Dr. Perfect: A Contemporary Romance Bundle

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Dr. Perfect: A Contemporary Romance Bundle Page 52

by Oliver, J. P.

  Quinn leaned back, a frown on his face. “I’m disappointed in you.” As though he felt the indignation I was getting ready to unleash at his narrow-mindedness, he held up a hand and shook his head. “Not because you’re gay. I gave up thinking a long time ago that was a choice anyone made. No, I’m disappointed because you weren’t honest with me. It’s a hot button. I’ve walked away from the table more than once because I felt the trust had been broken. That’s what I feel now.”

  “I don’t want you to walk away from the table, but I do need you to know that in the next day or so, my name and face are likely to be all over the gossip columns.”

  Quinn chuckled. “My company and I can weather being tied to the gossip rags.” He leaned forward, his gaze keen. “What I want to know from you is why we should still do business together when you didn’t feel you could be honest with me.”

  “It’s a good deal. Not just for you but for the recycling company too. Your corporation can guide their growth. In addition to preserving the jobs of the people who work there, this is a positive positioning for you and your company.” I began warming to my topic. “But it’s more than public relations. You’ll be conserving resources, expanding your revenue streams, and opening other potential markets. Quinn, you might choose to never do business with me again but do this deal.”

  The silence stretched between us. A bead of sweat trickled down the center of my back as the seconds ticked by. At the point I was about to break and speak first, Quinn smiled. “I’ll do the deal. Our arrangements to finalize the paperwork can stand as they are.”

  I sagged with relief.

  “But now it’s my turn.” Okay, so maybe my relief was a bit premature. I met his gaze, waiting for what would come next.

  “My Mary thinks I don’t pay attention to a damn thing.”

  Okay, that was kind of out of left field. Quinn leaned forward.

  “She’s not the only one with her ear to the ground around here. You got two problems right now, but at least I’m not one of them anymore.”

  “Okay. I’m guessing you’re going to help me with both of them?”

  He laughed. “Damn straight. First off, you need to talk to that neighbor of yours and get her out of your business. She’s been talking out of both sides of her mouth. Stirring rumors about this deal, your love life, and whatever other kinds of trouble she could make. She’s got an ax to grind, and you were it.”

  The waiter set our food in front of us. We ate in silence for a couple of minutes before Quinn continued. “Truth is her dead husband was an idiot who listened to bad advice. She’s not much better, but once she found out you were her new neighbor, I’m sure it was a whole lot easier to blame you than get her finances in order. I’ll give you one guess where that crappy investment advice her husband got came from.”

  “Jordan Edgerton?”

  “Bingo. He was smart enough to get out before everything hit the press. Stinks if you ask me. Anyway, you need to set her straight.”

  “I intend to.”

  “The other problem is Reece. Hurting someone is bad enough, but when we hurt the people we love, it magnifies that pain.” He leveled his keen gaze on me. “I know that firsthand, nearly lost the best thing that ever happened to me. Don’t you make that mistake. If you have to lick that boy’s boots, then you do it.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that,” I admitted. “He’s got the Maysburg show happening tomorrow, so I’m not sure how I’m going to make that work.”

  Quinn laughed. “Call Steffy. Grovel enough and she might even help you.”

  We finished the meal talking about the upcoming hunt. From being in the depth of despair last night, a small flicker of hope now burned inside me. Maybe I could get Reece back, but one thing I knew for sure—if I didn’t make the attempt, I would never have a chance with him at all.

  As if the fates were aligning themselves, when I turned up my driveway, I saw Sherry walking over from her farm. The pleasure at seeing my neighbor was a thing of the past. Rather than go all the way to the house, I swung the car into one of the spaces next to the barn. Better to have this out now.

  “Hey, Whitt,” Sherry greeted me with the same smile she had for the past year.

  “Sherry. I was getting ready to call you. We need to talk.”

  “About what?” Her gaze was innocent, but it no longer fooled me.

  “About why you’ve been trying to sabotage my business deal, why you have sabotaged my relationship with Reece, and exactly why you think I shouldn’t share your spitefulness with the entire world.”

  She crossed her arms. “From the moment I heard who’d bought this place, I’ve looked for ways to screw you over, but you rarely socialized or conducted any business with people locally. It was in the last few months that you started handing me plenty of ammunition.”

  “Well, you’re not getting anywhere with Maitland. He’s onto you, and he and I cleared the air today. I can partially understand your anger at me. After all, I was the one who uncovered the problems at Chancellor, but your anger really should be directed at the man who failed to suggest your husband get his money out in time.”

  “Jordy told him. He wouldn’t listen.”

  I waved that away. “Whatever. Two things I can’t forgive. You tried to ruin Reece Wilder’s reputation and got Edgerton in on it. That’s low.”

  Her expression was mutinous. “What’s the second?”

  “You actually risked the safety of the horse you’d owned for years when you half blinded us with the reflection from your phone.”

  “Did Reece tell you that? He’s such a liar. That was an accident.”

  “Pardon me if I doubt that.” I took a step closer to her. “I don’t want you to be in any doubt, though, about where we stand. First, you need to find yourself a better investment counselor. I can recommend some people who’ll do a better job of handling your money than Jordy Edgerton did, but after that our friendship—if I can even call it that—is over. Keep your skinny ass off my property.”

  “Just a little bitchy, aren’t you?”

  “Not bitchy. Pissed as any man would be. Leave, Sherry. Don’t come back.”

  I crossed my arms, waiting as she turned around and hurried back to her place. When she was finally gone, I heard a low voice behind me drawl, “Good job, Mr. Dailey, and good riddance.”

  I turned, sagging a bit. “Thanks, Ricky. I may be busy for the next twenty-four hours, but I need you to make sure Bondage and Trixie both get exercise. I’m hoping they’ll both be hunting on Sunday.”

  “With you and Reece?”

  “If I can make it happen.”

  Ricky clapped me on the back. “Good luck. You two are hot as hell together.”

  I arched a brow. “Something you need to tell me, Ricky?”

  “I ain’t gay. Doesn’t mean I don’t know chemistry when I see it.”

  I shook my head. “Whatever you do, don’t quit. I don’t think I’d ever find a stable-hand to take your place.”


  If I were Cinderella, this would be the day of the big ball. Everything I had been working toward had its showcase today in the main jumper ring of the Maysburg Autumn Classic Horse Show. One problem. I had discovered in the last couple of days that success mattered most when you had someone with whom to share it.

  Without Whitt to bounce my hopes off of, it hardly seemed worth the effort. Steffy was going to be my cheering section, but stupid as it might be, I wanted someone to be there I could impress. Steffy would expect me to be successful. Whitt would have been delighted.

  As I stared at the dormered ceiling of the guest room I was using in Steffy’s rambling farmhouse, I gave myself a pep talk. I was ready for this. More importantly, Satin was ready, so even if I wasn’t feeling it, I couldn’t deny my mare the chance to show she was top notch. I owed it to her for her willingness and her heart.

  As I walked to the stables, coffee mug in hand, I saw the lights were already on. That certainly wouldn�
��t be unusual. Steffy had a number of clients and boarders who were planning on showing, but I thought most of them had moved to the stabling at the showgrounds last night. The hunter classes always seemed to start a little earlier in the morning, especially the children and amateur divisions.

  I’d been able to sleep in a little longer because the jumper classes, especially the stakes classes, would come later in the morning and into the evening.

  I took a big swig of coffee that wasn’t nearly as good as what Mrs. Knowles had made every morning at Whitt’s house, then nearly choked on it when I stepped inside the barn.

  Satin was already in cross ties, her coat gleaming. Crouched at her front feet attempting to put hind leg shipping boots on her front legs was a lean, dark-haired man I would recognize anywhere. My heart pounded, and my throat nearly closed as I managed to choke, “You’re doing that wrong.”

  He turned his head over his shoulder, one dark lock falling across his brow and an exasperated gleam in his gray eyes. “This goes on her back leg, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes.” I set my coffee on a nearby ledge, my hands trembling, and crouched next to him with a foreleg boot. “Here. Let me show you.”

  God, I had missed that mixture of citrus and spice in his cologne. I wrapped the boot around her leg, soaking up Whitt’s body heat. He wrapped the other leg and we both moved to her hind legs. As I worked, I noticed that she was groomed and the open stall behind where Whitt squatted had already been cleaned.

  I finished, but stayed where I was, watching him fasten the remaining straps. When he stood, so did I, Satin’s warm, muscular body separating us.

  “Why are you here, Whitt?” I finally asked, too afraid to even think about what it might mean. Maybe the only reason he had come was to see if I was still going hunting with him.

  In the utilitarian glare of the overhead fluorescent lights, I watched his clear gray eyes fill with moisture, making my heart clench.

  “Because I love you,” he whispered.

  I took a step back. I had wanted to hear those words from him, but I wasn’t sure I could believe them. The silence lengthened.

  “Are you going to say anything?” he finally asked.

  “I need to get the rest of my things loaded in my trailer.”

  He bit his lip and gave me a short nod. “All right. I’ll help with that.”

  Everything I did, Whitt was there to lend a hand, even going so far as to close the ramp on the trailer after I loaded Satin. I grabbed my coffee mug and started for the driver’s side door of the truck. I wanted to invite him. Hell, I wanted to beg him to come with me

  Hand on the door handle, I was starting to turn to do so, when he pulled open the passenger door and jumped in.

  “What are you doing?” I asked through the open door.

  “Coming with you.”

  I climbed in but didn’t start the truck. On the surface, Whitt appeared to be his usual, composed self. But I knew him well. There was a tick in his jaw, and his hands trembled ever so slightly.


  “Please.” He turned to me, his throat working. “I want to help. I know you’ve been busting your ass getting Satin ready. Let me be your groom today. If you don’t want me to do anything else, I can at least do that.”

  I twisted in the seat to face him. “You moved me out of your room.”

  “You left me.”

  And god help me, I saw in those gray eyes of his what that had done to him. He had told me he thought there was something wrong with him, something that made him unlovable, and I had reinforced it.

  “I thought you wanted me to go.”

  “I never wanted you to leave. I still don’t.”

  I shook my head. “Whitt, I can’t go back to things the way they were. I can’t be your dirty little secret.” And there it was, the words that finally revealed how much he had hurt me. When I met his gaze again, the moisture that had been welling in his eyes before had now turned into tears.

  “You aren’t my dirty little secret. You aren’t a secret at all. I love you, Reece. I don’t care who knows it. I know I don’t inspire that same feeling, but—”

  “What?” I cut him off. “Whitt, that was never the issue.”

  “Just give me a chance. Whatever you want, I’ll do it. Whatever you want me to be. Please.”

  I grabbed the front of his jacket and pulled him toward me. With my free hand, I wiped the tears from his face as I closed the distance between us and pressed my forehead against his.

  “I want you to be exactly who you are.”

  “I don’t even know who that is.” His voice was a little shaky.

  “The man I love.”

  And I kissed him. With every fucking thing I was worth, I kissed him like no one had ever kissed before. If I could have absorbed him into me, I would have. Whitt pushed away enough we could both catch our breath.

  “We should get going. You don’t want to be late.”

  I stroked the beard shadowing his jaw. “I don’t care. It doesn’t matter. I—”

  He put his fingers over my lips. “It does matter. This is everything you’ve worked for. I already know you’re the best, but you need to prove it to yourself. Let me come. I’ll be your billionaire stable boy.”

  I laughed. “That sounds a little kinky.”

  Whitt grinned and waggled his brows. “I am totally at your command. Whenever, whatever. You just tell me what you need me to do.”

  Okay, so now I was going to be driving the truck with a massive hard-on tenting my breeches. I started the engine and glanced at Whitt. He had a smile on his face like I’d never seen before.

  The smile never left him. All day he happily rubbed down, tacked up, hosed off, polished up, and dusted off anything and everything presented to him. And somehow, the custom-tailored coat and boots he’d bought for me had found their way into the tack room of my trailer.

  The sun was setting, and the lights had already come on in the main ring. Whitt stood by the rail as I entered the ring for the Grand Prix. This was it, the event that everyone would be watching. I had seen the Maitlands standing near Whitt. In the stands were Steffy and a cheering section from her barn.

  I took a deep breath before I entered the ring, glancing at Whitt and seeing his thumbs-up from where he stood. I stroked Satin’s neck, feeling her sensitive flesh quiver beneath my touch. She had performed like a dream throughout the day.

  “One more time, sweetheart,” I whispered to her as I squeezed her forward.

  The course had been altered and the height of the jumps raised so that it was a true test of the mettle of both horse and rider. Satin sailed over every fence, still as strong as she had been earlier in the day. As we turned to the triple combination, I sat deep in the saddle and heeded Steffy’s reminder to keep my chin up. It wasn’t pretty. The mare over-jumped the middle obstacle and took off heart-stoppingly close to the final jump, but somehow, we cleared it. As we passed the finish, I pumped my fist in the air.

  She had gone clear. We had incurred some time penalties that left us in second place to a far more experienced horse and rider duo. I didn’t care. I had proved what I wanted to prove. Whitt was there at the gate as we came out. I jumped off Satin’s back, landing lightly on my feet.

  Before I could even think, Whitt threw his arms around me and kissed me. It wasn’t long or even particularly intimate, but it was the best kiss I had ever gotten from him. As he drew back, I saw that knowledge in his eyes. He was letting me and the entire world know that we were together.

  Whitt Dailey, billionaire banker, loved a man. Me.

  * * *


  We picked Mac up from Steffy’s on the way and brought both horses home. Man, that sounded good. Home. Once everyone was bedded down for the night, Reece and I walked slowly up the drive, arms around waists, with Ripper running ahead of us.

  “I am as happy to have you back here as Ripper appears to be happy to be back.”

  “I’m not sur
e I can think of a day that has been any better this. Ever.” Reece leaned into me.

  I tightened my grip around his waist. “I hope it’s going to get even better. I’ve missed the hell out of you, babe. I called ahead to Maggie and asked her to prepare a meal for us. I hope you’re ready. She was so overjoyed to hear you were back that she’s probably laid in a feast.”

  I had also asked her to put everything in my master suite, along with some candles and champagne. If I knew Maggie, the towels would be heating in the bathroom and the whirlpool would be filled and running.

  I wanted to make love to Reece tonight, show him in every way I could how much he meant to me.

  “Come on,” I told him as we entered the house, and I tugged him up the stairs with me.

  “Wait…Ripper…” he protested.

  “He has his own personal crate and dog bed in the master suite, which is where we’re headed.

  Maggie had not disappointed. The lights were turned low. On every available surface, candles flickered. In the corner was a table set for two with champagne cooling in a wine chiller.

  “Let me help you,” I told Reece, and began to assist him in removing his clothing.

  “What about you?” he asked as I removed his boots and went for the snap on his breeches.

  “I’ll join you in a minute. You worked hard today. Let me pamper you.”

  Reece leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. “You slaved for me today. Get your clothes off so we can enjoy the tub together. Please.”

  I didn’t need to be told twice. Being able to feel Reece’s wet, muscular body stretched out next to me had been my waking and sleeping fantasy the last few days. He turned to me in the warm, bubbling water and laid his head near my heart.

  “This is what I’ve wanted to hear,” he murmured. “I love listening to the beat of your heart.”

  I combed my fingers through his hair and tilted his head back. “I want to make love to you so badly it’s an ache, but not just yet. I want us to relax, have dinner, and then I’m going to take you to bed.”


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