

  What would Theo think if I were to give all that money away?

  I grin to myself, not caring what the hell he’d think. His company makes billions. Do they already have programs in place to give to charities? Any foundations that help organizations? If not, I’ll make sure to change that.

  “I’ll use my powers for good.” I giggle. “If he’s willing to dole out that kind of bank, I’ll damn sure put it to good use.”

  With unbelievable calm, I get cozy on the couch to once again go over the contract with a fine-toothed comb, making sure to highlight points I will most definitely be revising. I make notes along the way, and a few hours later, I sit back, releasing a sigh.

  “Guess this is my future for the next five years.”

  I’ve obviously made up my mind to go through with this plan and I realize I’m not panicking.


  I decide to wait until after I’ve met with Theo before discussing the situation with my parents. That way I’ll have all the specifics to impart.

  Closing my eyes, I picture Theo in his office, imagining what his reaction will be when I inform him I’ve agreed to do this. Will his eyes widen with surprise? Will they alight with triumph?

  Will they darken with desire?

  What immaculately tailored designer suit will he be wearing? Dark blue to offset the brilliance of his eyes? Will every strand of his rich auburn hair be in its proper place or will it be a little unkempt, giving him a rakish look?

  Will he greet me with a smile, those full lips parting just enough to make my pulse quicken?


  “Good morning, Cora.” His face is neutral as he gestures me inside his office.

  I step hesitantly beyond the threshold as he closes the door behind me, remaining at my backside. I wait for him to walk around me, but when that doesn’t happen, I peek over my shoulder to find him staring at me.

  “Something wrong?” I ask.

  He steps right up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist to bring my back flush with his front as he nuzzles his face into the side of my neck. Startled by his move, I inhale a quick breath, only to fill my nostrils with his enticing musky scent. It’s divine, and sexy, and shoots warmth right into my core.

  “Nothing is wrong,” he whispers. “You’re right where I need you.”

  His mouth begins a slow journey down my neck, lingering at the junction where it meets my shoulder. The feel of his hot tongue stroking my skin instantly has my body heating, and I release a low moan while involuntarily leaning back into his solid form.

  “There’s so much I want to do to you, with you. Tell me you’ve agreed to become my wife, Cora. Please.”

  His plea is full of yearning that tugs at me. Is he sincere?

  He resumes kissing my skin, pulling aside the collar of my blouse to expose more for him to taste. His free hand caresses over my belly, heating my skin through the thin layer of material covering it.

  “I’d love to see you carrying our child inside your gorgeous body. A body I plan o
n loving for the rest of my days.”

  “Is it just my body you plan to love?” How I manage to ask that is beyond me, considering the pleasure he’s stoking inside me makes my brain foggy.

  “I plan to love all of you,” he murmurs in my ear. “Your intellect.” He kisses the side of my neck again. “Your compassion.” He moves aside my hair to kiss the back of my neck. “Your wit.” He moves to the other side, nuzzling below my ear. “Your determination.”

  “Theo.” I say his name on a sigh, sinking further against him, on the verge of drowning in this simple attention.

  “I love the sound of my name coming from your beautiful mouth.” He holds my chin between his thumb and forefinger, turning my face up to meet his as he leans over my body. “Say it again.”

  “Theo.” I barely manage to get the word past my lips when his mouth descends on mine, kissing me deeply, stealing my breath and all common sense. It goes on for what seems like forever when he finally breaks away, leaving us both gasping for air.

  “Cora.” He practically growls my name before attacking my mouth again, all while his hands roam my body. He palms my breasts, squeezing several times before journeying south, cupping my sex and providing delicious friction. I can’t help but rock against his hand, needing more, needing to come.

  He breaks the kiss, whispering a hoarse demand in my ear. “Come for me, Cora. Now.”


  I jolt awake, sucking air into my lungs. It takes a few moments for me to realize I’m in my apartment, lying back on my couch, and not standing in Theo Spears’s office.

  A dream. It was all a dream. A dream so palpable it’s left me hot and bothered, and squeezing my legs together does nothing to ease the ache in my sex. I groan while scrubbing my weary eyes as a yawn works its way free. I stand and stretch, grimacing at the kink in my neck. After a few more minutes of controlled moves and further stretches, I head to the bathroom to begin my nightly routine. All the while, I wonder. What is up with that dream? Why on earth would I even think about Theo in an intimate manner? I’m not attracted to that arrogant man.


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