Gentle Beast

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Gentle Beast Page 25

by Margaret Afseth

  The woman beneath him stirred. Roughly, to silence any sound, he placed his hand across her mouth, clutching her tightly in his arms. Her reaction was to struggle against his hold.

  "Be still!" Liam hissed in human English. "I am not your enemy. They will hear you."

  She went quiet in compliance, easing into his shoulder.

  On high alert, Liam listened as the diminishing sounds faded. The fog was descending around them, but he knew it would not really hide them. Their dark bodies would soon stand out, visible shadows against the white.

  And the Roog would turn around when they realized they had lost the trail.

  When Liam was certain the enemy was out of range, he risked speaking again.

  "Come children. We must keep moving."

  He rose, easily lifting the human with him. Still carrying her, he proceeded along the path away from the threat of danger. For safety, he kept her lips covered with the palm of his hand, just to make certain she did not cry out.

  A moment later, the female made a weak attempt to pull away his hand. Liam stopped, knowing she wished to communicate.

  "Will you promise not to cry out if I remove my hand?" At her nod, he loosed his hold, and added, "I am Liam. I will see that you are tended to."

  Though in an obvious drugged state, she wanted to be let down. Rather than argue, he let her try to stand. Her legs buckled, so he scooped her up again, and took off at a rapid pace, the young ones loping after to keep up with him. He stopped to rest only when the little female began to lag. By then, his burden was once more in oblivion.

  He knelt with the human on his knee, giving the young ones the break they so desperately needed. Looking about him, Liam noticed the end of the park was just ahead.

  As he rested, he took note of the woman he carried. He reproached himself for taking on this unnecessary challenge.

  Why am I taking her with us, anyway? I could just leave her in the entrance of a building, where her own kind would find her, and give her medical treatment. It would certainly be easier on the kits.

  Yet he feared, if she wasn't found immediately, the delay might cost her life.

  Liam shook his head, frustrated at his dilemma.

  He examined the wound next to her eye.

  That was inflicted by a taser!

  Raw and still bleeding, the damage seemed to be more inside than exterior.

  Her eyes must sting and burn when she tries to open them. Her head is throbbing constantly, yet she's not uttered a word of complaint, as if she's used to constant pain.


  Perhaps, it's a blessing she cannot see; that way she'll not realize we are not of her race.

  He passed his hand across her forehead attempting to ease the pain the poor women was experiencing. In shock, Liam unexpectedly connected with her inner mind.

  Recent and some past memories flashed by in an instant; among them, a vivid recall of a scarred and ancient appearing female. In that spilt second, Liam became aware the one he was viewing was half Noor as he was. He also watched as the she Noor used her powers in a vain attempt to rescue a third woman, and realized that the one he held in his arms, had somehow been responsible for the situation.

  A hatred of such intensity, focused on this elder, emanated menacingly from his charge, at this recollection. Liam pulled away in disgusted outrage. He studied the face before him.

  Am I harboring an enemy; someone dangerous to me?

  Rebuking himself, he shook away the thought.

  No! I cannot be a judge. I am a healer; rescuer. I do not have all the facts.

  He put the memory away, and went to other things he had seen.

  A more recent experience was the one in which the human had encountered the Roog. Two had surprised her, the first, coming from behind, had tasered her, while the second had shot a drug into her opposite shoulder. She had jerked away involuntarily, before the complete dose had been administered.

  Liam sat thinking; he grew hopeful.

  She may not have gotten enough to kill her, after all.

  He noted a distinct change in her breathing.

  She's awake again.

  "Do you know where you are female?" Liam asked. "Who am I?"

  "Liam," she answered groggily.

  "Do you have a name?"


  " did you escape from the Roog, Lana?"

  "I...I played dead. It always works. When they turned away, I ran."

  Liam frowned.

  First off, she didn't ask what a Roog was; she already knew. That alone proves she has had experience with them before. For such a one, they won't stop looking. And that is decidedly bad for those with her.

  The young male kit tugged at Liam's elbow, mewling in fear.

  "Poppa, we are afraid..."

  His responsibility thundered to the forefront. He'd completely forgotten his charges.

  Ah, yes. Young Felines, when stressed, are especially sensitive to my mood changes. I assumed I wouldn't need to cloak.

  And they feel exposed out here.

  What's wrong with you, Liam? You addlebrained dimwit.

  "Sorry," he murmured contritely. "Forgive Poppa, little ones. I got distracted."

  Shifting the woman, Liam stood to his feet, and looked about him. "We need to find a place to shelter." Then he added in human, for the sole benefit of the woman in his arms. "Do you there a building nearby where we can find medical attention?"

  She was confused, her head lolling against his chest, too heavy to hold up. "Homeless...shelter," she uttered with difficulty. "Take...the street...going west."

  Can I trust her word?

  Liam panned the view beyond the park, and saw, just ahead, the street in question.

  "They...are having...a holiday..." Lana sighed heavily, fighting the drowsiness. Her words slurred. " open...though."


  It was then Liam noticed, in the distance, small children in costume: ghosts and goblins, witches, and some, only in monster masks. Each one carried a small bucket or cloth sack.

  I've read of this practice from their histories. The festival is called Halloween. The children are given treats when they beg at the doors of the houses.

  No wonder the Roog dare to walk undisguised on the surface this night!

  "Stay close, little ones," Liam ordered, taking off down the fog filled street. "I will keep the pace slow, but we cannot stop to rest again. Keep in the shadows, so we are not noticed."

  Lana had once again drifted off into her drugged sleep.

  Five blocks later, just when Liam was beginning to wonder just how far away this shelter was, and if maybe he had missed it, the woman rallied again.

  "Put me down," Lana pleaded, struggling weakly against him. "I can walk..."

  She'll slow us down. Oh how I wish I'd not taken this on. Just being with her is dangerous. If she's tagged, the dogs are following. I just want this over with!

  But the weight of her was getting too much to carry, and Liam needed to relax his muscles. Rather than argue, he slowed, shifted Lana to her feet, and supporting still, his arm around her, they gradually proceeded.

  Lana made it just one block, when her limbs gave way beneath. It had been just enough reprieve to give Liam new energy. He caught her up again, and she sank against his shoulder gratefully.

  "Why can't I see?" she quietly whispered, as they went on.

  "They blinded you with a taser blast, hoping you couldn't run."

  She laughed, and the sound was filled with spite and premeditated malice.

  "Fooled them, didn't I?"

  He did not smile at that. He knew for certain then, she would mean him harm, as well, if she discovered what he was.

  Oh, yes, little she. You are a smart one. I'd best be careful in my dealings with you.

  Thankfully, Lana passed out again.


  Just ahead Liam caught sight of humans blocking their way. There was nowhere to go but through them,
not with Lana in his arms.

  How much farther is it?

  Liam made a quick decision.

  From birth every kit was taught to use a camouflage belt. He'd equipped the young ones immediately upon arrival. Liam dropped into the lower Feline tongue the primitives used.

  This was a language used mostly in battle, more sounds, hisses and growls, than actual words.

  Liam warned, "We approach man. Go human, and stay that way until I tell you otherwise."

  The small pair obeyed him without question. Each depressed the middle buckle on their belt, and shifted shape.

  Liam, being Noor, a Mental with powers beyond any known others, able to manipulate material, and a shape-shifter, as well, needed no belt.

  From a man-size Feline, Liam became a humanoid; his tail vanished; the tiny cat ears slipped beneath his hair; the eyes changed; the nose elongated. No longer was he covered in soft short fur; jeans, a bulky sweater, and a shiny, brown leather jacket replaced that covering. Pliable matching mukluks covered the once paw-like feet.

  Beside him, the kits became identical twins, a boy and a girl, with short wavy black hair and tanned brownish skin. Each was dressed similarly to Liam.

  Now, the group appeared to be just a father walking home with his children...carrying momma in his arms.

  Liam hoped it would be enough to protect them.


  Until this moment the darkness had shielded them, but presently they were coming up on a street lamp that would illuminate them fully.

  Just ahead, a prostitute leaned into the open window of a car talking with the lone front seat occupant inside. Like a wild primitive in heat, her rear was raised, one high-heeled, booted foot moving back and forth, like a flicking tail. With her short skirt and fishnet stockings, it was clear she wore no undergarment.

  Humans are such perverts! They have such a perchance for immorality.

  The young ones do not need to see this!

  Liam felt the children shudder, as they came abreast of another pair of women, standing in the lamp light, as seductively attired as the first. He realized, their reaction was not fear, but revulsion, as they read body language that was considered depraved in their culture.

  To comfort, Liam spoke softly under his breath. "Little ones, pay them no mind."

  But what was meant to ease, turned the eyes of another, standing back in the shadows, toward them. Liam had failed to notice until too late, because his mind was focused on the backseat passengers he'd just noticed in the car.

  This new human was male, dressed all in black clothing. He had blended way too well with the darkness. Now, as he moved toward them threateningly, Liam almost hissed with the abruptness of the shock, before he caught himself.

  "Well now," the human challenged as he came out of hiding. "Just what do we have here?" He laughed contemptuously. "Shouldn't keep your drunken bitch up so late." He grinned lecherously. "If she weren't so ugly, I could put her to work."

  His manner changed abruptly. "Maybe, you got some money on you, eh? How about handing it over, bud?"

  Liam's timid, non confrontational Feline nature took the upper hand. "We have no currency. Honest." he declared truthfully.

  The man eyed him with suspicion for long moments, decided there was truth in the statement, then suddenly, he caught sight of the young children peeking out from behind Liam's back.

  Liam slipped into the man's mind, watching the lustful hunger flood over him, as he spied the young girl. He cringed, and shivered visibly.

  "Now, your kid," the human observed solicitously. "She's just ripe. She'd be worth a lot to me. I have guys lined up, who'd pay plenty for her."

  The man spoke directly to the five year old. "What say, honey? Would you like some candy? Come with me, and I'll always take care of you. Leave your old man, and come live off the rich. I promise it'll be worth your while."

  It was a good thing the little she was so very terrified; if she had hissed at him the way she wanted to, their cover would have been blown.

  Am I going to have to use my powers to protect, after all? Even here a young female is prey!

  But the man was abruptly pushing passed them, seeing danger to the girls he already had. An unmarked police car had slowly approached, and those inside were accessing the situation on the sidewalk.

  "Get out of here," tersely growled the pimp, motioning toward a side street escape route. "I'll catch up to you later."

  Liam didn't need to be told a second time. He fled into the night, his strides long and rapid; the best he could do without actually running. His little charges did have to scurry to keep up.

  Behind them, the policemen were too intent on the women and their handler, to challenge Liam and his entourage.

  Minutes later, they came out on another street, and came upon the entrance of an emergency clinic. Liam breathed a sigh of relief, placed his burden just inside the doors, with the hope she'd be found shortly, and tended to, then stepped outside again.

  With the two disguised kits in his arms, he teleported to the edge of the city, where he quickly found an old abandoned barn in which to spend the night safely.




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