The Apple of My Eye (Man Card Book 11)

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The Apple of My Eye (Man Card Book 11) Page 4

by Terra Kelly

  “Um, yeah, I am.” I blurted out at the same moment Ryan started his truck.

  Dad whipped around and noticed Ryan pulling out of the parking space. “That son of a bitch?” He turned back toward me and raised his index finger and pointed it at me. Classic Dad move. “Gracie Marie Knight.” When he said my full name I knew shit was about to fall. “So now you’re friends with that man?”

  “Friends? No, Dad.” Which was the truth. If we were going to get technical, he was actually my boyfriend. Dad didn’t need to know that yet. Baby steps to the truth was a better move on my part. “Like I said, I was signing up for a hiking group. I’m not allowed to go hiking if Ryan is there?”

  “Don’t you dare start that shit.”

  “What shit?”

  He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “There are other hiking groups to join. Why this one?”

  “It’s in town.” Which was the truth. There was no reason to drive to another town when there was a place right here in Freeland.

  “You know what we talked about?”

  “Yeah, I do and you know what I said back.” I started to walk to my car.

  “Gracie.” My dad ground out and wrapped his hand around on my bicep. “I’m not done talking.”

  Here’s the thing about my dad, he’s actually a very loving man, except when he talked about Appleton Farm. Something in him shifted and he would get so worked up you’d think the man was going to have a heart attack. It amazed me how he let this topic create so much anger. Now that I knew the truth about Appleton Farm after spending time with Ryan, it put things into perspective. Well, more like I knew my dad was being ridiculous.

  I turned to face him and looked down at my arm. “You need to let go.”

  He released his fingers and took a step back. “Sorry. It’s just…”

  “Let me finish that for you. It’s just that I’m almost forty years old. Guess what that means? I get to dictate who I see and where I go. You don’t get to decide anymore.” I rested my hand on his forearm. “I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “Then stop trying to run my life.” We stood there silent for the longest moment. “Do you even know why you’re angry at Appleton Farm? It’s been so long now. Times change, people change.”

  “I need to go,” he sighed and walked past me to head over to his vehicle. I watched him grab the door handle and stop. He looked over at me. “They did steal business from us.”

  “No, that was your perception.”

  He shook his head and slid into the driver seat.

  It was true though. Appleton Farm did not steal anything. They moved into town and started running a business just like hundreds of businesses had done in the past.

  I felt my phone buzz and pulled it out of my back pocket. When I looked down at the screen it was hard to hold back my smile. “Ryan.”

  “You okay?”

  “I will be.” The conversation with my dad ran around in my mind. He was angry and he didn’t even know why anymore. I thought about Ryan’s question from earlier. “So, that offer to join you in North Carolina, is it still on the table?”

  “Seriously?” He sounded shocked.

  “Seriously.” I laughed. “But I need a few days before I can leave.”


  “Is it okay if I fly down and drive back with you both?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  “Well, don’t think too hard on that question.” I opened my car door. “Are you sure Eric is okay with being stuck in the truck for fifteen hours with the Gracie Knight?”

  “Let’s ask him,” he said and then I heard some clicking. “Eric, are you okay if Gracie joins us on the trip home?” I could tell he put me on speaker.

  “Um, sure.” Eric sounded confused. “Just as long as she doesn’t try to steal my cheesy poofs, we’re good.”

  “I hate them,” I admitted.

  “Then we’re good.”

  “See,” Ryan said. “Totally fine.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “Just don’t wait too long. I miss you already.” There was a gagging sound in the background. “Oh shut it,” he quickly said and I burst out laughing.

  I hung up the phone and sat the device on the passenger seat. What the hell alternate universe was I on? I was heading home to look up flight times to go to Appleton Farm in North Carolina.

  Dad needed to figure his shit out. Something happened in my life over the last several weeks. I fell for a man that made me feel happy and alive. Something my ex failed to do.

  There was no way I was going to let Ryan go now. Appleton or not, I wanted more of him.



  Five days later…

  “Will you stop smiling,” Eric said and shoved at my arm as I walked by him.

  “What, can’t I be happy?” I threw my hands up and stepped back. “Maybe you need to find a girl?”

  “No, not happening.” He grabbed the toaster from the cabinet. “You know that book, Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus?”

  “Is that supposed to mean something.” I poured more coffee in my mug.

  “We’re opposite. There’s no way to find miss right.”

  My brother was particular on what he liked. “News flash, no one is perfect and opposites do attract.”

  “I’ll stick to being single. It’s easier.” He grabbed the butter. “When does Gracie arrive?”

  “In about two hours.” She found a direct flight and better yet, the airport was only a few miles from the farm. “You sure you’re okay with her staying in the trailer with us?”

  “It’s fine.” He slathered the butter on the two pieces of toast and threw them on a plate. “We need to work while we’re here though.”

  “I know. Autumn mentioned putting her to work. I guess they need help with marketing for the hayrides and corn maze.” I reached for one of the slices of toast on his plate.

  He slapped my hand. “The toaster is up there and it’s easy to use.”

  “But there is an extra slice right here.” I laughed and leaned back in my chair to wrap my hands around the mug.

  “An extra piece for my belly not yours.” He rolled his eyes and took a bite.

  I was looking forward to seeing Gracie. Since she let me know her flight, we had not been able to talk much. Her sudden decision to come down here surprised me. I had a feeling her trip was because of her father.

  After we arrived in North Carolina, I took a moment and called my dad. We discussed the Appleton and Breyer feud. He used the word feud lightly because he said, Appleton Farm had a different focal point than Breyer Farm.

  My family’s farm focused on food sales in different forms to help build the business. After my cousin Jesse in North Carolina bought a food truck, my father insisted we buy one, too.

  Whereas, Breyer Farm sold more crafts and held a lot of craft classes.

  My dad let me know he never hated Breyer Farm. He just stayed out of their way because it was easier than fighting for no reason. When I asked him if he would be interested in sitting down and talking with Gracie’s father, he was open for any discussion.

  “Do you think it was wrong for me to invite Gracie?”

  Eric sat his toast back down on the plate. “Wrong? No. Are you feeling like she’s the one?”

  “Shit, I don’t know. The relationship is so new.” Which was the truth. It was hard to know if I was making the right decision. “I do know that she makes me happy. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this way.”

  “Dad let me know he talked to you about the Breyer bullshit.”

  “He did.” I was surprised Dad shared our conversation with Eric. It’s not that I had something to hide, I just thought that conversation was between the two of us.

  “Well, he didn’t really share, just sorta mentioned you both talked about it.” Eric rolled his eyes. “He said the conversation was private.”


/>   “Ryan, Dad didn’t give away any of your secrets.”

  “But you’re mentioning this because you want to know what we discussed?”

  “Well, yeah.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Sue me.”

  “It’s all really blown out of proportion.” I proceeded to share what dad and I discussed.

  He sat back in the chair. “Wait, so Mr. Knight is angry because we started our business in Freeland. That’s really all?”

  “Pretty much.” My phone rang and I pulled it out of my pocket. “It’s Gracie.” I stood and walked out of the trailer to have a little privacy. “Did you arrive early?”

  “I did. Want me to grab a taxi?”

  “What? No.” I stepped back in the trailer and grabbed my keys. “Just hang out for a few. I’m leaving now.” I hung up with Gracie and looked over at Eric. “I have to cut that conversation short. I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, sounds like it.” He stood and carried his dirty plate in the sink. “It’s fine, Zinger is probably already waiting for me.” Eric leaned against the counter. “Hey, I look forward to getting to know Gracie.”

  “See you in a bit.” I smiled and walked to my truck.

  After all these years, it was nice to finally know the truth behind the Breyer and Appleton animosity. Gracie’s decision to try opposites for a change was the stepping stone we all needed. Maybe her father would let the anger go. There were so many ways Breyer and Appleton could work together and help each other grow.

  It took me about twenty minutes with traffic to get to the airport. I noticed Gracie standing by the curb. Her hair was blowing out to the side. She literally took my breath away.

  I rolled my window down. “Hey, Hot Stuff, need a ride?”

  She burst out laughing and walked toward the truck. “Are you going my way, Gorgeous?”

  “I am now.” I hopped out and grabbed her bag. “I’m glad you’re here.” The traffic was crazy but I didn’t care. I leaned over and captured her lips.

  “Me, too,” she said and kissed me again.

  A man stepped up behind us. “We need you to move your truck, Sir.”

  “Okay, okay.” I held my hands up and ran back around to the driver side door. “Are you ready to work?”

  “I brought my comfy clothes for a reason.” Gracie settled onto the seat and inched over next to me. “How is the Halloween crowd this year?”

  “My cousin, Levi said it’s busier than last year.”

  “Wow, that’s wonderful.”

  “First, you need to try their signature apple pie recipe.”

  Gracie placed her hands over her stomach. “I’m going to gain ten pounds while I’m here.”

  “It’ll be worth it, trust me.” I wrapped my arm around shoulders and kissed the top of her head. This woman had managed to walk into my life and change everything. Opposites were my new favorite because now I knew what I had missed out on all this time.



  “There are so many options. How am I supposed to narrow it down to one?” I was standing in the bakery at Appleton Farm holding a package of cider donuts in one hand and apple cinnamon rolls in the other.

  “Try both,” a woman said beside me.

  “This is Hannah, Jesse’s girlfriend.” I turned around and Ryan wrapped his arm around my waist to introduce us.

  “Are you the one who made all these beautiful treats?” I lifted the apple cinnamon rolls. “These are genius.”

  “They’re perfect with your morning coffee,” she winked.

  From the moment I stepped foot on the Appleton Farm property, I felt at home. Janie Appleton was the first to greet me when we pulled into the driveway. Then Ryan introduced me to his Uncle Zinger who was cracking me up from the moment I shook his hand. It was nice meeting Ryan’s extended family. After all these years, I let myself take the time to meet some wonderful people. I had to find a way to change my dad’s mind.

  “I’m glad I packed some stretchy pants,” I teased.

  “If you need more leggings, let me know,” Hannah laughed and placed her hand on my forearm. “Take both.” She tapped on the cinnamon rolls. “My treat, but be warned, these are addictive.”

  “Do you make these in Freeland?” I glanced up at Ryan.

  “The recipe is a little different, but yes.”

  I dropped my head to his chest. “I’ve been missing out on these all this time?” The bakery was packed full of baked goods. “I need to learn how to make them.”

  “Do you want to help in the kitchen for a few days?” Hannah was walking back to the kitchen. She stopped in the doorway. “I would love another set of hands.”

  “I’m not sure you’d want me baking anything.” I lifted the apple cinnamon roll package up. “I burn things, but for free samples I can try to help.”

  “Be here tomorrow bright and early,” Hannah said and stepped into the kitchen.

  “Is she for real?” I opened the cinnamon roll package and ripped off a piece. “Holy shit.” I covered my mouth. “Sorry, I mean. This. Is. Amazing.” Ryan reached forward to grab a piece. I turned my body away. “Get your own.” I burst out laughing and had the cinnamon rolls pressed tightly against my chest.

  “What?” He reached around and tried to grab the package.

  “Ryan,” I whispered. “Tell me there is a secluded place for us to go.”

  He lifted up and I turned to face him. “The travel trailer should work.”

  I held the package up so he could finally grab a piece. “What is Eric doing right now?”

  He didn’t respond at first. “Oh, he’s out with Levi. They’re making a few changes to the corn maze.”

  “So he’ll be busy for a while?”

  Ryan grabbed my hand and started to tug me out the door. “We’d better hurry, they could be almost done.”

  I wrapped my hand tighter around the baked goods and leaned in closer to him. Every time I was near Ryan, I had this urge to rip his clothes off. It happened again in the bakery, which probably would not follow any of the food safety standards.

  “Eric won’t freak out if he finds out we had sex in the trailer already?”

  “If he does, oh well.” He kissed the top of my head.

  The travel trailer was positioned behind a building, so if we caused it to shake no-one would know. Ryan unlocked the door and tugged me up the steps. Then he quickly locked the door and closed the shades. The trailer was huge. When I dropped my bag off earlier, Ryan had me leave it in the back where there was a full-size bed.

  “How did you luck out and get your own space?” I rubbed my hands up his chest and slowly popped open each button on his shirt.

  “I’m the oldest.” He fisted his hands around the hem of my shirt and lifted it up over my head.

  “I see how that works,” I wrapped my arms around his waist and walked backwards until we reached the mattress. Then I placed my hand on the middle of his chest and pushed him back. “Should we put a note on the door?”

  “It’s locked. That’s my note.” He leaned up onto his elbows. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  I climbed up and straddled his body. “Are you?” He reached back and helped me unhook my bra. “How happy are you?”

  He wrapped his hands around my breasts as I moved my body back and forth over his ever-growing erection. “Let me show you.” He slid his hands down over my hips and helped me move at a faster pace.

  I jumped off the bed and removed my leggings and panties. Then I quickly pulled his pants and boxers off. “Now you can show me.” I hopped back up. “Oh, I have a surprise.”

  “Oh really? Tell me.” I grabbed his cock and placed it at my core. Right as I was about to push, he stopped me. “Shouldn’t we get a condom?”

  “That’s my surprise. I’m on the pill.”

  “Are you sure it’s still safe?”

  I slowly started to push down. It took me a moment to talk. “It’s fine.” As I increased my pace, Ryan tightened his hands around my waist. “I
t’s really, really okay.”

  “Fuck,” he ground out and closed his eyes. “Gracie, fuck, you make me feel…”

  “Amazing.” I finished his sentence.

  “Yes.” He opened his eyes and stared at me. I placed my hands on his shoulders and took him even deeper. Then I leaned back slightly and circled my thumb around my clitoris. “Let me do that,” he reached in and took control. I placed my hands behind me on his thighs and let myself take in every single feeling coursing through my body. “Come for me, Gracie.”

  I loved how this man made me feel. As I continued to move, I could feel this amazing sensation that overtook my body. Then suddenly the biggest orgasm I’ve ever had plowed through me and I dropped my forehead onto his chest.

  “Don’t stop, Baby.” He squeezed his hands around my hips.

  I lifted up and quickly picked the pace back up. Within a few seconds Ryan lifted his body off the bed and cried out my name. When his back dropped back onto the mattress I let my body fall onto his chest.

  “Hmmmm…that’s exactly what I needed.” I ran my fingers up and down his arm.

  “Gracie,” he whispered. “I know we’re supposed to be mortal enemies, but….”

  I giggled at his words. “Seems intense but okay.”

  “This”–he circled his hand around our bodies–“is so much better.”

  “Are you almost done in there?” Eric yelled and I burst out laughing.

  “This is going to be a long few weeks.” I leaned closer and kissed him. “But I’ll take this sleeping arrangement any day. I like this.” I rubbed my hand up the middle of his chest and laced my fingers around his neck. “I knew you were a sure thing, Ryan Appleton from the moment my father banned me from talking to you.”

  He scrunched his nose. “But let’s not discuss how you thought I was hot when I was ten.”

  “It’s not my fault you’re damn sexy.” I poked my index finger on his chest. “And your eyes, fuck.” I moved my body back and forth craving more of him.

  “Gracie,” he laughed and dragged his finger down the side of my face and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “You can’t initiate the launch sequence again.”


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