Breathing Vapor

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Breathing Vapor Page 6

by Cynthia Sax

  He didn’t know his blasted female.

  Mira glanced at him and then down at his cock. Her tongue flicked over her lips. “I suppose I’ll have to.” She kneeled before him. “Or you’ll spray all over the place.”

  Fraggin’ hole. She plans to suck you off. Thrasher gazed at her with wonder.

  Quiet. Vapor couldn’t carry on a conversation with his female positioned a breath away from his cock. “Touch me, female.” He released his cock.

  “You want this?” She hesitated, an endearing insecurity in her eyes.

  “I need this.” He needed her.

  “Tell your friend to look away.”

  I’m looking away. Thrasher turned his head, staring at the wall.

  Mira wrapped her soft fingers around Vapor’s shaft and he jerked, her grip on him stripping his restraint. “You can’t be in this state at the party.” She stroked her hands up and down. “I have to get you off.”

  Sweet solar storms, she felt good. Vapor remained still, his fingers forming fists at his side. He wanted to touch her but instinct told him she would stop if he did.

  He didn’t want her to stop. Ever.

  “You’re designed to appeal to females.” As she ran her palms over his cock, she nuzzled his balls with her lips, the combination sending bliss throughout his form. “That’s why you make me wet.”

  “All cyborgs are designed to appeal to females.” He wouldn’t allow her to hide behind that excuse.

  “No other cyborg is designed like you.” She extended her tongue and licked him from base to tip. Vapor shuddered, a bead of pre-cum forming on his slit.

  She laved his cock head and trembled, the scent of her arousal increasing. “You tingle here also.”

  “My nanocybotics are concentrated in my saliva and cum.” They were unique to each cyborg, aiding in their healing, making them who they were. When Vapor came, he’d mark Mira again, more intensely this time. She’d smell like him for planet rotations.

  That pleased him more than it should.

  “Hmmm…” Mira pushed her lips over him and sank down, down, down, enveloping his shaft with the hot wetness of her mouth. She couldn’t take all of him. He was too large. Her fingers covered his exposed skin.

  “Mira.” His voice deepened.

  She gazed up at him, her eyes wide, her lips stretched around his cock. Vapor had never seen anything as beautiful as she was. She razed his defenses, leaving him vulnerable and unprotected.

  That was dangerous, could be deadly.

  “Suck me dry, little human,” he ordered, seeking to reestablish his authority over her.

  Mira’s eyes glinted. She tugged on his flesh and released, tugged and released. Vapor rocked, conscious of his size, not thrusting too hard, too deep.

  When he took her pussy, he wouldn’t hold back, giving her everything. And he would take her pussy. He wouldn’t be satisfied until he claimed all of her, until he filled her with his cum.

  Vapor’s processors knew natural offspring wasn’t possible. The failure of the breeding programs was well documented. Offspring had to be created in the laboratory, with the help of scientists.

  But his body wanted to try.

  Mira bobbed her head over him faster and faster, her suction intensifying. He dug his blunt fingernails into his palms, seeking to delay his release, to make this rare moment of connection with another being last.

  He wasn’t in control. His blasted female was, and she wouldn’t allow him to prolong the experience. Her cheeks indented around his shaft. Her tongue tapped against him. She cupped his aching balls.

  Pressure formed at the base of his spine. “Mira.” He lifted his hips, driving into her mouth. “Mira.”

  She sucked hard, squeezed his balls and his circuits exploded.

  “Mira,” he roared, pushing farther, the pleasure too intense not to chase. She struggled. He fisted his fingers in her hair and held her to him, pumping hot cum down her throat, forcing her to take him.

  She swallowed and swallowed and then screamed, the sound muffled by his cock. Her lush form quivered. The air filled with her musky scent.

  His little human drained him, each suck bringing him bliss, causing more tremors to flow through her. When the ecstasy finally abated, he released her and slumped back in his seat.

  I need a female of my own, Thrasher mumbled.

  Vapor grunted, no words left in his processors. Breeding with Mira was better than battle. He watched, sated and sleepy, as she licked him clean.

  My ability to evaluate the situation is compromised, he admitted. He couldn’t be the being who decided if she lived or died.

  Relay the information. We’ll make the decision. Thrasher surprised him with a logical solution.

  It didn’t feel like the correct one. Vapor studied Mira, not knowing what that right solution was.

  “Can you control your urges now?” She returned to her own seat, her lips glistening with his essence, her white-blonde hair tangled.

  “For now.” He tugged up his ass covering, fastened it.

  She narrowed her eyes. “I’m not sucking you off again.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  Mira glared at him, clearly not liking that answer.

  Bemused by her irritation, he gazed back at her, waiting for her to speak, to tell him whatever was churning in that keen brain of hers.

  “You liked it.” There was a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

  “I did.” Vapor nodded. “But the next time I come, I’ll be balls deep in your warm, wet pussy.” Her face turned pink and he grinned. “I’ll breed with you hard, little human. You’ll feel me for planet rotations.”

  She blinked once, twice. “You don’t trust me.”

  “Trust isn’t necessary for breeding.”

  “I’m proof of that,” Mira mumbled.

  What did that mean? Had her father not trusted her mother? The Designer was known to be guarded with his experiments and never showed affection to his daughter. Had he been that way with his female also?

  Silence stretched.

  Mira avoided Vapor’s gaze, primping, using the control panel as a reflective surface, smoothing her hair and straightening her garment.

  He wanted her. Badly. Breeding with her fully would dissipate that out-of-control desire. He could then view her with detachment, and, if his brethren decided she was their target, he could do his job, feeling no guilt, no conflict over the kill.

  Vapor relaxed, pleased with that plan.

  The ship slowed. His female transformed into Mira the Merciless once more, her body stiffening and her face hardening. It was an act, a personality donned for the humans’ benefit.

  Was her softer side an act also?

  Be on your guard. That instruction was for both Thrasher and himself. Her plans for us might be malicious.

  They might not be. Being human doesn’t make her the enemy.

  Being female doesn’t make her a friend, Vapor countered.

  The ship reached the entrance of a gate, stopped for a couple of heartbeats as it was scanned, and then continued into the private grounds.

  “Assume that every chamber and every being at this event has a recording device.” Mira’s voice was curt, cold, cutting. “If you disobey a command, exhibit emotion, call me by my name…” Her gaze settled on Vapor. “I will have to reprimand you. Harshly. Understand?”

  “We understand,” he spoke for Thrasher also. “But our primary objective is to protect you. If any being tries to harm you, we will risk that reprimand.”

  Mira’s eyes warmed for a heartbeat and then cooled once more. “Every attendee at this party will try to harm me. I’m not the being you’re tasked with saving.”

  “Who are we tasked with saving?”

  She opened her mouth, paused, shut it, paused again, then spoke. “It’s better that you don’t know.”

  “Better for whom?” Vapor asked. He’d prefer to have the knowledge, to be prepared for whatever might happen.

a looked away from him, his pain-in-the-rectum female not answering.

  What is she planning? He glanced at Thrasher.

  I have no idea. His friend shrugged, appearing as confused as he was.

  The ship came to a halt in front of a huge structure. Mira reached out to open the door.

  “Wait here.” Vapor pushed her back into the vehicle and exited first. Large humanoid males lined the ramp into the structure. They were armed yet ignored him, surveying the surroundings.

  A tiny female stepped forward, a tray in her pale hands, her smile not reaching her eyes. “Welcome. Would you like a beverage?” She offered him a clear container filled with yellow liquid.

  Vapor scanned it. The beverage was non-toxic, safe for consumption.

  He returned his gaze to the female. She took a hasty step backward, her eyes widening. Vapor allowed her to retreat, feeling no attraction toward her. She was small and timid and weak, not suitable for a warrior such as himself.

  “It’s a cyborg, stupid female.” Mira stomped up the ramp behind him, blatantly disobeying his orders to wait. His fingers twitched, the urge to discipline his reckless female intense. “Machines don’t require beverages.”

  Mira claimed the container for herself, drinking the liquid without scanning it first, her throat moving with her swallows. She had no caution, not caring if she lived or died and that irritated Vapor.

  “This beverage is barely tolerable.” She curled her top lip as she tossed the container to the female. “Come.”

  He would reprimand Mira for that order also.

  Vapor followed her as she walked toward the structure. Thrasher trailed both of them, making wry comments about the humanoid guards over their private transmission lines.

  Another female opened the doors. She was scantily clad in white, her large breasts barely covered, yet Vapor felt nothing for her. She hadn’t Mira’s strength, her defiance.

  None of these females are as solid as ours is. Thrasher sounded as unimpressed with the selection as Vapor was. Their frames are flimsy and fragile, unable to withstand a vigorous breeding session with a K model cyborg.

  We’d break them. He wouldn’t break his little human. Vapor’s gaze dropped to Mira’s swaying hips. Her ass jiggled as she moved, begging for his palms. He’d mark those curves, punish her for taking risks, for making the task of protecting her more difficult.

  They paused at the top of an incline and gazed out at a sea of pale-clothed bodies. Heads turned. Lips moved, the voices too low for human hearing.

  Vapor wasn’t human. He heard everything.

  “Fuck. That horrid female is here.”

  “Is she wearing sun stones? I hate her so much.”

  “I’m hiding in a back chamber. Tell me when she leaves.”

  “She has cyborgs as a fashion accessory. Why didn’t I think of that?”

  They hated her, feared her, envied her. Mira’s spine straightened and her chin lifted. She knew they wished her harm. Vapor fought the urge to put his arm around her, to safeguard her.

  “Mira.” A willowy blonde glided toward her. Her lips curled upward. The rest of her face didn’t move. It was frozen and unnaturally smooth. “You look ravishing.”

  “Of course I do, Lydna.” Mira bent toward her, kissing the air. “My father gave me these.” She touched a strand of her pale white hair. “Hmmm…I seem to have lost a sun stone.”

  “Only you could say that and not care, lucky female.” Lydna’s laughter was brittle. “Showing up here with hunky cyborgs on your arms.”

  “Yes. Where are yours?” She patted Vapor’s stomach. Pleasure radiated from her touch. “I expected to see some cyborgs at the door. They’re what every being is bringing to events this solar cycle.”

  The other female eyed him. “I wasn’t aware that they were available for private purchase.”

  “Darling, everything is available for purchase. Look at it.” Mira spread Vapor’s chest covering, revealing more of his skin. “It’s a must-have.” She stroked his abs. “You can dress it up any way you like. I recommend having two.” She pulled Thrasher closer. “See how thin I appear, standing between them.”

  “They are large.” Lydna tentatively touched Vapor’s stomach and every cell in his body rebelled. He didn’t want another female’s hands on him. “And dangerous.”

  “Dangerous?” Mira scoffed. “They’re machines. They follow our instructions.”

  Lydna appeared skeptical.

  “Would I do this to a dangerous being?” That was all of the warning Mira gave him before she slapped him hard across the face.

  He maintained his blank expression. Barely.

  Lydna gasped.

  Mira, Vapor’s insane female, laughed. “See? It’s harmless.”

  “Harmless.” Lydna tweaked his left nipple. Vapor didn’t react. She pinched him harder.

  Harmless, Thrasher mocked. Wait until I transmit this to Ace.

  We’re not to relay any of the details of this mission. Vapor was now grateful for Mira’s peculiar request. We gave our word.

  He stared straight ahead while Lydna abused him, breaking skin, leaving bruises.

  Mira mocked the beings around them, cruel in her observations. She intentionally nurtured the hatred toward her. Vapor didn’t know why.

  Lydna slid her fingers downward, over his cloth-covered cock. He redirected his attention to her, mentally preparing himself for more torment.

  “It’s huge.” She unabashedly felt him up, tracing his shaft and his cock head through the thin material of his ass covering.

  Vapor felt disgust, not arousal. She wasn’t his female. She had no right to touch him.

  “It’s not functional?” She cupped his balls and Vapor gritted his teeth.

  “It isn’t interested in sex,” Mira blithely lied.

  She knew blasted well he was interested in breeding. He’d have her bent over a horizontal support, his cock in her pussy by the end of the planet rotation.

  If he survived her friend’s grip. Lydna squeezed his balls hard, the agony she inflicted upon him almost bringing Vapor to his knees.

  “That’s a good thing.” Mira’s tone was bored. “Why would any being want it to function in that way? It’s a machine.”

  “Oh.” Lydna yanked her hands away from him. “Yes, no being would want that.”

  The female we’re accompanying wants that. Thrasher pointed out. What game is the Designer’s daughter playing?

  No being knows. Vapor moved his gaze to Mira’s beautiful face.

  “This conversation is becoming tedious,” she declared. “I need another beverage.” She flounced away without a backward glance. Vapor and Thrasher trailed after her, surveying the crowd for possible danger.

  They hadn’t moved far before another female approached them. Mira worked cyborgs into the conversation, positioning them as a necessary fashion addition.

  Is she planning to sell us? Thrasher asked as a female caressed his ass.

  Vapor’s lips flattened. He wouldn’t be a toy for some bored female’s amusement. He was a cyborg, one of the top warriors in the universe, designed to kill.

  The female placed her palm on his cloth-covered cock, her action making a mockery of his thoughts, of his pride. As she chatted with Mira, she stroked him up and down.

  He felt nothing, only humiliation and anger.

  Mira, the being responsible for his emotional turmoil, traipsed through the chambers, showing them off, allowing attendees to fondle and abuse them.

  After the thirtieth female grabbed his cock, Vapor was ready to wage war on these enemies posing as her friends. Even Thrasher had lost his sense of humor.

  You willingly allow her to touch you? His friend transmitted. Why? There’s no pleasure in it.

  There’s no pleasure in these females’ touches, Vapor corrected. Mira’s caresses are different. The bliss she invokes exceeds that of a hard fought victory against a worthy opponent.

  Hmmm… Thrasher considered his words. I’
ve experienced something similar.

  Vapor doubted that he had. His gaze shifted to his female. She was as miserable as he was. Her smile never wavered but the bleakness in her eyes had become more pronounced, the lines around her lips deepening.

  She had a purpose for this party and it wasn’t enjoyment.

  A male, young, relatively fit… for a human, sidled close to Mira, unabashedly gazing at her breasts. A low rumble rolled up Vapor’s chest.

  She was his female. No other male would touch her.

  He took a step toward Mira.

  We have a situation, Thrasher announced. There are beings gathering outside the structure.

  Vapor bombarded the area around them with energy pulses, scanning for life forms, weapons and other possible threats.

  Three sides of the chamber were secure. The security of the fourth, the far exterior wall, was severely jeopardized.

  Large numbers of humanoids scurried back and forth, working industriously outside the structure. They were heavily armed and were constructing some sort of device.

  Vapor didn’t know what their plans were and he wasn’t going to stick around to find out. Protecting his female was his first priority.

  He stalked toward Mira, stopping only when his chest pressed against her back.

  “We have to leave,” he murmured into her right ear.

  “We can’t, not yet,” she whispered back.

  “This isn’t a debate. We’re leaving. Now.” Vapor grasped one of her wrists.

  “I make that decision, not you.” She wrenched her body out of his grip and marched away.

  He stared at her, watching her hasty retreat, his fingers twitching. When they left the event, he’d spank her ass until it was bright red.

  I smell fuel, Thrasher warned.

  Cursed female. Vapor hurried after her.

  And an igniter.

  He ran, pushing humanoids out of his way. Females shrieked. Burly humans reached for their guns. Mira turned. Vapor scooped her into his arms, curving his body around hers.

  The blast drowned out her protests and pushed them both forward. He fell to the floor, covering Mira completely. Heat flowed over him. Shards of debris pierced his neck and back, striping his skin with deep gouges of pain.

  Vapor remained still, enduring the agony, absorbing it all.


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