Theodore: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 25)

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Theodore: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 25) Page 22

by Katie Dowe

Arlie grinned and leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder.

  "I don't plan on going anywhere." She said quietly. She touched his hand and laced their fingers together. "I love you, Matt."

  She loved him. In spite of the situation, Matt wanted to get up and dance about. She loved him! That brought a smile to his face and he pressed another kiss to her forehead.

  The door opened and a middle-aged doctor in a white coat with a stethoscope around her neck entered. She looked exhausted but her eyes were bright. Arlie stood and hurried to her first.

  "Is Michelle okay, Doctor?"

  "You're her sister?"


  The doctor smiled, her whole countenance lighting up.

  "She's fine. We've monitored her and the baby and both are fine. We're going to keep her in for a couple of days to make sure they are fine but once she's home she's going to be put on complete bed rest." She gave Matt a knowing look. "I don't want her playing baseball for a while."

  Matt bit back a smile. Now he knew Michelle and the baby were going to be okay he felt like there was a lot of weight off his shoulders. He put an arm around Arlie's shoulders and held her against him.

  "We'll make sure that doesn't happen, Doctor."

  "Good. She's had enough drama tonight." The doctor looked pointedly at Arlie's bandaged shoulder. "I don't want her getting involved with any more of it."

  "I'll look after her." Arlie promised. "She's in good hands."

  The doctor grunted and left the room, closing the door behind her. Bates raised an eyebrow.

  "Why do I get the feeling she didn't believe us?"


  Arlie found the private room easily. Rapping on the door, she opened it and poked her head round.


  Michelle was sitting in bed, her back propped up. Dressed in one of the hospital gowns with her hair freshly washed and tied back, she looked up and smiled brightly at Arlie. She looked amazing for someone who had just been going through intense pain.

  Since the attack on Arlie and Michelle three months before, Arlie had made sure that Michelle obeyed the doctor's instructions of bed rest. Michelle had protested but Arlie had been unrelenting. Eventually Michelle had allowed her to have her own way and had put up with Arlie's ministrations throughout the months, although she drew the line at a bed bath. Everything with the pregnancy had gone well and with their fortnightly check-ups they witnessed the little girl grow and grow until she decided to make an appearance in the middle of the night, her water breaking as she had turned over in bed.

  Arlie's hand was still hurting from Michelle's strong grip as she pushed the baby girl into the world. It was six hours later and she was only just getting feeling back into her hand.

  But she smiled to hide the pain and the nausea as she sat on the bed and hugged her sister.

  "I thought you would never get here." Michelle declared.

  "Traffic was backed up. Evans had to take an alternative route." Arlie looked over at Matt, who was walking back and forth in front of the window. A tiny bundle swathed in pink blankets was in his arms. "How's the little one doing?"

  "The doctor and midwives have checked her over and she's absolutely fine." Michelle grinned. "Now Matt can't put her down."

  Arlie couldn't blame him. After so many years wanting a child to fill the hole made after losing his son, Matt finally had one. And from the loving look he had on his face as he gazed down at his daughter, Arlie knew he was going to be spoiling her rotten.

  She couldn't think of a more beautiful sight. The man she loved holding the most beautiful baby she had ever seen. Matt would make a devoted father.

  Their relationship had also developed in the past three months. Arlie had opened up more about her past and the men she had ended up having the misfortune to date. Matt had been sympathetic and went out of his way to show her he wasn't like her previous boyfriends. He would bring her flowers home every week. They sat cuddled up on the couch watching films. Matt had even learned a few meals for a romantic evening in.

  And the sex...Arlie could feel her body tightening. The sex was incredible and she was certainly not complaining. There was going to be a little less now the baby was here but Arlie intended to make the most of their precious few moments together.

  Matt saw that she had arrived and moved across to join her. He turned so Arlie could see the little pink face sticking out from the pink blanket, dark lashes brushing her cheeks as she slept. One little hand poked out from the blanket in a small fist, brushing against the blanket.

  Arlie instantly fell in love with her. She was beautiful.

  "I'm going to call her Sarah." Matt announced proudly, brushing a gentle kiss on the baby's head. "After my grandmother."

  Sarah Prentice. Arlie liked the sound of that. She also liked the sound of Arlie Prentice. A month before, Matt had surprised her by taking her to Paris and proposing to her at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Arlie hadn't needed to think about her decision; it was an immediate yes.

  Now it seemed they were going to be a ready-made family. Things were falling into place for Arlie and she couldn't be happier.

  Matt leaned over and kissed Arlie, glancing at Michelle when he pulled back.

  "Michelle has something she wants to ask you."


  Michelle sat forward and took Arlie's hand. Arlie looked between her and Matt, noticing the matching smiles. The two were best friends and always seemed to be scheming towards something together. If she had been anyone else she would have been jealous with their closeness but there was nothing to be jealous about. Michelle and Matt simply clicked and had done from the start. That was the way Michelle was; everyone wanted to be her friend.

  Except for Bates. Arlie had been aware of something growing between the two of them, especially after Michelle had been put on bed rest for the last three months. Bates always seemed to be hanging around when he wasn't on duty. Arlie was sure he slept in her room as well but didn't say anything. She found it really sweet that the big man was very attentive to her petite little sister.

  It seemed to her that both of them had found someone to give them some happiness.

  Now her sister and her fiancé were smiling at her and Arlie was beginning to hate the suspense.

  "What's going on? Don't let me die while you pause." She teased.

  Michelle laughed.

  "It's nothing bad, I promise."

  "With you two at the heart of it, I wouldn't be so sure." Arlie rolled her eyes. "The pair of you are like a couple of kids."

  Michelle giggled. Matt gently put Sarah into the baby cot by the bed and came to stand beside Arlie, slipping an arm around her waist. Michelle smiled at her sister.

  "I want you to formally adopt Sarah."

  Arlie blinked.


  "Because I want you to be a mother. I don't plan on being a mother for a while and I know you've always wanted kids of your own. And since you're engaged to Matt, it seems only fitting that you should be on the birth certificate."

  Arlie was reeling. She couldn't believe what they were suggesting. Matt was biologically Sarah's father but to adopt Sarah as her daughter... Arlie blinked back the tears and swallowed.

  "Are you sure about this?" She croaked.

  "I'm sure." Michelle looked at Matt. "And Matt wants you to as well."

  "Like Michelle said, it's only fitting." Matt kissed her head, hugging her close to him. "We want you to treat Sarah like your own daughter. As part of our contract, Michelle has already given up any parental rights. You can easily adopt her."

  Arlie couldn't have asked for a better present. She looked at Sarah, who stirred in the crib before settling back down, and knew the answer. Leaning against Matt, she held Michelle's hand and grinned.

  "I'm touched. Really, I am." She bit her lip and grinned, her own secret unable to stay quiet for much longer. "But you didn't need to do this. Considering my...condition."

  Matt glanced at Michelle,
who had a knowing glint in her eye.

  "What are you saying?" Matt asked.

  "You know I've been a little queasy lately?" Vomiting most of the day into the toilet didn't quite classify as 'a little queasy'. "I went to the doctor and he said it was a perfectly normal side effect when you're pregnant."

  She knew the moment it had sunk in. Michelle squealed and Matt's eyes widened in astonishment.

  "You're pregnant?" He looked floored. "I thought you couldn't have kids."

  "I thought so, too, but the doctor said I would be able to conceive, just not as easily as everyone else. It wouldn't be completely impossible." The news still hadn't sunk in for Arlie so she was still floating on a cloud. She kissed Matt's cheek and nuzzled his jaw. "Sarah is going to have a little brother or sister."

  Michelle squealed and clapped her hands.

  "I'm going to be an auntie." She squeaked.

  Matt was staring at Arlie, pure wonderment in his eyes. Arlie knew he was as stunned as she was. He looked across at Sarah, who seemed oblivious to their news, and he grinned. He drew her into his arms again.

  "Have I told you I love you?" He asked, lowering his head.

  "Not for the last ninety minutes." Arlie kissed him softly. "But I'll never get tired of hearing it."

  Matt grinned and kissed her. They would have carried on if Michelle hadn't thrown a pillow at them. So Arlie suggested going for a walk.

  A very long walk.

  The end.

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