River James (Rockers Of Steel #3)

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River James (Rockers Of Steel #3) Page 22

by Mj Fields

  “I have everything and more than I ever dreamed of. I love you, River James.”

  “I love you, Keanna James. Now let me show you just how much.”

  Are you signed up for the newsletter?

  If so I will be sending out info on how to claim your copy of Finn and YaYa’a big day.

  It is a gift from me to you.

  What’s next?

  ROCKERS OF STEEL: Billy Jeffers

  We are hoping for a March 27th release.

  Billy Jeffers, never dreamed of being in a rock band but reluctantly agreed to help a friend start a band. He started, as a keyboard player with Steel Total Destruction. One night at a club in Miami, the front man was injured and unable to play lead guitar. Billy quickly learns lead and is thrust into the spotlight he never wanted.

  Lead singer Memphis Blacks sassy twenty one year old sister, Madison, left college to work at Forever Four. She feels an intense attraction to Billy from the first time she laid eyes on him. On several occasions she made it apparent, but he brushed off every attempt she made.

  When Madison find out a secret Billy has been keeping from everyone she confronts him. Will he use her attraction to him to seduce her into keeping her mouth shut, or will she reveal a secret that would crush the bond with Billy and Forever Four?

  Hearts will be broken, friendships will be tested, and all hell is about to break lose.

  Have a look...



  I never wanted to be part of a band. I was a pianist from the age of three, I excelled at it, but it was not something I wanted to do as a career. I wanted to run my own business like my father.

  I don’t love the stage and all the attention it brings like Memphis. Music doesn’t live in me and it’s not necessary to breathe like it is for Finn. I don’t crave the constant party, or need a warm body in my bed like, River.

  Quite frankly some of the warm bodies I have woken up to after to much partying have almost horrified me. Not because they aren’t attractive, but because when they open their mouths and speak, I feel like I have lost a few hundred-brain cells just being in their presence.

  I am attracted to women who are well read, educated, and who can hold an intelligent conversation. A woman who dresses nicely and focus’s on presentation. I value manners, confidence, and someone who isn’t overtly sexual.

  I like women who are not drama, because I have it in droves with my band mates.

  -Thank you-

  Two words are not nearly enough for all that so many of you have done for me.

  Three years, and thirty three books later...

  The stories are still continuing to pour out of my head and on to the pages.

  I feel so blessed, and those two words are whispered to the heavens all the time.


  To the owner of this book:

  You are the reasons I get to do this. I wish I could give you a bazillion answered prayers but sadly I am not able. Instead you have my pinky promise I will continue to give you more and become better at my craft everyday.

  To all of the wonderful bloggers:

  I am so appreciative to all of you. What you do is selfless and simply amazing. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing, caring, and loving the stories all of us who are blessed enough to have you in our corner helping us realize our dreams. I am honored and you are truly cherished. Please feel free to contact me if ever I can do something for you.

  To my #foreversteel readers group:

  I love you to the moon! You make me laugh, push me, support me and make me feel appreciated. I can only hope I do the same for you!!

  To join the fun go to www.mjfieldsbooks.com and click members only

  To my beta’s:

  A million thanks #foreversteel Fran, Elizabeth, Cassandra, Courtney, Richelle, Staci, Angie, Renee, Laurie, Lisa, Bobbie, Ivy, Kelly, Debbie, Rhiannon, Laura, Michelle, Teresa, Veronica, Jamie, Heather, Christina, Maggie, Brianna, Jeana, Debbie, Annette, Christi, Selena, Tara, Joely, Danielle, Stacy, Christine, Maria, Shaunna, Jennifer, Christy, Diane, Keeana, Diane, Jamary, Sarah, Jodi, Johnna, Dannielle, Suzi, Michelle and my very first Gloria!

  To all of you who follow me on social media:

  So many of you have become friends and I adore you.

  To all of you who message or e-mail:

  Your words mean so much to me. Thank you for taking the time it is very appreciated.

  To my alpha:

  You know who you are and how much I love you, bunches.

  To Social Butterfly:

  This is our first release together.

  Thank you.

  To Heather:

  A million thanks for all the hoop jumping and dealing with my crazy, which with this book, has been on steroids, lol.

  To Joely:_

  Hugs, thanks and love.

  To my Jules:

  Still my fucking wizard. I love you. Vegas 2016 baby.

  To Keeana:

  Thank you for the use of your name. Love you!

  To C&D:

  I still enjoy going through the edit process. Thank you so much for being here.

  To Kellie:

  I love you girl…. 2 months and we tear up Texas!!!

  To my virtual girls:

  My secrets are safe with you, and yours with me. Love you all!

  To K23, (author Kari March)

  I am so very appreciative of you as well. My readers first impression of my book comes from you. Thank you for always giving me perfection and going way above and beyond.

  To CC and my Kate:

  I love you both!

  To Branden (aka cover hottie):

  Thank you for being so damn hot, lol. Seriously thank you for sharing in the excitement of River James. You are a great man and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you.

  To Scott Hoover:

  You are a very talented man. This cover was a challenge, and you are a class act. You went way above and beyond, thank you.

  Last but not least...

  To my little chick:

  You are without a doubt the most beautiful thing in my life.

  Love you more…

  USA Today Bestselling author MJ FIELDS grew up on a farm surrounded by her extended family. She attributes her ability to write a realistic male character to the fact that she had a large amount of male influences in her life… that and the dirty joke books she would steal from her uncles or the farms hired help and run away laughing while they chased her yelling obscenities trying to get her to return the books before her God fearing mother found out and spanked her butt with a flyswatter.

  No she wasn’t physically abused, she very openly admits that she deserved every imprint left on her ass from the flyswatter. (Could this be why she loves tattoos? Maybe.) After each spanking she would run away, usually through the fields and down to the falls where she would laugh because it really didn’t hurt, while she read the book she had stolen and stashed when no one was looking.

  When she wasn’t misbehaving she was working side by side with her male family members learning what hard work, loyalty, and dedication was all about, spending time with her grandmothers who taught her all about love and blind faith, or dancing and singing in the kitchen with her four siblings while her mother gave them all a childhood filled with love and encouragement to use their imagination and follow their dreams.

  Her love of writing was in full swing by age eight. Together with her cousins, she wrote a ‘newspaper’ that they sold for ten cents to family members. Her school years were spent hanging in the principal’s office or a shit list somewhere. Weekends she could be found spending time with her family or hanging out with more males than females, in the fields with tailgates down and a bonfire burning while music played loudly in the background. Some of those times ‘allegedly’ had alcohol involvement, she will neither confirm nor deny.

  As an adult she self-published her first New Adult romance in January 2013. Today she has com
pleted six self-published series. The Love series, The Wrapped series, The Burning Souls series, The Norfolk series, The Men of Steel series, and The Ties of Steel series. She also just released a book she wrote with five, yes five, other authors. It is her darkest book to date. The Original Sin is available now.

  MJ has been told by several readers that they had never read a book that involved a Prince Albert piercing and although she cannot claim the title, it is said she may possibly be “The Pioneer of the Pierced Penis”, in the New Adult book world, of course. (Naughty naughty.)

  MJ is a hybrid author who loves her readers and tries her best to write as much as she can for them. She believes she has the best reader’s crew in the entire world (many of us agree. Forever Steel baby). She publishes an Indie book almost every month. She is also signed with a traditional publisher, Loveswept, Penguin Random House, for her co-written series The Caldwell Brothers with Chelsea Camaron. Hendrix and Morrison, are available now. The third in the series, will be released on April 12, 2016.

  Her next Indie series is Rockers of Steel. Book one, Memphis Black and book two Finn Beckett are now available. River James is coming January 3oth, 2016. Each can be read as a stand-alone, but really who doesn’t want MORE STEEL!

  There is always something new in the works and she has stories to write for her readers for years to come. Her alpha male characters are some of the best in the industry, but remember before they fall many of them can be considered crude, rude, pierced, and tattooed. (Just the way we like them!)

  If you are offended by the ‘F’ word she advises you either take a pass on her books or pull up your big girl thong, sit back with a glass of wine and enjoy the ride. If you can’t handle the heat you should stay out of the … well the Steel and Sin book worlds anyways. If heat is all you’re looking for she insists you be warned the heat will draw you in, but the heart, depth, and emotion in the books will keep you coming back for more.

  MJ was a former small business owner who closed shop after the success of the Men of Steel series so she could write full time.

  MJ Lives in central New York surrounded by family, friends and fur babies. Ninety percent of the time life is a noisy, beautiful, chaotic mess but in the evening hours when everyone is tucked in tight you will find her with a laptop in her comfy chair writing about the men we dream will step off the pages and into our lives.

  MJ believes in love and that there is someone for everyone.

  For more information go to www.mjfieldsbooks.com




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