Anything For Love

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Anything For Love Page 21

by Melissa Foster

  “Okay, Bandit, down boy.” His father bent to love him up, and his mother’s face filled the screen.

  “He misses you, Beau. But I’m glad you let him stay with us,” she said. “I’ll miss the thieving guy when you move. Charlotte, it’s so nice to meet you, sweetheart. I read all of your books, and we’ve heard so much about you from Ty and Aiyla. It’s wonderful that you open the inn for this event. And you all look so gorgeous. Beau, I haven’t seen you dressed up in years.”

  “Doesn’t he look amazing?” Charlotte said. “I’m so happy to meet you guys. I heard all about how you two met at the vineyard. It’s such a romantic story.”

  “More like a romantic chase,” his father said. “Hal introduced us, just like you two. He’s quite the matchmaker. But my wife played hard to get.”

  “Only because I wanted to make sure you were not one of those fickle men who went after every skirt they saw,” his mother said. “But I quickly learned that Bradens are fiercely loyal.”

  Charlotte glanced at Beau with so much love in her eyes, he was sure his parents could see it as she said, “The apple didn’t fall far from the tree.”

  They talked for a few minutes longer, and as Jillian filled in his parents about the race, Charlotte whispered in Beau’s ear, “I love you, too.”

  Beau lowered his lips to hers, sealing their confessions with a kiss.

  Jillian and his mother said, “Aw,” in unison.

  “Okay, enough,” Beau said. “Mom, Dad, we have to get to dinner. Jillian, let’s go.”

  THE MAIN FLOOR of the inn had been transformed into a luxurious banquet area, with round tables draped in white linen, fine china, and sparkling silver. Floral centerpieces adorned the tables, and white lights ran along the exposed beams in the ceiling. Beau sat between Graham and Charlotte, surrounded by his family and friends after dinner, enjoying the get-together but wishing he could sneak away with Charlotte. Music from the band drifted in through the open terrace doors, where people were dancing, drinking, and celebrating, reminding Beau of the evening he and Charlotte had danced at the restaurant, the first night they’d been intimate. It was a night he’d never forget.

  Who was he kidding? He’d never forget a minute of their time together.

  Charlotte was busy talking with Aiyla and Jillian about dresses. The three of them, along with Trixie, had clicked like sisters. He loved seeing this playful, girlie side of her. Seeing her with his family and friends brought an element of unexpected relief. In the back of his mind, he must have worried about how he’d feel bringing a woman around the people who had known how much he’d loved Tory. It was obvious that he needn’t have worried. He’d never been happier to see his family embrace anyone.

  Graham nudged his arm and nodded toward Nick, who looked like he was chewing on nails. Beau followed his gaze and saw Trixie dancing with Jon.

  “Go cut in,” he said to Nick, who was sitting on the other side of Graham.

  Nick scoffed. “I don’t chase.”

  “Good luck with that,” Beau said.

  The song ended, and Trixie and Jon returned to the table. They were all used to seeing Trixie in cutoffs or jeans and cowgirl boots, not tight minidresses and sky-high heels. And Jon looked more like a surfer than a doctor, wearing a black dress shirt, open one button too far, with his blond hair, bright blue eyes, deep bronze tan, and ever-present cocky demeanor. No wonder Nick was ready to cause some trouble.

  “Come on, y’all.” Trixie pushed her long dark hair over her shoulder and said, “Time for tequila shots.” She pulled Nick up to his feet. “I need you to keep me from doing something stupid, like body shots.”

  “I’m in!” Jillian popped up to her feet.

  “Oh yeah.” Jon grabbed Ty by the arm and hauled him to his feet. “Body shots with two hot babes. You’d better keep me under control.”

  Ty glanced at Nick, who was watching Jon like a hawk, and said, “I think that job’s already taken.”

  Graham stood, pulling Beau up with him. “Come on. We haven’t done shots together in forever. Let’s get you nice and drunk so Char can take advantage of you.”

  “If you think I need to be drunk for that, you’re crazy.” Beau touched Charlotte’s shoulder and said, “Babe? Feel like drinking?”

  “Only if they can make tequila taste like candy,” she said as she rose to her feet.

  “Cherry cheesecake shooters,” Aiyla said as they made their way to the bar. “It’s the only thing my friends will drink.”

  “Think you can outdrink me, Nicky boy?” Jon asked.

  Nick scoffed. “I can out-anything you.”

  “Game. On.” Jon put his arm around Jillian and said, “Let’s get this party started.”

  CHARLOTTE’S PULSE HADN’T stopped racing since Beau had told her he loved her. Her emotions were heightened by how enamored she was by his family. These were the moments she’d always dreamed of. The things she’d thought she’d never have—a man who adored her so much that she could feel it in his every breath and friends who treated her like family instead of like the girl who once had a family. But as everyone gathered around the bar and Graham and Ty each slung an arm over Beau’s shoulder, worries trickled in about what loving each other really meant. His family loved him so much, and she didn’t know if he avoided them all summer or just for a few weeks. Or was it only in his hometown? Or everywhere? Were there other things he avoided to escape the guilt over Tory? Places they would have to avoid besides his hometown?

  Charlotte felt a hand on her arm as Aiyla guided her a few feet away from the others and asked, “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. Fine,” she lied.

  “You look green all of a sudden. Do you need to sit down?”

  “No, thanks. I just need a road map for relationships.” She tried to school her expression and said, “I’m okay, really.”

  Aiyla stole a glance at Beau. “Ty told me what happened with Beau.”

  Relief swept through Charlotte. She didn’t want to lie to her friend again, but still she didn’t know what to say.

  “You should know what else Ty said. He and Graham and I went for a walk around the lake, and Beau was all they talked about. How different he is with you, how happy. They said they’d never seen him like this. Ever, Char. That’s a long time.”

  She knew what Aiyla was implying, that he was happier than he’d been with Tory. Char didn’t know if she believed that, but she didn’t need to. She wasn’t worried about replacing Tory or living up to what they had. Beau was an honest man, and he’d already told her that what they had was different from what he’d had with Tory, and she’d never want to take away from what they’d had. That was then, and this was now. She believed in Beau, and she believed in what they had now. She just wanted to be sure that at some point they’d have a life without bounds.

  “We’re both happy,” she said. “But he has a lot to get past.”

  Aiyla lifted the hem of her maxi dress, showing Charlotte her prosthetic. “So did we.”

  Charlotte knew how much Aiyla and Ty had gone through, and though different, it was also similar. Aiyla’s prosthesis had changed their lives dramatically. She and Ty were both extreme sports fanatics, and she’d gone through extended therapy to learn to walk again and manage life with a prosthesis. He’d been with her every step of the way, and Char wanted to be there for Beau.

  She glanced at him, with his clean-shaven cheeks and a glimmer of happiness in his eyes that hadn’t dimmed since he’d told her he loved her, and her love for him swelled. “I want to help him but not push. Look at how much everyone loves him. How can he stay away from them? I want to wrap myself up in all of them.”

  “Sometimes it just takes the right person to lead the way.” Aiyla reached for her hand and said, “Come on, let’s see if we can nudge him in the right direction.”

  He’d already been nudged. The man needed a good hard shove. But that had to come from within, not from Charlotte or anyone else.

��s my girl.” Beau reached for her.

  As he nuzzled against her neck, she realized she was getting way ahead of herself. They were in love, hoping to make a long-distance relationship work, not getting married.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  She looked into his honest eyes. He’d never let her down, and she had a feeling he never would. “Better than okay. I just needed a moment to wrap my head around tonight.”

  “I’d like to wrap my body around yours right this very second.” He pulled her against him and kissed her hard.

  “There goes bachelor number one,” Jon said.

  “Give it up, Butterscotch. We don’t do that shit.” Nick handed Charlotte a shot glass. “Cherry cheesecake shooter, sweetheart. Your boyfriend told us to keep them coming.”

  “Thanks. What does he mean by bachelor number one?”

  “Our uncle does a bachelor auction for charity every year,” Nick explained. “Jon’s always trying to get us to participate.”

  “You should do it, Nicky!” Jillian chimed in. “Now that Ty and all his siblings are spoken for, it makes sense. Carry on the family tradition.”

  “Wait!” Trixie pushed between Jillian and Nick, her eyes bright with mischief. “Let’s get them to do a bachelorette auction! I’d totally do that. Wouldn’t you, Jilly?”

  Jillian said, “Yes,” at the same time Beau and Nick said, “No,” causing everyone to laugh.

  “I’d do it as long as Beau has enough money to win me,” Charlotte said. “That sounds like fun.”

  “I’ll give him a run for his money,” Jon said with a smirk.

  Beau gave him an over my dead body glare. “I’d sell my house if I had to.”

  “To Beau finally getting a life.” Graham held up his drink, and everyone toasted.

  That sparked a flurry of conversations about bachelor and bachelorette auctions, during which they toasted two more times. Jillian and Trixie took charge of ordering and handing out shots as the men tossed out barbs. Beau laughed harder than Charlotte had ever heard. It was untethered and carefree, and she knew these people were key to him rediscovering this side of himself.

  “Speaking of going home,” Beau said, and everyone fell silent.

  Including Charlotte. Hope bloomed inside her, but she quickly tempered it. She, of all people, knew he’d only begun healing, and look how far he’d come. He’d shared things with her that he’d had bottled up for years, and he loved her. Truly, deeply loved her in a way she doubted many people who hadn’t suffered loss would be capable of loving a person. She knew he wasn’t going to say what they all wanted to hear—that he’d head back to Pleasant Hill soon—and that was okay. Love didn’t have a deadline.

  “Char’s going to New York, and I could use an extra set of hands on a few projects while she’s gone. Anyone able to stay?”

  Everyone answered at once. Most had to get back to work, but Nick and Graham both offered to stay and help. She didn’t understand the grateful look on his brothers’ faces, but she was happy they’d get time together.

  “How many Bradens does it take to renovate an inn?” Jon held up his drink, and everyone lifted their glasses. “Who the fuck knows!”

  They all cheered and drank.

  And so went the next hour. The guys hanging on one another, laughing, joking, and challenging one another about everything under the sun, while Charlotte and the girls discussed potential story lines for Charlotte’s upcoming novels.

  “I want to be a heroine named Daphne.” Trixie swayed on her heels. “And I want my hero to have a really manly name, like Rock or Stone.”

  “No!” Jillian said with wide eyes. “You need a better name. Daphne is so…blah. You’re wild and free, and you’re thinking about starting that mini-pony business, which is going to take you all over creation. You need to be Esmerelda or—”

  “Just name me Trixie,” Trixie said. “Give me a hard-bodied hero who isn’t a dick—”

  “But has a big one,” Aiyla chimed in.

  “Whoa, baby cakes,” Ty said as he took Aiyla’s hand. “Time for me to put my girl to bed before she starts trash talking.”

  “Oh, come on,” Jillian begged. “She’s just having fun.”

  Charlotte’s head was spinning as Beau swept her into his arms and away from the others. He smelled delicious as he guided her arms around his neck and began slow dancing.

  “I love you,” she said, or at least she thought she did. She wasn’t sure. Her mouth felt a little numb, and Beau was smiling at her like she’d said something funny. I love you wasn’t funny, but what if she’d said something else and just thought she’d said that?

  “I love you too, beautiful,” he said, putting her worries to rest. “Are you having fun?”

  “Yes! I love your family, and I love tonight. I love you all dressed up, and I love you in your birthday suit.”

  He chuckled. “Funny, I love you in your birthday suit, too. But I can’t take advantage of you if you’re drunk. Are you drunk?”

  “A little,” she whispered. “Are you drunk?”

  He chuckled. “No.”

  “Good. Then I can take advantage of you.” She tugged his mouth down to hers.

  His lips were firm and insistent, his mouth sweet and delicious. As they made out, swaying to the music, somewhere in the recesses of her mind, she worried about what his family and the patrons who had known her family might think of her. But she was happy, and they were in love, and tonight was all they had before she was gone for two days, so she pushed those worries away and enjoyed dancing, and kissing, her man.

  Chapter Seventeen

  CHARLOTTE AWOKE WITH a groan and begrudgingly opened her eyes, meeting Beau’s all-too-alert gaze. His naked body warmed her side as he leaned down for a kiss.

  “Now I remember why I hardly ever drink,” she said.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’ve got you covered.” He helped her sit up and handed her ibuprofen and a glass of water. “Start with this.”

  “You’re a savior.” She took the medicine and set the water beside her lamp. “That was so much fun last night. I hope I didn’t do anything embarrassing.”

  “No more embarrassing than anyone else.”

  “Oh God.”

  She flopped onto her back with her arm over her eyes, and the sheet fell away, exposing her to cooler air and to Beau’s hungry mouth. He kissed the swell of her breast, and despite the dull ache in her head, her whole body responded.

  “You were sexy, baby.” He dragged his tongue over her nipple, and she moaned with the titillating pleasures it sent sizzling through her. “And adorable.”

  He sealed his wicked mouth over the taut peak and sucked. His arousal pressed against her leg as he brought his hands into play, teasing her and driving her to the edge of insanity.

  “And delicious,” he said as he moved down her body, reminding her that they’d made out on the dance floor.

  He kissed her belly, nipping at her tender skin as he lifted her legs at the knees and settled them over his shoulders. His gaze raked boldly over her sex, and her whole body flamed in anticipation. He kissed each of her inner thighs. Then he placed the softest of kisses to her sex, teasing her with fluttery flicks of his tongue until her insides reached for him and her back bowed off the bed. He pushed his hands under her bottom, holding her up as his mouth covered her. He feasted on her, fucking her with his tongue, sucking and kissing and biting. Heat and tingles spiked up her limbs, lust pooled in her lower belly, and she clung to the sheets, gasping for breath.

  “I need to drink more often.”

  He lifted his smiling face.

  “Don’t stop! Geez! I didn’t mean to say it out loud, but I do think this isn’t just the cure for a hangover. I think it’s the cure for everything.”

  “God, I love you, Charlotte Sterling.”

  She pointed between her legs and said, “Then get busy, and if you take away my hangover, I’ll even reciprocate.”

  He got more than busy
. He took her to paradise and back twice, leaving her ragged and trembling. And when he reached for a condom, she shook her head and said, “My turn.”

  “No, baby. I want to be inside you, and if you put that sexy mouth of yours on me, I’ll come.”

  “Then I won’t let you.” Rejuvenated by his desires, she rolled him onto his back visually feasting on his broad chest and hard cock. “Where to start,” she said innocently, teasingly, as she lowered her mouth to his pecs.

  She wanted to go slow, to drag out his pleasure, but the second her lips touched his hot skin, she wanted more. She sucked his nipple as he’d done to her and wrapped her fingers around his hard length, stroking him as she sucked. His hips pistoned with every stroke, fucking her fist as she devoured his body. She kissed and nipped as she moved lower. When she reached his cock, she teased him as he’d so often teased her, licking and sucking his inner thighs, the tender skin around the nest of hair at the base of his shaft. She lifted his balls and sucked them into her mouth.

  “Jesus, fuck—” He grabbed his shaft and stroked as she sucked and licked his balls.

  The sight of his strong hand wrapped around himself made her even hotter.

  “Don’t stop,” she said, and then she lowered her mouth over his thick length, following his hand up and down.

  He groaned and thrust.

  “Don’t come,” she pleaded, earning a frustrated moan. “Not yet.”

  She moved between his legs, loving his sac again, and put her hand around his, wanting to feel his strength wrapped around himself. She’d never wanted to explore like this, but when he said, “Touch yourself,” she obeyed without hesitation.

  And he watched, stroking himself as she teased her wetness with one hand and placed her other hand over his, stroking his cock with him.

  “Suck me, baby. Suck me and ride my face.”

  She could come just from hearing him talk like that. It was so naughty, so hot. The sight of his dark eyes boring into her emboldened her even more.

  “Okay, but you can’t come. I want to feel you inside me when you come.”


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