Restless Heart

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Restless Heart Page 19

by Rhonda Laurel

  “Heck no. You’re on fire. The crowd loves you.”

  “Everyone just overheard the reality show I call my life. And to think I looked down my nose at my mother’s show.”

  “It was awesome. Lucinda got her comeuppance. I saw Levi leaving with his tail between his legs, so I guess he found out the world didn’t revolve around him. This was better than binge-watching a whole season of one of the fake-looking for bachelor shows.”

  A lightbulb went off in her head. “Wouldn’t Lucinda and Levi make a great couple? She wants prestige. He wants a trophy. Both are as deep as a mud puddle. It’s a match made in heaven.”

  “You know, you’re right.” Peyton chuckled. “But I think two shallow people will cancel each other out. Let’s get you out there so a lucky woman can spend the day with Marco. A gorgeous guy, picturesque setting, and good food and drink. That’s a romance trifecta if I ever heard one.”

  “Yeah. Men like him should not be single.”

  “You can do it. Get back on that horse.”

  She linked arms with Peyton. It was time to get the show on the road. “Thanks for having my back.”


  They walked back toward the stage only to find Marco waiting in the wings.

  “Marco, I am auctioning your day at the vineyard package next,” Savannah said.

  He grinned. “I know. Peyton said it would help if I stood on stage with a bottle of wine in my hand. If I get more than a one-dollar bid, I’ll be a happy man.”

  “I think you being up there will bring everything together visually.” Savannah smiled.

  “Who wouldn’t want to spend the day at a scenic vineyard with a hunky wine savant? Maybe you’ll meet someone nice.” Peyton flashed a devilish grin.

  “Peyton amore mio, what are you up to?” Marco gave her a quizzical look. “What kind of auction is this? I told you before my lack of a love life is voluntary. I’m taking a break from romance.”

  “No such thing.” Peyton put her hands on her hips. “You just need the right woman to get you interested in getting back into the game.”

  Savannah laughed. “I’ll make it clear we’re peddling a good time that’s above board. We’re not pimping you out. No matter how cute those dimples of yours are.”

  The production assistant hurried over. “Savannah, take your mark. We’ll be ready in thirty seconds.”

  “Good luck, Marco.” Peyton waved and scurried down the steps.

  She went over to the marked spot next to the podium with Marco waiting for the curtain to open.

  “Congrats to you and Austin. He’s done nothing but talk about you since the moment you met. From what I can see and hear in my friend’s voice, you make a wonderful couple.”

  “Thanks.” She squeezed his arm.

  “He gives me faith that it’s worth it to wait for the right person.” He winked at her. “And you are the right person for him.”

  The curtain came up, and Savannah plastered on a smile. Not that it was hard after what Marco just said.

  “Ladies, we are back for the grand finale. Who wants to win a day with the handsome owner of Paloma Vineyards, Marco DiGiovanni? There will be plenty wine, delicious Italian food, a breathtaking view of the vineyard and best of all, scintillating conversation with the vintner. It’s guaranteed to be a magical day.”

  “Let’s start the bidding at—”

  “Three thousand!” someone yelled from the back.

  “Can he take his shirt off?” someone else bellowed.

  “No he cannot,” she said. “Keep it clean ladies, this isn’t an escort service.”

  A flurry of screams flooded the room. She’d have no trouble getting good bids for Marco. Once she was finished with her duties, she’d go off with Austin and get to celebrate their monumental night.


  Austin did his best not drive at breakneck speed, but he was anxious to get home and celebrate with Savannah. The day had been a success on many levels. It wasn’t the way he’d planned on telling her that he loved her, but it certainly had been a memorable first Valentine’s Day together.

  Once they were inside his house, Austin pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her. All he could think of was getting to the good part first, taking Savannah to bed. He was so focused on unbuttoning her shirt with her teeth it took some time for him to realize she was tugging on his hair.

  “There’s a noise coming from the living room,” Savannah said.

  “Stay here.” He crept down the hallway.

  He was very close to the living room when he heard a hearty laugh that only came from one stubborn old coot. It was his dad. He walked into the room to find his father mixing drinks behind the bar and his mother sitting perched on a barstool. Logan and Megan were sitting on the couch.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day!”

  “Hey, everybody.” He gave them a quizzical look. “I didn’t know you were coming for a visit. Did I miss out on a group text or something?”

  Megan came over and gave him a hug. “We thought we’d surprise you.”

  “Did we interrupt anything?” Logan gave him a sly smile, looking over Austin’s shoulder.

  “Why would you be interrupting anything on Valentine’s Day?” Austin shot him a sarcastic look.

  “I didn’t know we had to schedule time with our own son.” T.K. took a sip of his bourbon.

  Aurora slapped T.K.’s hand. “We thought we’d surprise you.”

  “Hello,” Savannah said from behind him.

  “I thought I told you to stay in the foyer?” he said to Savannah.

  “I thought about it. Blue’s somewhere around here. He would have growled or something. See, he’s taking a nap.”

  “I know that look.” Austin moved closer to the dog, who was out like a light. “He’s taking a whiskey nap.”

  “A little nip is good for a dog. It sharpens his hunting skills.”

  “The only thing he hunts for is his gourmet treats.”

  “I cooked him up one of those T-bones in your freezer. He had a good day.”

  “Everyone, I’d like to you to meet Savannah. Savannah, this is my mom Aurora, my dad T.K., my brother Logan, and my future sister-in-law Megan.”

  Austin noticed the way Logan smiled when he said “future sister-in-law.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you all.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you too.” Aurora came over and gave her a hug. “We were interrupting something. How nice. Austin why didn’t you call me and tell me about Savannah?” Aurora shot a look at her son.

  “I’ve been meaning to.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I was planning on bringing her home to meet everyone next weekend.”

  Savannah gave him a pleased look. He mouthed I was going to ask you.

  “Oh hush.” Aurora waved a hand at him. “How cute. Austin and Savannah. Were you conceived in Savannah, Georgia?”

  “Uh. I don’t know.”

  “Well, that’s where Austin gets his name. His Daddy and I had a wild night in Austin after he closed this big business deal. Next thing you know, Austin popped out nine months later.”

  “Momma. Do you have to tell people that story?” Austin said.

  “Of course I do, dear.”

  Logan glanced at Savannah. “I hear you’re a reporter for the local paper.”


  Megan gave her a warm smile. “I saw the story you did on Austin online. It was so endearing. I knew you’d fallen in love with him around paragraph three.”

  “I’m sure you saw the social media fallout from a woman who hates my guts.” She bit her lip.

  Austin’s jaw ticked. “Lucinda and I were a brief item, and she’s taking it out on Savannah.”

  His dad swirled his ice around in his glass and glanced Savannah’s way. “Sugar, do you want me to buy her station and have her fired?”

  Savannah gave him a knowing look. He was sure a phrase like ‘the apple not falling far from the tree’
was swirling around in her head.

  “Tonight she was exposed for being the manipulator that she is, and the whole town was there to hear it,” Savannah said. “I hope word will spread online and restore my reputation. But thanks for the offer.”

  Austin was starting to feel suspicious about why his father had made this surprise visit. “Listen, Daddy. Are you here to make some big declaration?”

  “I am. Why do you think I brought the family together?”

  “If you’re going to make a plea about me running the baseball team—”

  “No, I’m not. Why would you think that?”

  “I don’t know.” Austin glanced from his father to his brother. “A little birdie told me that you’ve been talking about your legacy a lot lately.”

  “Oh that.” T.K. waved a hand. “I don’t want you to run any of my companies. You’re perfectly happy here.”

  Logan shrugged. “Turns out I was wrong about that.”

  Austin wanted to throttle his brother. He’d been agonizing about how to let his father down easily ever since that fateful phone conversation with him weeks ago.

  “Then what are you doing here? With the whole family no less?”

  “Your momma and I are getting hitched again.” His dad squeezed his mother’s hand. “We wanted to tell you in person.”

  “We had no idea you’d have bigger news than us.” Aurora beamed. “Logan said you were sweet on someone, but we were waiting for you to clue us in.”

  “It’s pretty new.” He took Savannah’s hand. “But as I said before, I’d planned on bringing Savannah home to meet everyone.”

  Logan grinned. “I told them you would share the news in your own time. Once you worked out all the soft feelings you were having in the first time since, ever.”

  “Cut it out.” Megan nudged Logan. “Austin is the strong silent type.”

  “Back to the big news.” Austin cleared his throat. “You’re going to tie the knot again?”

  Savannah was beaming. “Congratulations to you both!”

  “Hold on to the celebrating for a moment.” Austin sighed. “Momma, is this what you want?”

  “Yes. Call me crazy a thousand times, but yes.”

  “Then I’m happy for both of you.” Austin went over and gave his mom a hug. He turned to his dad, looked him in the eye, then gave him a hug too.

  “Savannah, you are definitely a good influence on my Austin,” Aurora said. “He’s not so tightly wound.”

  Logan spoke up before Austin could reply to the “tightly wound” quip. “We have news too. Megan and I are moving in together. She’s moving to Texas.”

  “That’s great news,” Austin replied. “I wish you both all the happiness in the world.”

  “Logan gets all the happiness in the world and I get flak?” T.K. said.

  “The sentiment goes for you too. But, I have some conditions.” Austin rolled up his sleeves. He was happy for them, but he still had to put his father through the paces. “Daddy, you and I need to have a talk. Logan, you gonna back me up?”

  Logan nodded. “Sure thing. We have to have the talk, Daddy. You are marrying our mother. Again.”

  “I’m ready when you are.” T.K. held up a bottle of his favorite brand of bourbon. “Let’s make a deal.”

  Savannah gave them both a look. “This is a happy occasion. Do we need to do a deal of the century?”

  Austin relaxed his face. He must have looked like a lunatic to her. It was all too easy to fall back into the combative patterns with his father. He had to work on that. “Sweetheart, this is how my dad and I communicate. But I will work on my delivery.”

  T.K. laughed. “Yeah, he’s been wound-up like this since he was a little boy.”

  “My baby’s a feisty fireball just like his father. I think it’s the reason they’ve clashed so much all of their lives. Both fighting to be heard and respected.”

  Austin thought about it for a moment. Mom was right. He’d always felt like he had to push back against T.K.’s strong personality. He didn’t realize he’d become like his old man in so many ways.

  His mother smiled at Savannah. “Savannah, why don’t you, Megan, and I fix a little late-night snack? These three will be at it for a while. It will give us a chance to get better acquainted until they get hungry.”

  “I think I saw leftover Chinese food in the fridge,” Megan said.

  “We can do better than that. The fridge looked fully stocked. We’re going to whip up a family Valentine’s Day meal to remember.” Aurora chimed in.

  Savannah played with his shirt collar. “Have a good time. Turn a new page. We can have our own celebration later tonight.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.” He kissed her. “I love you, Savannah.”

  “I love you too.”

  Austin watched as Savannah walked into the kitchen with his mother and Megan like they were old friends. It had been a while since he’d been drinking with his father and brother. He wished he would have eaten more at the auction today.

  He took a seat on one of the stools. “Here are my terms.”

  “First, I’d like to say how nice it is that you found Savannah. I like her.”

  “I do too,” Logan said.

  “She’s a wonderful woman. She’s the one.”

  “I knew when you finally settled down you’d find someone like her. Count your blessings every day you have her in your life and don’t do anything stupid like your old man. I am fortunate to be getting another chance with your precious gem of a mother.”

  “I intend to do everything I can to make her happy.”

  “Then you’re already ahead of the curve.” T.K. smiled. “I’m happy for you, Son.”

  “Thanks.” Austin cleared his throat. “Now back to you and Momma. If you’re going to do this again, you’d better be a changed man. I don’t want to hear so much as my momma having a bad day. You want another chance, make her happy above anything. That includes your business ventures and your precious sports teams. If you don’t, I won’t be held responsible for what happens if you slip up.”

  “You threatenin’ me boy?” T.K. put a glass on the counter, poured bourbon into it, and slid it over to him.

  Austin looked him in the eye. “I’m making a promise to make your life hell if you don’t do right by my mother. Few people get a second chance. Don’t squander it.”

  “I respect that.” T.K. laughed. “Finally, we’re speaking the same language. Cheers.”

  Logan nodded. “Feels like old times.”

  They clinked glasses and threw back their drinks. The Holbrook family felt whole again, and he liked that feeling.


  Savannah turned to find Austin cuddled next to her fully clothed in the bed the next morning. He looked like he’d been in a bar fight. Apparently, he’d had a really long night of talking with his father and brother, who’d gone off and talked again after their late-night dinner. She spent the night getting acquainted with Aurora and Megan. They were both lovely ladies. It was obvious Megan was as head-over-heels in love with Logan as he was with her. They had the same fun energy and seemed a perfect fit for each other.

  As she looked at him, Austin’s eye opened and he stared at her blearily.

  “What happened last night?” she asked gently.

  “T.K. said he could drink us under the table. We took it as a dare.” He groaned and threw his hand over his eyes.

  “Well it looks like the table fell on you.” She caressed his stubbled cheek. “That five o’clock shadow is heading toward seven-thirty.”

  “I think the bourbon Daddy brought can put hair on your chest and other places.”

  She giggled. “Let me know if you need a Brazilian wax. I’d be happy to do it for you.”

  “I don’t want any hot wax near my junk. So if you’re into that, we have to have a serious talk.” He trailed kisses down her neck.

  She groaned. “We’ll talk about frisky expectations another time. We have a busy da
y ahead of us.”

  “We do?”

  “I’m going to spend some more time with your mom and Megan. She wants to go to lunch.” She ran her hand through his hair. “I have to get in the shower.”

  “That sounds nice, but I’d rather stay in bed with you.” He rubbed his thumb over her nipple. “You feel so good.”

  “You could go for a ride with Logan and your dad.”

  There was a jingle of the door handle and a knock on the bedroom door. “Austin. The door is locked.”

  “I know, Momma. I locked it.” Austin then whispered in her ear. “She will try to make the bed with you in it.”

  Savannah covered her mouth to stifle her laugh.

  “I just wanted to tell you that breakfast will be ready in a half hour. I want you and Savannah at the table with us.”

  “OK, Momma. We’ll be down soon.” He listened for his mother’s retreating footsteps. Satisfied she’d gone, he squeezed her even tighter. “That means we have twenty minutes to take a shower together.”

  “I like the sound of that.” She reached beneath the cover and stroked him.

  Before they could get too playful, Savannah’s cell phone rang. She craned her neck toward the nightstand to see the display. It was her sister Ella.

  “Throw it out the window,” Austin groaned. “I’ll buy you another one.”

  She bit her lip. “Ella doesn’t call often.”

  “Answer it.” Austin fell back on the pillows. “I’ll just be hanging out over here in agony.”

  She sat up and answered the phone. “Ella. What’s up?”

  “Savvy, did you see mom’s show on Friday?”

  “I’ve been busy.” She swatted at Austin, who decided not to play possum and was kissing her spine. “I’ll catch a re-run.”

  “No, I really think you should watch it now. I’m sending you a clip of the last five minutes of her show. It will help you prepare for the fallout.”

  Oh no. What did her mother do to add on to her imploding life now? “What are you talking about?”

  “Stop being so stubborn and watch the show. Make sure Austin watches too. I have to go. I’m having lunch with friends at Coriander.” Ella ended the call.


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