Reluctant Bride

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Reluctant Bride Page 51

by Sam Crescent

  I shifted closer. He reached out a hand and cupped my breast, brushing his thumb over my nipple and drawing it into a tight bud. Warmth pooled low in my stomach.

  “But you’ll need new clothes for when my parents come over tonight to meet you, and tomorrow night we’re out for dinner at a business meeting, and—”

  I placed my hand over his mouth. “Okay, I get it.”

  His eyes sparkled with anger and lust. He wrenched my hand from his mouth, spun me around, and spanked my ass. I moaned into the soft sheets.

  “I need to go. Behave.”

  I rolled over and spread my legs in invitation. Even though I was a little tender from last night, I wanted him again. I think I’d want him forever.

  Will checked the shiny silver Rolex watch on his wrist. “As tempting as you are, I don’t have time right now.”

  I pouted and dropped a hand to my mound.

  “Prue,” he groaned. “I said to behave.”

  “Fine.” I slammed my hand to the mattress and stood. “If I can’t tempt you to stay, I’ll walk you out the door.”

  Will laughed and handed me a thick white toweling robe. I shrugged into it and cinched the robe at my waist. We walked down the stairs and through the kitchen to the waiting car and Gabe in front of the garage.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Burberry,” Gabe said.

  “Good morning, Gabe. Call me Prue.”

  Gabe looked at Will then nodded his head.

  “Have a good day at work,” I said.

  Will pulled me into his arms. “I’ll have a good day at work knowing you’re here waiting for my talented tongue and cock.”


  Will kissed the top of my head, released me from his hold, and climbed into the car. Gabe drove my husband away.


  Such a weird word for me to think.

  Holy shit, I’m married. Will is my husband.

  I moved back into the mansion and stood in the kitchen in shock. This was my house. I’d live here for the rest of my life if things worked out between us. With how compatible we were in bed last night, at least we’d have hot sex between us. I moved to the fancy coffee machine and made myself a cappuccino. Only yesterday I served cappuccinos in the bistro and served Will his lunch order, too.

  What a weird thing to happen, being fired and marrying the guy who’d caused me to lose my job. I was a little crazy to agree to marry him, but Will was crazy to suggest marriage.

  Maybe we were a perfect match.

  We fucked perfectly.

  I walked back to Will’s—our—bedroom. With a longing look at the enormous bathtub, I dressed in the strapless red dress and my wedding stilettos. As much as I wanted to soak in the tub, I wanted Will’s scent to cling to me all day while I ventured out for the torture of shopping. At least then it’d reminded me of why I shopped, and what I had to look forward to tonight. I went outside in search of Gabe and found him sitting on a comfy-looking chair in front of the garage, reading a book. He glanced up and put the book away.

  “Can you take me shopping now, please?” I wrinkled my nose.

  Gabe stood and dropped the book on the chair.

  “Yes, Mrs., I mean, Prue.”

  “Thanks, Gabe, I don’t want to do this.”

  “I’m sure you’ll have fun.”

  I snorted. “Shopping by myself in a posh store. Doubtful.”

  He reached into his pocket and produced a cell phone and a silver credit card. “Mr. Burberry wanted me to give you these. Perhaps you could call a friend to go shopping with you?”

  “No way, my friends at the bistro wouldn’t know how to buy fancy clothes. Like me.” I groaned.

  Gabe shifted on his feet. “Perhaps I could call my daughter? She’s about your age and is studying to be a fashion designer.”

  “Yeah? That’d be cool. If she’s not busy.”

  “She’s on spring break, and home enjoying her momma’s cooking.”

  “You think she’ll be okay shopping with a stranger?”

  “You’re not a stranger. I told my family about you and Mr. Burberry.”

  “Yeah?” I moved to the car. “What did you tell them?”

  Gabe smiled. “I told them Mr. Burberry met the woman of his dreams.”

  “Ha.” I slapped him on the arm. “Good one, Gabe.”

  I ducked into the car and onto the supple leather seat. “Can you put the partition down?” I asked.

  “Of course.” Gabe climbed into the driver’s seat and the partition slid down.

  “Let’s go pick up your daughter. I bet she’s as nice as you.”

  Gabe smiled at me in the rear-view mirror.

  We chatted about Will on the drive to his house. I discovered Gabe had been Will’s driver from the time he’d finished attending college and graduated with a business degree. A small churn of jealousy grabbed me. Will had enjoyed the complete college experience while I’d been working menial jobs to buy food and trying to keep a roof over my head. Some months, I didn’t succeed in either. I guessed that life was behind me now.

  Gabe stopped the car in the driveway of a moderate suburban house. The front door opened and a young woman with flowing brown hair bounded to the car in a flirty dark-gray skirt bouncing against her legs as she walked, a form-fitting white top, and a flowing gray jacket matching the skirt. She climbed into the backseat with me and slid the fashionable white sunglasses onto her head.

  “Hi, I’m Tiff.”

  “Hey.” I smiled. “I’m Prue.”

  “Wow, you’re beautiful with your thick, black hair.” She held her hands up and made a frame with her fingers and peered at me through her hands. “Those blue eyes too are stunning. And your porcelain skin.”

  “Um, thanks.”

  She grinned. “I can see why Mr. Burberry is infatuated with you.”

  “We only just got together.”

  “Yeah, but he’s been going to the bistro every day since you started working there.”

  “Didn’t he before?”

  “No way, girl. He’s too busy.”

  “Gabe?” I leaned forward and tapped his shoulder. “Is that true?”

  “My lips are sealed.”

  Gabe’s reluctance to answer my question was the confirmation I needed from his daughter’s words.

  “How do you know so much about us?”

  “Dad’s a terrible gossip at home.” She hooted. “When I moved to college, he kept up the gossip over the phone.”

  “Tiff,” Gabe grumbled.

  “It’s okay, Gabe, I like you even more, knowing you gossip.” I settled back in the seat. “So, Tiff, tell me about yourself. Do you have a boyfriend?”

  Gabe’s head jerked up and his gaze flicked to the rearview mirror and his daughter’s face.

  “Look, we’re at 3rd Street Promenade already. Let’s talk more while we pick out your new closet.”

  Guess she didn’t want to discuss her sex life in front of her dad. My dad never stayed around long enough to discuss anything with me, let alone sex.

  Gabe stopped the car and opened the door for us.

  “Thanks, Dad.” Tiff kissed his cheek. “I’ll text you when we’re ready.”

  “No worries, honey.” Gabe climbed into the sleek car and drove off.

  Tiff threaded her arm through mine. “Thanks for that. I’m seeing two guys at the moment, and I don’t want Dad to know. He’d gossip to the rest of the family.”

  I laughed. “He wouldn’t have a problem with it?”

  “Nah, Dad’s cool. He supports me with whatever I do.”

  “You’re lucky.”

  “I am. But you”—she dragged me into the first store—“you’re luckier. Married to Mr. Burberry. Women and girls everywhere will be jealous of you. He’s freaking hot.”

  “Tell me about it.” I sighed.

  “Does the package live up to the advertising?”

  “The total package and delivery are better than the advertising.”

bsp; “Damn, you’re a lucky bitch.”

  “I think we’re going to be best friends.” I grinned.

  “Hell, yeah. Then I can use you for the awesome pool at the mansion.”

  I laughed. I hadn’t had this much fun with another woman in a long time. And shopping. “How about we get this shopping done and go back for a swim? And a cocktail?”

  “You’re on, new bestie.”


  Shopping wasn’t as much torture as I’d expected with Tiff by my side, but the day had taken longer than either of us expected. Gabe carried all the bags with my purchases up to the bedroom while Tiff and I jumped into the pool in our new bikinis with a rushed cocktail mixed at the outside bar.

  We floated on the pool lounges and sipped our drinks, enjoying the view over the Hollywood Hills.

  “You’re both underage,” Will said.

  I squealed in surprise and spun on the pool lounge, spilling the rest of my drink down my chest and into the pool. “Jerkwad, you made me spill my cocktail.”

  Will’s lips twitched.

  “I’m so sorry, Mr. Burberry. I’ll go,” Tiff squeaked.

  “It’s all right, Tiff. I was teasing Prue.”

  I wriggled off the pool lounge, handed Tiff my empty glass, and swam to the edge of the pool. I climbed the steps out of the pool with the water dripping from my body and made my way over to Will.

  “How about a kiss hello?” I stepped closer.

  Will stepped back and ran his hooded gaze over my bikini-clad body. “As much as I’d love to have your wetness on me, my parents will be here in twenty minutes.”

  Tiff choked on her drink and scrambled out of the pool. “I … ah…” She blushed.

  “Sorry, Tiff,” I said. “Excuse my husband’s manners.”

  “No, no. I’ll get out of here.” She wrapped a towel around her waist. “You two are still in the honeymoon phase.”

  “Are you free to do the thing you were talking about tomorrow?”

  “The mani-pedi? Sure. I’ll book us in.”

  “No need,” Will said. “I’ll make you both an appointment at a day spa.”

  Tiff grinned. “Thanks, Mr. Burberry. I’ll see you tomorrow, bestie.”

  “See ya, new bestie.” I waved.

  Tiff speed-walked away as fast as a person wrapped in a towel could and disappeared.

  Will held out a towel, and I stepped into it. He wrapped the fluffy towel around my shoulders, and I longed for him to wrap himself around me. It seemed like forever since I’d seen him, touched him, kissed him. How was I so obsessed after one day as his wife? One night in his bed?

  “How was your day?” he asked.

  Warmth pooled in my chest. Such simple words. Words he’d asked me every day in the bistro. Words that made me feel special. Like he cared about me.

  “The shopping sucked, but Tiff is great.”

  “Yes, she’s a good kid.”

  I snorted. “She’s the same age as me.”

  Will stiffened.

  “Don’t worry, old man. You can be a cradle snatcher if you like.”

  “That mouth.” Will tugged the towel around my neck and placed a hungry kiss on my lips. “I’m putting it to good use tonight.”

  “How about now?” I waggled my eyebrows.

  Chapter Seven

  He glanced at his flashy watch. “No time.”

  I pouted. “You and your no time today. You suck.”

  Will laughed. “Go shower, get dressed, and come downstairs to meet my parents. I’m looking forward to their reaction to you.”

  I placed my hands on my hips, making the towel drop to the ground. “What’s that mean?”

  “It means your crass mouth will horrify my mom, and dad will think I’ve lost my marbles.”

  I narrowed my eyes and spun with a huff. Will had underestimated me again.

  “Nice thong. Amazing ass,” he called to my back.

  I kept storming off, even though I wanted him more than I ever thought I’d want another person in my life.

  In the shower, I scrubbed the chlorine smell from my hair and body. The glass frame could fit eight people inside, it was so enormous. The shower head was delightful, and water rained down on my body in a massaging spray. I took my time and made Will wait for my grand entrance.

  Because I planned on making one.

  One to show him I could be more than the crass, mouthy ex-waitress he’d married, in what I worried was to spite his parents. Wasn’t he attracted to me? Didn’t he enjoy spending time with me?

  Why do I care so much?

  I dried my damp body with the soft cotton towel and dropped it on the floor. The show would happen downstairs. Up here, in our bedroom, he’d get the unfiltered version of me. I dressed in the most demure dress I’d purchased today, a form-fitting black dress that dropped to my knees. With cap sleeves, it had a white collar around my neck. I slid my feet into the black pumps I’d purchased. Teased my hair with my fingers until the long strands hung over my left shoulder in soft waves. I left my makeup simple after Tiff said how flawless my porcelain skin was and how I didn’t need a foundation. I ran a pale-pink lipstick over my lips and a black eyeliner around my eyes, finishing with a flick of mascara.

  I pranced down the stairs with all the grace of the women I’d observed in the stores today, and the ones in the bistro while I worked there. Voices traveled from the living room. Will’s voice sent a tingle racing up my spine even though he’d annoyed me. I made my way to the room.

  “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Burberry.” I smiled at his parents sitting on the sofa. “It’s delightful to meet you both. Will has told me so many wonderful things about you.”

  Their gazes zeroed in on my appearance and they examined me from head to toe multiple times. I didn’t budge or flinch under their perusal. They could look all they wanted, but I’d act the demure young wife in front of them.

  Mrs. Burberry spoke first. “Prue, I’m sorry this is a shock. Our son never mentioned you.”

  “I’m not surprised.” I moved to Will’s side and slid my hand onto his arm, flashing the huge diamond engagement ring and wedding band. “Will was concerned you wouldn’t take the age difference well, but then we realized when it’s true love, age doesn’t matter, and we couldn’t wait to get married and start a family.”

  I gazed up at Will with all the adoration I could muster. I liked him, even had feelings for him. As much as he annoyed me sometimes, and I swear he did it on purpose to hear me mouth off at him.

  “Oh, my.” Mrs. Burberry jumped from the couch in her designer outfit and rushed at us. She hugged her son then gawked at me with expectation.

  I opened my arms, and we hugged. When we pulled apart, her eyes glistened with tears.

  “You’re pregnant?” Mr. Burberry asked, still not coming to the party.

  “Of course not yet. We didn’t consummate the relationship until we were married. Hence our rush to go to the County Recorders’ Offices instead of the big wedding,” I said.

  Mr. Burberry stood and shook his son’s hand. “Congratulations to the pair of you.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” Will pumped his hand.

  “How did you two meet?” Mrs. Burberry asked.

  “We met at Burberry’s Bistro here in town.” I gazed up at Will’s too good-looking face. “Our eyes met across the tables and it was…”

  “Love at first sight,” Will supplied, reaching out and cupping my cheek.

  I nestled my face into his warm palm.

  “Yes,” I said. “We’ve been meeting for lunch at Burberry’s Bistro every day for the last six months.”

  Will’s lips twitched. I gave him a secretive smile. Technically, we’d met for lunch every day when I’d served him his lunch. He’d always been polite when I served him, and now I’d learned from Tiff I infatuated him, all those lunches at the restaurant made sense. All the fleeting looks he’d send my way, all the questions about how my day was, and all the over-generous tips. Will had flirted w
ith me, and I was too infatuated with him myself to even pay attention to the small signs. Plus, he was way out of my league. I’d never have thought a successful businessman could be interested in me. Would ever want to marry me.

  And Will did.

  My heart warmed and flooded my body with a strange tingling sensation I’d never experienced before. I gazed up into Will’s searching dark eyes. The anger and lust I was used to seeing didn’t glitter back. Other emotions shone in his eyes. Caring, affection, warmth, and could it be more? I swallowed and dropped my gaze from his intense stare.

  “Would you like to stay for dinner?” I asked. “I spoke to Heather earlier, and she’s happy to cook extra fillet mignons.”

  “Dinner would be lovely, dear,” Mrs. Burberry said.

  Mr. Burberry took his wife’s arm and led her to the dining room. I wanted to groan at eating in the formal setting, but I’d suck it up to prove my point to Will. He should never underestimate me.

  Dinner was a success. By the time Will’s parents left, we were on a first-name basis. As the front door closed, Will twisted to me with a bemused expression.

  “That was unexpected.”

  I pointed my finger at his chest. “You’re such a jerkwad. Didn’t you think I’d know how to act around your parents? Didn’t you remember I was a meek waitress? Didn’t you—”

  He yanked me against his hard chest.

  “I don’t know what I think when I’m around you,” he said with softness. “All I think about is how beautiful you are, how much sass you give me, your perfect round ass wanting me to spank it, how much I want to see you coming apart beneath me. How you make me feel when I’m with you.”

  The anger left me for a flood of desire pooling in my stomach. “Never think I’m not capable again.”

  “I won’t.” He dropped his forehead to mine. “You were spectacular tonight. You wrapped my parents around your little finger.”

  “They’ll be our baby’s grandparents. I figured it’d be good to have them on my side.”

  “What you said in there.” He nodded his head at the living room. “It’s almost true.”

  My heart raced. Was Will saying there could be more to our marriage than just good sex? Did he have feelings for me? Was it love? Could this weird reaction in my chest be love, too?


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