Gentle Beast

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Gentle Beast Page 15

by Margaret Afseth










  “Indonesian…more correctly, Javanese.”


  “Kashmiri…India…Pakistan, to be exact.”

  “Now, tell me how you did that?”

  “I see it in your mind.”

  Loki grinned, then suddenly, brutally, he stabbed the back of her left hand with the tattooing tool. She gasped in shock as pain radiated up her wrist from the outside edge of her hand. The instrument had gone deep into bone.

  “Sorry,” Loki said apologetically. “I had to distract you. I knew it would hurt.”

  “You're mean!” Althea hissed at him.

  “Ah, Tusha. If I had done it any other way, it would have hurt you more. I have to do this…”

  Althea hissed at him again; it was like she had an angry cat inside her. That was when he pulled her close, and cuddled her.

  For a minute she fought, then subsided.

  “That’s better. Let’s see your hand.”

  She let him cradle it in his bigger one. He turned it over. Where he’d pierce her was a tiny blue butterfly so real it almost looked like it might fly away.

  And Althea laughed delighted, her pain forgotten.


  The next morning, the day repeated the one before. Tusha watched Loki from her shelf, sometimes taking time to admire her new delightful butterfly tattoo.

  Finally, at one point, she shifted and inched down from the shelf to sit beside a young teen that Loki had just declared pregnant. The girl was in tears.

  Tusha encircled her shoulder to comfort her, reached into her pocket and retrieved one of the chocolate bars. Breaking off a small piece, she offered it to the youth.

  Stunned, the girl’s mouth dropped open, and as if she feared the proffered candy would be withdrawn, snatched it from Tusha’s hand, greedily gulping it down.

  “You should savour it,” Tusha reprimanded. “That’s all you get. I need some for others.”


  Loki had watched all this in awe. He chuckled to himself, as he shooed his patient away to the guard that had brought her, and resolved to let Tusha remain near to appease the distraught patients.

  They were nearing the end of his patient schedule, on the last one of the day. Tusha had just given another square of chocolate away, when a paw reached out to snatch her other hand.

  They had been so intent upon what they were doing; neither had noticed Bom’s arrival. The hand he caught was the one on which Loki had placed her tattoo. Tusha yelped, more from shock than from hurt. Their patient jumped from the bed, and scampered toward the door, where her guard caught her.

  Bom growled deep in his throat. “The cows are not to be fed!”

  Then his other fist came up and smashed Tusha in the face. She lost her balance, and fell from cot to floor. For just a second, in her anger, her eyes flashed multi rainbow hues, and then the phenomenon abruptly vanished.

  Loki had seen it; Bom had not…because, he was looking up at his prisoner physician.

  “Where did it get that?”

  Loki didn’t want to lie, so he stayed silent.

  Bom growled angrily. “Keep your pet in line! Or I’ll have it killed!”

  With that Bom spun on his heel, and stormed from the room.

  Tusha’s face was rapidly bruising and she shook visibly. At that moment, Loki wished with all that was in him that his healer abilities were not curtailed.

  He lifted her to his arms, and angrily carried her from the bay.


  That night, after they had eaten, Loki took a cup and a small spoon, sat down on his mat, and encouraged Tusha to come sit on his lap.

  “I am going to teach you to protect yourself,” he told her. “Today was too close.”

  Tusha turned to look at him questioningly.

  He must have something other than the norm in mind.

  Warily, she wondered:

  Is this another lesson like the butterfly names?

  “I am in a belt, so I can’t show you how to do this.”

  What is that belt for?

  “You have my Noor blood now; it will give you…talents, not possible to others.”

  “The belt keeps you from doing things? What things?”

  “Normally I can teleport, manipulate…heal others instantly, and…shape-change.”

  “Will I be able to do those things?”

  “I do not know the depth of your power; I cannot test you. I had to learn how, and I cannot show you…”

  “The belt holds you back? Then take it off!”

  Loki grunted. “Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? But the truth is, it is designed so it can only open with the key…anyway, point here is this: The belt would do the same to you. Whatever happens, if you can prevent it without giving yourself away, never let them put you in a belt.”

  Tusha nodded.

  “And, whatever you do, don’t let anyone see you practicing. If you discover you have other talents I have not shown you, don’t even tell me. No one must ever know you have the Noor anomaly, or see what you are and can do…”


  “Because in here…even should you ever get out, the fact of what you are: Noor and female, will cost you your life. Trust no one. Even back home, we are forced to hide abilities because of the fear in others. My mental has untold talents he is forbidden to use, and must hold himself in check, hide them, as others are not ready for the mind shocking things we can do.”

  Tusha was astounded. All this was hard to take in. She had always been so powerless and vulnerable in life’s storms; it hardly registered that she could be any different. She saw the reasoning in hiding such abilities in here, but elsewhere, seemed unreasonable.

  What is that universe out there like that a mighty creature such as Loki fears to reveal what he really is?

  “Teach me,” she finally pleaded. “I will be careful.”

  “I can only ask you to try,” Loki admitted. “I may be wrong, and you may have little mental strength, as is the case with this physical side in which I dwell.”

  “What do you mean, Loki? Explain, please.”

  “Another time. Now, we must try…” He placed the spoon at arms length on the floor. “Bring it to me,” he ordered. “Use your mind and will it.”

  Tusha’s jaw dropped. “Telekinesis?”

  Loki nodded. “We call it manipulation. Relax, concentrate…no pressure.”

  As with the thought reading, Tusha simply wished the spoon into her hand. Immediately, it was there.

  “Holy man! I can do it!”

  “Indeed. Much power is there; you have a mental.”

  She wasn’t going to ask him to explain this time.

  “Okay, now see if you can do the same with the cup. This time, put it in my hand.”

  The cup shot to his hand.

  “Easy. Don’t let it shoot across like that. Dematerialize and rematerialize at the second location.”

  The cup and spoon were suddenly sitting at arms length.

  Loki laughed. “Two at once. Excellent.”

  “Is that the same method you use to teleport?”

  “Aw, be careful, little Tusha. To use your jump ability, especially in here, will get you in great trouble…and, it takes much physical energy to master it. I warn you; not enough light source to do large or prolonged use of powers in these prison facilities. Another drawback, to anyone who may take it upon themselves to rescue any Noor inside.”

  “They thought of everything, eh?”

  Loki nodded. “Almost everything.” He grinned, and winked. “We have a secret weapon, but we must be wise.”

  Tusha smiled.

  I am his secret weapon.

  “Now, we will try you with another s
ide channel. Turn the cup a different colour.”

  Tusha liked blue, so she turned the copper mug a shade of turquoise, the colour of Loki’s eyes.

  “Now, can you change the molecular structure?”

  “You mean like this?” Tusha turned the metal cup to porcelain.

  “Okay, see how large you can make it.”

  The vessel grew and grew, until it near touched the ceiling.

  “Better stop,” Loki cautioned. “Put it back to its original size and form.”

  It became a small battered copper mug again.

  “Try making something living…”

  “It won’t be real,” Tusha reasoned. “I can’t create life…”

  “And how did you come to that conclusion?”

  “I’m not a God.”

  Loki grinned.

  “Nor, would I want to be.”

  “Remember that…when you feel the need to kill.”

  Tusha gave him a look of disbelief. “We can…”

  “My mental can. You forgot to carry out my last request.”

  A small yellow and black bird replaced the cup. As it hopped about looking for crumbs, it emitted a warbling frantic tweet.

  “Ummm.” Loki licked his lips. “Haven’t seen one of those in a long time. The cat in me wants to swallow it, and I feel the urge to stalk. Better turn it back to cup.”

  Tusha laughed teasingly. “It would turn back to metal in your belly.”

  And abruptly, the cup was back, spoon protruding above the edge.

  Tusha sighed heavily, and leaned her head back against Loki’s chest. Suddenly, she felt so very, very tired.

  “Aww,” he said sympathetically. “You’ve done too much; drained your energy. Time to rest. One more thing: be careful to keep a reserve of energy. Never let yourself get this weary again. You are never safe in this place.”

  Tusha sighed again; she could hardly keep her eyes open. Immediately, sleep crept in around her.


  Loki held her close until she was deep in slumber, reluctant to put her down. She felt so good against his chest, he wanted to go to sleep like that, but he knew it wasn’t wise.

  Never the less, he sat there thinking.

  I was right. At first I thought it was my imagination when I saw her eyes revert, but this time…I know for sure.

  The Essence isn’t dead; it has simply relocated. The mental-Noor she has found a surrogate to replace its physical. It stays sleeper most of the time because of the lack of energy. It's not apparent unless needed. The introvert personality has no substance, but it's inside this new Noor human. And its physical was unaware. But it won’t be long and they will know each other, their strengths, how to work together. The mental will school the physical.

  My teaching work is done! But from now on, I need to protect Tusha at all costs…as long as I am able.

  This she is the long lost Noor queen! And whether she is unaware at the moment, her knowledge is as old as the universe. When they have their union accomplished, this mighty creature will turn the cosmos on its back. The added personality and experience of the human’s existence will make the younger being more insightful.


  Shiveron was helping Moriah to dress. Kimon had finally agreed she was fit enough to go to the bed-nest.

  “He said, according to the scans, you are healing well,” Shiveron encouraged. “The shattered vertebra has reformed whole; the one that was tipped, and pinching the sciatic nerve, has shifted back firmly in place.”

  “I know the pain is gone. Your blood has healing properties.”

  “Not just my blood, but now yours, as well. I’ve passed on the Noor anomaly to you. You are now half human, half Noor.”

  Moriah realized she had that information stored in her mind. Liam had come and sleep-fed information, while she was recovering. Along with that, and the female teaching programme Dia had prepared her with, she now understood most of what was going on, and what was expected of her.

  “My neck is no longer a problem either. It has strengthened and gone back to normal. It doesn’t slip out of alignment, the way it always use to, before.”

  Shiveron took the liberty of gently kissing the nape of her neck. She permitted the tender embrace, knowing, now that they were promised, it was allowed by the rules of courtship. She turned around, and moved into him, face forward, a gesture of acceptance.

  “I’d better get you home,” he said huskily, and moved to arm’s length.

  Taking her by the hand, Shiveron guided her out of her private room, to an elevator in the hallway. Here he used his palm to activate the sensor pad at the right of the door. When the private family conveyance arrived, and opened to them, they stepped in together.

  Shiveron slipped his arm about her waist, and once again, Moriah allowed the intimate action.

  When the door opened on the near empty quarters, she was not surprised at its sparseness. This nest did not consist of normal Feline, and most of those belonging to it, were seldom home together, as they served the med centre, and were on call continuously.

  Only the one corner held anything resembling furniture: a large-sized soft mat that spread over two-thirds of the room; everything else was hidden from view by panels in the walls.

  Shiveron turned to her. “I don’t know about you,” he declared. “But, being in med bay so long, gives me a feeling of utter uncleanliness. Surely, you would like to bathe?”

  Moriah too felt almost crawly. The med bay was manned by mostly Felines who disliked water, and saw no need to use it to wash.

  “I’d love nothing better.”

  Shiveron slid open a panel, revealing two sides of the bath pool.

  “Will you be okay on your own?” he asked, assuming she’d rather bathe alone this first time.

  Moriah grinned. “Come into the female side with me,” she suggested coyly. “We are promised.”

  She felt the excitement in him at her invitation; also felt him steel his needs, as was the custom of the male.

  They are so controlled!

  This time she took his hand, and as she led him inside, she heard the panel behind them slide shut and lock, as he willed it to seal for their privacy.

  Moriah looked at the enormous recycling pool, the five-foot high waterfall above, on the far wall. It wasn’t a carnal need that made her shiver, but a Noor desperate requirement to touch the water. She almost jumped in with her clothes on.

  “What’s wrong with me?” she gasped, turning to him. “I feel like my flesh will crawl off me, and leap into the water on its own.”

  “A Noor needs bathing like other creatures need food. Come, we’ll take it slow, so you enjoy every minute of your first encounter with the healing sensation of liquid.”

  Moriah trembled with anticipation, as he removed her clothing. When he slipped from his own, she could wait no longer. She started for the edge to step in.

  Shiveron caught her by the arm. “We need to lather up first.”

  Moriah moaned with a longing that came deep from within. But she obeyed him, following his action, covering her skin with soft cream. Then he led her to the pool’s edge, and they slid in together.

  She had never felt such a feeling: like silk against the skin. It almost burned, like an antiseptic, penetrating deep into the pores.

  He pulled her down into the depth, until the water was over their heads. His voice came inside her head. Telepathic communication!

  “Open your mouth; swallow some, drink it…take it inside to heal deep. Open your eyes.”

  When she did as she was told, she saw clearly, all around her. As an example, he opened his mouth, gasping in deep gulps of the liquid surrounding them. She followed his actions…and marvelled.

  She didn’t choke, nor was she unable to breathe.

  I haven’t been taught this! Noors are like fish under the water!

  She laughed delightedly. Unable to resist, Shiveron placed his mouth over hers.

  “We need to was
h away the soap,” she objected by thought, pulling away.

  And when he took her hand; they dived, and swam, until they were under the waterfall. Here they let the cascade wash over them, until their skin was clean and shimmering.

  They turned from the falls, swam and dived. His lips found hers, and teasingly, she slipped away again. He chased her, and she let him catch her.

  This time she initiated the kiss. It grew deeper.

  And suddenly they were making love in the water.


  Shiveron drew her to the edge of the pool, laughing. “Now, we’ll have to bathe again,” he half-heartedly complained.

  Taking him seriously, she slipped out of the water and made for the soap bottles. He laughed, went after her, and caught her by a dainty foot, felling her gently. She rolled to her back.

  They made love again on the tiles, both too absorbed in each other to care if anyone came upon them.

  At least, I locked the door.

  For a time, they fell asleep in each other’s arms. When they awakened, they did soap up again; repeating all that had gone before…right down to the last interaction.

  Shiveron had long since forgotten his dead mate, the mother of Reon.

  Toward mid-afternoon, they donned pyjamas, and made it onto the sleep mat. He coaxed her to eat something before they cuddled face forward, and both slipped into much needed rest.

  Waking briefly in the night, Shiveron realized no one had joined them on the bed mat.

  Must be some sort of crisis in the med bay. Nothing else would keep everyone away. Even Reon and Iora have stayed out, and that can only mean extra warriors have been needed in the centre.


  Shiveron and Moriah had just polished off huge plates of poached eggs on toast, with bacon on the side, when the outer door to the home nest slid open with a shushing sound.

  Reon stepped in with Iora, followed by Liam.

  “There you are,” Shiveron reprimanded Reon. “Where have you been all this time?”

  “No need to scold them,” Liam cautioned tiredly. “For their safety, we kept them in momma Dia’s ante for this sleep break.”

  “What’s happened?” Shiveron demanded apprehensively.


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