Flatline (Med Rom Series)

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Flatline (Med Rom Series) Page 11

by Kristine Dugger

  He smiles and strips down to nothing, exposing his erect self. He jumps into the water. I start to giggle. Leo treads closer to me. “That was a surprise.”

  I lean toward him and kiss him.

  I pull away. “I am sorry about what I said.”

  “It is fine.”

  “It isn’t. What were you going to say?”

  He laughs, “Watching you come made me come. Just wanted you to know that.”

  I playfully push away. “Leo, for real?”

  “Well, I did. You were sexy as hell spazzing on my fingers.”

  “Fuck. I felt bad.”

  He chuckles. “Well, I’m glad.”


  “You loosened up to make me feel better.”

  He was right.

  Oh fuck me. Feelings are brewing.

  Chapter 15

  We had dinner on the veranda overlooking the moon mirroring onto the lake. Leo grilled teriyaki chicken, pineapple, and green peppers skewers with diced, seasoned sweet potatoes. The dinner was amazing and he clearly knows his way to a dietitian’s heart with this meal choice.

  After dinner, I sit down on the cushioned wicker couch surrounding the cement brick fire pit. I watch as Leo prepares the fire. Once the bonfire is lit, Leo walks to the couch and sits next to me. Despite the hot and steamy summer day, evenings by the lake can get quite chilly. He wraps one arm around me and brings me closer to his warm body. I take a deep breath in. Today has been absolutely perfect. We were having fun just being us. No concerns of work or family. I am really glad I took the chance and came here with Leo. This is something I could get used to.

  Leo presses his lips against the side of my forehead. It is a simple gesture that warmed me just like the fire warming us. A feeling I was not quiet expecting to feel but this time I am okay with it. I nuzzle in closer to him. He takes a deep breath in.

  I look up at him. “What?”

  He sighs, “Do you care if I ask you something?”

  “Depends on what you are going to ask.”

  “What happened with your last relationship?”

  I slightly push away, turning my body to face him. My chest rises as I take another breath in. “What do you want to know?”

  “All of it. What did he do to make you not want more than a sexual relationship?” His body shifts a few time, as if he is uneasy. He scratches his head and says, “I mean, most women don’t agree to this kind of relationship. They always want more, not you.”

  “Well, it is simple. I wasn’t enough for him. He wanted to explore other options before settling down.”

  “How are you not enough for him? That is crazy.”

  “I was never home. I worked to damn much. I didn’t please him like he wanted me to. The sex was boring, I was boring.”

  “I find this all hard to believe.”

  “Well, believe it. I wasted five years with a man who I thought was my happily ever after. We were a match made in Dawson/Bierman heaven.”


  “Jake was my father’s partner’s son. We grew up together. Started off as friends, he was there for me when my father passed away. We became intimate shortly after and the rest was history. We were engaged to be married. A wedding date was set, everything was ready. One month before we were to tie the knot, he was sitting at my kitchen table and he ended everything. Basically saying he didn’t want to jump in head first with our impending marriage. He just felt he needed to see what else was out there. He told me he didn’t love me anymore, when I clearly loved him. I was devastated.”

  With concern in his voice and worrisome on his face, he sympathizes, “I’m sorry. I just can’t believe he said you weren’t enough for him.”

  “Well, that is how it ended. It took me two months to tell my family we ended. My mother blames me for the whole thing. Margo was just mad I didn’t tell her sooner.”

  “You didn’t tell anybody for two months?”

  The tears were now starting to form. I know this story sounds just down right ridiculous but it is how it went. My words start to fumble, wiping the tears from my cheeks. “I… I mean, I did tell Del. I was embarrassed that I couldn’t keep the one man I was supposed to keep. I failed. I have never failed so miserably in my life.” The tears were flowing faster.

  Leo grabs and hugs me. I continue to cry. Moving his hand up and down my back trying to soothe me. “In my opinion, he is a damn fool. To say that you are not enough is ludicrous. You’re more than I have ever wanted. Beauty, brains and beyond anything I have ever expected. He has no idea what he is missing out on. I am just lucky that he let you go, so I can reap the benefits of having you.”

  I look up at him, completely confused with what he just said to me. Did he really just confess that he wants me? Wiping the tears from my eyes, I ask, “Really?”

  His eyes gaze into mine, his hands cup my face. “More than you realize.” His lips press against mine. It was a different kind of kiss, one that was full of passion and comfort. This was different. He was different. We are different.

  I pull away while breathing heavy and full of emotion that is indescribable. With compassion in his eyes, he says, “I’m sorry.”

  Shaking my head. “No, you’re fine.” I pause and then ask, “What about you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why are you Mr. No Relationship?”

  “I told you, I don’t have time for one. Relationships are complicated.”

  “I’m calling bullshit. Tell me the real reason?”

  He laughs and then sighs. “If you really want to know.”

  “Yeah, I told you my saga. Now, it’s your turn.”

  He grins. “Fine. You know Dr. Robert Davis?”

  “Yeah, he is like the top cardiac thoracic surgeon in Omaha. What does he have to do with anything?”

  “He is my father. Not only is he the top heart surgeon but he is Omaha’s most eligible bachelor and womanizer.”

  “Okay, go on.”

  “My mother always told me I remind her of my father. She said I was going to grow up just like him, to be great. As a teenager, all I saw was that my father cheated on my mother with multiple women. I didn’t see the remarkable surgeon; I just saw someone who broke up our family.”

  “I think you took what your mom said out of context.”

  “Yeah, I know, but when everyone tells you that you will be just like your father and all you see is the man who couldn’t stay with his family, you tend to start believing that is what you are. I wanted to be nothing like my father. I didn’t want to take the chance of turning into his womanizing ways, so I avoided relationships at all cost.”

  “But you’re a doctor like him?”

  “Yeah, it is the only profession I could see myself thriving in. I wanted to heal people. Another trait of my father that I had. I look like him, have the brains like him, and probably could’ve been a better surgeon.”

  “So let me get this straight, you avoid relationships because you are afraid you are too much like your father that you will cheat? That is crazy. You are not your father. You’re Dr. Leo Davis not Dr. Robert Davis.”

  He sighs again. “I know.”

  “Leo, have you ever been in love?”


  “What happened with that?”

  “Nothing, yet.”


  Before I could question him, he pulls me close and we kiss again. His hands went through my hair giving it a slight tug. I wrap my arms around him, pulling his body on top of mine while we sink into the wicker couch. My hands went to unbuckle his shorts, when he stops me. “Not here. The bedroom.”

  I don’t question him. He gets up off me, stands in front of me and reaches for my hands. I grab his hand. He leads me into the house, up the stairs and into the room.

  We look into each other’s eyes. I know what I see, all desire for me, for us. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. Heat is radiating from his body. Leo gently pulls my tank top abo
ve my head, throwing it to the side. Then he unhooks my shorts, pushing them down to the floor. His warm hands caress my back and eases up to my strapless bra. It falls to the floor. He lets go of me and steps back. His eyes examining me from head to toe.

  Slowly, he sits down on the queen-sized bed, motioning me with his finger to come to him. My stomach begins to unravel, my breath becomes slightly labored, coming to the realization that this is more than sex. Leo and I are becoming one. This moment changes everything between us.

  I stand in front of him. He grabs my waist, brings me close, and pushes my panties off. I lean down toward him, pressing my lips gently against his. His arms wrap around me, bringing me closer. We fall onto the bed. He turns our bodies, so I am lying flat on the bed. Leo props himself up over my body. I grab his shirt, trying to pull it over his head. My hands then move on over to his shorts, unzip them, and then pulling them off with his boxer briefs. Leo leans over me, taking his hand and brushing my face before his lips caress mine. Our tongues intertwine. His hips press against mine as he enters me carefully. Our lips still firmly together. His hips motion like a wave coming into me, forceful yet calm. My pelvis rises to feel him go deeper in me, hitting the spot to make me go crazy, but not yet. This time was different. I want him in me as long as we can handle it.

  His rhythm picks up, moving in and out of me with affection. Knowing what is happening between us sends my body into a spiral of emotions. I tense up in pleasure, ready to release everything I have within me. Leo knows. With each thrust, he gently goes deeper, hitting my spot causing me to erupt around him. We moan together, as we cum together. His lips are still on mine, kissing me affectionately.

  We just made love.

  Chapter 16

  There is only word to describe last night…Spectacular. We were all about each other. I have no clue where this is going with us but the way I am feeling now, it feels positive. Maybe I am ready to explore more than just a sexual relationship with Leo. He has proven to me that he is wanting more despite the whole following in his father’s footsteps thing. Maybe this weekend away is what I needed for me to realize that deep down inside I am finally getting what others are telling me. I deserve more than sex. Being with Leo the way we were last night sparked the light bulb in my head that we are more than just sex. We are two individuals who are wholeheartedly all about each other. I shiver in excitement.

  We spent the majority of the night kissing and getting to know each other more. Learning that his family is a blended family made me smile. Leo was an only child until his mother met Greg’s father. The story of his mother, Roxanne, marrying William was a turning point in Leo’s life. Seeing his mother happy and in love, let him open up more to forgiving his father. Leo was only eight when his mother asked his father to leave. Despite Leo having a father in Dr. Robert Davis, William Andersen was more of a father to Leo. He encouraged Leo to pursue medicine when Leo was hesitant. Unfortunately for Leo, he was in the shadows of his father. Every person he met in his career, knew his father and what is father was - surgeon and womanizer. The constant comparison drove Leo crazy. Instead of resenting the image, Leo focused in on his work and became the best at what he does. But the legacy he follows is quite daunting, having his biological father be the top surgeon in Omaha and your step-father a retired CEO of one of the major health systems in the same city, can you just say wow?

  Knowing we were up at all hours of the night, I look over at sleeping Leo. His body is curled in the center of the bed where I once was. I am wide awake and craving coffee. I get dressed and head downstairs to make coffee and breakfast.

  While I am prepping pancake batter, I hear the front door open. I stop what I am doing and peek around the corner to see a beautiful, slender, gray-haired lady walk through the front door. She looks up at me. “Hello?”

  I answer, “Hi.”

  “When Leo said a friend, I wasn’t imagining a female friend. I am Roxanne, Leo’s mother.”

  Surprised and speechless.

  “Are you going to introduce yourself?”

  “I’m Paige.”

  Then a silver fox walks in, whom I am assuming is Leo’s step father, William. He looks at Roxanne and then at me. “Oh, hello! I’m William.”

  Roxanne answers for me. “This is Leo’s friend, Paige.”

  He smiles, “Nice to meet you, Paige.” His attention goes to Roxanne. “Roxy, I’m taking the luggage upstairs. I will be down in a bit, if you and Paige want to get acquainted.”

  “Oh that would be nice. I’m smelling coffee. Paige, let’s grab a cup and talk on the veranda.”

  “I was just about to make breakfast.”

  She looks at me in her son’s t-shirt and my short pajama shorts. “It can wait. Let’s go chat.”

  Oh shit.

  Roxanne heads into the kitchen and I follow her. She grabs two coffee mugs from the cabinet. She pours the coffee into both of our mugs. “Cream or sugar or both.”


  She smiles at me. “Black. Bold and flavorful. I like your taste.”

  Ridiculously nervous about this whole situation, I blurt, “You know what they say? Once you go black, you never go back.”

  What the hell did I just say? Stupid Paige.

  She smiles and hands me my coffee. I follow her out to the veranda where she sits down at one of the iron patio chairs. She sets her coffee down on the iron round table. “Please sit.”

  Slowly, I sit down across from her, sipping my coffee, not wanting to say a word. I watch as she grabs her coffee and takes a drink. Again, she sets her coffee down on the table while crossing her legs. The tension was so thick you needed a knife to cut through it. I am really not looking forward to what she has to say or ask me. My high from the last night has turned into this morning’s hangover, headache and all.

  Roxanne looks at me. “This is definitely a first for me. Leo has never brought a female back to the cabin. When he said friend, I just assumed it was one of his friends from college. How do you know my son?”

  “We work together.”

  “You work together? I’m just surprised by all this.”


  “My son has never mentioned him seeing someone, especially someone he works with. It is just odd. Don’t you find that odd?”

  “I guess.” Taking a sip of my coffee.

  “I’m just going to be frank with you, are you trying to score a doctor?”

  Spitting out my coffee. “Excuse me.”

  “Sweetheart, my son is not the type to settle down nor bring girls back to meet his family. Leo is too much like his father, likes the challenge but never truly commits.”

  Challenge? Never Commits?

  Before I could respond to her statement, Leo comes walking through the back door with his arms open. “Mom, what are you doing here?”

  Roxanne stands up to greet her son. They hug and she gives him a kiss. She smiles, “I was just talking with your friend. I didn’t know you were bringing a girl this weekend.”

  He looks at me. “Um, yeah.”

  “Don’t worry about it, honey. Let’s go get breakfast going. I know your father is hungry and so am I. We left early this morning. And I’m needing another cup of coffee.”

  Leo looks at me and then back to his mother. He mouths, “I will explain later.” He follows his mother into the house.

  Explain? Explain what? That his mother just sabotaged our weekend away. That she just told me I was a challenge you will never commit too. I can’t believe he just left me here by myself, making me feel like an awkward fool. Last night, we had a very intimate moment and then to treat me like he just did. Leave me and attend to his mother. Leo is a fucking momma’s boy. I am so fucking pissed right now.

  I get up from the patio table and walk into the house. I look into the kitchen watching him smile at his mother while she assembles the pancake batter that I got out. What the fuck? I need to get out of here.

  I stomp up the steps, hoping they heard me. I
know they did but I only want one person to notice.

  After waiting ten minutes for Leo, I decide it might be a good idea to take a shower to cool the fumes seeping from my skin. I can’t believe he hasn’t come up to talk to me. I strip down and get into the shower.


  After my shower, I thought maybe I would feel better. But I am nowhere near better.

  I walk out of the bathroom to see Leo sitting on the bed, waiting for me. I give him a death stare. He says, “I’m so sorry, Paige. I had no idea they were going to show up.”

  “I find that hard to believe. Out of nowhere, your family happens to show up when we are here. You tell your mom you are bringing a friend but don’t specify the friend. Of course, your mom is curious.”

  “You are overthinking this.”

  “Tell me how it looks. Your mom cornered me. Then you come down and leave me there, while you go make breakfast with her. You barely acknowledged me.”

  “What exactly was I supposed to do?”

  “You tell me. You’re a doctor. You should be smart enough to figure this out.”

  “Paige, I’m sorry. I just wasn’t thinking.”

  “That is a bullshit answer.”

  “Honestly, I was surprised that she and William showed up. My mother is notorious for just showing up unexpected.”

  “Then you should’ve been prepared for this.”

  “Paige, my focus this weekend wasn’t on if my parents were going to show up or not? My mind was on someone else.” His eyes looking directly into mine. “Come here.”

  I am still bothered by him and the fact that he wasn’t thinking and left me there alone. But the way he looks at me with those green eyes, gazing at me, wanting me, I became victim to giving into him. I knew what he wanted. And damn him, I am going to give him what he wants.

  I walk slowly toward him still wet from the shower. My towel was wrapped tightly around me. I stand in front of him, him still gazing at me. He digs his finger into the top of the towel, trying to pull me closer. The force from his finger, loosens the towel and it falls to the floor. His eyes glance over my naked body. “You’re perfect.”


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