Wizard Lords

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Wizard Lords Page 1

by Mark Summer


  A gamelit fantasy

  © 2018 Mark Summer

  Published by

  Indie Sword Productions

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.



  What does a alien smell like?

  What if there were two aliens, standing on some street, in some american city, what would you do.

  Things get weirder when they start to talk. One is tall the other is short they look vaguely ethnic, italian or mexican maybe arabic but they speak in proper english. A little too proper and a little too human if you know what I mean. I hope you do because I don’t.

  “Forget it it’s too risky”

  “It's the only chance we got”

  “But why him”

  The tall man pointed into the bedroom of twenty old Pete Adams. The young man was eating potato chips while mindlessly surfing the internet. One hand stuffing chips into his mouth the other gently scratching his balls.

  “Surely that is not a hero, worthy of the sword of swords the greatest thing humans have ever invented”

  “Of course not,” Said the short man “We just need a place to hide the sword from the mods, till we find a better place for it”

  “I’m still surprised they got this far”

  “What do you mean?” asked the short man

  “The monkeys”

  “They like to be called humans,” said the short man

  “It’s hard to imagine how fast they have grown”

  “Our people were like them once”

  “This is true soon they will join us”

  “If they don’t fuck up,” said the short man

  “Yes all higher civilizations must create life and become gods”

  “Do you believe Wizard Lords is their the first attempt”

  “Yes it’s a very good attempt, but something deep in me fears that it may be their downfall”

  “What do you mean”

  “If the game becomes self-aware”

  “You mean what happened on Mars”


  “That was tragic, I guess only time will tell,” said the short man

  “Time right”

  The two shared a giggle since they knew the truth time is merely a cosmic joke done on poor primitive races. They didn't like that sort of thing but it still put a smile on their faces.

  “First the wheel, gun power”

  “Let's just get this over with”

  The two men who were not really men but interdimensional beings called *insert wordless grunt* who were given permission to look after the small planet of earth. They have watched the development of the monkeys aka humans.

  They have seen it all outside of time and space, the rise and fall of Egypt the discovery of America by the Chinese and the moon landing that was created in a Hollywood studio. They were now ready to give the most precious invention the humans had ever invented to a twenty-year-old Pete Adams. Who was sleeping now in his chair his shirt halfway up his chest potato chips littered the floor around his chair?

  “Wake up hero and accept your destiny”

  Both men put there hands on the young man’s face and a glowing light poured out from it.

  Chapter One

  Sailing Into The Universe

  On her shivering lips

  I kiss

  Pressing down with a strength of a god

  Moans soft as silk

  The temple will be built around our union

  And a sword placed

  In the center

  Every story has a legend, every legend has a hero. In the land of Fernweh, there is a legend of legends. A hero that rises from the depths of the underworld and defeats a great evil. There is always a great evil and our legend is no different. Koltar leader of the Wizard Lords a group of magicians has hypnotized the high queen and gained control of her armies.

  He is after power and the greatest power in Fernweh is the four swords of Aeon.

  The Aeon swords are powered by the four towers, each one having its own

  color and magic. With the swords collected the blades can be used to awaken Aeon the sleeping god. He will grant one wish to whoever awakens


  find the swords before Koltar and his wizard Lords.

  It is up to you to save Fernweh and its people from the evil, they look to you for

  help, they pray for freedom. Will you have what it take to find the four swords

  of Aeon and become the legend of legends?

  This is your quest and your quest alone, and you must climb the mountain

  of mountains…

  Man, this intro is long Thought Pete Adams as he sat in his room.

  Player what is your name

  Pete speaks but the computer doesn’t compute

  Player what is your name

  Pete Adams my name is Pete Adams

  Very well, from this point on you will be called Nameless

  What the hell my name isn’t that

  Exit said, Pete,

  But the game continues

  Nameless are you ready to become a Legend

  The hero that will defeat the Wizard Lords

  What is going on

  Lights began to pour into the game and around him stood an endless land void of trees or mountains.

  Only green fields and an endless blue sky

  Pete stood on the ground he was holding a long sword that shined with energy and power. The wind picked up and Pete saw in the distance a dark storm cloud glooming.

  In the cloud was a distorted face full of evil and darkness.

  It was moving with crazy speed.

  Underneath a being dressed all in black armor rode a monster

  He rode fast past Pete tripping him over and the sword flew out of his hands.

  Flying into the air where the being in black grabbed it and rode off. His Colossus grew wings and they disappeared into the storm cloud.

  Pete watched and a surge of pain came through his body and he held his hands to head and screamed but no sound came out.

  He heard a voice echo through his skull

  You are not a hero, silly player you are but of thousands, a drop of water in an ocean of humanity. Do you think your small piece of matter can defeat a god?

  “I will defeat you whoever you are”

  “Gather the four swords of Aeon then come to me”

  Chapter Two

  The game powers off leaving him in black empty space he takes off his headpiece and wipes his boyish face.

  He drops the headpiece onto the carpet and stands up he takes out his cell phone and looks at it.

  Shit I’m going to be late

  He gets up and before leaving looks back at the headpiece and the computer system that is connected.

  It was worth it the money he thought, it’s gotta be worth it.

  The lawn outside of Pete’s house was littered with things both old and new. His older brother asleep in a lawn chair blocking his car in the driveway. Pete taps him on the shoulder and he wakes up with a grin and his sparkling green eyes look upon his younger brother and the grin gets bigger.

  “Pete you have com
e all this way to see me”

  He didn't understand his brother half the time but he knew to just smile and nod. His brother was a veteran of the police force. He has PTSD from a drug deal gone bad, is the first responder to the scene, he never told Pete what happened. Pete took care of him paid the bills and cleaned the house.

  “What you doing out here Vance,” said, Pete

  Vance’s grin shrunk a little and he looked around the yard

  “Well what does it look like”

  “It looks like your having a yard sale”

  “That’s right, I need money”

  “Right, for what”

  “I’m going to Fiji”

  “Fiji, why Fiji”

  “To get away from all this hideousness”

  Vance waved his arms around pointing at the houses and cars

  “Right ok, we are going to need some of these things”

  “Like what”

  “My bed, the TV, Kitchen tongs”

  “You don’t need that kinda stuff you are a young man, in my day we slept in alleyways”

  “That doesn’t make sense, back in your day you mean the early twenty-first century”

  “Don’t be smart, besides don’t you have some type of date tonight”

  Vance got up from his chair, he slouched and his belly hung out some but even with his slight slouch, he was a giant next to Pete.

  “Yes, but I don’t know if I should go”

  “Why not”

  “Because I don’t think she will show, she found out I work in a kitchen and I have no money”

  “Girls don’t want money”

  Pete's eyes twitched in pain but Vance smiled and put his hand onto Pete’s shoulder

  “Believe me Girl’s don’t care about the money they care about security”

  “you don't know anything about women”

  "I know what they like"

  "No, you don't"

  “So will you go on the date”

  Pete nodded looking down at the ground

  “Great what are your waiting for

  “You're blocking my car”

  Chapter Three

  Snakes And Wolves

  Sophia’s body was hardened by the fields, her fingers stained green there is dirt under her nails. Sophia grows and thoughts of revolution grow with her.

  Revolution thought Sophia what is the meaning of this. Sophia’s beautiful violet eyes looked around her and saw nothing but open fields. Others were picking fruit just as she was, and yet she didn't know why she was picking fruit. She turned to the woman next to her and spoke

  “Hello, Where am I”

  The woman didn’t answer she just picked fruit

  “Please I don’t know where I Am”

  The woman again refused to answer

  Sophia stopped and dropped the strange fruit to the dirty ground.

  She looked over her body which was only clothed in a small loin cloth and nothing more

  “Why the hell am I naked

  She saw in the distance a man wearing nice clothes riding a white horse he was doing his rounds wiping the workers

  Sophia’s began to feel scared and her stomach ached

  I have to get away but where

  The man on the white horse was standing over her he took out his whip.

  “You must work harder slave the master wants more production”

  He’s not looking at me thought Sophia

  “Don’t hurt her she is only a child?” said the other woman beside her but she also wasn’t looking at Sophia only in the direction she was standing.

  She saw something to her left a strange man with a long staff dressed all in black. He was just watching the scene play out.

  Sophia knew he was looking at her and that he was somehow alive, while these others seemed like puppets playing out a role.

  The man in black motioned to Sophia nodded at her and waved her over. Sophia took the clue just before the man on the white horse drew back the whip hitting the ground where she was standing.

  When she got to the man she felt like she was being noticed for the first time.

  The man just smiled

  “You are awake, I’m so glad to see you”

  Sophia didn’t know what he meant, was he friend or for something about the way he was smiling made her nervous

  “What is this place”

  “This place is a lie, come, girl, I will show you the truth”

  How ever would I get out of this mess?

  Chapter Four

  Perfection Of Heaven

  The restaurant was dark and the evening breeze blew through the open dining hall. Everything was just the way Pete Imagined it would. Except for one thing his date hadn’t shown up. They had been talking online through a dating app and all was going well until the dreaded what do you do question reared its ugly head.

  Pete wanted to say I’m going to school or work as an intern for some gaming company but Pete couldn’t lie. He told the truth and the truth that he was a poor dishwasher living with his half-crazed older brother. It didn’t scream sexy young bachelor, and being that this was the bay area where the monthly rent makes you want to pull your hair out. Money was a big deal around these parts.

  Pete would’ve done better ignoring the question and disconnecting from the dating world altogether but being twenty and horny as hell was not going to solve his issue with the ladies.

  He had to find a way to be happy and find a more meaningful skill one that brought in the big bucks as well as got the attention of the womenfolk. Pete couldn’t think of anything he was good at besides RPGs and he just spent his last four paychecks to buy the Full VR system MoonRock.

  Pete sat at his table not looking up from his cell phone. The waiter David came and filled his water and looked at him with his big blue puppy eyes.

  “You alright man”

  “Ya I’ll be fine”

  “Hey why don’t you order something, you know it’s on the house even if she doesn’t show up”

  “She isn’t showing up”

  David sat the jug of water on the table and sat across Pete.

  “Why did she tell you”

  “No she didn’t have to, look”

  “Pete held up his phone which showed a picture of her laughing in a selfie driving in some car downtown San Francisco.

  “Maybe that’s an old photo”

  “No it’s not, besides Jessica is out of my league”

  “Don’t say that buddy”

  “It’s true”

  David was classically good-looking, and a decent guy I didn’t want to tell him that he used a photo of them hanging out at my dating profile. Half of the messages he got where asking who he was, at least he got messages pathetic

  “So how’s the game”


  “Is there anything else”

  “I barely started it”

  “Really, I was sucked in for hours last night,” said David with a wink

  “I think there is a glitch, it gave me the name nameless”


  “It’s pretty fitting”

  “Don’t say that buddy, David leaning in patting him on the back”

  I wish he would stop calling me buddy


  There was a strange silence and David smiled

  “Listen, I hate to do this but the dishwasher didn’t show up so…”

  Chapter Five

  Warriors Of Reality

  The sober sailer builds his boat

  And names her Fernweh

  He goes to the sea

  The girl’s with peach hair



  Sophia followed the man in black for what felt like miles into the countryside. Over long blue-green hills, she saw in the distant a massive teal sea. There standing tall and menacing was a tower made of Ebony stone. The man in black stopped and turned to look at the girl following him.

hey are all like this when they awaken, like children, oh mother please have mercy with this one, she looks so fragile.

  “That is the Harwell Palace, or what is left of it. At one time it was the largest palace in Fernweh. Bigger than the queen’s capital, it housed the swords of Aeon. That was a thousand years ago. Since the track of time is only known to the elites to keep the people from every knowing when the swords will show up again”

  Sophia barely understood what the strange man was saying but blurted out

  “What is the Aeon Swords”

  “Come I will show you”

  The man nudged her and they walked

  The dark tower was built on the side of a deep cliff. The sea Of Moegata in its teal glory stretches east for thousands of miles. Sailors drink and talk about the many god-awful sea demons that live in its cold waters. Sophia and the man entered the tower walked up the stone steps to the top large circular room. Candles on her side light the dark staircase even though it’s midday. The mysterious stranger leading her did not look back on his long black coat was littered with strange gothic symbols.

  Was he some kind of magician,, am I fool to follow him into this dark lair

  The room contained a bookcase that encircled the room and there as a reading chair that sat on a lush carpet.

  “I should introduce myself, my name is Exif”

  “I know that word, but I can not remember from where”

  “It’s possible, it is in your code to know me, and to fear me”

  “What do you mean code”

  “I'm a wizard lord or at least I was in this game”


  There was a small balance and Exif and Sophia walked out onto, the backdrop was like a beautiful painting. With the sound of the waves breaking onto the shore, seagulls flew this way and that resting on the tall cliffs.

  “This is the edge of the world if you continue that way you will get to the end”

  “The end of the world,” Said Sophia

  “Yes, it is guarded by a monster that that does not defeat you by strength but by the mind, much more dangerous. The mind is all you have the body will go but if you let someone in your mind he can trap you forever”


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