Bad Boys Rule

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Bad Boys Rule Page 12

by Naughty Aphrodite

  Karen cocked an eyebrow, placing one hand on her hip. “Y’think?” she asked, a smile beginning to appear in the corners of her mouth.

  Travis smiled back at her, love swelling in his chest as he watched the muted winter light shifting through the windows, illuminating her pale skin and black hair, dancing in her blue eyes. “Old habits die hard,” he said.

  Karen put down her batter and came around the table to wrap her arms around his neck. “You’re safe here,” she murmured, kissing his cheek. Then she giggled, looking down between them at the bobbing morning erection pressed against her stomach. “Y’know,” she purred, winding her fingers into his dark hair, “I was thinking about having a shower before breakfast. Care to join me?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t want to distract you from those pancakes,” Travis replied, running his hands up and down her back under her loose t-shirt. “But, I mean, if you wanted to…”

  Karen giggled. “I think I can spare a few minutes,” she said tipping her head back for a kiss. Travis happily obliged, pulling her T-shirt over her head when they broke apart.

  Leaving a trail of abandoned clothes behind them, they made their way laughing and kissing to the shower.

  “I can’t believe you ran out to rescue me completely naked, cock at full mast,” Karen giggled, watching him adjust the taps, her eyes lingering along the rope-like muscles of his strong back and thick thighs.

  Travis chuckled. “I was worried about you!” he defended himself.

  “Oh, I appreciate it, don’t worry,” she said. “I wish you always came to breakfast buck naked and rock hard.”

  Travis shook his head, smiling. “Okay, okay. You want sex. Your unsubtle hints have been duly noted.”

  Karen laughed. “Just making sure,” she smiled.

  Rolling his eyes, Travis reached for her hand, drawing her to him. Reaching down, he picked her up, balancing her tiny body on his hips. Karen hummed happily and wrapped her legs around his waist. One hand stroking her spine tenderly, Travis kissed her. Her soft mouth opened willingly, inviting his tongue inside. Kissing slowly and luxuriously, they explored the mouths they already knew so well, teasing each other with their tongues and teeth as the forgotten shower filled the bathroom with steam.

  “Oh, shit. The water,” Travis said when they finally broke apart. “It’ll be boiling by now.” Setting Karen down again, he reached in and winced, shaking his burnt hand and adjusting the taps again. Finally, he stepped back, gesturing for Karen to get in first. For a moment, Travis watched her standing under the hot water, her eyes closed in happiness.

  Lathering her favorite lavender soap between his strong hands, Travis admired the delicate curves of her tiny body. Tenderly, he stepped up behind her, reaching around to cradle her breasts in his soapy hands. They disappeared in his large palms. As he massaged the sensitive skin, he dipped his head to kiss her shoulders, interspersing his kisses with gentle nips.

  Karen sighed happily and leaned back against his chest. His erection was throbbing against the small of her back, but Travis didn’t seem to care. Unhurried, he made slow, soapy circles up and down her torso, enjoying the contrast between her soft curves and his masculine hands. He brought up her arms, first one and then the other, massaging her soft skin, kissing the few freckles scattered across her arms. The feeling of his lips nibbling her delicate skin made Karen shiver with pleasure. She’d had a number of boyfriends over the years, but no one had ever made her feel so cared for as Travis. With a happy smile, Karen closed her eyes and leaned her head back against his muscular chest, willingly submitting to his tender caresses.

  When Travis went back to fondling her soapy breasts, Karen slid one hand between them, reaching down to cup his testicles, gently massaging them with her fingertips, smiling to hear him groan into her shoulder. Deciding her breasts and stomach were clean enough, Karen slid out of Travis’s grip and onto her knees, turning to face him as she did so.

  Travis licked his lips in anticipation as he looked down to see her grinning up at him mischievously, his erection brushing her wet cheek. Turning her head, Karen drew the tip of his cock into her mouth, wrapping one hand around its thick base. Still looking up at him impishly through her dark lashes, Karen alternated between swirling her tongue around his sensitive head and drawing his foreskin up and down across the ridge with her lips, while one hand teased his balls and the other pumped his shaft.

  Travis moaned, his eyes fluttering open and closed. “Fuck, that feels incredible,” he groaned, putting one hand against the wall to steady himself.

  Karen grinned and took him deeper into her mouth, her red lips descending along his shaft inch by inch as she sucked him off. Travis buried his fingers in her hair, gasping at the feeling of her warm tongue stroking his shaft as the hot water beat down on his shoulders and chest. He had to fight hard to keep from coming right there and then.

  Reluctantly, he tugged Karen to her feet. Pouting, she rose, sliding her hands up the slick muscles of his chest. “I wasn’t finished,” she said.

  “I know,” he smiled, his hands coming down to fondle her ass. “But if you keep going I will be. And neither of us want that.”

  Karen giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing herself against his chest. “Wise man,” she said, stretching up to kiss his jaw.

  Travis chuckled and reached for the soap to lather up his hands once more. Reaching back down to her bum, he worked the lather over her ass and between her cheeks, massaging her soft flesh as he went. Karen moaned quietly as his fingers played with the sensitive knot of her anus. As she shivered with pleasure, Karen felt her pussy tingle with the desire coursing through her.

  Reading Karen’s thoughts, Travis drew away from her and gently turned her to face the tiled wall. Rinsing the soap off her bum, he knelt down behind her and spread the cheeks of her ass wide. Karen stretched her arms above her head, leaning her body against the warm tiles and closing her eyes in anticipation.

  Travis flicked his tongue back and forth along her taint, teasing her slick entrance but never going further. Karen moaned and she pressed her pussy toward him, wanting more, while her hands clenched against the slippery tiles. Smiling as he watched her, Travis burrowed further into the soft cheeks of her ass, his tongue caressing the tight whorl of her anus. With the tip of one finger, he lightly traced the folds of her swollen pussy, teasing her with the fleeting contact.

  Karen gasped his name, her body growing more and more tightly wound as Travis took his time, his fingers exploring her pussy while he licked and kissed her sensitive asshole, all without ever giving Karen the release she wanted. “Stop teasing me,” she moaned, finally giving in.

  “It’s Sunday morning,” Travis replied with a smile as he drew the pad of his thumb over her swollen clit, making her gasp. “What’s the rush? I want to enjoy you.”

  “Travis!” Karen whimpered as he kept toying with her clit. Still smiling, Travis nipped her bum then sank two fingers deep into her throbbing pussy. As he did so, he gently slid his pinkie into her ass.

  “Oh fuck,” Karen groaned as her body tightened around his fingers. The two simultaneous and unexpected penetrations overwhelmed her and pleasure surged through her body. “Oh fuck, yes.”

  Gently, Travis withdrew his fingers to let her adjust.

  “No!” Karen groaned, her hands scrabbling at the wet tiles. “Do it again! Harder!”

  Travis did as he was told, pumping his fingers deeper into her, stroking her inflamed walls. As he thrust, he went back to licking the sensitive nerves that now enclosed his pinkie, smiling as Karen began to gasp and writhe above him. Karen wanted the feeling to last for as long as possible and she fought against the waves of pleasure crashing around her. But, between Travis’s swirling tongue and thrusting fingers, it wasn’t long before Karen’s body gave up the fight. Faster than either of them had thought possible, Karen’s orgasm swept through her body, her pussy spasming around Travis’s fingers while the m
ilky fluids of her climax dripped down his hand and wrist. Karen screamed his name as her body bucked against the tiles.

  “Fuck,” Karen gasped when she’d caught her breath again. She looked down at Travis with a dopey smile and heavy-lidded eyes.

  “Did you enjoy that?” Travis asked, reaching down to pump his throbbing erection a few times, trying to relieve some of the pent up tension. He knew he couldn’t put things off any longer. After watching Karen come on him, all he could think about was fucking her, his long, hard cock encased in her tight pussy.

  “You gonna fuck me properly now?” Karen asked, licking her lips. She could see the desire burning in Travis’s eyes.

  Travis nodded and stood up. Wrapping his hands around her thighs, he lifted her onto his hips as if she weighed nothing. Pinning Karen between him and the wall, Travis finally sunk his cock into her slick little pussy. He couldn’t help but groan as her tight walls closed around his eager head. “Fuck, you feel even better than usual,” he murmured, bracing one arm against the tiles. Giggling, Karen wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his neck and shoulders as he began to thrust.

  Gripping her ass in his free hand, Travis buried himself deep inside of her and Karen moaned as his huge cock stroked every inch of her sensitive pussy. She would never stop marveling at how he filled her so perfectly. Travis quickened his pace, plunging his cock deeper and deeper into her. Moaning with pleasure, Karen dug her nails into his skin, pressing her shoulders back against the tiles and arching her back. Travis dipped his head to run his tongue between her breasts and she gasped. Under her heels, Karen felt the muscles of Travis’s spectacular ass clench as he drilled into her. With his own orgasm approaching, his thrusts were growing more and more frantic.

  Travis could feel that they were both close to finishing and he wanted to make sure that Karen got off before him. With a wicked smile, he slid his pinkie up her ass again. Karen swore loudly and he felt her pussy clench down on his dick as her hips began to buck wildly against his. Her orgasm had finally arrived. Feeling her come sent Travis over the edge and, with one final deep thrust, he buried himself in Karen’s spasming pussy just as his orgasm came crashing over him.

  When her orgasm finally faded, Karen looked up at the ceiling, her head resting against the tiled wall as she gasped for breath. “Oh God,” she panted, her chest heaving.

  Travis chuckled, kissing her neck. “I’m really glad you weren’t kidnapped after all,” he said.

  “Me too,” she replied as he gently set her down. She put one hand against the wall to help her keep the balance as her feet touched the slippery bathtub floor.

  “Plus I could definitely go for some pancakes right about now,” said Travis as he pulled her into his arms to steady her. Karen leaned against him, her body limp and soft with pleasure.

  She gasped as he spoke. “Oh my God! I completely forgot about the pancakes,” she said, looking up at him with wide eyes.

  Travis chuckled. “I’m sure they’ll survive. And, if not, this was totally worth it.”

  Karen giggled as he turned off the taps and led her out of the shower. “So true,” she said.


  The pancakes turned out to be delicious despite waiting for Karen and Travis to be finished in the shower. Starving after their early morning workout, they both ate a few too many and had to sit around digesting for a while longer than usual. By the time they made it down to the shop, it was already nearly noon.

  They had recently gotten in an order of wreaths, holly, and ivy and Travis wanted to get the shop ready for Christmas by tomorrow. He’d already had a few of their more anxious neighbors asking about decorations for their doors. Travis had decided that he wanted to try to make his own wreaths this year and he’s been practicing different techniques all week – and making a huge mess in their kitchen in the process, much to Karen’s frustration. She’d pulled a few pine needles out of her pancakes this morning with a very pointed look at Travis.

  As Travis worked on his wreaths, Karen brought out some essays she needed to mark and set herself up on the far corner of the work counter. Humming along to the carols on the radio, they smiled at each other as they worked. However, before they got very far, there was a knock at the door.

  Travis looked up from his wreath expecting to see Miranda with a tray of tea and goodies. Instead what he saw made his eyebrows shoot up: it was Bruce. Hurriedly, Travis set down his tools and went to open the door. “Sir,” he said, a little breathlessly. “I’m glad to see you’re all right.”

  Bruce nodded. “Yes, it’s certainly been a while,” the enormous man agreed.

  “Come in,” Travis said, holding open the door and gesturing inside. “Do you want coffee or something?”

  Bruce shook his head. “I’m not here for long.” He caught sight of Karen working in the back room and it was his turn to raise his eyebrows. “Is there somewhere we can talk privately?” he whispered to Travis.

  Travis shook his head. “She knows.”

  “What?” Bruce frowned. The rules about revealing your true identity to citizens were very strict and very clear: you didn’t.

  “She and the other townspeople saved my life,” said Travis with a shrug. “I would have been shot down in the street a few months ago if they hadn’t come to my rescue.”

  Bruce pursed his lips. “Yes, I heard about your run in with Nabokov’s hitmen. Glad to see you made it out all right. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to send help. Things have been—”

  “I know, sir,” said Travis, brushing aside the apology. “And was it Nabokov in the end? Like you thought?”

  “Yes,” Bruce nodded. “That’s why I came by. I wanted to tell you that the danger is over and we’ve got Nabokov and his remaining employees in custody. You can come out of hiding. I wanted to come by in person to make sure you were doing all right after the attack.”

  “Travis?” Karen appeared from the back room. “Is everything all right?” she asked, coming up to stand next to him.

  Travis slung an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. “Everything’s fine,” he said. “Bruce is an old friend of mine. He’s just come by to say hi. He’s on his way back home,” Travis explained vaguely. “He wanted to offer me a job.”

  Karen nodded, understanding that this was a man from Travis’s spy past. “Nice to meet you,” she said offering her hand to Bruce. As they shook hands, she asked, “What job?”

  “One I won’t be needing,” Travis replied, smiling down at her. “I’ve got everything I want right here, Bruce,” he said, turning back to his former boss. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m happy where I am.”

  Bruce nodded. “I understand,” he said, his eyes darting to Karen. “I’m happy to hear you’ve settled down. And, in that case, I suppose I’ll be on my way. If you ever change your mind, Travis, you know where to find me.”

  Travis nodded. “I won’t,” he promised, “but thank you.”

  “Won’t you stay for a coffee?” Karen offered. “Or some tea?”

  Bruce shook his head. “No rest for the wicked, I’m afraid,” he said, smiling at her. “I’ve got to be getting back. Oh, that reminds me,” he chuckled, “Maud sends her love.”

  Travis laughed. “Tell her I say hello,” he said.

  Bruce nodded, taking one last look at Travis and Karen. “You look well, Travis,” he said at last. “I’m happy to see it. Take care of yourself.”

  “You too, Bruce,” said Travis. “And thanks for everything.”

  With one last nod, Bruce left the flower shop and Travis’s life forever.

  Karen nuzzled in Travis’s side. “So,” she asked, grinning, “who’s this Maud person? Anyone I have to worry about?”

  Travis exploded with laughter. “No,” he said, shaking his head emphatically. “No, definitely not.” Leaning down, he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. Then, still laughing, he led her back to the workbench. He had Christmas wreaths to finish. He did
n’t want to disappoint his neighbors after all.


  The Memory Of You

  Chapter 1

  “Dr. Pace where are you going?”

  Caleb Pace stopped in his tracks at the shriek and turned to watch the Head Nurse, Tiffany Kang, as she hurried from the ER to stand in his way.

  “My work day has long ended,” he responded.

  She glared at him as though he were delirious. “The Director of Doldam hospital will be arriving at any moment. He is not an ordinary patient, you have to stay to welcome him.”

  It was his turn now to shoot her an incredulous look, after which he stepped to the side and continued on his way. She hurried ahead of him and blocked his path once more, arms outstretched in to keep him from leaving.

  “Dr. Pace, please stay. And moreover, it is a Friday night. The ER might be plunged into chaos at any minute. You rarely ever leave on nights like this!”


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