The Apple of My Eye (Man Card Book 11)

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The Apple of My Eye (Man Card Book 11) Page 1

by Terra Kelly

  The Apple of My Eye

  Man Card Book Eleven

  Terra Kelly

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  A note from the author

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  About the Author

  Also by Terra Kelly

  Books by T.M. Kelly



  When I met Gracie, I knew we would be together forever. She was the only woman who understood me and loved the same things I did. It was just meant to be…

  …until the moment I found out who her father was.

  How was it possible I fell for the one person I was forbidden to love?

  Her father won’t be able to keep us apart because my craving for her is undeniable.

  The man card series is a collection of short stories that are full of steamy romance. You're guaranteed that perfect happy ending and a cupboard full of sweets from all the cravings.



  “Wait.” My father stepped down from the tractor and pulled his gloves off. “You’re what?”

  “I’m leaving Ron.” Saying the words out loud felt amazing. I had kept everything bottled up for too long.

  “The other part.” He moved the gloves back and forth in his hands.

  I paused for a beat realizing he’d caught what I said. With the motor from the tractor, I hoped he would miss my last few words. The man was attentive though. “Um, I’m moving back home.”

  “Gracie.” He dropped his head and gave a look like he was already scolding me.

  “I want to…um…” Why was I so afraid to say the words? This morning when I woke up, I had everything thought out perfect in my mind. I knew exactly what I needed to tell my father. “Yeah, so, I think I want to talk to…um…Ryan.”

  He scowled at my words. “As in Ryan Appleton?”

  “Maybe.” I tried to stall the fight a little longer but his anger was evident on his face.

  “The Ryan Appleton?” He started to walk back to the tractor but then stopped.

  “Well, there is only one.”

  He spun around and pointed his index finger at me. “Don’t get smart with me, Missy.”

  And there it was, he went from calm to pissed off level in a flash.

  “I’m old enough now to decide who I see, Dad.” I stepped back away from his finger. He had this habit of pointing at us when he was fucking furious. “It’s been years. I’m curious.”

  “Curious,” he said and hopped up onto the tractor. “Curious. Really?”

  “Well, yeah.” I shrugged my shoulders. It was the truth. After all these years of wondering, it was finally time to enjoy the real thing. Ryan Appleton had been on my mind for way too long.

  “You know the rules, Gracie.” He started the engine and settled back in the bucket seat.

  He did that on purpose. The engine was roaring around us. My dad obviously figured if he started the engine and cut off the conversation, the topic would be over. Yet, he was sorely mistaken. After everything that has happened over the last few months, I was done doing what everyone else wanted. It was time to do what I wanted.

  “Yeah, and rules were made to be broken.” I yelled at the top of my lungs. “I’m almost forty now. You can’t stop me from talking to someone.”

  He cut the engine. “It’s not just anyone, Gracie Marie Knight.” And now he was saying my full name.

  “No, it’s not.” I agreed. “It’s someone we technically know nothing about. Just give him a chance. Can’t you let this anger you have bottled up go?”

  I had obviously crossed some imaginary line because dad didn’t say another word. Instead, he started the engine on the tractor once again and put it in drive.

  I watched as he drove off. We had just gotten in a fight over me wanting to talk to Ryan Appleton. I had not even made the move to be in the same room with the man and I was already fighting with dad.

  Things just got really interesting.

  I didn’t know the Appleton’s personally, but I was good at stalking them.

  I knew after all these years it was time for a change. I had to find a way to show my dad what he was missing out on. What we all had been missing out on.



  Without lifting my head and on autopilot I said, “Are you here to sign up for the hiking trip?” I was sitting at my desk typing something on the computer, but I did hear the person come in. When the woman started to speak, her voice caused my cock to stir. That’s when I finally lifted my head.

  “Only if the trip caters to beginners?” The woman winked and grabbed a pamphlet sitting on the desk.

  Her hazel eyes had me lost for words for a split second. I leaned back in my chair. “There are some beginners in the group.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Have you ever hiked before?”

  “Once, but it was ages ago.” I watched as she grabbed her long brunette hair and tied it up into a bun. With the light shining behind her head I noticed a peppering of gray. I wondered if she was older than she looked?

  “Why are you interested in this day trip?” I was referring to the trip she was reading about on the pamphlet.

  “It seemed like a perfect distraction.” She shrugged her shoulders and sat the brochure back on the pile on my desk. “Is it a good distraction?”

  I stood and walked around my desk to be closer to her. “I guess it depends on what you mean by distraction?” Immediately, my nose caught the scent of berries and citrus. Fuck, I needed to focus and not think about how I wanted to take her in my arms and taste every inch of her sweet body.

  “We’ll be out in nature for a day away from all the bullshit?”

  “That’s true.” I had to laugh at her answer. “The trip usually lasts for about eight hours. Is that a big enough distraction?”

  She tapped her index finger on her nose and then pointed it at me. “Bingo. We have a winner.”

  “Should I be worried you haven’t hiked in, what did you say, ages?”

  “Nah”–she patted her hand on my bicep–“I work out, I promise.”

  “I’m Ryan by the way.” I reached my hand out.

  “Grace. It’s nice to meet you, Ryan.” She took the hand I offered. “When’s the next day trip?”


  “The trip is probably already filled up though, right?”

  “Actually, I have three spots still available.”

  Her eyes went wide. “Seriously?” She reached into her purse and pulled out a dark green wallet. She looked down at the wallet and back up at me. “The color almost matches your eyes.”

  Her statement threw me off. “Oh, does it?” I tried to ignore her words which was difficult. The longer I stood beside this woman, the more I wanted to take her to the back and fuck her two ways to Sunday. I shook my head at my thoughts and quickly walked back around my desk to add her to the list. “So, are you sure you want to do this?” My hand was hovering over the keyboard waiting for her answer.

  For the last ten years I ran a side business to help with my bills. My main job, I was a farmer at my family’s apple farm. Appleton Farm in Freeland, Michigan was one of the smaller apple farms in the Tri-Cities. We were small but mighty. My father moved up here from North Carolina. We were basically an extension of the Appleton Farm in Charlotte. I loved helping my family but being a farmer also
meant you had to have a few extra side jobs. Since I was about sixteen I’ve loved hiking. There are so many beautiful trails all over the state. When I graduated from high school I had the idea to run my own business where I would take people out on day trips. On special occasions I would do an overnight trip, but that happened only a couple times a year. After ten years the little business had really generated a good profit for me.

  “Why not?” She plopped down in the chair and reached for a pen sitting on my desk. “We only live once, right?”

  “That’s what they say.” I started to pull up the document to add her to the group. “We meet at six in the morning. Will that be a problem?” She groaned. “I only wait five minutes past the time.”

  “Hard ass.” She was writing on the check. “I’m kidding.” She tapped her hand on the top of my hand. “I’ll be there with bells on.”

  “Leave the bells at home. We don’t want to wake all the creatures up.”

  “You’re cute,” she said and pointed her pen at me. “Do I make the check out to you?”

  “No, make it out to Hike with Me.”

  “Perfect.” When she finished entering everything, she ripped the check off and handed it to me. “Signed, sealed and now delivered.”

  “Right.” I sat the check down in front of me. “Now all you have to do is show up at six sharp.”

  She stood and started heading to the front door. “Without the bells.”

  “Exactly. Leave them at home.” I watched her leave and found myself unable to take my eyes off of her.

  It had been a few months since I went on a date, but I didn’t have time to date. Appleton Farm was preparing for the fall season. I needed to focus on work. Letting myself get distracted by a woman was a very bad idea.



  I held up my hands. “Look, no bells.” I was laughing as I stopped right in front of where Ryan was standing.

  “Do you want a medal for your achievement?” he teased and tucked his hands in his pants pocket. “I’m glad you were able to join us.”

  When I stepped into Ryan Appleton’s office in town, I would’ve sworn he would recognize me. Over the years my picture was included with my family’s farm on special occasions and for events. It had been almost twenty years since we were actually in the same room. Which means he was maybe eight or ten and I was graduating high school. I would never forget those forest green eyes. Even as a kid he was handsome. Now here I was, a part of his hiking group.

  I didn’t regret my decision to finally meet Ryan. The part I hated was Dad and I not speaking. Mom told me to just wait it out, he would come around eventually. I knew I had made the right choice. It was time for a change. One really big change.

  A small part of me felt like I was deceiving Ryan by not sharing my real name. My name was Gracie, but my last name was different. After I divorced my asshole husband, I should’ve changed my last name back to Knight. I was being lazy and dragging my feet.

  When I handed Ryan the check, all he saw was Grace Murphy. Why would he even register I was really Gracie Knight? I didn’t know how long I could keep my secret but it was fun at the moment. For the last ten years I stalked Ryan and the business he ran. The man was every girls fantasy with his salt and pepper hair and five o’clock shadow.

  The me-time in the shower this morning was not keeping my desires in check. The man had no idea the things he did to me in my dreams. Fuck. I shook my head and tried to get my mind focused.

  The real problem at the moment was my father and his anger toward people he really didn’t even know. Appleton Farm moved into Freeland and took a lot of business from Breyer Farm. From the moment the new farm stepped foot in town my dad was always bitching about them. It was basically an unspoken rule in my home that we were not to talk to anyone from Appleton Farm. My dad even said once that if he caught us, he would disown us.

  Now here I was standing only a few feet away from someone I was forbidden to talk to and it felt fucking great.

  “I packed lots of snacks.” There was a woman zipping up her bag standing beside me. “Was that a good idea?” I really had no clue what the fuck I was doing. The only reason I was on the damn hike was to get closer to the tall, sexy man leading the expedition.

  “Oh yeah, snacks and lots of water.” The woman smiled and adjusted the bag on her back. “I’m Stephanie. Are you new to the group?”

  “Brand spanking new.” I held out my hand. “You do this often?”

  “Almost every weekend.

  “Wow, okay.” I glanced around and noticed everyone seemed on their game. I leaned in closer to the woman. “Should I be worried since I’m slower than molasses on a cold winters day.”

  “Oh gosh no, we all are in this together.” She placed her hand on my shoulder. “We can buddy up if you need a partner?”

  “She’s with me, Steph.” Ryan stepped up beside us. “I know she’s new, so I want to keep an eye on her.”

  I noticed how Stephanie glanced between us and winked. “Oh, right, got it.” Then she turned and pushed up the backpack.

  Ryan shook his head. “Thanks, Steph.” His hand was on her shoulder as he laughed and playfully pushed her away. Once Stephanie was out of earshot, he turned to face me. “Unless you want to buddy up with her?” He pointed his thumb in her direction.

  “Um, no, I’m good.” I laughed and tightened a strap on my backpack. There was no way I would choose the sweet woman over the fucking hot man standing in front of me.

  “Okay, well, are you ready?” He turned toward the hike path and glanced over at me. “This is your last chance to back out.”

  “This girl never backs out on anything.” I took a few steps forward. “Let’s do this.” I smiled and tried to look excited. Inside I was freaking out. I was out of shape and now lugging a semi-heavy bag on my back. I had a feeling the group would need to carry me out of the woods by the end of the hike.

  For the next six hours I ran out of breath, fell six times, and discovered my water had leaked all in my bag.

  It was a great trip. That was the lie I kept repeating over and over in my mind.

  I stayed at the back of the group because I was a slow-poke. Just as we reached the end of the trail, Ryan slowed down to walk beside me. “So, would you do it again?”

  The mantra, “It was a great trip,” was playing nonstop now in my mind. “Absolutely.” What I really wanted to say was hell no. “I may need to work out more often though.”

  “How often do you work out now?” He had to fucking ask me that didn’t he?


  “Wait, you told me you worked out.”

  “That may have been a little white lie.” I stopped walking.

  “Well, then yeah, you need to work out and more often.” He chuckled.

  “Okay.” I held my hand up. “Wait, does taking the stairs at work count?”

  “How many stairs?”

  “Five.” I burst out laughing.

  “That probably doesn’t count.” We turned and finished the last few yards of the hike. “Was this too much for you?”

  I pulled the bag off my back and let it fall to the ground. “What? No. I’m good.”

  “Okay.” He smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder to squeeze it lightly. “Listen, if you want to go again let me know. This group goes every Saturday.”

  “You totally need to join us again,” Stephanie said as she walked up beside me. “I’m craving those little apple cookies now.” She winked and turned to leave. “Bring a bucket full next time.”

  “Um, sure.” I waved at her as she headed toward the row of cars several yards away.

  “Did you make those cookies?” Ryan was sitting on a stump pulling his hiking boots off. “They feel familiar but I can’t place them.”

  “I did make them. It was just a random idea I had and threw them together.” That was a bold-face lie. My family’s farm made them. They were a favorite and we usually sold out daily. I wasn’t thinkin
g when I packed them this morning. Thankfully no-one recognized the recipe.

  “Well, I may need that recipe.” He stood and held his boots in one hand. “If you want to sign up for another hike let me know.” We stood there awkwardly for another thirty seconds. It was the perfect moment to ask him out, but I chickened out. Instead, I grabbed my bag and quickly made my way to the car. “Grace,” I heard from behind me.

  I spun around to come face-to-face with the tall, sexy man. “Yeah?”

  “This may be too forward, but would you like to go out to dinner with me?”

  Holy hell, he asked me instead. I almost said ‘fuck, yeah’ but bit my tongue. “Um, sure.”

  “That was bad.” His shoulders visibly slumped.

  “What was bad?” I was actually excited. He made this easier by asking me.

  “We don’t even know each other and I’m asking you out on a date.”

  “Well, there’s an argument to be made. I did show my best and worst side today.” The vision of when I stumbled and fell into his arms ran through my mind. That was easily the best part of the day. “Plus, we did spend a solid eight hours together. That counts, right?” His face lit up and I had the urge to fist my hands in his shirt and tug him closer to me. The man did something to my girly parts every time he smiled.

  “True. How does dinner tomorrow night sound?”

  “Sounds delicious. Should I dress up or keep it casual?”


  We exchanged phone numbers and I gave him my address. As I slid into the driver’s seat I felt my phone buzz. I glanced down and noticed my dad’s name. Oh hell no, I was not going to answer it when Ryan was still within throwing distance.


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