Out-of-Body Experiences
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Out-of-body experiences brought a depth and spirituality to my life that I might never have known. Every day I learn and grow. My consciousness is constantly expanding. Unlike most people, I no longer fear death.
I've heard it said that you can't fully appreciate something until it's gone. Perhaps out-of-body experiences can help us to appreciate the value of life.
The universe is ever-expanding, not only physically, but also in consciousness and depth of being. I invite you all to reach into the depths of being and touch the infinite!
I've been collecting OBE books ever since I started having OBEs. Here is a list of every book and tape that I know of dealing primarily with OBEs. I won't claim that it's accurate or complete. This list does not include books on related topics such as near death experiences (NDEs), remote viewing, shamanism, and other altered states of consciousness except when referenced in the text or listed by the Library of Congress under “Astral Projection.” I merely provide the list for people who want to do further research. All books in the list are “nonfiction” unless otherwise noted.
Books in English
Arguelles, Jose. Surfers of the Zuvuya: Tales of Interdimensional Travel. Santa Fe, NM: Bear & Co., 1988.
Ashcroft-Nowicki, Dolores. Highways of the Mind. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: The Aquarian Press, 1987.
Avery, Robert. Out of the Body Experiences. London and New York: Regency Press, 1975.
Baker, Dr. Douglas M. Practical Techniques of Astral Projection. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: The Aquarian Press, 1977.
Barton, Winifred G. Meditation and Astral Projection. Ottawa, Canada: Psi Science Productions, 1974.
Battersby, H. F. Prévost. Man Outside Himself. Secaucus, NJ: Citadel Press, 1979.
Baumann, Elwood D. They Travel Outside Their Bodies: The Phenomenon of Astral Projection. New York: Watts, 1980.
Bendit, L. and P. The Etheric Body of Man. Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical Publishing House, 1977.
Black, David. Ecstasy: Out of the Body Experiences. Indianapolis and New York: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1975.
Blackmore, Susan J. Beyond the Body. Chicago: Academy Chicago Publishers, 1982.
Bord, Janet. Astral Projection. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: The Aquarian Press, 1973.
Bradley, Marion Zimmer. The House Between the Worlds (fiction). New York: Ballantine Books/Doubleday, 1981.
Brady, Michael J. Infinite Horizons: A Psychic Experience. Virginia Beach: Donning, 1982.
Brennen, J. H. Astral Doorways. New York: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1971.
——. The Astral Projection Workbook. New York: Sterling Publishing Co., 1990.
Brennert, Alan. Kindred Spirits (fiction). New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 1984.
Conway, D. J. Astral Love. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1996.
——. Flying Without a Broom. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1995.
Crookall, Dr. Robert. The Study and Practice of Astral Projection. Secaucus, NJ: The Citadel Press, 1960.
——. The Case-book of Astral Projection 545-746. Secaucus, NJ: The Citadel Press, 1972.
——. “Dreams” of High Significance. Moradabad, India: Darshana International, 1974.
——. Ecstasy:The Release of the Soul from the Body. Moradabad, India: Darshana International, 1973.
——. Events on the Threshold of the After-Life. Moradabad, India: Darshana International, 1967.
——. The Jung-Jaffe View of Out-of-the-Body Experiences. London: The World Fellowship Press, 1970.
——. Life, ‘A Cheat’ or ‘A Sacred Burden’? Moradabad, India: Darshana International, 1976.
——. The Mechanisms of Astral Projection. Moradabad, India: Darshana International, 1968.
——. More Astral Projections: Analyses of Case Histories. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: The Aquarian Press, 1964.
——. Out-of-the-body Experiences—A Fourth Analysis. Secaucus, NJ: The Citadel Press, 1970.
——. Psychic Breathing. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: The Aquarian Press, 1979.
——. The Techniques of Astral Projection. New York: Samuel Weiser, 1964.
Couliano, loan P. Out of This World: Other-Worldly Journeys from Gilgamesh to Albert Einstein. Boston: Shambhala, 1991.
Curtiss, H. and F. Realms of the Living Dead. Washington D.C.: The Curtiss Philosophic Book Co., 1926.
Dane, Christopher (Eugene Olson). Psychic Travel. New York: Popular Library, 1974.
DeClements, Barthe. Double Trouble. New York: Viking Kestrel, 1987.
Denning, M. and Phillips, O. The Llewellyn Practical Guide to Astral Projection. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1979.
Devereux, Paul. Shamanism and the Mystery Lines. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1993.
——. Spirit Paths, Shape-Shifting and Out of Body Travel. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1993.
Doreal, Dr. M. Astrai Projection and How to Accomplish It. Sedalia, CO: Brotherhood of the White Temple, (date unknown) .
Duncan, Lois. Stranger with My Face (fiction). Boston: Little, Brown, 1981.
Farthing, Geoffrey. Exploring the Great Beyond. Wheaton, IL: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1978.
Fahy, Christopher. Nightflyer (fiction). New York: Jove Publications, 1982.
Fitzell, William. American Mystic: A Journey of Crossing the Borders of Normal Experience. New York: Lone Pine Press, 1992.
Fox, Oliver (Hugh Callaway). Astral Projection. Secaucus, NJ: The Citadel Press, 1962.
——. “The Pineal Doorway,” The Occult Review 31 (April 1920).
Frost, Gavin and Yvonne. Astral Travel. New York: Granada Publishing, 1982.
Gabbard, G. and S. Twemlow. With the Eyes of the Mind. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1984.
Gibson, Sandra. Beyond the Mind. New York: Tower Publications, 1981.
Giletto, Michael J. Identity, Pain, Astral Projection. Richmond, VA: M. Giletto, 1972.
Glaskin, G.M. A Door to Infinity: Proving the Cristos Experience. New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1979.
Goodman, Felicitas D. Where the Spirits Rind the Wind. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1990.
Green, Carl R. Out-of-Body Experiences. Hillside, NJ: Enslow, 1993.
Green, Celia. Out-of-the-Body Experiences. Oxford: Institute of Psychophysical Research, 1968.
Greene, Richard A. The Handbook of Astral Projection. Cambridge: Next Step Publications, 1979.
——. The Handbook of Astral Power (revised). Nashua, NH: Next Step Publications, 1987.
Greenhouse, Herbert B. The Astral Journey. New York: Avon Books, 1974.
Grey, Margot. Return from Death: An Exploration of the Near-Death Experience. Boston: Arkana, 1985.
Gurney, Myers, Podmore. Phantasms of the Living. New York: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1886.
Harary, Keith and P. Weintraub. Have an Out-of-Body Experience in 30 Days. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989.
Harary, Keith and Russell Targ. The Mind Race. New York: Villard Books, 1984.
Holroyd, Stuart. Psychic Voyages. London: Aldus Books, 1976.
——. Mysteries of the Inner Self. London: Aldus Books, 1978.
Hughes, Marilynn. Odysseys of Light. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads, 1991.
Hurwood, Bernhardt J. The Invisibles (fiction). Greenwich, CT: Fawcett, 1971.
Irwin, H. J. Flight of Mind: A Psychobgical Study of the Out-of-Body Experience. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1985.
Johnson, Raynor C. Nurslings of Immortality. (Publisher unknown) .
King, Francis. Astral Projection, Magic and Alchemy. Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 1991.
King, Francis and Stephen Skinner. Techniques of High Magic: A Guide to Self-Empowerment. Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 1991.
Knight, Gareth. Experience of the Inner Worlds. Cheltenham, Gloucester, England: Helios Book Service, 1975.
LaBerge, Stephen. Lucid Dreaming. New York: Ballantine, 1985.
LaHaye, Tim F. Life in th
e Afterlife. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1980.
Larsen, Caroline. My Travels in the Spirit World. (Publisher unknown).
Leadbeater, Charles W. The Astral Plane. Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1933.
Leonard, Gladys Osborn. My Life in Two Worlds.
Lewis, David H. Astral Projection. Published by the author, 1980.
Llewellyn Editorial staff. The Truth about Astral Projection. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1983.
MacGregor-Mathers. Astral Projection, Ritual Magic, and Alchemy. Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 1987.
Martin, Anthony. Understanding Astral Projection. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: The Aquarian Press, 1980.
——. The Theory and Practice of Astral Projection. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: The Aquarian Press, 1980.
Martin, Stephen Hawley. Out of Body, Into Mind: A Metaphysical Adventure. Richmond, VA: The Oaklea Press, 1995.
Matson, Archie. The Waiting World: or, What Happens at Death. New York: Harper & Row, 1975.
McMoneagle, Joseph. Mind Trek. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads, 1993.
Mendoza, Carlos (Carlos Romolu). Earth Refugees of the Aquarian Age. (Publisher unknown), 1982.
Mitchell, Janet Lee. Out-of-Body Experiences. Willingborough, Northamptonshire: Turnstone Press, 1981.
Monroe, Robert A. Journeys Out of the Body. Garden City: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1971.
——. Far Journeys. Garden City: Doubleday, 1985.
——. Ultimate Journey. Garden City: Doubleday, 1994.
Morgan, Keith. Easy Astral Projection. London: Pentade Enterprises, 1992.
Morimutsu, Phil. The Seeker. Minneapolis: Eckankar, 1992.
Moser, Robert (Bob). Mental and Astral Projection. Cottonwood, AZ: Esoteric Publications, 1974.
Muldoon, Sylvan. The Case for Astral Projection. Chicago: The Aries Press, 1936.
Muldoon, Sylvan and H. Carrington. The Projection of the Astral Body. New York: Samuel Weiser, 1929.
——. The Phenomena of Astral Projection. New York: Samuel Weiser, 1951.
Mulvin, Jerry. Out-of-Body Exploration. Marina del Rey, CA: Divine Science of Light and Sound, 1986.
——. Through the Vortex. Marina del Rey, CA: Divine Science of Light and Sound, 1991.
Ophiel (Edward Peach). The Art and Practice of Antral Projection. New York: Samuel Weiser, 1961.
Owen, Robert. Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1860.
Palwick, Susan. Flying in Place (fiction). New York: TOR (Tom Doherty Associates), 1992.
Panchadasi, Swami. The Astral World: Its Scenes, Dwellers, and Phenomena. Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House.
Parker, Vincent M. “Vibes.” Vincent Parker, 1994.
Perkins, John M. Psychonavigation: Techniques for Travel Beyond Time. Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 1990.
Powell, Arthur Edward. The Astral Body. Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1927.
——. The Etheric Double. Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1927.
Prabhupada, Swami. Easy journey to Other Planets. Publisher unknown, 1970.
Richards, Steve. The Traveller's Guide to the Austral Plane. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Aquarian Press, 1983.
Richelieu, Peter. A Soul's Journey. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Aquarian Press, 1953.
Roads, Michael J. Into a Timeless Realm. Tiburon, CA: H. J. Kramer, 1995.
——. Journey Into Oneness. Tiburno, CA: H. J. Kramer, 1994.
Rogo, D. Scott. Leaving the Body. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1983.
——. Mind Beyond the Body. New York: Penguin, 1978.
Scott, Mary. Science and Subtle Bodies: Towards a Clarification of Issues. London: College of Psychic Studies, 1975.
Sculthorp, Fredrick C. More about the Spirit World. London: The Greater World Assoc., 1975.
Sewall, May Wright. Neither Dead Nor Sleeping. (Publisher unknown).
Shay, J. M. Out of Body Consciousness. Plattsburgh, NY: We are One, 1972.
Shirley, Ralph. The Mysterji of the Human Double; The Case for Astral Projection. New York: University Books, 1965.
Smith, Suzy. The Enigma of Out-of-Body Travel. New York: Signet, 1965.
——. Out-of-body Experiences for the Millions. Los Angeles: Sherboume Press, 1968.
Society of Metaphysicians. An Introduction to the Study of Astral Projection. Hastings, England: Society of Metaphysicians, 1977.
Stack, Rick. Out-of-Body Adventures: 30 Days to the Most Exciting Experience of Your Life. Chicago/New York: Contemporary Books, 1988.
Steiger, Brad. Astral Projection. Rockport, MA: Para Research, Inc., 1982.
——. In My Soul I Am Free. Minneapolis: Eckankar.
——. The Mind Travellers. New York: Award Books, 1968.
——. Other Worlds, Other Universes: Playing the Reality Game. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1975.
Studer, Jack J. Treasures of the Psychic Realm. Marina del Rey, CA: DeVorss & Company, 1976.
Sutphen, Dick and Trenna. Astral Projection: Hypnosis album (Cassettes). Scottsdale, AZ: Valley of the Sun Publishing, 1980.
Swann, Ingo. To Kiss Earth Goodbye. New York: Dell Publishing, 1975.
Time-Life (Editors of). Psychic Voyages. Richmond, VA: Time-Life Books, 1987.
Tart, Charles T. Altered States of Consciousness. Garden City, NY: Anchor/Doubleday, 1969.
——. Out of the Body Experience (sound recording). Big Sur Recordings, 1968.
Taylor, Albert. Soul Traveler. Covina, CA: Verity Press, 1996.
Travis, Steve. From Out of the Blue: A Spiritual Adventure. West Chester, PA: Whitford Press, 1990.
Turvey, Vincent. The Beginnings of Seership. New Hyde Park, NY: University Books, 1969.
Twitchell, Paul. Eckankar. New York: Lancer Books, 1969.
——. Tiger's Fang. Minneapolis: Eckankar.
VanDam, Vee A. K. The Psychic Explorer. London: Skoob Books, 1986.
Walker, Benjamin. Beyond the Body. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974.
Wake, Wilma. Beyond the Body. New York: Dorchester Publishing, 1979.
Willson, Terrill. How I Learned Soul Travel. Minneapolis: Eckankar, 1987.
YRAM (Marcel Louis Forhan). Practical Astral Projection. New York: Samuel Weiser, 1972.
Zaleski, Carol. Otherworld Journeys. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.
OBE Books in Other Languages
Bourgine, Jerome. Le voyage Astral: Enquete Sur les Voyages Hors du Corps. Monaco: Editions du Rocher, 1993.
Bun Ninket. Khomun Prachak Tai Laeo Koet. Chiang Mai: Sun Khomun Prachak Tai Laeo.
Fabricius, Johannes. Dodsoplevelsens Psykologi. Kobenhavn: Rhodos, 1972.
Fischer, Reinhard. Raumfahrt der Seele. Freiburg, Germany: Verlag Hermann Bauer, 1975.
Guesne, Jeanne. Le Grand Passage: Mes Experiences de Dedoublement. Paris, France: Courrier du Livre, 1978.
Lancelin, Charles. Methode de Dedoublement Personnel. Paris, France: Henri Durville.
Lancelin, Charles. La vie Posthume; Recherches Experimentales D'apres les Plus Recentes Donnees de la Physique, de la Psycho-Physiologie et de la Psychologie Experimentale. Paris, France: Henri Durville, 1922.
Nemere, Istvan. Kilephetsz Testedbol: A Spiritisztak Titkai. Budapest: Libroservo, 1991.
Roca, Muntanola J. Viaje al Anauniverso: El Viaje Astral: Parapsicologia, Esoterismo, Metafìsica. Barcelona, Spain: Editorial Alas, 1974.
Thonhthiu Suwannathat. Tai Laeo Pai Nai. Kotho: Kongthun Lok Thip, 1988.
‘Ubayd, Ra'uf Sadiq. Zawahir Al-khuruj Min Al-jasad, Adiilatuha, Dalalatuha. (Publisher unknown), 1974.
Waelti, Ernst R. Der Dritte Kreis des Wissens: Ausserkorperliche Erfahrungen, Eine Mystik der Naturwissenschaft. Interlaken, Germany: Ansata-Verlag, 1983.
Online Resources
Bruce, Robert, http://www.tower.com.au/~rsb/treatise.html. Treatise. OBE. Internet, 1994.
DeGracia, Don. http://www.lava.net/~goodi
n/do_obe/index.html. Astral Projection Class on Compuserve (“DO_OBE”). Internet, 1994.
Smed, Joumi. Out-of-Body FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Internet, 1994.
Out-of-Body newsgroup (usenet), alc.out-of-body. Public forum on OBEs and astral projection.
http://www.lava.net/~goodin/astral.html. Astral Projection Home Page. An excellent resource with lots of good links.
http://www.linknet.it/Spirit.html. Spirit WWW. Another excellent resource.
http://www.monroe-inst.com. The Monroe Institute.
http://www.hrpub.com. Hampton Roads Publishing.
Note:The best source of online information on the internet is to use one of the many free internet search engines to search for the keywords “Astral Projection.” An example search engine is: http://www.lycos.com.
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