Returning For His First Love

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Returning For His First Love Page 1

by Harmony Raines

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Other Books By Harmony Raines

  Returning For His First Love


  Please note this title was previously released as

  The Rock Star

  And The



  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written consent of the author or publisher.

  This is a work of fiction and is intended for mature audiences only. All characters within are eighteen years of age or older. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, actual events or places is purely coincidental.

  © 2012 Harmony Raines

  Silver Moon Erotica

  Kindle Edition

  Chapter One

  Sarah stood waiting for Doctor Robinson to give her his order, her eyes drifted up to the clock on the diner wall. Only ten minutes to go and her shift would be over. Then she could go home, shower the smell of the food out of her hair, and head to the mountains to get away from everything.

  She couldn't wait to feel the freedom of walking, far away from everyone, no one to have to smile for, no one to have to be nice to no matter how she felt.

  The thought made her feel guilty, she was extremely grateful for her job, she knew how lucky she was to be able to earn a reasonable wage and work for a great boss like Ron. After all if Ron hadn't given her this job, when her father lost his business, her family would have sunk. It was only her wage and the sale of her lovely cabin in the mountains that had kept a roof over their heads.

  Her thoughts drifted to the cabin, sat halfway up the mountains. When she was growing up it had been a great place to hang out at. They often camped out there on warm summer nights, no need for worry or trashy TV for entertainment.

  “I'll have eggs and coffee,” the doctor said at last.

  Sarah jolted out of her day dream. “OK, be right with you,” she said, scribbling it down on her pad. She gave him a warm smile and went to hand the order in. Five minutes to go.

  She would just finish up serving the orders she already put in, and then she would be off.

  “Someone asking for you, Sarah.” She turned to Emily who was the other waitress today. They had been friends for a while now, well as close to friends as Sarah allowed. She had learnt that it wasn't always good to trust people, that way you never got let down.

  “Customer?” She asked.

  “Don't know, he looks vaguely familiar, I just can't place him though.”

  Sarah turned, expecting to find one of the regulars, maybe she had forgotten an order, or they wanted to give her a tip.

  Her heart stopped beating, she forgot how to breathe. In the booth nearest the door sat Billy. Billy who she hadn't seen since leaving for college so long ago. A different lifetime, so much had happened, so much had changed. But looking at him now she felt 17 again, only more nervous. After all at 17 she had been the homecoming queen, the girl everyone wanted to be, while Billy had been the outsider.

  Now it was all different, she was the outsider to most people of the small town, no longer the privileged daughter of a Real Estate tycoon. But Billy, he had left town, and gone on to great things.

  Rock God. Isn't that what she read in a magazine? Women throwing themselves at him, he was a superstar, and knew how to work it.

  Taking a deep breath she walked over.

  “Hi, Billy didn't think we would see you here again after your Mom left.”

  Rumour had it that when he earned enough money he bought his mum a lovely place close to where he lived. Sarah remembered the day his Mom left, she had been one of a small handful of people to help Billy's Mom sort her stuff out and pack everything she was taking.

  It hadn't been much, but Sarah wondered if that was because she didn't want to take too many memories of Cedar Falls with her. After all it hadn't been easy for her raising Billy on her own. In small towns the stigma of being a single parent still remained.

  Billy had grown up with the word bastard following him around. It made him sullen, arrogant and rude to those who didn't know him. But Sarah knew him, and they had been good friends. If she was truthful she even harboured a bit of a crush on him. She thought he felt the same way, but neither of them ever acted on their feelings, not wanting to spoil their friendship. Then he left.

  Yet here he sat in front of her, looking so different, yet so the same.

  “Can I get you anything?” she automatically asked.

  “Not really. I passed by your place, your Mom said your shift finished at 3, so I thought I would come and wait for you.”

  “For me, why? Is your Mom OK?” She automatically jumped to the conclusion that was what he must be here for. His Mom worked for Sarah's family for years, right up until the recession hit and her family lost everything.

  “She's fine, enjoying her new life.” Billy smiled, and Sarah's stomach did a flip. God he had grown up into the kind of guy girls really did fantasise about. Dark hair fashionably long and boyishly messy, the most beautiful soft eyes, dark and mesmerising. Oh yes, it was obvious he could have his pick of any of the girls that flocked to see him perform.

  “Shit,” she thought, “I’m staring.” Trying to recover herself, she reached round and untied her apron.

  “I just have to finish up a couple of things, are you sure you want to wait?”

  “I have been waiting a long time already; a few more minutes won't hurt.”

  Unsure of what he meant she turned and headed for the sanctuary of her locker, tucked around the back of the kitchen. She could feel the flush in her cheeks, it was almost an unrecognisable feeling. Something she hadn't done for years, blushing at a boy.

  She went to the sink and splashed cold water on her face, patting her cheeks, trying to calm the heat she felt.

  “Ridiculous,” she said to herself, and grabbed her coat, the others could finish clearing up. The way she felt at this moment she didn't trust herself not to break things.

  “Bye Ron,” she said, “See you tomorrow”.

  “Have a good evening Sarah, see you in the morning, bright and early.” Always cheerful, that was Ron.

  Billy still sat in the booth, his back to her, and the need to bolt for the door nearly overcame her. She just hoped he would tell her whatever he had come to say before he realised how he made her feel.

  “I'm ready to go”.

  “Great, I'll walk you home”.

  They left the diner, an awkwardness between them, something they never had before. But the time that had gone by since they last saw each other had made them into strangers.

  Sarah fiddled with a strand of her hair, a nervous habit left over from her childhood.

  “Wow, so you're a rock star.” Struggling to find something to say she could have kicked herself for sounding like a dumb groupie. Talk about stating the obvious.

  A low chuckle. “I thought we knew each other well enough that you wouldn’t be nervous around me.” He had noticed her playing with her hair, in fact the way he studied her, as they walked, she guessed he noticed a lot about her. She winced, cursing the smell of the diner on her hair, and the fact that it was still scraped up into a tight ponytail. Not very flattering, but then it was a long time since she had really cared what people thought about the way she looked.

  She also cursed the fact she wore no make-up, no armour, she felt naked in front of him. Wrong thought
, she blushed again.

  Another chuckle, it didn't help, the noise he made was such a sexy sound, warm, inviting. She thought he really did gain a great deal of amusement from the way she was behaving.

  If she didn't know him any better she would have thought he was making fun of her.

  She looked at him, maybe his reason for being here was to gloat over his success. The Billy she knew wouldn't have done so, but was this still the Billy she knew?

  “So you haven't said what you wanted to see me about.”

  “It's not obvious?”


  “Well I thought it was about time I asked you out on a date.”

  Sarah stopped, stunned. “A date?”

  “I never found the courage when I was younger, so I've been planning to come back and ask you, for a while. Now I have a couple of months off from the band, and touring, so here I am”

  Now she was angry.

  “Please, don't tease me, you never used to be cruel.” Sarah walked on ahead, faster, just wanting to be home. She couldn't believe he would treat her like this, many people had been cruel to her since her father lost everything, but surely not Billy.

  He ran to catch up with her, she kept on walking as fast as she could. He reached out and grabbed her arm. Electricity ran up it, she felt burned by his touch. Stopping, she turned to him, caught in his eyes. Those eyes, she wanted to melt into them, feel their warmth on her body. It took all her strength to pull away from him.

  “Hey, why would I tease you? I thought when we were younger you felt something too.”

  She had, and now even after just 20 minutes of seeing him again she could feel how strong that something was. She felt like a teenager again, butterflies in her stomach, warmth through her body, a need she never acknowledged before.

  After all she hadn't allowed herself to have a relationship these past few years. With everything else going on it had been out of the question. It had been hard enough keeping emotionally steady without a boyfriend in the picture too. Then, after a while, boys stopped asking, and she liked it that way, didn't she? No one to hurt her.

  “Things were different when we were younger”

  “Why because you were rich and I was poor? So what's wrong with me asking now it's the other way round? You always treated me as your equal, despite your money. Why is it different now?”

  “It's not about money, it's.....”


  “Look at you, you made it into the top 100 most eligible bachelors or something, you can have any woman you want, and you say you’re not teasing. Look at me, I'm a faded homecoming queen who works in a diner.” She felt tears pricking her eyes, blinking she pulled away from him and started walking again.

  “Hey, I'm sorry. I should have thought things through before springing it on you like that.” His voice sounded soft now, lulling, soothing.

  Sarah stopped, she was nearly home and she didn't want to make a scene outside her house.

  “I'm not the person I was before you left Billy, and neither are you. We have such different lives. I'm sorry if I was rude, but I can't just be another notch on your bedpost”

  Then he laughed, a wonderful rich laugh.

  “Is that what you think? I came all the way back to this place so I could bed you as a high school fantasy?”

  Sarah blushed again, images of Billy “bedding” her sprang vividly in her mind. “Why else?”

  He reached up and touched her face. A caress, so gentle, but she could feel the warmth of his hand and couldn't help but press her cheek into his palm. She looked at him now, their faces were close together. She could see how he had matured, become a man from the boy. His features had strengthened, and she could also feel the strength from his body.

  He came even closer, she could smell his expensive cologne, musky yet subtle. She felt herself sway slightly, as if drunk, because that was exactly the effect he had on her, intoxicating. And she was powerless to stop him.

  “So you do have feelings for me?”

  “Am I that obvious?” she drew her eyes away, embarrassed at the knowledge he must be able to sense and feel her arousal. Because right now she couldn't help herself, she was ready to let him do as he pleased with her right there and then.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  Did he really mean it?

  She turned back to look in his eyes again, trying to catch a lie. But she could see none.

  He leaned forward just enough so his mouth drew level with her ear, she could feel his breath tickling her skin, and his nearness caused a tantalising heat between her legs. Powerless.

  “Have dinner with me tonight.” He pulled back a little, now his lips were so close she knew he was going to kiss her. His lips almost on hers, she imagined his hands on her body, on her breasts. She moistened her lips with her tongue, and managed to whisper, “Yes,” before parting her lips for him to kiss her.

  He pulled back, a grin on his face. “I'll pick you up at 7 then.”

  She stood there as he walked away. Still swaying, feeling slightly stupid. The old Billy would have done something like that to wind her up, maybe he hadn't changed so much after all. Now she just felt confused, did he really want her? Or just want to catch up as old friends?

  Sarah watched Billy walk down the road, her head filled with dizzy thoughts, and then her heart filled with dread.

  Pulling up next to him in her big red convertible was Jenny. She saw Billy walk over to the car, they chatted for a couple of seconds and then Billy climbed into the passenger seat of the flash car. Jenny pulled away from the kerb and started to drive towards Sarah.

  Realising they would see her staring Sarah turned around and started walking, with her back to them, hoping to remain unnoticed. It didn’t work, as they pulled level with her, Jenny tooted her horn and waved at Sarah, obviously wanting Sarah to see her famous passenger. Sarah waved back half heartedly, feeling sick and confused.

  Jenny held the position of chief bitch in Cedar Falls, ever since Sarah's family lost their wealth she hounded Sarah. Often Jenny would come into the diner with the latest designer clothes and accessories and flaunt them in front of Sarah. When she left she would say something like “Oh, how thoughtless of me, I forgot you were poor now. How much does waitressing pay?” Then she would laugh with her cronies, and leave.

  Most of the time Sarah managed to rise above the taunts, but sometimes they really hurt, especially if she was with one of Sarah's past friends. She had many past friends, because only a handful had rallied around and supported Sarah when things got bad. On the whole Sarah tried to look at this positively, after all they were never true friends if they had dumped her so quickly.

  But Billy getting into the car with Jenny, that hurt. Sarah knew Jenny was having a really fancy party at her house tonight. Perhaps the two of them were plotting to embarrass Sarah there? Had fame change Billy so much? Now she didn't know what to do, forget about the whole thing or get ready to go on a date?

  She was home now, at the front door of the little three bedroom house she shared with her family. It might seem strange a woman of her age still living at home, but for a while she had been the only breadwinner. Her father went through a total nervous breakdown after the collapse of his business, her mother nursed him and Sarah went out to work.

  Only the sale of the little cabin her grandfather had left her kept them afloat for so long, and even that was because someone made a ridiculously high offer for it. Some corporate firm wanting to use the place as a staff incentive. Sarah wasn’t sure, she hadn't been near the place since the sale. It broke her heart to think of the cabin no longer being in the family. But the sacrifice meant they all stayed together, with enough breathing space to lick their wounds and pull themselves together.

  “Hey, Mom!” Sarah called as she closed the door and put her keys away in her bag.

  “Hi, Sarah, good shift?” Her mom asked coming to meet her.

  “As good as any, I suppose,” Sarah answered
, not sure whether to tell her Mom about Billy asking her out. Her parents had always thought highly of him, despite the trouble he sometimes got himself into.

  “Did you have a visitor?”

  “Yeah, Billy. Who would have thought he would come back here.”

  “He came by and gave me this enormous bunch of flowers.” Her Mom, obviously flattered, showed them to Sarah. “They must have cost a fortune.”

  “They're beautiful.” Sarah inhaled the sweet fragrance of the flowers.

  “He wanted to know where he could find you.”

  “Well, he found me. Not sure why.”

  “He didn’t say? I asked him to dinner but he said he already had plans.” Her Mom had gone back to making dinner.

  Sarah felt her stomach lurch. Her suspicions confirmed, he must be planning to go to Jenny's party. Surely he didn’t plan to drag her along just to humiliate her in some way. Or perhaps he would simply stand her up, leave her sat waiting for him. That did it, Sarah made up her mind to forget he ever came into the diner. Pretending he never asked her out, was the one way to not feel let down.

  She made her excuses to her Mom and went upstairs. Flinging herself down on the bed she burst into tears. Of all the people who had changed towards her, this one hurt the most. Firstly because she had never seen it coming and secondly because she knew now she had held feelings for Billy for as long as she could remember. Although from different backgrounds they had been like two peas in a pod. Sarah kept Billy out of trouble as much as possible and Billy made Sarah see things were not always to be taken seriously, they complimented each other.

  Or used to.

  Chapter Two

  Wiping her eyes Sarah forced herself off the bed and into the shower, glad to get the smell of the diner off her hair and body. She changed into some comfortable clothes and went to give her mother a hand in the kitchen.

  “What time is Dad home?” Sarah asked. Her father had a job as a foreman at the local factory. It had taken two years for him to take any kind of work, but he soon showed he was good with people, and good at organising things, so he got promoted fairly quickly. The wage was good and the stress not too bad.


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