Dr. Perfect: A Contemporary Romance Bundle

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Dr. Perfect: A Contemporary Romance Bundle Page 40

by Oliver, J. P.

  It had been way too long.

  As he modeled the position of my hips and butt, then put his hands on my hips to tilt my pelvis ever so slightly forward, our gazes met again. There was no mistaking the flair of interest in his blue eyes, but he quickly masked it.

  At the end of the hour, I had managed to walk and even trot, a pace guaranteed to put testicles in danger. I was feeling pretty damn proud of myself.

  “Okay. Time to dismount,” Reece called as he began moving across the ring to where I was. “Be—”

  I didn’t hear the rest of what he said, secure in the knowledge I knew what I was doing, right up until my feet hit the ground and my legs gave out, landing me on my ass in the dirt.

  Mac turned his head, gazing at me with one large brown eye as if to let me know what an idiot I was.

  Reece offered his hand. “I was going to say be careful, but you were already going down. Take my hand. It’s not uncommon for your legs to be a little rubbery when you dismount after your first ride.”

  Once he pulled me to my feet, he turned my palm up in his work-hardened hand. “You might want to get some gloves.”

  “Are you saying my hands are soft?”

  His glance met mine. “You have nice hands. If you want to keep them that way, I would invest in some leather riding gloves. I’ll get you a pair.”

  By the time I returned to the house, my thighs and calves were aching. A soak in the whirlpool tub in my bathroom helped. When my phone rang a short while later, I saw Quinn Maitland’s name pop up.

  “Whitt! I ran into Sherry Rowland in town yesterday afternoon. She said you’re putting horses in your stable.”

  “That’s right. I figured it was about time.”

  “Listen, Mary and I were going to the club tonight for dinner. Why don’t you join us? We might be able to give you a few leads on horses in the area.”

  “That sounds perfect. I’ve hired a trainer, Reece Wilder. Mind if I bring him along? He’ll be doing all the buying for me.”

  “No problem. Reece is a very knowledgeable horseman.”

  Bless Jack and bless Sherry. This horse thing might pay off in more ways than I had anticipated. After I ended the call, I wondered if Reece would be as enthusiastic about the invitation to dinner.

  “You want me to go with you to a country club for dinner?”

  Not exactly the reaction I had hoped to get.

  “It’s a valuable business connection. More importantly, he’s into horses, says he might have some suggestions.”

  Reece leaned against the doorjamb in the kitchen where I’d found him around lunchtime. “Who is it?”

  “Quinn and Mary Maitland.”

  Reece’s entire posture changed, a smile creased his features. “I know the Maitlands.”

  “So, you’ll go?”

  He shrugged, all his former objections gone. “Sure. Coat and tie, I presume?”

  “Suit. Be ready at six.” That shouldn’t send a thrill of anticipating through me.

  It wasn’t a date. This was a professional dinner.



  I descended the wide staircase into the front hall right at six, dressed in the one suit I possessed. Whitt was already waiting at the bottom. When he lifted his silver gaze to study me, a shiver went through me.

  I had sensed something from him in the barn earlier today. He hadn’t tried to laugh off my having my hands so near his junk. I couldn’t have laughed if someone had been tickling me within an inch of my life. I’d had to back away, but the nature of teaching anyone to ride meant I was going to have my hands on him. And man, did I want that.

  I needed to be careful.

  “Ready?” The deep timbre of his voice was another spark to my nerve endings. I was ready for so many things—the caress of his hand, his scent filling my nostrils, the brush of his lips on mine, and the press of his cock. But that was off limits. This was business, and I couldn’t afford to lose this time around.


  There was a limo outside. When I lifted a brow, Whitt shrugged. “Don’t have to worry about a designated driver this way.”

  So nonchalant. I scrambled for every dollar I earned. Envy would be an easy emotion, but Whitt Dailey wasn’t some entitled heir to a fortune. What he had he’d made on his own wits and ability to close deals. In the week since my arrival, I’d barely seen him. He was either at work in his study or hightailing it to some appointment around our nation’s capital.

  Even now, he seemed anything but relaxed, his fingers tapping his thigh. The silence felt awkward, but I had a feeling Whitt would not be the one to initiate a conversation. Amazing when that was the nature of his business—putting businessmen together into deals that were mutually beneficial.

  “So, you mentioned Maitland is a business connection,” I remarked.

  Whitt tilted his face my way as the limo turned onto the narrow highway toward the Maysburg Country Club. “I’m negotiating a deal with him—a recycling business that would be a perfect fit with his paper company.”

  His gaze narrowed on me. “How well do you know the Maitlands?”

  “I know Mary better than Quinn. She’s served as chairwoman for several horse events in the area. She’s sponsored the local pony club for years.” I shrugged. “The horsey set isn’t all that big.”

  “So, they know you’re gay.”

  I laughed, a little taken aback. “I guess. It’s not like it’s a secret. They’ve seen me socially with some of the men I’ve dated.”

  “Are you dating anyone now?”

  I narrowed my gaze on him now. “Why? Are you worried they’ll think you’re my new boyfriend?”

  Whitt’s lips tightened. “This is business. Maitland knows that. I hope you do too.” He stared out the side window. Asshole.

  I leaned back in the seat feeling pissed off and…disappointed. I might be attracted, but apparently Whitt wasn’t.

  Quinn and Mary Maitland were as gracious as they always were. Both were tall and spare. Where Quinn’s hair was thick and nearly white, Mary’s was still blond, cut in a short, timeless bob. After shaking hands with them both, Whitt gestured to me.

  “I believe you both already know Reece Wilder. He’s helping me get my stable up and running.”

  Mary took my hands with a quizzical look on her face. “You are still working that lovely mare of yours, aren’t you?”

  “Satin. Yes. I’m getting her ready for the Maysburg show.”

  After we were seated, the conversation turned to business for a while. It gave me a chance to see a different side of Whitt. This was his element. His keen intelligence shone through the discussion like a laser pointer homing in on the most important issues.

  Mary and I spent most of our time listening until the dinner plates were cleared and coffee and dessert appeared.

  “I’m pleased to hear you’re putting horses back in that barn at your place,” Quinn said. “Shame for such an excellent facility to sit idle. Wilder, here, should be able to locate some solid mounts.”

  I inclined my head in thanks for his compliment.

  “You should hunt with us, Whitt. The season starts in a month. We’d love to have you,” Maitland continued.

  “Thank you. It would be my pleasure,” Whitt replied before I could kick him, punch him, something to get him to close his mouth. The man had barely trotted—badly—today. He had never been on a horse before this morning. There was no way in hell I could have him ready to foxhunt in a month.

  “So, I’m guessing you’re looking for a fairly experienced and reliable mount,” Mary said, directing her comment to me.

  Something that could hunt without any rider input whatsoever was more like it. “Yes. Mr. Dailey will need a very experienced horse.”

  Mary looked thoughtful for a moment. “You should talk to Sherry Rowland. I believe she may be thinking about selling that big bay of hers, Bondage.” When Whitt coughed, Mary laughed. “I’m afraid her late husband had a unique sens
e of humor.”

  Quinn snorted. “Perverted is more like it. His horse was named Dominatrix. Everyone calls her Trixie.”

  My mind was still spinning. One month to locate and purchases horses, plus train Whitt to ride well enough he could hunt. My dreams of getting Satin ready for the Maysburg show were evaporating. If Whitt and the Maitlands noticed my relative silence through the rest of the evening, no one commented on it.

  Until we were in the limo headed home.

  “Is there some problem, Reece?” Whitt asked once the limo had pulled out of the parking lot and was navigating the narrow lane leading to the highway.

  “You hired me to teach you to ride as a hobby, not gallop after hounds.”

  “So now I’m going to go foxhunting.”

  I shook my head as I tried to rein in my temper, without much success. “You have no idea. You had your first experience on horseback this morning, yet you expect me to have you ready to ride to fucking hounds in a month? Do you have any idea at all what you’re getting into?”

  In the dim courtesy lights, anger flashed in his gaze. “Are you saying you’re not up to the challenge? That I’ve hired the wrong person?”

  I debated telling him right then and there what he could do with his job. Common sense won. “I am the best you’re going to get. Accepting Maitland’s invitation changes the terms of our contract. Our deal was for me to teach you how to ride for pleasure, not to freaking foxhunt. It can be dangerous for horses and riders.”

  Whitt arched a brow. “I’ll double your pay.”

  What the fuck? He was already paying me a huge salary. If he doubled it, I might actually be able to save enough to buy my own place. I met his gaze unflinchingly.

  “I accept, but you are going to have to double the number of lessons from once to twice a day.”

  “I can make that commitment. Let’s see if you can.” His silvery gaze challenged me, sending another thrill along my nerve endings.

  “You might be my boss, but you don’t have to be an asshole.”

  His lips twisted. “Guess I was born that way.”

  As he turned his gaze away, I saw a faint tic in his jaw. It wasn’t the first time I had heard him refer to himself as being an ass. I wondered who had told him that.

  * * *


  Right as I was beginning to admit that Mac the horse might be my new—and only—best friend, Bondage and Dominatrix took up residence in my barn.

  “You bought them both?” I asked as Reece unloaded them from his trailer two days later.

  “Trixie is a bit much for you to handle at this point,” Reece replied as he stroked the big mare’s neck, “But Sherry wanted to sell them both. I figured I could ride Trixie when you hunt.”

  Not if. That was an encouraging sign. “You’re planning on babysitting me?”

  Reece shrugged, busying himself with showing both horses their new quarters. He’d put them in stalls next to each other, so they could still be buddies. “I go to horse shows with the kids I train. To go with you, I have to hunt too. Mac’s too old, and Satin’s never hunted. I would end up spending time training her rather than helping you.”

  Reece stroked both horses on the neck, murmuring to them quietly. Their ears flicked as though they were listening. After tossing them a little hay, he turned back to me.

  “Are you ready for your afternoon lesson?”

  My muscles screamed no. “Of course.”

  “Great. You brush and tack Mac while I get Ricky to take care of the truck and trailer. I’ll check everything when I come back.”

  Ripper trotted behind Reece as he walked outside. The dog allowed me to pet him, but Reece was his person, so the terrier stuck to him like glue whenever possible.

  “Come on, Mac,” I said as I attached a lead shank to the gelding’s halter and brought him out. Once he was in cross ties, I began knocking the dust off him. There wasn’t much to do. Ricky took care of the heavy grooming; all I had to do was make sure his saddle and girth area were spotless.

  My doctor had been right about one thing. Handling the horses was relaxing. They didn’t judge, didn’t expect much more than food, shelter, and a kind word. I stroked Mac’s neck lightly before going into the tack room to find the right saddle. I double-checked everything, determined to get it right.

  Reece’s urgency had begun to rub off on me, maybe because I had found some online videos of foxhunting and now had a better understanding of why Reece had been so concerned. Watching it had been intimidating, but there was no way in hell I could back out. I had negotiated with men like Maitland before. Sure, he wasn’t into the whole macho one-upmanship game, but if I backed out, he’d see me as wishy-washy and indecisive.

  “Hey, that’s looking pretty good, Whitt.” Reece came up behind me and reached around to check the girth. His arm brushed mine, leaving my skin tingling. “Get your helmet and your chaps. I’ll grab the bridle.”

  As I buckled the chaps around my hips, I watched Reece. He had his sunglasses pushed on top of his hair. The slightly wavy brown strands were streaked with gold from spending so much time in the sun. His tanned forearms were lightly sprinkled with golden hair. I swallowed as my mind considered the possibility of that tan skin and golden hair on other parts of his body.

  “Everything okay?” Reece was looking at me with some concern.

  “Yeah.” I needed to get my mind on what we were doing. Reece had mentioned this morning that we would be working on cantering this afternoon. “I’m good, ready to go.”

  A few minutes later, I wasn’t so sure. As we stood in the middle of the ring, Reece went over the cues I would need to give Mac to move him from a trot into a canter.

  “Now the horse’s movement is a little different than what you’re used to. It’s more of a rolling gate. Like this.”

  My jaw nearly dropped as he imitated with his hips the movement I would need to do. It looked exactly like he was…

  “It’s pretty similar to how you move while having sex.”

  “Yes.” My eyes might have been glued to his ass. My cock throbbed. So not the time.

  “You ready?”

  God was I. Closed my eyes for a second. “Yes.”

  Reece took a step closer and put his hand on my knee. Not making it better, I wanted to tell him.

  “You sure? You look a bit pale.”

  “No. I’m good. Really.”

  “Okay. Try it.”

  It wasn’t smooth or pretty, but I managed to convince Mac we wanted something more than a trot. As much as Reece’s visual example had messed with my brain, it was actually a huge help in being able to keep my butt in the saddle for this drastically different gait.

  “Excellent!” Reece cheered as he walked a smaller circle around the middle of the ring. “When you get to the corner, bring him back to a walk.”

  We practiced in both directions and reviewed what I had already learned before Reece called a halt. “I need to go to Horse & Hound in Maysburg. Have you been there yet?”

  “No. Is it a restaurant?”

  Reece laughed, his blue eyes twinkling, and I found myself joining in.

  “It’s a tack store. You know, you probably should get fitted for what you’ll need to hunt, also purchase some everyday boots and breeches so you get used to riding in them rather than jeans and chaps all the time. I assume you’ll want to get custom-tailored gear. Why don’t you come with me? I can give you a hand finding what you need until you can have everything personally fitted.”

  I hopped from Mac and led him with Reece on his other side. “I’ve got time if we go now. I’ve got a virtual meeting with a stock analyst at five.”

  Reece grinned. “No problem. I’ll let you off the hook cooling Mac out this one time. Ricky can do it, and I’ll take care of picking up the feed order for him in exchange. You okay with riding in my truck?”

  God he must think I was a real pussy.

  “I think I can handle that.”

  The first sto
p was the feed store. That was an eye-opener. I expected Reece to simply supervise loading the feedbags. Instead, he was in the bed of the truck bending, twisting, and stacking. Through the thin material of his shirt, the bunching muscles of his back were clearly visible. I had to look away.

  “You new at Reece’s barn?”

  It took me an instant to realize the grizzled feed store employee was speaking to me.

  “Actually, Reece is new at my barn. I’ve hired him to teach me how to ride.”

  “He can do that,” the old guy said, leaning on his hand truck while Reece finished stacking the bags.

  “Put it on Mr. Dailey’s tab, Ben. Tell your wife I hope she feels better,” Reece told him and lithely swung over the side of the pickup to land on his feet a couple steps from me. There was laughter in his expression as he asked, “You ready?”

  Lord was I.

  “What’s wrong with Ben’s wife?” I asked as Reece turned the ignition.

  “Asthma. They probably need to move to a warmer, drier climate, but I doubt that’s in the cards.”

  I fell silent as Reece negotiated the few blocks from the feed store to Maysburg’s main street. Filled with upscale shops and boutiques, the town had embraced its identity as an equestrian destination. Reece found a vacant spot a couple doors from Horse & Hound.

  I was almost ashamed to admit that I had spent little time in the actual town nearest where I lived. Business took me all over the world on a regular basis. The deal with Maitland was the first I had latched onto that was right in my backyard. I kind of liked it, as I liked hopping out of Reece’s pickup truck as though it was something I did every day.

  He opened the door to the business for me. “You’re mighty happy,” he commented as I walked past him.

  “Maybe it’s the feeling that I’m making some progress.”

  The next quarter hour was a lesson in culture shock. When I mentioned I thought the breeches might be a little snug, the sales girl giggled. Reece smirked.

  “Trust me, dude, they are just right.” Our gazes met for a second. Reece looked away and cleared his throat. “While you have them on, you should try on some boots. I’d suggest two pairs of field boots for now—one brown and one black.”


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