Mansion Halloween Ball

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Mansion Halloween Ball Page 2

by Belita Renn

  "Did you see the office door on the right closing?” she whispered because of the security system.


  Chapter Three

  He opened Larry Simm's office door as Carie Clark and another woman walked past. Pausing in the doorway, he listened to the musical tone of her voice. His eyes focused on the come-hither sway of her hips and the way the material of her dress cupped beneath the rounded curves, hinting at the crease between her thighs.

  His member twitched and lengthened. His aroused attention focused on her ankles and slid up the curved of her calves, the skirt swallowed her thighs and he wanted to push up the material and continue the exploration. The need to explore every inch of her body was urging him to follow her.

  Clenching his hands into fists, he locked his knees. The head in his pants waving for attention, his eyes moved over her waist and skimmed up the slick line of her back to the silken tresses she was threatening to cut. Hoping he would get the chance to run his hands through it, he silently willed her to forget about cutting it. Her face in profile, she was concentrating on her friend and their hushed conversation.

  Hearing that the employees were not allowed to comment on the actions of their superiors gained the business side of his attention. Now that was a bit of information that he had never heard from the executives. What were they trying to hide? How long had the rule been in force? Was it a new rule since they decided to sell, or was it a long-term policy of the company? These were questions that he intended to discover the answers too.

  As she turned to enter the lift, his gaze slid across her features, lingering on her kissable lip, sliding down to the full line of her breasts. Licking his lips, he stepped back and closed the office door.

  "Was there something else sir?” Simm queried from his desk. Head of security Simm was turning out to be very helpful.

  "I believe I am going to need one more thing from you.” Turning back, he smiled at the little man. Simm was one of those quiet people who were easily overlooked. He dressed in plain basic clothing, and his features were pale. His unimpressive appearance was perfect for his line of work.

  * * * *

  "Shoot, we're going to get fired,” whispering in an aside, she watched the lights on the elevator blink on and then off as the elevator descended.

  "Maybe they didn't hear anything,” Mary said with hope, encouraging her not to accept defeat.

  "I imagine we will find out by tomorrow evening.” Mary continued. Sighing from relief as the light reached the lower floors. The urge to escape the building was strong in her. Shoving the dark thoughts aside, she determined not to worry, yet.

  "Look at it this way; we won't be forced to go to the Halloween Ball, if we get sacked.” She stepped from the elevator into the crowded lobby. People that were in no hurry to depart stood in small groups dotted around the entrance hallway.

  Speaking in hushed tones, they concealed their conversations, making the rooms sound as though a loud buzz was echoing around the hallway.

  It was Mary's week to drive. Pretending not to worry about whom might have overheard their conversation; they paused to speak to Mrs. Winslow before leaving the building.

  "She will be retiring the night of the Halloween Ball. It is for her we must attend, if for no other reason.” Carie remarked after walking away from the elderly woman, dressed in a professional gray business suit, with a white carnation in her lapel. She looked the part of an executive's assistant.

  "You know you would attend if Winslow wasn't retiring. Working for the Vice President has its obligations."

  "Yes, it does. If you took your obligations seriously, you might get that raise,” she teased, adjusting her narrow purse that she held beneath her arm.

  "It hasn't helped you,” Mary pointed out in a childishly rebellious tone.

  "True,” she admitted, accustomed to crossing the company parking lot to the pay lot on the far side of the street.

  Mary dropped her before her townhouse; she waved and then hurried up the sidewalk to the door.

  Inside she stripped to her underwear and then wrapped her body in a bathrobe. A short time later, she had made a vegetable and fruit tray. After carrying it to her sitting room, she placed it on the side table. Then crossing to the stereo, she switched it on to play her favorite soft-rock music.

  Sighing, she remembered the wine she had intended to drink. Upon returning to the kitchen, she removed the chilled wine from the refrigerator and then searched for the corkscrew. She had just found the corkscrew as the doorbell rang so she hurried to the door.

  After opening the door, she stared in shock at the handsome man standing at her door. Tall, with refined features and a French style hat on his head with no hair visible. It was his only flaw. Although a shaved head was a popular style, she preferred a little hair to stroke. He was dressed in a nice suite that appeared to be of excellent quality, it showed off his broad shoulders and lean hips to perfection.

  Aside from the shaved head she assumed was hidden beneath the hat, he was a dreamy male. She would use him in her fantasy tonight. His hat was the only clothing she would allow this French lover.

  While she studied him, he looked her over. In her bathrobe, she was probably an amusing sight.

  "Miss Carie Clark, this is for you,” speaking with formal precision, he held out an envelope for her to accept.

  Reaching for the envelope, she had forgotten the bottle and corkscrew in her hand. Smiling he accepted the bottle, so she was able to take the envelope.

  "If I may?” He held out his hand for the corkscrew. Hesitating a moment, she glanced down at the envelope and then passed the corkscrew opener to him absently. The envelope was from her company. Surely, they weren't sacking her already?

  The cork squeaked as he pulled it from the bottle. The sound reclaimed her attention.

  "Oh, thank you.” Quickly she shoved the envelope into the pocket of her robe.

  He held out the bottle and opener. When she accepted them from him, he turned and strode away with long easy gliding strides. Sighing, she closed the door.

  "Why can't I meet someone that looks like that who is interested in me?” She asked, turning the wine bottle up and taking deep pull while crossing the room, then sat it on the table as she was sitting down. Tossing the envelope on the table, she lifted the tray and started eating fearing she would lose her appetite if she opened it first.

  She wasn't opening it until she had eaten. She stared at the envelope while eating, a knot growing in her stomach.

  Unable to stand the suspense any longer Carie set her food aside and took up the envelope, wondering if Mary had received an envelope. She was tempted to call. They could tear them open together.

  Mary would have torn the envelope open immediately and called her. If she hadn't received an envelope there was no reason to make her worry when it could be unnecessary. Puffing out a breath of tension, she tore it open.

  Withdrawing the letter inside she read.

  Miss Clark,

  The position as the assistant for the company President will be open after the Halloween Ball. The President has been decided to offer you the position. You are to report to his office on the Monday morning following the Ball. Your income will increase ten thousand a year.

  We would like you to pick a replacement secretary for Mr. Phifer, as you know his temperament. Merely, notify the employment office Friday, and they can notify the person to report to Phifer Monday morning."

  Grasping the wine, she took a deep swig. She didn't believe it.

  This had to be a cruel joke; ten thousand a year raise, no way. This was someone's sick joke and once she got her hope up she would go to work tomorrow and get sacked.

  The following day she received flowers and a note of congratulation from the President's office. Mrs. Winslow had signed the card.

  So, it could be real. Jubilation surged through her body. Still, she could be fired at any moment. She reminded herself not to get her expectations up before s
he actually started the job.

  This feeling of having her job on the line was a thorn in her neck. She always knew it was there, but it wasn't hurting, yet. At the moment, when so much was hanging in the balance for her, she felt like ringing Mary's neck for making the comment that put their jobs at risk.

  She would tell Mary over lunch so she would know the pressure Carie was under. She had two more days to get through before the ball. Then there would be the week following the ball when she would be learning her new boss and his preferences.

  The car pool would need to end, as she had to be available anytime the president needed her. She could be called on at quitting time to stay another hour or two. She couldn't make Mary wait that long. Still, it could all be a cruel joke that someone with a twisted mind had concocted to torture her. The pressure was like a canon ball sitting on her shoulders. She didn't know how she was ever going to get any sleep until this was over.

  At lunch, a group from the editorial department sat at their table so there was no opportunity to tell Mary the news. After work, she walked from the elevator with the flowers in hand. Mary almost dropped her travel cup of coffee upon seeing the flowers.

  "Carie, have you got a new fellow and didn't tell me?” Her stunned expression and tone were almost insulting.

  It wasn't as though she never dated. She merely had more requirements when making a choice than Mary.

  "I will tell you outside. There will be no more personal talk where others might overhear."

  "I hear you. I have been tense as a rat in a trap. Gabe got his walking papers today. He gets to stay until tomorrow to show the new person what is required. Basically, they are paying him to train his replacement."

  "No! After those raises, I thought he was definitely the one with a secure position.” Feeling the door close on her trap there was tightness in her chest, forcing her to breath between parted lips.

  "You and me both. But, his boss got canned too. All though she gets to stay longer to train her replacement.” Mary whispered. They were outside the building, but the open space of the parking lot could carry sounds.

  "Oh dear, that does sound bad. Do you think they are down-sizing?” Biting her bottom lip, Carie felt the chances of retaining her position shrinking. “Mr. Phifer always claimed there was no money available, so he couldn't give me a raise."

  "Girl, you don't mingle enough with the ranks. The rumor over the water cooler is that the company is being bought. They have been keeping it secret, so the stock wouldn't drop."

  "I don't think a new owner, or new management should affect stock as long as the quality of the magazine doesn't go down."

  Opening the car door Mary slipped into the driver's seat and then pressed the switch to unlock the passenger door for Carie.

  Sliding into the passenger seat, Carie arranged the flowers between her knees and then buckled her seatbelt. “What we think doesn't matter where the stock is concerned,” she reminded, arranging her long hair over her shoulder.

  "So, tell me about the new guy. I want all the juicy details.” Starting the car, Mary twisted and backed out from the parking space.

  "The flowers are not from a man. They are from the company.” Carie waited until they were safely in the flow of traffic before continuing. “I received a message at home that I had been selected for the position as assistant for the president. I'm to start the Monday after the Ball. If it isn't a hoax."

  Mary whistled in appreciation. Cutting her eyes, she cast Carie a quick glance. The car swerved. “You're kidding, and you didn't tell me? What makes you think it's a hoax?"

  "Someone, perhaps if they overheard the comment at the elevators, wants to torture me before giving me the sack. Mary, watch the road. I didn't say anything, because I thought it was a hoax. I figured whoever heard us talking was building me up for a big letdown."

  "So the flowers may be a hoax too?"

  "Could be, but the card has the company logo, and it is signed by Mrs. Winslow. That is if it is her legit signature, but I have no way of knowing."

  "We are not getting sacked, because I haven't gotten sacked. And as I'm the one that said it, they should fire me first. Oh man."

  Leaning slightly, Mary punched Carie's arm. “You are moving up. I am so thrilled for you."

  "Don't be yet. I haven't pleased the new boss. And if there is a new owner, I could still be out within the week. However, there is another wrinkle. I am to choose my replacement. Naturally, I would choose you, but I have to tell employment Friday to send you to replace me, and they will hire someone to replace you."

  Mary hissed. “It would be like we were both quitting our present boss if it is a hoax. We could end up with nowhere to go on Monday, but onto the street."

  "I see you understand. So, do I send your name to employment as my replace?"

  "Yeah, what the hey? The way I see it, if we are going to be fired we will be out one way or another. This way we will know for certain Monday. Why not take the chance that it is legit. What have we got to lose? Besides, I would be a fool to pass on a promotion to your job. If I did and this is real I would never forgive myself for passing up the chance for promotion. Hey I will get a raise right?"

  "You will have to work hard to keep it."

  "I am willing to work hard, merely for the pleasure of being able to claim I work for the vice-president."

  "It's not really that much of an honor."

  "It is for those of us who have never had a shot at the position."

  She chuckled. “Well all right, I will turn in your name."

  "So what you gonna do? You cannot spend the whole weekend pacing the floor."

  "I'll go to the party, forget my worries and be happy. I haven't a care in the world. Worrying isn't going to change anything."

  Mary laughed. “We are lucky the boss expects us to have a blast and live it up at the party. I have always hated going to stuffy parties."

  "This could be our last good bash if we are getting a new owner,” she reminded. “And you know the reason Morrison wants us to be wild at the party is because someone always takes off their clothes and some have even had sex in view of everyone. It is free entertainment and costs him nothing."

  Mary sobered. “Your right. Well, it is the last party Gabe will be attending at least as an employee. I plan to have a good time, so if it is my last one I will be going out with a good memory. I may even find ole Phifer and give him a good one to keep my job."

  Carie chuckled. “I wouldn't put it past you. I still cannot believe Gabe got dismissed. Was he given a reason?"

  "I don't think he was. He was pretty mad when I spoke to him. Ranting and that kind of thing, but he never mentioned why he was fired. You work in the vice-presidents office; nothing came over your desk about Gabe?"

  "Nothing.” Shaking her head, Carie saw her house come into view. “What are you going to be at the Halloween Ball? Did you get a costume?"


  "I have always loved her look. See you tomorrow. I'll meet you at the bar."

  Reaching for the door handle, she opened the door and slipped from the seat.

  Struggling to maintain a hold on the flowers, she shifted them in her arms as she started up the front walk.

  Once inside she placed the flowers on the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room. She sighed in relief, kicking off her heals as she padded across the room to the dining area with a bar that separated the kitchen from the dining room.

  She would be leaving the flowers on the bar for the weekend, they would be a reminder that soon she would be the president's assistant, or without a job. Then she headed toward her bedroom.

  Mrs. Wilson was mainly referred to as Morrison's secretary/assistant. The title for the position may have changed, but she doubted that the work would vary all that much from what she was doing now. It was that small title change that had her worried. The president wouldn't have made a mistake and called her an assistant, instead of secretary/assistant as he always re
fers to Mrs. Wilson.

  "If I am lucky the new president will be a sweet old dear. Maybe he will even give me a big Christmas bonus and a raise at New Years.” She snorted. “Dream on."

  Having a new owner, the budget will be tight until they see how the stocks are going to be affected by the change. It wasn't a pleasant thought but it was a common occurrence in business. Still a ten thousand a year raise would ease the pressure on her finances but she would probably be forced to purchase business suites to wear. No doubt, she would be ordered to cut her hair into a short professional style. She wouldn't cut it until she knew what was expected of her.

  Chapter Four

  For two days, she wondered and worried if there was a new owner, also about the new owner, and the security of her position with the magazine. Would the new owner elect a new president? Or would she be working for Mr. Morrison? Only time would reveal the answers.

  On Friday, the day of the party, she sent Mary's name to the employment department as her replacement to start Monday. After work, she was on her way out the door when someone called her name.

  Turning, she saw a young man hurrying toward her with an envelope in his hand.

  "I was afraid I wouldn't catch you before you departed. I'm sorry I missed you at your office, we must have crossed in the elevators.” Stopping before her, he held out the envelope.

  It could have been a snake as a feeling of dread washed over her.

  "Who told you to bring this?” Taking the envelope, she queried.

  "I don't know, it was delivery to us from the mailroom. There must have been a mix up by the delivery guys. It should have been delivered with the post. Instead it ended up in the messenger room."

  "Thank you.” Did pink slips go through the messenger room?

  Tipping his head in acknowledgement, he turned and walked away.


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