Theodore: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 25)

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Theodore: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 25) Page 16

by Katie Dowe

  "I'm on extended compassionate leave." She answered. She swallowed and instinctively put a hand over her belly. "I was hurt badly and required hospital treatment. I'm still mending."

  That was as close to the truth as she was going to get. Matt Prentice might be her sister's employer for now but he was still a stranger. Arlie didn't trust him enough with the truth.

  Her response seemed to satisfy Prentice. He sat up.

  "Wouldn't you want to be paid for looking after your sister?"

  But Arlie was shaking her head before he had finished.

  "I'm not here for the money, Mr Prentice."

  "Matt, please."

  Arlie didn't want to call him that. It sounded too intimate. She focused on her answer.

  "I'm here for Michelle. I know about children, she doesn't. And I've dealt with pregnant women before." She tilted her chin at him. "I don't need to be paid."

  She had enough money saved to keep her going after this. And she wasn't about to ask for money from this man. Not after the problems with Jason.

  "It would make me feel better if you had something coming in for yourself."

  He was insistent. Very insistent. Arlie momentarily wondered what he would be like in bed. Would he be insistent then? She mentally swiped the images away.

  "Michelle and I grew up with a mother who worked two jobs. Our father deserted us when Michelle was two. Ma taught us how to make our money stretch and use it wisely. We don't take anything for granted." She gulped down the rest of her juice. "I'll be fine."

  For a couple of months. But then she would have to get back to work. And since Jason knew where she worked that was asking for trouble. She needed to find alternative work.

  Prentice was looking at her strangely now. Arlie guessed he didn't often have women turn down his money. She turned away and settled back against the leather, nodding at the TV.

  "Let's not ruin the film by talking, eh? Let's finish watching this."

  Prentice didn't respond. He merely settled back, lacing his fingers across his flat stomach. Arlie kept her eyes glued to the screen. She didn't want to look over at him. He might catch her looking and get the wrong idea. It wasn't something she wanted to entertain.

  Once bitten, twice shy.

  Pretty soon Arlie had forgotten about Prentice. Sleep had taken over and she was fast asleep by the time the end credits rolled.

  Chapter 3

  Michelle cut off a piece of pancake with her fork and scooped it into her mouth. Her eyes closed and she moaned in bliss.

  "God, this is delicious, Nell." Opening her eyes, she grinned at Nell Matthews. "What do you put in it?"

  "Cottage cheese and blueberries." The resident cook returned the grin as she placed a plate piled high with pancakes on the table. "Mr Prentice loves it as well."

  Arlie was sure he did. The pancakes smelled delicious and she was partial to blueberries. But it was far too early for her to even think of having food in any shape or form; her stomach was still waking up.

  Michelle began to tuck in to the pancakes, stuffing nearly half of one in her mouth. The pregnancy was already turning her into a foodie. The amount of food she put away was a sight to behold.

  "I might ask for the recipe." She said around one mouthful.

  Nell laughed. She was a homely woman in her mid-fifties, short and stout with a warm twinkle in her eye. Arlie and Michelle had taken to her immediately and while Nell was meant to stay in the kitchen and concoct their mouth-watering meals she often joined them when it was just them and occasionally Bates, chattering away like they were old friends. She didn't bat an eyelid at why they were there and didn't treat them any differently.

  All of Matt's staff - it felt strange calling him Matt but the man had insisted - were friendly and kind towards them. They all knew about the surrogacy and were very respectful. Michelle had even discovered the housekeeper's granddaughter was one of her students and they would talk for hours. Arlie had clicked with the security team and even joined them when they worked out in Matt's gym in the basement. They considered her as one of the guys.

  The same couldn't be said about some of Matt's guests and associates. The few times Matt had people visit him, they treated Michelle with disdain, turning their noses up at her and Arlie. One woman had even protested loudly that Matt couldn't find a white woman to be the surrogate. Matt had cut her short by saying he didn't care as long as he had a child.

  Arlie didn't like it when people brought up her skin color. As far as she was concerned, that should never be a factor. But there were a lot of snotty-nosed neighbors who thought otherwise and saw them as taking advantage of Matt despite him saying otherwise. Michelle kept herself upbeat around the bad vibes but Arlie knew it was affecting her.

  That wasn't good for the baby. It was only eight weeks in and they needed to keep Michelle calm and relaxed. The first three months, in Arlie's opinion, were always crucial. Stress wouldn't do anyone any good.

  But at least she was looking good. She wasn't showing signs of any pregnancy yet but her skin was glowing, her eyes were bright and she was eating well, maybe even better than before. You wouldn't think she was running to the bathroom every morning to throw her stomach up if you looked at her.

  Nell picked up the tray and squeezed Michelle's shoulder.

  "When you stay here, Michelle, you won't need to do any cooking. That's my job."

  "And you're worth your weight in gold." Michelle looked at Arlie and gestured at the pancakes. "Try some, Arlie. They're amazing."

  Arlie glanced at the pancakes and her stomach rolled. She shook her head and cupped her hands around her mug, breathing in the heavy coffee fumes.

  "No, thanks. I can't handle breakfast. My stomach is still full from that roast dinner Nell made last night." She moaned and smacked her lips. "I can never get enough of those roast potatoes."

  In the two weeks since they had arrived at Matt's home, Arlie looked forward to Sunday dinner. Nell did a Sunday roast with all the trimmings and Arlie couldn't get enough of it.

  "You're not the only one." Nell chuckled. "My eldest adores them as well. And so does Mr Prentice."

  Michelle giggled.

  "I saw that. He gobbled them down in one gulp. I thought he was going to explode."

  Seeing Matt eating like a man possessed had been amusing. The man didn't waste his food and always asked for seconds. Arlie had wondered if he was like that in other aspects of his life and then her thoughts had wandered, yet again, to what he was like in bed. Everything about the damn man drifted into thoughts of sex. Arlie didn't like that.

  Being hurt physically and emotionally by one rich man was bad enough. She didn't want history to repeat itself.

  "That poor man would be lost without you reminding him to eat." Michelle added.

  Nell shrugged.

  "I don't mind. Mr Prentice is a sweet man when he wants to be. But I've got three teenage sons. I can handle a tantrum."

  Arlie giggled.

  "I'd love to see that."

  "You'd love to see what?"

  Matt's voice had Arlie jumping, splashing coffee onto her hand and the table. Biting back a wince and wiping a napkin over the red area on her fingers as she put her mug down, Arlie glanced towards the door. Matt was leaning against the door frame, a small smile on his face, his eyes glinting. How long he had been there Arlie didn't know but was sure he had heard enough.

  A blush starting across her cheeks, she looked away and reached for a piece of toast. She wasn't hungry but she needed to focus on something to stop herself from staring at the man. He was looking very handsome this morning in a light gray suit, his silver tie standing out against his shirt. His hair was still damp from the shower and his cheeks were clean-shaven, having sported an unshaven look over the weekend. Arlie liked it when he was unshaven - he was sexy cleaned up but mussed up, he was even sexier.

  She couldn't help thinking about that night when they had watched a movie together. Matt hadn't tried anything, staying
on his side of the couch. Their silence had been comfortable as if they had done this hundreds of times. Arlie had fallen asleep and then woken up the next morning in the room she had been given. Her only conclusion was that Matt had carried her and put her to bed himself.

  It spoke of intimacy that Arlie wasn't prepared to broach. And she hadn't said anything about it. Matt had looked like he was going to mention it but had resisted from doing so. Now they didn't talk about that night at all.

  Nell seemed to ignore the nerves that were coming off Arlie and came around the table with a bright smile.

  "Good morning, sir. Would you like some pancakes?"

  "Please." Matt sat and Nell put a plate in front of him before he forked three pancakes onto it, pouring syrup over them. He glanced at Arlie and sighed. "I miss those days."

  Arlie blinked. She had no idea what he was talking about.

  "Excuse me?"

  "Just black coffee." Matt nodded at her mug. "Now Nell makes me eat something every morning. I must admit it helped my metabolism."

  "Lost two inches off the waist and about fifteen pounds, didn't you, sir?" Nell added.

  Arlie stared at him. Matt didn't look like he needed to lose any weight; he looked good just as he was.

  Michelle looked confused.

  "Having breakfast helps you lose weight?"

  "It jump-starts your metabolism so you can break down fat quicker." Arlie explained. "Those who eat breakfast regularly are more likely to lose weight than those who skip it altogether."

  "Says the woman who lives on coffee to start her morning." Michelle quipped.

  Arlie stuck her tongue out at him. Matt chuckled and tucked into his pancakes. He devoured the three and had another two more.

  "What are you two planning to do with your day?" He asked around a mouthful.

  Michelle pushed her empty plate away and stretched.

  "I'm going to swim a few laps and then Arlie and I will go into Manhattan and window shop baby items." She placed a hand over her belly. "It's too early to get anything yet but I want a general idea of what would be needed. It would also save you rushing around panicking about what to get when the baby arrives."

  Matt looked thoughtful as he reached for his orange juice. Arlie had to look at Michelle so she didn't stare at his long fingers taking hold of the glass.

  "Sounds fair enough." Matt conceded. "I'm not entirely sure what I would need so a woman's perspective would be much appreciated."

  "We would need baby clothes and diapers in Michelle's hospital bag so they're ready for the baby." Arlie added. "But she is right; while it's too early to get anything it won't hurt to have a look around. We can make a list of what you'll need."

  Matt looked between them for a moment. Then he reached into his back pocket and withdrew his wallet, opening it up.

  "Well, why don't you take this?"

  He withdrew something and handed it to Michelle, who stared at it with wide eyes.

  "Your credit card?"

  Arlie couldn't believe it. The man had complained about women being gold-diggers and he was actually entrusting his credit card to them? He had either done a complete turn around on his opinion or he was testing them.

  "What on earth for?"

  "So you can get some things." Matt put his wallet away. "I have a room I want to turn into a nursery and it will need to be decorated and equipped with new furniture and toys. I was planning on doing it but I know with my workload I probably won't get around to it. It also needs..." He hesitated, "A woman's touch."

  Arlie glanced at Michelle. They were thinking the same thing; was he giving them the card to see if they would wipe him out? Something was amiss and both of them were uncomfortable with it.

  "We can buy things ourselves." Arlie protested.

  But Matt shook his head.

  "This child is mine and I want to splash out. Through you two, of course. I'll trust your judgment."

  Arlie was shaking her head.

  "We can't take your card."

  "I insist. At least it will be one less thing to worry about."

  "Arlie, don't argue with him." Michelle said quietly. "He won't budge."

  "Neither will I." Arlie declared.

  Matt stared back at her. Something hot and heavy passed between them and Arlie's breasts began to feel heavy, her pussy contracting. God, this man had no right to make her body react like this. Anyone would think he was making passes at her.

  "My child, my credit card." Matt's voice brooked no argument.

  Arlie glanced at the card in Michelle's hand. They always worked on a budget, even when they splashed out. This was not going to be pleasant. She bit her lip.

  "What's the card limit and how much is left?"

  "Three million and there's over half of it left."

  One and a half million dollars was in Michelle's hand. Michelle squeaked and dropped it onto the table. Arlie would have laughed if the situation wasn't so serious. She turned back to Matt.

  "5,000 max. Any more and we'll let you know."

  Matt blinked. Clearly he had been expecting her to say more.

  "One-point-five million dollars and you only want five grand?"

  "We'd feel uncomfortable using more." Michelle said. "You can get a lot for that. We can use that money for furniture." She smiled. "We'll even decorate the nursery for you."

  "You don't need to do that." Matt protested. "Not in your condition."

  Michelle rolled her eyes.

  "I'm not that far along. And Arlie said it's better to keep active during a pregnancy. It makes the labor shorter and more bearable."

  "We need something to do." Arlie added. "So we might as well make ourselves useful since you'll be busy."

  Matt looked like he wanted to argue but closed his mouth. Arlie could see he was still stumped they didn't take more than what was being offered. He frowned at her.

  "Can you find things for five grand, even in Manhattan?" He asked curiously.

  Arlie grinned and saluted him with her coffee mug.



  Michelle stepped onto the sidewalk and stretched, rolling her neck.

  "Wow. That was a whirlwind."

  "It certainly was." Arlie checked she was carrying all the bag handles and dodged a middle-aged man in a suit walking along staring at his phone. The man bumped into her and barely murmured an apology before hurrying on. "I enjoyed that more than I realized."

  It had been an eventful morning. After Evans had arrived, Arlie and Michelle had gone to Buy Buy Baby in Chelsea. The assistant they had approached was more than willing to help, especially when she found out who was footing the bill. She helped them find what they needed to equip a nursery, even suggesting a few extra bits that Michelle didn't see as unreasonable. Arlie was a bit less relenting, keeping an eye on their budget. But within two hours they had ordered the furniture they needed and it was set to be delivered within twenty-four hours.

  Then they had gone to a nearby DIY store and bought several paint tins, brushes and trays. Arlie had checked that the paint wasn't dangerous to pregnant women and was assured that it was fine. Michelle even bought a stenciling kit, arguing that she wanted to put some pretty designs up on the walls. This Arlie had willingly relented to.

  Now they had finished their shopping and they had a thousand dollars left on their budget. Arlie considered that a job well done.

  Shopping was meant to be a therapeutic session but Arlie was not one of those people. Plus shopping for a baby...she hadn't realized it would be emotionally difficult on her. This would have been her some time back. But it was not meant to be.

  All because of him.

  Michelle seemed to know where her thoughts were going and nudged her.

  "Come on, sis. Evans said he would pick us up at one. We've got time for something to eat and that bistro across the road is calling to me."

  Arlie had to laugh. Michelle's appetite had increased since her hormones began going into overdrive
. The morning sickness didn't seem to make it wane, either. She could eat a horse and not even blink if she wanted.

  Crossing the road at the lights, they walked arm-in-arm to the bistro. Arlie's stomach growled, telling her that she needed food now. Maybe she could splash out on a big meal, seeing as they had a bit of their budget to play with...

  "So, you're the one who's trapped Matt into making babies."

  Arlie and Michelle turned. A blonde woman in her mid-twenties was leaning against a shiny red convertible. She wore skinny jeans that hugged her thin frame, coupled with knee-high boots with a four-inch stiletto heel, and a black camisole under a white shirt left unbuttoned. Big black sunglasses covered her eyes and nearly most of her face. If Arlie was being generous she would have said the woman was beautiful.

  Michelle took off her sunglasses and pushed them onto her head.

  "Excuse me?"

  "You heard me." The woman pushed off the car and sauntered towards them, her hips swaying. She looked at their bags and her lip curled. "How am I not surprised you're out and about shopping for baby items with Matt's money. Does he know you've got his credit card?"

  "Of course he does." Arlie didn't like the way this was going. She half-stepped in front of her sister and faced the woman down. "And what's it to you?"

  Michelle touched her arm.

  "This is Joanna O'Toole, Arlie." She said quietly. "She's the model who dated Matt last year."

  "That's me." Joanna took off her glasses, revealing dark eyes that looked too close together, somewhat marring the rest of her beauty. "We've been on-off for four years. We've always been there for the other when an itch was needed to be scratched." She looked over Michelle, her nose wrinkling in disgust. "What I don't get is what happened to him that you tricked him into getting yourself pregnant. Did you drug him or something?"

  "I haven't had sex with him." Michelle snapped. "I'm a surrogate."

  Joanna's perfectly manicured eyebrows rose.

  "A surrogate?" She echoed. She laughed. "That's a stretch. He wouldn't choose a black whore to carry his child. Matt has more class than that."


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