Fall Easy

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Fall Easy Page 2

by Zoe York


  “That was a terrible plan.”


  “Because he’s tall.”

  From behind Nikki, Mr. Tall cleared his throat. “I can hear you. Just as an FYI.”

  She rolled her eyes at Nikki, then pressed up on her toes and repeated the roll for his benefit. “Well, that’s just awesome. Nice to meet you, tall guy I can’t hit on.”

  He laughed and leaned to the side so he could see better around the Nikki-in-the-middle problem they had. “That’s okay, I can do the hitting on for the both of us.”

  Nikki shook her head and turned around, so her back was to Julie, who took that opportunity to give Mr. Tall her cutest smile. He laughed at her over the top of his beer bottle, his eyes sparkling. “Your friend here is giving me the evil eye. What should we do about that?”

  She wanted to suggest a dozen different blush-inducing ideas, but the truth was, Nikki was probably right. She swallowed hard and shook her head. “Nothing, I’m afraid.” She gave him a look that promised she wished it weren’t how it was. But it was. And she…might be tipsy. “I just got dumped this morning. By text message. I’m not in the right headspace for flirting.”

  He gave her a pained expression. “What an ass. I’m sorry.”

  She shrugged. “I’ll get over him.”

  It was certainly truer now than it had been twelve hours earlier.

  He winked again. “And when you do, you ask Emme about me and I’ll call in a rain check on that flirting. In the meantime, I think we need some coffee before we do something foolish?”

  Nikki groaned and threw her hands in the air.

  “Where are you going?” Julie called after her as her friend headed back to the living room.

  “Turns out I’m really terrible at standing in the way of true love!” she hollered back.

  Mr. Tall laughed.

  A man who wasn’t threatened by a random mention of love, didn’t mind that she wasn’t on the market tonight, and wanted to make her coffee?

  She leaned against the counter and nodded. “Coffee sounds great.”

  She smiled again as he held out his hand. His grip was sure and strong. His fingers were warm and calloused, and he only held the shake long enough to be polite.

  Trying not to be disappointed, she watched as he opened the cupboards, looking for mugs. He found them in the second one he tried, and winked at her again before making first hers, then his, with the single-serve coffee maker on the counter.

  “Does your friend want one?”

  “No, thank you!” Nikki called out from the living room.

  “You’re not the only one with awesome hearing,” Julie whispered over barely restrained laughter. “We’re flight attendants, we’re trained to listen for every little thing.”

  “Ah. Me, too, with the listening. Occupational hazard, the paying attention to everything.”

  Julie knew that Emme’s fiancé was in the Navy. Special forces, but they weren’t to talk about it. She figured this guy was the same deal. He looked the part—muscle corded almost every visible part of his body, from his forearms, peeking out from rolled up shirt sleeves, to his neck and those drool-worthy calves that stretched endlessly beneath his fitted cargo shorts.

  He was like Rambo fell into a GQ photo shoot.

  Julie liked everything about that. She took a sip of coffee to keep herself from saying something stupid. But when he turned and leaned against the counter next to her, she let herself enjoy the way her shoulder brushed his upper arm. The way his gaze kept drifting sideways to catch hers, and the confident glint in his dark eyes as he glanced down at her when she smiled back.

  Glanced down. At Julie.

  Ridiculous happiness fluttered in her stomach at the rare experience of feeling petite next to a man.

  “I didn’t catch your name,” he murmured.

  “That’s because I didn’t give it yet.”

  He grinned at her. “But you will.”

  “I will?”

  He nodded. “Because you want me to call you.”

  “I do?” She returned his smile. She did. “I’m Julie.”

  “Jason. I should warn you, though, my job is kind of demanding.”

  “Flight attendants know all about that. Makes new…friendships a challenge sometimes.” Although on the other hand, it made it relatively easy to visit someone in another city. Someone tall, and handsome, with an easy grin.

  “Well, it just so happens that challenges are my specialty.” He winked as he tapped the edge of his cup against hers.

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Oh, mama. The way he said ma’am was enough to melt the panties off a nun. She was totally done for. “Listen, we’re staying at a hotel tonight, but we’re going out to brunch with Emme in the morning…if you want to come with us?”

  He grinned. “Nathan said something about that. I’m at the Hyatt.”

  Yep. Totally done for. “How about that? So are we.”

  Chapter Three

  Jason didn’t know why Julie’s friend had tried to stop them from chatting each other up, but now that seemed firmly in the past. He set his cup down and turned to face her, leaning his hip against the counter. There was something magnetic about her that kept drawing his attention, to her eyes and her bouncy red hair and her generous, sexy mouth. Her face was so expressive, and he wished they had a hell of a lot longer to get to know each other. One night and a brunch with friends hardly seemed like enough.

  “Tell me more about flying,” he said, leaning in. He loved how tall she was. Her eyes were right there, blinking back at him. Sparkling and questioning. She’d give as good as she got, this one. “What kind of routes do you do? Ever visit San Diego?”

  Oh yeah, she saw right through him. She winked. “Sometimes. We do a lot of regional travel, charter flights. Sometimes it’s a lot of hurry up and wait for the client.”

  “What’s the worst place you’ve ever been stuck?”

  She groaned. “Stranded in Winnipeg for three days in January, and I didn’t have a parka. At least I didn’t when I arrived. Bought a lovely down-filled one at the airport so I could venture outside, at least. How about you?”

  The worst place he’d ever been stranded was on an Afghanistan mountainside for ten days, in what had felt at the time like a never-ending firefight to protect a downed helicopter and its crew. No way were they leaving American men or equipment behind.

  And eventually, they’d all been rescued, thank God. Not all missions ended like that.

  Not exactly flirtation material.

  “Most awkward was an early training mission in Guam. I had the opposite problem—I packed four swimsuits. My course instructors made me fly them like a flag outside my window as a reminder to everyone that I was more interested in swimming than learning how to protect our country.”

  She gasped and pressed her long, manicured fingers to her mouth. Again with the mouth. His dick flexed in approval. Every part of him was eager for a taste of her. “They didn’t.”

  He laughed. “That’s nothing. And they were right to do it. I was cocky and young and stupid. More importantly, I learned my lesson.”

  “All work and no play, though…” She clucked her tongue softly, her eyes dancing.

  “Not working tonight, am I?” He lowered his voice even further. “Free and clear to play.”

  Her pupils dilated and her lips parted. “Is it rude to leave our friend when she’s sick?”

  He shook his head slowly, his gaze not leaving hers for a second. “She probably would appreciate the privacy.”

  She nodded. “Privacy.”

  Jesus. The word sounded filthy when she said it.

  And it got even worse and better at the same time when she leaned in, nearly closing the gap between them completely. He could feel her breath on his lips as she repeated the word in a whisper. “Yes, privacy. We could all use some of that.”

  “Wanna get out of here?”

  “Uh huh.” Her eyes flicked to the side. Her other friend. Right.

  “Should we all ride back to the hotel together? Cab it?”

  She froze for a moment, clearly thinking this through. That was fine. He didn’t want her to regret anything. He wanted this to be a night she’d remember.

  “Give me a minute,” she whispered. “Just…like thirty seconds.”

  Julie stepped back, but before she could move further, Jason’s arm snaked out, his hand pressing against her hip. That hot brand against her skin trapped her against the counter. His hand rested on her hip for a second, his forearm pressed against her belly, and the rough awareness of it made her ache. Then as if he hadn’t just turned her inside out with a simple whoa there, don’t run away, he let her go and reached up her body, sweeping an errant curl off her cheek with his knuckle as he went. Shivers scrambled under her skin at his every touch and as he pulled away, she stared at him. Did he feel it too?

  “If this is a bad idea…” he said, his voice low. He left it at that, a question in the form of a statement.

  “It’s not.” She licked her lips, her mouth suddenly dry. She couldn’t look away from him. Didn’t want to even if she could. “I just need to find out if Nikki wants to stay here.”

  At some point, her friend had turned up the music in the living room. It was like they were in high school all over again, sneaking bits of privacy where they could get it. But Jason had a hotel room. That was different than high school.

  She reached up and wrapped her fingers around his hand. Yeah, she really liked his hands. Tugging him to follow her, she led him into the living room.

  Nikki pretended to look surprised, bless her soul. “What’s up?”

  “We were thinking of going back to the hotel,” Julie said, almost managing not to blush.

  Nikki grinned. “Fun.”

  The blush won that battle and Julie groaned. “You’re the worst anti-wingman a girl could ask for.”

  “I’m grateful for that,” Jason muttered behind her, and she twisted around, suddenly not caring if this was silly or kind of dorky.


  “Yep.” Jason kept up that reassuring right there with you, babe attitude as they made quick goodbyes to Nikki, who’d decided to hang out and read Emme’s magazines for a bit, and Nathan, who’d popped out to explain that Emme was off to bed, but looking forward to brunch.

  Then they left. A cab was waiting for them—Jason’s quiet doing, apparently. Smart phones were magical that way.

  He held the door for her, and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before letting go, closing the door, and going around to the other side.

  Everything he did was just right. He was nice, but flirty. Teasingly dirty, but light. Chivalrous, but not overbearing.

  This guy was dangerously close to perfect.

  “You want to get a drink at the hotel bar when we get there?” he asked, loosely sliding his arm around her shoulders as the taxi slid into the night.

  She paused. That would be the smart thing to do. Get to know each other a bit better, flirt some more. And maybe leave it at that, because how smart was a one-night stand with a special ops guy she’d probably never see again?

  On the other hand, did she want to look back on tonight and regret not sharing as much as possible with Jason?

  She shook her head. “Unless you’re thirsty,” she said, keeping her voice low. “I’d rather go to your room.”

  Their first kiss was in the elevator.

  They’d walked through the hotel lobby quietly, their shared secret plan wrapping them in a thick, anticipatory blanket that precluded small talk. But as soon as the elevator doors closed, Jason was reaching for her.

  “I wanted to do this the second I walked into Nathan’s kitchen,” he said, squeezing her hips before sliding his hands up her back. Each inch brought them closer together, until her arms were around his neck and his lips were just barely brushing hers. His fingertips slid into her hair, his thumbs caressed her jaw, and she closed her eyes, more than ready for a taste of him.

  When it came, it was commanding and strong, as she expected. A hard press of his mouth to hers, then a shift in angle, the barest parting of his lips which she matched, and then he was stroking inside her mouth. Not too deeply, but enough to say, I want you.

  She licked back, rising up on her toes as she met him in the embrace. He tasted like sweet coffee, and she feared she’d get weak in the knees the next few times she had to serve hot beverages because this kiss was that good.

  And then it was over, because the elevator doors were open. They broke apart, his lips looking as swollen as hers felt, and he grinned at her like this was the best thing ever.

  Her heart thumped hard in her chest. One-night, she warned herself. That might be all she got. She was open to more, of course, but she wasn’t going to hope for it. That wasn’t what New Julie did. New Julie was realistic and logical.

  But that grin…

  She smiled back with what felt like her entire body.

  Their second kiss was in the empty hallway, as she stumbled away from him with a giggle and he hauled her back, pressing her against the wall. One of his thighs slid between hers and his thumbs this time played with the waistband of her jeans. She reached around and cupped his butt as he tasted her slowly, sipping and exploring and making her ache for more of his mouth on the rest of her body.

  “You taste so good,” he groaned. “I need you naked. Now.”

  “Your room,” she whispered. “And then your wish is my command.”

  Chapter Four

  Did he even have condoms? Jason was having trouble thinking straight as he shoved his keycard into the door.

  Green light. Open. Closed. Woman. Soft, willing woman. Yes.

  He sighed as he found Julie’s mouth again in the dark, her lips parting so readily for him, her tongue so eager to dance it made him want to beat his chest.

  He hadn’t wanted to admit it earlier, but he’d been feeling sorry for himself. Obviously. The car was nice, but it didn’t replace the feeling of a woman in his arms. This woman in his arms, because when was the last time Jason had felt his chest get all hot and tight at first glance like he had in the kitchen?


  She’s special. No shit, Sherlock. Funny, gorgeous, and didn’t blink at the fact he was a SEAL. He was a goner for her. Love at first sight…well, he didn’t know about that. Wasn’t sure he would if it punched him in the face. But this had been something at first sight, for sure. And whatever it was, he was grabbing it with both hands.

  With a hungry little moan, Julie fisted her hands behind his head. If he hadn’t just gotten a haircut, she’d have been able to hold on to some of his hair, and holy hell, that image worked for him. She could hang on while they kissed. While he worked his way down her body. When he nosed his way between her legs, leaving whisker burn on her inner thighs.

  He’d kiss it better. He’d kiss every last inch of her curvy, incredible body.

  But right now she was kissing him, and that was perfect, too.

  She sucked gently on his bottom lip, and he could feel her smile when he rolled his hips in response.

  “Like that?” she breathed.

  “Sure. I like anything you wanna do.”

  “I want to take your shirt off.” She exhaled quickly as she shifted against him, not moving back really, just wiggling enough to get his buttons undone.

  As soon as his shirt was open, her mouth was on his neck. Her tongued traced the line where his stubble and the smoother skin of his neck began. He swallowed hard, unable to hold back a reaction to the wet, warm slide of her down his body. She kissed across his chest, and when she made a move to go lower, he wanted her to.

  Good Lord, he wanted that more than his next breath.

  But he was a gentleman, and there was a rule about these things. Ladies first. They had all night.

  “Babe, slow down.” He pulled her up, but she had his fly undone and he thumped hi
s head back against the door.

  Fuck, they hadn’t even gotten far into the room before he was falling to pieces for her. He huffed a laugh as she teased her fingers along the waistband of his boxers. “Like this, too?”

  “I told you, I’ll like it all. But I want to get you naked, too.”

  “Good. Then we’re on the same page.”

  He hardly thought so, from the twinkle in her eye. She had every intention of turning him inside out, and while he’d enjoy that more than he could say, he liked to be in charge.

  It had been bred into him over more than a decade of military training. Hell, that was probably why he was a naval officer to begin with. Commanding was in his nature.

  And right now, the Navy SEAL officer was completely—blissfully—being bossed around by a statuesque redhead.

  He should be protesting. Tossing her over his shoulder and carrying her off to bed.

  But he couldn’t because now she was cupping his dick and her hand felt like heaven. Even through his boxer briefs, she stroked him with a breathtaking mix of confidence and curiosity that more than did it for him.

  Closing his eyes, he gave in. She wanted to please him? Touch him and tease him?

  She could. For a minute. Then he was taking over and making the night about her pleasure once again.

  Julie got another rush of arousal as Jason rolled his head to the side and bit his lip. She watched carefully as she tightened her grip on his very impressive length. His eyes were closed, but his lips were curling up just a little, and his hips rocked into her touch as she petted his rock-hard erection. She inhaled a long, stuttering breath. It didn’t matter if he knew she was equally affected.

  “When we met, I thought the, um, half-foot of height advantage you have on me was the most impressive…inches…I’d seen in a while.” She leaned against him, trapping her hand between their bodies. Her lips brushed his jaw as she talked to him. “Now I need to modify that impression.”

  “You’re good for a guy’s ego, Jules.”

  Julie. But she didn’t correct him. It didn’t matter. She’d never liked variations on her name, but tonight, rolling off his tongue, she liked it just fine.


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