Anything For Love

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Anything For Love Page 27

by Melissa Foster

  Charlotte’s ears perked up. “Oak Falls, Virginia?”

  “The one and only,” Graham said.

  “One of my LWW sisters lives there! Amber Montgomery. She owns a bookstore.”

  “Her sister, Grace, is marrying one of my college buddies, Reed Cross.”

  Charlotte gasped with surprise. “Grace is getting married? I’ll have to call Amber. That’s exciting.”

  Nick headed over with a plate of steaks. “Who’s hungry?”

  Everyone chimed in, and they headed for the table, which was set for dinner.

  Zev put his arm around Charlotte, guiding her toward the table. Fresh flowers sat in a gorgeous pottery vase in the center of the table, surrounded by platters of vegetables, bread, and several side dishes. A bottle of wine was placed at each end of the table. Charlotte recognized the label from Lily’s family’s winery, Hilltop Vineyards. Beau had shown her the website online and had pointed out the vineyard in which his father had proposed to his mother.

  “So,” Zev said casually, “erotic romance, huh? I hear you have a handcuff fetish.”

  Charlotte laughed. “I guess you heard about Beau’s first night at the inn and the blow-up doll?”

  All eyes turned to Beau. Beau swore under his breath.

  “Why haven’t I heard that story yet?” Nick asked as he set down a platter of steaks.

  “Speaking of erotic romance,” Lily said. “Would you mind signing my books? I loved your Wicked Boys After Dark series, and I’m waiting with bated breath for the first book in your Nice Girls series.”

  “Geez, Mom,” Nick said. “I don’t want to know this about you.”

  “Oh please.” Lily waved her hand dismissively as they all sat down at the table. “Where do you think you kids came from?”

  “Mom!” the guys said in unison.

  Jillian cracked up. “You guys, it’s only fiction!”

  “There is not enough tequila on the planet to erase this conversation from my mind,” Beau said as he draped an arm around the back of Charlotte’s chair and leaned in for a kiss.

  Dinner was delicious, filled with comfortable conversation and lots of teasing. Bandit sat by Nick, who snuck him bits of food, earning glares from his mother and laughs from everyone else. Beau held her hand, kissed her, whispered explanations of inside jokes, and gave his siblings as much of a hard time as they gave him. But it was easy to see how much he and his family loved each other. It was present in every glance, every joke and taunt. Lily and Clint stole so many kisses, Charlotte knew Beau was right. They had a love as deep and true as her own parents had.

  As deep and true as we have.

  As the sun set, Beau scooted closer and spoke directly into her ear. “Feel like you’ve entered Crazyland yet?”

  She whispered for his ears only, “I love your family so much. I never want to leave!”

  He pressed his lips to hers. She thought Beau had filled her heart to the brim, but as her mother used to say, the heart was an amazing organ, and as she looked around the table at his family, she was filled with love and joy and a sense of peace she had only ever dreamed of.

  “I think we’d better get this cleaned up if we’re going to make the fireworks,” Beau said as he pushed to his feet.

  Everyone got up to help, and the table was cleared in no time. Charlotte stepped up to the sink to wash dishes, and Beau turned her in his arms. “No way, baby. We’ve got this. It’s our thing, you know, since Mom spent so many years doing everything for us.”

  He was such a good man, he reminded her of all the parts of her father and grandfather she adored. And so much more! “I love you. Do you know that? Do you have any idea how much?”

  “I think I have a pretty good idea.” He kissed her again.

  “Okay, lip-lockers.” Jillian pulled them apart and dragged Charlotte toward the patio door. “The guys always do dishes. This is girl time!”

  “I’ve got the wine!” Lily exclaimed as she snagged a bottle from the counter.

  They settled in at the table, and Lily filled their glasses.

  “I almost forgot! I have something for you and Clint. I know I have a weird lifestyle, and I’m sure you have heard that I’m not great at domestic things. But I’m really good at one thing.” Charlotte withdrew the gift and the card from her bag and handed them to Lily.

  “You didn’t have to bring us anything,” Lily said as she opened the card.

  Charlotte watched her read what she’d written. Thank you for sharing your amazing son with me. Love, Charlotte.

  “Oh, Charlotte.” Lily hugged her, and then she unwrapped the picture Aiyla had taken of Beau reaching a hand out toward Charlotte with a smile so big and real it lit up his eyes. Lily pressed her hand to her chest. “My boy looks so happy. Thank you!”

  “Let me see!” Jillian leaned in. “Aw, I remember when Aiyla took that. He is so in love with you.”

  Lily lifted her glass and said, “To the woman who gave me my son back.”

  They clinked glasses.

  Clint stepped out onto the patio. “Hey, Lil, can you come in here for a sec? Sorry, girls. But you know, men don’t always know how to do everything right.”

  “You can say that again!” Jillian teased.

  “Honey, look at this.” Lily showed Clint the picture.

  He put his arm around her as he looked it over. Then he lifted a soulful gaze to Charlotte and said, “Thank you, sweetheart. I can’t think of anything more wonderful than seeing you two so happy.”

  When her parents went inside, Jillian scooted closer and said, “I hope I find what you and Beau have one day.”

  “Want to know the secret?”

  “Heck yes!”

  “I think you have to become a reclusive woman who hangs out with fictional people.”

  They both laughed.

  “Jilly?” Jax called from the doorway. “Sorry, Char, but do you mind if I borrow her for a sec?”

  “No. Go ahead.”

  Jillian pushed to her feet. “I’ll be quick. Feel free to finish my wine.”

  As Jillian went inside, Bandit ran out and went paws-up on Charlotte’s lap. He had a pair of sparkly red slippers in his mouth. Charlotte took them from him and loved him up. “Who did you steal these from, you sneaky boy? Did you steal them from Grandma?”

  She pushed to her feet. “Come on, sweetie, let’s go give these to Grandma Lily.”

  She stepped inside, and Bandit took off through the dining room. She followed him in. “Beau? Lily?”

  Bandit barked and ran back to her, pacing between her and whatever room he’d just come from. She’d only been in the kitchen and had no idea where to go. A loud whistle sounded, and Bandit took off again. She followed him into a gorgeous living room with vases of red roses covering every surface. Beau walked in through an arched entryway and stood before her. His family followed him in, standing off to the side and watching them expectantly. Nick held on to Bandit’s collar.

  Charlotte’s nerves prickled. “Beau? What’s going on?”

  He took her hand and dropped down to one knee.

  “Beau,” she whispered, tears spilling down her cheeks.

  “Baby, before you came into my life, I didn’t know what a dreamscape was or a Hopes and Dreams jar. I didn’t know that I could forgive myself for my mistakes or that others would do the same. I never imagined wanting to live a fairy tale, but I want it all with you, Charlotte, and those are your ruby slippers.”

  He rose to his feet, and she could barely breathe, could barely stand on her jelly legs.

  “I’ve saved a hell of a lot of money over the years and I never knew why. Now I do. My slate is clear for two years, and I figure that’s about the amount of time it’ll take to create fairy-tale rooms at the inn and find someone to run it. I’m so in love with you, Charlotte. I want to live in Snow White’s cabin, ride horses, and have a family with little girls who have your eyes and boys who have your smile. I want to keep your family legacy alive, and I want you
to be part of mine, here, whenever we want to come. Will you marry me, baby? Be my wife, my forever love?”

  “Yes!” She could barely see through the blur of her tears as she leapt into his arms. “I love you!”

  They kissed as his family cheered and clapped. And then he slipped the most stunning diamond ring she’d ever seen on her finger. Several small diamonds encircled a large round one, and rubies cascaded down the slim, elegant band.

  “I love you, baby,” he whispered. “I’m going to make all your dreams come true.”

  “You already have,” she said, and kissed him again.

  They were passed from one embrace to the next as his family congratulated them and welcomed her to the family. Bandit ran around the room, sniffing the roses and barking. Charlotte could barely catch her breath.

  “I’d be honored to make your wedding gown,” Jax offered.

  “Both of us!” Jillian said.

  “Actually, would it be rude of me to ask if you guys would alter my mom’s dress for me?” Charlotte asked.

  “That’s even more perfect,” Jax said.

  They both hugged her, like they were two sides of one person, and said, “We’d be honored.”

  “I’ll get the champagne!” Zev disappeared into the kitchen.

  Beau drew Charlotte into his arms again. “You did all this with your family for me? The roses? Bandit?”

  “This is just the start, baby. There’s nothing I won’t do for you.”

  There was a knock at the door, and Lily went to answer it. A minute later she returned with Duncan. “Look who showed up to visit.”

  Nick sidled up to Beau. “Shit. I’ll get rid of him.”

  “Don’t,” Beau said. “I invited him.”

  Nick’s eyes filled with disbelief.

  Beau’s eyes met Charlotte’s, and he said, “It was time.”

  “Champagne!” Zev exclaimed as he burst into the room holding a bottle over his head. His eyes locked on Duncan, and he froze. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Duncan held his gaze. “Drinking your champagne. Are you pouring, or am I?”

  “I’m not sticking around.”

  Graham grabbed Zev’s arm. “Yeah, you are. Let’s go out back. It’s time for a clean slate.”

  “I like my slate dirty.” Zev wrenched his arm away and took a swig from the bottle.

  “Oh boy,” Beau whispered to Charlotte.

  “He just needs a little lesson in forgiving himself from my big, burly Beau.”

  As the others headed for the backyard, Beau didn’t look convinced. “Or maybe I wasn’t thinking straight.”

  “Did you see the look on Graham’s face? He’s not going to let them walk away without a resolution.” Charlotte wound her arms around his neck and said, “Besides, after that incredibly romantic proposal, I’d say you’re thinking perfectly.”

  Ready for more Bradens & Montgomerys?

  Fall in love with Graham Braden and Morgyn Montgomery in Trails of Love

  When Graham Braden travels to Oak Falls, Virginia, to attend the wedding of his buddy Reed Cross to Grace Montgomery, he sticks around to help with renovations to Reed’s new theater. The last thing he expects is to be asked to assess and possibly invest in Grace’s sister Morgyn’s business endeavors. Graham is a careful, keen businessman, and Morgyn is impulsive, disorganized, and more interested in the energy flow in her eclectic retail shop than in the accuracy of her records. While Graham isn’t ready to open his pockets to the sassy, sexy business owner, he may be ready to open his heart.


  Did you miss book one in the series? Get your copy here:


  SPECIAL BONUS Exclusively for KOBO Readers – STORY OF LOVE!

  I hope you enjoy STORY OF LOVE, where readers first meet Charlotte Sterling. This novella is also a great introduction to the Bradens at Weston, the family that started the Braden sensation!

  Chapter One

  RILEY BANKS RAN through the dark alley clutching a box of homemade brownies in one hand—because every bride needs chocolate to calm her nerves—and clinging to her fiancé with the other. If the last twenty-four hours were any indication of what her wedding day would be like, she’d need about ten more pounds of chocolate just to make it through the weekend. Warm air whisked over her skin as they fled the gorgeous Bahamas resort to avoid a mob of paparazzi that were eagerly awaiting the wedding of world-renowned fashion designer Josh Braden.

  “This is so ridiculous, running away in the middle of the night like we’re criminals. We’re just two regular people who want to get married. It’s not like we’re celebrities.” As Josh’s business partner and codesigner, Riley was not far behind him in notoriety, but she didn’t see herself that way. In her eyes, she was still a small-town girl from Weston, Colorado, who’d fallen in love with her high school crush years after graduation and happened to have a knack for designing clothes.

  “No celebrity could hold a candle to you, babe.” Josh tightened his grip on her hand, keeping her moving at a quick pace.

  They rushed toward the road where Josh’s brother Hugh was waiting to drive them to a remote landing strip. There they’d connect with their brother-in-law Jack Remington, who would fly them to their real wedding destination—the Sterling House, a rustic inn where Josh’s parents had been wed, in the Colorado mountains. The Sterling House no longer functioned as an inn, making it the ideal location to exchange their vows, for both sentimentality and privacy. Thankfully, Josh’s extended family was happy to help them avoid the paparazzi mayhem. His relatives from Peaceful Harbor, Maryland, and Trusty, Colorado, had descended upon the resort for their fake wedding. Josh’s cousin Jake was a stuntman and was used to the media swarming film sets and parties. He knew exactly how to create diversions and handle the media—giving Josh and Riley the chance to slip away unnoticed for the small, private ceremony they desperately desired.

  Josh stopped suddenly and swept Riley into his arms. Love and adoration swam in his dark eyes, making Riley want to head back to the hotel and make love to him one more time before leaving the beautiful island.

  “Are you having second thoughts about marrying a famous fashion designer? Because if you are, I’ll go riches to rags and we can live on an island far away from paparazzi without a stitch of clothing or a dollar to our names.”

  Riley’s heart swelled. She’d loved Josh for so long. She couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t loved him, and she knew he would do anything for her—including giving up the incredible empire he’d created, which she’d never, ever want him to do. Although the without a stitch of clothing part sounded pretty darn good to her.

  “No second thoughts about us, Josh. You know that.” She glanced back at the sparkling lights of the resort against the clear night sky, then down at the cobblestones beneath their feet, and finally, she lifted her gaze to meet his, and her heart tumbled anew. She hated that the press had the ability to drive them away from such a romantic setting. The truth was, there were many times she resented the media attention that came along with Josh’s fame. She wanted desperately for them to have a normal life together, one where they could walk in the park or go out to dinner without having to worry about photographers or reporters documenting their every move.

  “I just can’t imagine raising children under these conditions,” she admitted for the tenth time in as many days.

  Josh splayed his hand over her belly, and her body tingled with excitement—and worry. “I still can’t believe we’re pregnant.”

  When she’d stopped using birth control, she’d gone two months without having her period. Her doctor had assured her that her body was simply adjusting to going off the pill and from the stress of the elaborate scheme they’d concocted for their wedding.

  “I’ll never forget how devastated we were when the doctor said I would be unable to get pregnant.” After three months without a period, her doctor had run tests, and he’d informed her
that it appeared she had a rare condition called silent anovulation, where her body had regular periods but didn’t release eggs. Apparently the pill had kept her cycle regular, and once she went off it, and her body was self-regulating, she didn’t have periods at all.

  “Can you believe it’s been eight weeks?” They had still been mourning the children they’d never have when she’d started getting sick in the mornings and they’d run more tests. She placed her hand over his, remembering the elation that came with the news of her pregnancy.

  “You’re my medical miracle.” He kissed her softly.

  Her doctor had called her a medical anomaly. Her morning sickness, like everything else about this pregnancy, had been odd and had lasted only two weeks. Because of her doctor’s concern over her unusual pregnancy, she and Josh had decided not to tell their families until they’d made it through the first trimester, at which time her doctor felt they would be past the most tenuous stage of pregnancy.

  Josh bent down and kissed her not-yet-round belly, then rose and kissed her mouth softly. “I know you’re worried. You know I’m all for moving back to Weston for part of the year if that’s what you want. I’d do anything for you. For both of you.”

  It was true, he would. But as much as she wanted to raise their children in their hometown, near family and friends, neither of them knew what type of impact such a move would have on their business. And she couldn’t get past the fact that asking Josh to move was unfair. The woman he’d fallen in love with had accepted everything about his life, including living in New York City and the media attention that came with it. She felt guilty for even thinking about moving away from the hub of the empire he’d built.

  Despite the guilt, her heart raced just thinking about the idea of living in two places. She loved the idea of it, but she just couldn’t figure out how they could possibly make it work. “I know you would, but dragging kids back and forth? Assuming we’re lucky enough to have more than one. How hard will that be on them? And what about when they start school? We’d have to hire someone to handle the on-site management of the company while we’re gone, and I don’t want our kids raised by nannies because we’re traveling all the time. I want them with us.” Her mind felt like it might explode. There were too many things to consider and no easy answers. And to top it all off, she was on the cusp of launching a new clothing line next summer, which presented another host of issues to consider with a baby in the mix.


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