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Flatline (Med Rom Series)

Page 2

by Kristine Dugger

  I lay back naked, waiting for him to come for me. He is still wearing his jeans. I ask, “And why haven’t you finished undressing? It isn’t fair that I am naked and you are not.”

  He replies, “There is a reason for that.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Just you wait.”

  Scrunching up my nose, probably giving him a weird expression. “I don’t want to wait. I want you now.”

  “Your goofy yet cute face isn’t going to make me fuck you any sooner. You need to wait. So lay back, be quiet and let me do my thing.”

  “Ugh, fine.”

  Slightly annoyed, okay, really annoyed, I watch as he crawls his way over me. He leans down and starts to plant soft kisses around my neck. His lips were gentle and soft. Then he bit down on my neck – causing my body to shiver in excitement. My arms wrap around his firm back, pulling him closer to me. His bites and kisses move up from my neck to my ear. He sucks and then nibbles – leaving me panting in want.

  With each nibble and suck, my insides are getting more and more wet in anticipation. I want him - my body craving this man who I know nothing about. And I don’t freaking care.

  His lips move from my ear to my mouth - sending more sensations throughout my body. His hips start to thrust on me, letting me feel his bulge getting larger and harder on me. Before I know it, my whole body tenses up, feeling two fingers creep into my sex. Oh my goodness. Pleasure, ecstasy, you name it, I am feeling every bit. His fingers keep going in and out of me, causing the want for him even more. I want his jeans off and his cock inside of me. I want him to thrust inside me with all he has.

  I moan in pleasure, kissing his neck, practically begging for him to let loose inside of me. My hands go for his zipper, ready to pull his friend out for some fun. He laughs, “Not yet.” He slips another finger in me, going deeper.

  Annoyed. “What? Why? What the hell?”

  “I’m going to make you come this way first and then maybe, just maybe I will let you have him next, but only if you shut your mouth and be quiet.”

  There is that alpha male talk again. Fuck, is it hot.

  “Excuse me.”

  “Be quiet and relax. You’re a feisty one, Paige.”

  His fingers go deeper in me. His kisses go from soft to rough. My whole body is starting to feel numb, pressure is building, and yeah it is about to happen. I moan, “Keep going.” His fingers go further, harder while he continues to kiss me, moving his mouth onto mine. Grabbing the pillow, holding on for dear life, my body starts to shake, goosebumps pricking up, continuing to moan as my body lets loose.

  Deep in complete exhaustion, enjoying every minute of my release, I didn’t notice that Leo wasn’t on me anymore. At that moment, I didn’t care. Not only am I drunk but I am completely drunk off my orgasm. I just want to lay here and enjoy this moment, courtesy of the fabulous Leo.

  Then BAM.

  Leo’s cock rammed into my sex, causing my body to perk up like no other. What the hell is happening?

  He starts pounding himself in and out of me – awakening me from somber release. In complete shock, I didn't know how to react. Should I start moaning or start screaming? Who knows? But he was feeling good.

  He kept at me, not letting up for a second. Leo grabs my arms pulling them above my head - not allowing me to grab him. I want to wrap my arms around his waist to aid in rocking him in and out, but no, he is having his way with me. He demands, “Wrap your legs around me. It will allow me to go deeper.”

  In my own little world of sexual bliss, I quiver, “What?”

  “Paige, can you stop asking questions and do what I say? Wrap your fucking legs around me.”


  There is no mistaken that he wants to get all alpha male on me. Okay, whatever floats your boat and my boat.

  My long legs wrap around his waist, bringing him deeper in me. He let go of my arms above my head. Then lifting himself onto his knees with my legs still wrap around him, he slid himself deeper in me – pounding harder and moaning loud. He grabs my waist and thrusts, forcing, I think, as much as he could get in me. It felt too fucking amazing. I have never, and I mean never, felt a man like this. He was so deep in me causing the build-up to happen once more.

  He demands, “I want you to come again. I want you to moan my name over and over.”

  This time I ordered. “Then just keep going.”

  He pounds harder causing our skin to make a slapping noise. My eyes start to roll back in my head - the pressure is getting stronger and I am ready to let loose.

  Then he stops.

  Wait. What?

  My body was ready to let loose and ready to experience a second orgasm but he stopped.

  He flipped me over to my stomach, lifting my ass up and slipping himself in from behind. He went harder causing me to lose my balance on his bed. He grabs my hair and starts to tug. Oh my goodness, that is turning me on more. He is beating me up sexually. This time, I couldn’t hold back, I was ready to release.

  I moan, “Keep going. I’m close, really close. Don’t stop.”

  He goes at me harder and faster.

  The pressure is starting to consume my body. Ready to unleash, I scream, “Oh my God Leo, I’m coming. Oh my God, don’t stop. Oh my God.”

  And I am done.

  Although, he wasn’t done. Leo kept going and pounding the living hell out of me. I am completely exhausted. Finally, he starts to slow down - moaning my name over and over. The way he grunts my name in ecstasy, causes my body to perk up once again. The effect this man has on me. I barely know him and my body is on fire just with him saying my name.

  Feeling his breaths of exhaustion, his body drapes over my back. He is spent. I am spent. But yet, I want to go again.

  Leo peels his body off of me. Then resting his body next to mine, he looks at me. “Well, now that was fun.”

  I smile, “Yeah, it was.”

  I noted, “I could do that again.”

  “And we will.”

  Of course, Leo didn’t disappoint me for the rest night. The crazy amount of sex we had was beyond mind-blowing. Never in my life, have I ever been man handle like he did me. The boy knew what he was doing and I enjoyed every minute of the satisfaction he provided me. I’m not talking about two orgasms but multiple ones after that. This is the first time I have ever gone home with someone I didn't know at all. This was my first one-night stand and probably my last. But what a memorable night it was. The sex I had with Leo definitely ranks as a top ten night.


  Morning comes and I am freaking exhausted. I look to the left of me and see Leo is lying completely naked wrapped up in a sheet. I quietly slip from underneath the comforter. My clothes are all over the floor. I grab my clothes and quickly put them on. Trying to be as quiet as can be, I look around his room for my purse. It is on the chase by the window. I literally tip toe my way to the chase, hoping not to wake Leo.

  It would be completely awkward to see him in the morning knowing all last night was, was a romp fest. I really just wanted to leave it at that. In my head, I knew I wanted nothing more than that. Yeah, it was fun but nothing ever comes from a one-night stand; but sex - fantastic sex. I was completely content with just leaving him and not seeing or speaking with him again. Sex with Leo was quite memorable. I’m glad I went out on a limb and experienced him. Scratch the old one-night stand off the bucket list.

  I finally grab my purse and walk my very pleased ass out the door.

  Goodbye, Leo. Thanks for the crazy ride.

  Chapter 2

  Have you ever experienced the walk of shame? Well, me neither. More like the walk of accomplishment. Seriously, I am on some sort of high from my night with Leo. I couldn’t and I mean I couldn’t wait to tell Del all about it. She is going to be proud. She knows me far too well. Last night was totally out of my comfort zone. If you would’ve asked me three months ago if I would’ve gone out and met a guy and then had crazy, rough, passionate sex, I would ha
ve told you, ‘Hell no!’

  Again, feeling awfully darn proud of myself.

  I text Del.

  Paige:Wake up, girlfriend. We need to talk. Meet me at The Street Cafe.


  Del:Sounds great. I’m hung over and need greasy food. See you in twenty.

  Paige: Awesome. :)

  Arriving at The Street Cafe, I couldn’t wait to see Del. She is going to flip to hear her plan of getting me laid was a success. She arrived before I did. I see her waiting at one of the diner’s tables. She was sipping on coffee. Del spots me and waves.

  Sliding into the old, ripped up, vinyl booth, I ask, “Hey, how you feeling?”

  She grins, “I should be asking you that question. But I’m feeling okay, hung over, mostly. So what happened after you left with Mr. Hottie McFuckYouSilly?”

  Oh girl, you have no idea how right you are.

  I laughed, “Well, we kissed.”


  “We went back to his place.”

  With excitement in her voice, she asks, “And?”

  “We, you know.”

  “No, you know. Spill it, missy.”

  “We had mind-blowing, multiple moments of getting closer to God sex.”

  “Did you just reference Nine Inch Nails?”

  “Yes, and it was amazing.”

  She lifts her coffee mug up in the air and says, “Cheers.”

  I smile, lifting my mug up, clicking the two mugs together. “Cheers, indeed.”

  We both laugh. For the rest of the morning, we chat over pancakes and bacon. Del actually hung out with one of Leo’s friends, Greg, last night after the bar. I was a little surprised by that, but then again, Del is Del, and she has her ways of attracting men to her essence.


  Several weeks later, I am just hustling away at work, like always. I am completely exhausted; I swear the hospital never slows down. The joys of being a Level 1 Trauma Center - accidents, gun shots, and anything horrible comes to this hospital. In my short five years of working here, I have seen a lot of bad things but then, I have seen a lot of good. The power of medicine is an amazing thing. The way the doctors treat their patients, to the nurses and techs being there constantly for their patients. Then there is a little old me saying, “Okay, you need to eat?”, “Let me explain this whole tube feeding thing?”, and “Yay, you ate over 2,000 calories today.” Nutritional healing is what I like to call it.

  Once again charting on a patient, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look over my shoulder, it was Del. She asks, “Drinks tonight?”

  I wasn’t feeling it tonight. “I don’t know. I was kind of hoping to stay in tonight. Plus, I am on call this weekend.”


  I laugh, “I know. But you know what, why don’t you and the girls come over to my place tonight? Movie night?”

  “That sounds like fun. I just need to get my mind off of things.”

  “He hasn’t called yet, has he?”

  “No. I liked this one. I thought he liked me. A few simple dinner dates, a ball game, and a few nights between the sheets and then nothing. Nada. I hate this.”

  I feel bad for Del. She was talking with Greg and things were going well and then he stopped calling. “I’m sorry girl. I have wine at my house. Seriously, junk food, wine and movie night, I think that is what the doctor ordered or dietitian ordered.”

  She smiles at me. “I think that is a great idea.”

  We both went back to doing what we do best – work.


  Delilah was making popcorn while I was popping the cork off the wine bottle. I suck at this. Why do I have to be so darn awkward with things? Del was laughing at me. We sat down to watch our first movie. She was in a scary movie mood. What do we watch? “The Exorcist.” I am going to have nightmares for a week. I don’t know why I let her choose first. We are definitely going to need a Romance Comedy or just a Comedy after this, for sure.

  We were having fun. Despite being on call, I had a slight buzz from the few glasses of wine. While watching “Pitch Perfect,” my phone starts to buzz. I look at the clock, it was 1 AM. Del was curled up in a ball on the couch, she looks at me confused. Shit, I was confused. Who would be calling me at this hour? If it was the hospital, why didn’t they page me first?

  I grab my phone and notice it was my brother-in-law. Oh shit, my sister. I pick up my phone, nervous as hell. I hope she is okay. Del saw my worried expression. She mouths, “Who is it?”

  I ignore her and answer my cell. “Bryan, what’s wrong?”

  He laughs, “Nothing is wrong. Your sister just delivered your niece.”


  He laughs again. “Yeah, she delivered in the Emergency Department.”

  “What? Margo delivered in the ED. How is that possible?”

  He laughs harder. “Yeah, we thought we had time but Kinley decided we didn’t. The ED doctor was awesome. He didn’t hesitate at all. I just wanted to call you and give you the heads up. We are up on the 6th floor. Your sister is hoping to see you tomorrow.”

  Tears form in my eyes, ready to streak down my cheek. My big sister had her baby. I can’t believe it. “Bryan, this is the best news I have heard in a long time. I’m on call this weekend and most likely will have to go in, but I will be stopping by to see Kinley. Congrats. Tell Margo, I love her and to rest up.”

  “I will. She can’t wait to see you.”

  I hang up the phone with my brother-in-law. I was on cloud nine. I am an aunt for the first time. Pure enjoyment was building up inside of me, I smile at Del.

  Del squinted her eyes at me, looking confused. She asks, “What?”

  “Margo had her baby.”

  She grins, “Paige, that is awesome. Congrats, girl.”

  “Thanks. She had the baby in the ED.”

  Giving me a funny look, she said, “Say what?”

  “I guess Kinley didn’t want to wait.”

  “I guess not. Wow, your niece is like a celebrity. That is unheard of to deliver a baby in the Emergency Department. That is awesome.”

  “Right! I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “Proud auntie!”

  I smile at my friend. We had one more glass of wine before calling it a night. I just can’t believe my sister had her baby. Seriously, can’t wait to meet her. Overall, girl’s night of watching movies turned out to be a pretty darn fantastic night.

  Chapter 3

  Like the other times I am on call, I got called in. Thank goodness it wasn’t until ten in the morning. My head felt like it had a hundred-pound weight on it. Too much wine, I guess. Del is asleep on the couch. I nudge her to let her know that I am going to work. She waves her hand at me trying to push me away. I shake my head at her.

  Tired and hung over, I grab my coffee and head to work. At least the one good thing about going to work today, I will get to see Margo and my niece. I smile in excitement knowing I am officially an aunt. Nothing can ruin my day, not even this stupid headache.


  After working my tail off for six hours, I felt a buzz in my dingy, white lab jacket. I grab my phone and smirk when I noticed I received a text from my sister, Margo.

  Margo:Your niece is waiting for you.

  Still smiling.

  Paige:Let me finish up with this last patient and I will be up. Promise.

  Margo: Always working.

  She was right, I’m always working. I’m not married. I don’t have children to attend to. I don’t even have a boyfriend anymore. Frankly, I’m okay with it. My life is centered around my career. Don’t get me wrong, I do indulge in fun girly times with my friends, but when it comes down to it, work is my love. I finished up calculating calorie needs and documenting on my last patient for the day. Tomorrow will be a new day of me walking into work, with coffee in hand, and a big old grin on my face.

  Once my note was complete, I made my way up to the sixth floor - taking the stairs like I always do. By the time I reach the
floor, my breaths were labored and my armpits were quite sweaty. Good times. Not only do I smell like hospital but I’m a sweaty mess too. I was so dumb for taking the steps.

  Slowly, I open the door to my sister’s hospital room. I knock and say, “Knock, knock. You decent?”

  I heard my sister laugh. “It’s about time.”

  Then Bryan speaks, “Come on in, Paige.”

  With a big smile on my face, I walk into the room. I faintly heard my sister talking and laughing with another man that didn’t sound like Bryan. As I moved the curtain by the entrance of the room, I look to see who my sister was talking with.

  Oh hell, it is Leo.

  I stop dead in my tracks, holding my breath, left speechless, seeing my one-night stand in scrubs talking and smiling with my sister. I had no clue what to do.

  What is he doing here?

  He looks up at me. Squinting his eyes, his smile quickly faded away. He recognizes me. I stand still like a statue, too heavy to move. Breathing deep, the sweat trickles down my back, I have absolutely no clue how to react. I was hoping never to see him again. All I wanted was to focus on the unbelievable night we had together.

  My sister interrupts my train of thought. “Hey Paige. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Stumbling over my words, I say, “Hey…Mar…go.” Looking for my niece. “Is she asleep?”

  “Yeah. But she won’t know if you pick her up.”

  Trying my best not to look over at the big distraction, looking sexy as hell in his blue scrubs, my hands start to fidget and get balmy.

  Margo gave me a funky look. “Are you okay?”

  I look over at Leo. This time, he shines his gorgeous smile at me.

  My heart starts to flutter. My hands grow warmer.

  My sister continues, “Okay, you’re acting weird.”

  I shake my head at her. “Shut up, I’m not acting weird. I’m just tired. You know I have been working all day.”

  “Oh that’s right, my sister the work-alcoholic.” She moves her attention to Leo. “Leo, please tell me you don’t work as much as my sister does. She is like a machine here.”

  He smiles, “If I didn’t work as much as I did, I would’ve never had the opportunity to deliver Miss Kinley. I’m so glad you are doing okay, Margo. And Kinley is beautiful and healthy.”


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