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Singularity Page 22

by Eldon Farrell

  Nathan dismissed his words. “We’ll find out who is imagining things. One of his victims escaped and will lead me back to his captor. Just imagine what this blur will say when I find him.”

  Alexis turned around at this admission but Holt beat her to the punch. “You know where the church killer is?” He leaned forward in obvious anticipation of an answer.

  “I will soon enough,” Nathan said, “And when I do, all of this will be taken from you.”

  Holt took a long drink before he spoke again, “I had nothing to do with those killings, Mr. Miller. Make any claim to the contrary and my lawyers will be the ones to take everything from you. Of course, there is another way. We can work together.”

  Nathan asked, “And what do I need you for?”

  Holt answered, “You know where to find him, but I know his name.”

  Taken aback by the revelation, Alexis struggled to respond. Nathan spoke before she could. “You know his name because you hold his leash.”

  Holt shook his head. “No, but I know who does hold the leash.”

  “Why would we ever trust you?” Nathan asked.

  Holt swirled his drink. “Do you trust each other?” Alexis and Nathan exchanged a look. Holt said, “Trust is overrated, isn’t it? I’ll make it easy for you. Tell me where the killer is, and I’ll compensate you both handsomely.”

  “Compensate how?” Elise asked.

  Holt glanced her way then focused on Alexis. “Your blog has been down for some time now. I understand sponsors ran for the hills after the accusations concerning Mr. Miller came to light. Work with me and the problem goes away. I will fund your blog for three years, Ms. King. Hands off. I’ll have no involvement beyond sponsorship.”

  Alexis licked her lips and felt her mouth dry out.

  Holt turned to Nathan. “And you, Mr. Miller. The hefty sum of bail couldn’t have been easy to acquire—even for a man of your talents. Give me the location, and I’ll cover your debt.” He snapped his fingers. “Just like that.”

  Nathan asked, “What’s the killer’s name?”

  “The location?” Holt asked.

  “I said he’d lead me there I didn’t say I had it yet.” Nathan sat next to Alexis. “You want us to work with you, how about a show of good faith?”

  Holt mulled it over, then said, “The killer you seek is Griffin Hale. He’s a violent schizophrenic who, for obvious reasons, prefers to answer to Blur these days.”

  “Answers to who?” Alexis asked.

  Holt finished his drink and answered, “Jason Crowley.”

  Alexis heard Nathan murmur beside her. He shook his head and said, “Bullshit. It’s not possible.”

  “Why not?” Alexis asked, “Who is Jason Crowley?”

  Nathan looked at her. “His name is on the monument downstairs. Crowley was part of his father’s final expedition. He died in Krubera Cave along with the rest of the forward team.”

  “Why, Mr. Miller, who knew?” Holt said, “A history buff or a fan?” Nathan said nothing, and Holt laughed. “It’s astonishing no one ever questioned where the legend of that expedition came from. If no one survived, how did the story of what happened down there get out? It’s the same in every legend though—someone survives to spread it.”

  “Why keep his survival a secret?” Alexis asked.

  Holt sighed. “Jason convinced me the best way to keep secret what they found in those depths, would be if none survived the expedition.”

  Alexis asked, “What did they find?”

  “They found power,” Holt said, “Are you familiar with the legend of the Baetylus Stone? Ancient cultures believed this stone to be imbued with life after it fell to earth through the aether. My father’s team found this stone at depth, and it drove them mad. They murdered each other in a fit of rage. Jason barely escaped with his life.”

  Nathan scoffed. “And you believed this?”

  Holt smirked at him. “Not at first. I demanded proof.”

  Alexis noticed a wistful longing pass over him. Without realizing it, she sat on the edge of her seat. Holt said, “I traveled to Abkhazia Province in twenty-eighteen. In the footsteps of my father, I uncovered the truth. Their bones displayed the violence visited upon them—Jason had not lied. The stone whispered in my ear. I felt the change within me. It didn’t terrify me enough then, but it would before long.”

  Alexis and Nathan exchanged a doubting look. “You sound crazy,” Alexis said.

  “At the time, I was,” Holt said, “Proximity to the stone causes the lateral septum of your brain to react. It creates a berserker rage. I’ve seen it—I’ve felt it.”

  Nathan expressed his disbelief. “A stone sent you into a rage?”

  Holt leaned back with a sigh. “Open your mind to the truth behind the legend. A stone fell to earth—it came from beyond earth. It passed through the aether—an ancient word for air. Ask yourself how this stone came to rest so far beneath the ground? It was placed there by those who feared its power. When exposed to oxygen, this artifact reacts and causes a reaction in anyone close to it. That is what the legend meant by imbued with life. The Baetylus infuses those who survive the rage. It augments humanity.”

  “It’s the answer,” Alexis said, “How you founded AmeriGEN with no prior medical knowledge. You’re augmented.”

  “I am,” Holt said, “The Baetylus granted me intelligence beyond imagining. It enabled me to solve the gene expression problem, to create a hybrid gene to target cancer cells. It allowed me to save lives.”

  Nathan asked, “If you’re so smart, how come you were stupid enough to expose Hale to this augmentation? This is the answer to how he moves as fast as he does, right?”

  Holt lowered his gaze to the floor. “In my hubris, I sought to control the power. In so much as I’m the one who removed the stone from Krubera’s depths, I’m responsible for what came after. But I did not expose Hale.”

  “Who did then?” Alexis asked.


  “How was Jason augmented?” Alexis asked.

  Holt shook his head. “I never discovered his augmentation in the short time we worked together. He hid it well.”

  “How could he augment anyone?” Nathan pressed for an answer, “Don’t you have this stone?”

  Holt crossed his arms over his chest. “I do not. Jason stole it from me, and I haven’t seen it or him in years. We worked on its secrets together for a time, but when I determined it wasn’t safe to continue, Jason became unbalanced. His desire to understand consumed him. He insisted we begin human exposure to the Baetylus. I refused outright. I had seen enough to be terrified. When he got wind of my intention to destroy the stone, he disappeared with it.”

  Holt stood and smiled at them. “But now, you have a way to find him. I can stop Jason from creating any more augments and end Hale’s rampage. Give me the location and you can have no further involvement. You can enjoy your riches. What do you say?”

  Alexis looked to Nathan. He stood and motioned her to do likewise. “No,” he said, “trust may be overrated, but you’re going to need some. We have business with Blur. You want the location, you take us along with. Non-negotiable.”

  Holt said, “My security detail can escort you and keep you safe wherever we need to go, but if you leave now, you’ll be a fugitive.”

  Nathan said nothing. He reached his arm out, palm facing down. Holt looked at the gesture a moment before he added his hand atop Nathan’s. Alexis placed hers on top of Holt’s. Each one looked at the other and Holt said, “Then we have an accord.”

  Nathan frowned. “To the bitter end.”

  Act Three



  Jason Crowley stood on the stone balcony. Behind him, wildfires burned in the distance. Black smoke curled to the sky and choked the horizon. He faced into the room.

  Ripper bowed his head then knelt in supplication. His yellow eyes remained fixed on the burgundy runner laid a
cross the granite floor. Crowley crossed his arms behind his back and moved through the open doors into the room.

  To his left, Brutalis stood sentinel in silent repose. A gargantuan man augmented with incredible strength, he made the perfect muscle for the diminutive Crowley. “Five days ago, recruit designate Scout went missing.” Crowley narrowed his eyes at Ripper. “Why is this the first I’ve heard of it?”

  The twin scars on Ripper’s cheeks twitched. He lifted his gaze and spoke. “I thought we could handle it, my master.”

  Crowley appraised him. One of the first recruits augmented, the process turned Ripper’s eyes an unnatural yellow and bestowed upon him increased balance and agility. Expert with a blade, his augmentation made him a lethal killer. Crowley said, “You thought wrong. What is Scout’s augmentation?”

  Ripper answered, “Enhanced sense of direction. It’s how we think he’s evaded our search teams.”

  Crowley paced. “It is also how he could lead our enemies to us. He must be found before that can happen.” Ripper nodded and Crowley looked away. “Where is Blur?”

  The flames in the wall sconces guttered as air whipped into the room. Crowley felt a tug on his clothes and watched Blur appear behind Ripper. “I’ve told you to slow down when you enter this room.”

  Blur gave him a look of disdain. “I did.” He looked at Ripper with a cruel sneer.

  Crowley said, “A recruit has gone missing and we need them found. A task well suited to your skill set.” Blur vibrated with kinetic energy. “And I expect restraint—no going off book like you did in St. Luke’s. I want him alive.”

  Blur grinned with sick intent. Crowley glared at him. “We recruited him from Union City. You can begin your search there. Siren is expecting you.”

  Blur sped to the far side of the room before he appeared behind Crowley. Brutalis took a menacing step forward to be stopped by Crowley’s raised hand. Blur’s voice resonated, “I don’t need help.”

  “Debatable,” Crowley quipped, “She will make sure you stay on task.”

  Crowley felt the breeze beside his head but never saw Blur’s hand lash out. Blur said, “You forget her little parlor trick won’t work on me.”

  “Why would it need to?” Crowley asked, “Is your loyalty in question, Griffin?”

  They stared at each other for a tense moment. Crowley blinked, and Blur vanished. A second later a sonic boom shook the castle walls.

  “Master.” Ripper rose to his feet. “He cannot be trusted.”

  Crowley looked sidelong at him. He said with a smirk, “A soldier need not be trusted. They only need to be controlled.”


  “Uh, you want to run that by me again?” Bradley asked and looked around the room. Nathan sat on the sofa across from him. Joe sat next to Bradley and Alexis stood near the door to Nathan’s living room.

  Nathan said, “Tiberius Holt will house you in an AmeriGEN secure facility until we’re ready for you to lead us to your captors.”

  “You’ll be safe there,” Alexis added.

  Bradley rubbed the scruff on his face. “Maybe, but I never agreed to lead anyone anywhere.”

  Nathan felt Alexis’ eyes on him and exchanged a look with Joe before he addressed Bradley, “You came here for help.”

  Bradley pointed at Joe. “I didn’t come here, he brought me.”

  “Semantics,” Nathan said, “Changes nothing. You need help—you think they’re just going to let you go?”

  Bradley shrugged. “I did all right avoiding them on my way here.”

  “And how long you think you can keep that up?” Nathan asked. “You’re a loose end they won’t allow. They’ll never stop hunting you. Sooner or later, they will find you.” Nathan arched his right eyebrow. “You gotta sleep sometime.”

  Joe reached his hand out and rested it on Bradley’s knee. “You should listen to Nate. He knows this stuff.”

  Bradley bowed his head and wiped at his eyes. In a weak voice, he said, “I can’t do it, I can’t go back there. But look,” he lifted his head, “I’ll tell you where they held me. They kept me in a castle in San Duhamel.”

  “California?” Alexis asked.

  Nathan said, “Makes sense. If Crowley wanted to disappear after stealing Holt’s stone, what better place than in the middle of a Federal No Man’s Land.”

  Bradley chanced a smile. “So, you see, you don’t need me. You can find your own way there.”

  Nathan shook his head. “Actually, we need you more than ever now. Holt may get us across the border, but once we land, we’ll need your special talent to avoid any remnants in the area. Not to mention any search teams deployed by Crowley.”

  Bradley leaned his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. After a moment, he said, “Do you have any idea what you’re asking me to do?”

  “I have some idea,” Nathan said, “I’ve encountered Blur myself. How long do you think your ability will keep you hidden from him?” Bradley buried his head in his palms and Joe placed an arm around his shoulders. “You want to be free of this? Lead us to San Duhamel, and I promise you’ll get your life back.”

  Bradley sighed. He lifted his head and stared at Nathan. With obvious reluctance, he agreed, “All right, I’ll do it. But just so you know—Blur, he’s not even close to being the worst of them.”

  Alexis said, “Holt is organizing a tactical assault squad to guide us there and back. We’ll keep you safe.”

  “About Holt, though,” Nathan said, “don’t mention our destination to anyone at AmeriGEN.” Joe and Bradley both gave him a perplexed look. Nathan glanced to Alexis then returned to Bradley. “As long as Holt doesn’t have the information he wants, he has an incentive to keep you safe. Once he knows where Crowley is, he may no longer be inclined to protect you. It’s just safer for you to stay quiet.”

  Quinn appeared over Bradley’s shoulder and grinned at Nathan. He mouthed the word “Liar.” Nathan felt his eye twitch and turned away. Quinn said, “Why don’t you tell him the truth, Nate? If he gives the location to Holt—you lose your leverage. Holt won’t need you anymore. Tell him you’re willing to risk his life to gain your vengeance.”

  Nathan stood and ignored Quinn. He said to Bradley, “It’s been a long night. Get some sleep. An armored car will be here first thing to transport you to a secure facility.” Nathan motioned for Alexis to leave. “Oh,” he added, “one more thing. In case you think of running tonight, keep in mind we won’t be the only ones trying to find you.”

  Tiberius Holt watched the HoloSphere projection of his guest rattling around the stark white room. He entwined his fingers and touched them to his lips. Deep in thought, a murmur escaped him.

  His chief of security stood behind him and announced the arrival of his new collaborators. “Ms. King and Mr. Miller have arrived, sir.”

  Holt squinted before he turned from the image and said, “Thank you, Drachen.”

  Nathan raised a hand to the hologram. “What is this? Pervy much?”

  Holt chuckled under his breath. “I like to make sure my guests are comfortable.” He grinned at Nathan. “I’d ask him, but your source isn’t much for talking.”

  Nathan took a step forward. “You been asking him questions?”

  “Easy.” Drachen placed a hand on Nathan’s chest.

  Nathan knocked the hand away. “The fuck is this?”

  “Miller,” Alexis cautioned, “calm yourself.”

  Drachen motioned to her with his eyes. “I’d listen to your girlfriend if I were you.” His hand brushed the hem of his jacket aside to show a fifty-caliber handgun strapped to his hip. Gold plating coated the barrel, stylized in a tiger stripe pattern.

  “Drachen,” Holt’s voice boomed in the conference room, “stand down.” Drachen ground his teeth, and stepped back to the corner. “Forgive my security,” Holt said, “He can be short-tempered.”

  Alexis glanced to Nathan and mumbled, “I know the type.”

lt swept the hologram closed. He stood at the head of a long polished table and indicated for everyone to gather round. “Plans are under way, Mr. Miller, but we need a location, and your source is reluctant to give us one.”

  Nathan said, “You can organize your forces without a location.”

  “True enough,” Holt said, “Though, we can hardly file a flight plan without one.”

  “You won’t need a flight plan,” Nathan said.

  Holt arched his eyebrows. “Crowley is close?”

  Nathan met his curious gaze. “No.”

  “What’s with the bullshit games?” Drachen placed his hands on the table’s surface. He leaned over it and said, “My guys deserve to know where we’re going.”

  “You’re going where I pay you to go.” Holt watched Drachen until he stepped back from the table. “Not close, and no flight plan,” Holt muttered to himself. “Could it be Crowley has holed up in the No Man’s Land?”

  Nathan said nothing, but Holt caught the look he gave Alexis and knew the truth of his guess. He swept his hand out and brought up a map projection of California. He turned it on an axis and spread his hands apart. “Where in California?”

  Silence choked the room. “What is this?” Drachen asked, “Are we not on the same side here?” He pointed to Alexis. “What about you, sweetheart? Anything to add?”

  Alexis glared at him. “I’m not your sweetheart.”

  “Just aim for the middle,” Nathan said, “Once we’re over California—and not before—I’ll divulge the exact coordinates.” He stared at Drachen then slid his gaze to Holt. “That way, no one will get any ideas.”

  Holt smirked at him. “Very well.” He turned his attention to Drachen. “Does California present any challenges for your team?”

  Drachen unwrapped a stick of gum and shoved it in his mouth. With it wedged in his cheek he said, “No Man’s Land is tricky.”

  “How will we get across the border?” Alexis asked.


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