Mansion Halloween Ball

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Mansion Halloween Ball Page 5

by Belita Renn

  "Physical attraction and drink is not the foundation to build a relationship upon."

  His voice raised to over ride her argument, not so loud as to embarrass, but to be overheard as she appeared to be dismissing his reasons.

  "I'm not a one night stand damn it, you cannot make love to me and then walk away, I won't allow it. I will not be used as a sex object and cast aside as though I were a mere dildo.” Still, he spoke loud enough for her to wish to caution him to speak softer.

  Therefore, she covered his mouth and “shushed” him. “Will you keep your voice down,” she ordered softly. Twisting she looked around to see if they were being overheard.

  "I am not a whore,” urgently, he whispered.

  "All right, keep your voice down,” immediately she whispered. “I'm sorry. All right? Certainly, I would like to see you again.” Rising animosity put a harsh edge to her whispered words. “I merely thought you were being kind and I didn't want you to feel obligated."

  He grinned. It was a charming grin. Now that the makeup was gone from his lips, she was able to see the smooth plump pillow of his bottom lip in the dim light from a street lamp.

  "I know I dressed...” She waved a hand at her outfit, unable to think of an appropriate word. She didn't think it appropriate to use the word whore, after he had used it in reference to himself. He would think she was asking him to swear he hadn't thought that of her. “But that was for the party. I was feeling a little tipsy when I dressed."

  There was no reason to tell him the real reason she had felt like going out with a bang. Her job might be finished and now she had finished off her pride.

  "You look beautiful.” As she had suspected he thought she needed an ego boost.

  "Thank you."

  The cab was coming down the lane toward them. Standing she prepared to leave. Did she kiss him goodbye or offer a friendly smile? She chose the smile.

  "Thank you for making this a lovely evening that I will always remember.” She waved and the cab drove to the curb and stopped beside her.

  "I will see you Monday.” Opening the cab door, he held it while she slid onto the seat.

  She nodded, smiled and closed the door. She hadn't told him her name or address, nor he her. It was doubtful she would ever see him again.

  Well, she had made a proper fool of herself at the party. The only thing that would save her pride and allow her to hold her head up around her co-workers was if none of them discovered what she had done tonight.

  Closing her eyes, she leaned against the cool glass of the side window and gazed out at the dark sky with tiny twinkling stars. The full moon that had bathed them behind the servant's quarters was blocked from view by the trees.

  When the cab stopped, she passed the driver her money and slipped from the interior. She scanned the area for signs of movement as she hurried up the sidewalk. Although she wasn't expecting to be attacked, she had seen enough movies to know to be careful.

  After retrieving her key, she opened the door and stepped inside. She locked the door, kicked off her shoes, then headed toward the bathroom. She stripped before the mirror while she gazed at the red lip paint on her areolas.

  He had left his temporary mark on her body. It was a memento that she was unable to keep in remembrance of her journey into the land of fantasy. But the mark he had left on her soul and memory would be with her forever.

  He had been special, his voice, his body, his lips and even his large hands had been a perfect fit for her.

  Chapter Five

  The next morning she had the blues. She had made a total fool of herself with a complete stranger.

  "He couldn't be a more complete stranger,” dryly she mocked herself. Dressing in jeans and t-shirt, she prepared for a day of self-punishment.

  Spending the day cleaning, she worked hard and non-stop to burn off the adrenalin pumping into her system from self-anger. By the time evening arrived, she had cleaned until she was exhausted.

  Pouring a glass of wine, she carried it to the sofa and sank onto the cushion.

  Before drinking, she looked at the light colored liquid through the clear glass.

  "You got me into pleasurable trouble last night. Now take care of me tonight."

  Sipping, she considered what lay ahead of her on the morrow. She had to go to work and discover if someone had made a total idiot out of her and caused her to lose a job that provided her with the roof over her head.

  Enjoying the delicate taste of the wine, she wondered if she would be able to afford to purchase it in the future. What nagged at her mind most was the deep fear that she had cost her friend her job also by sending her name to the business department.

  She drank enough to relax and sleep.

  There was the possibility that in losing her job she had gotten Mary a promotion. If that happened, she would not begrudge Mary the new position. It would be the one bright spot in her dismal situation.

  Making certain that she didn't over drink she retired. No way was she going to arrive in the morning with a hangover.

  The following morning she laid out her favorite work outfit. She knew that the slightest flaw would make her feel self conscious and uncomfortable. Today she wanted to have all of her confidence available, like a protective blanket.

  After a quick shower, she dressed and then styled her hair. She applied makeup with care and then ate a light breakfast. With the key to the company building in hand, she left her home.

  Carie arrived at work early as instructed. She used the supplied key and entered the empty building. Spooky was the only way to describe the hollow sound of her shoes clicking across the marble floors.

  Her fists clenched, she waited for the elevator doors to open. Once she inhaled a deep breath, she stepped into the elevator and pressed the top button for the executive floor she had worked on for the past several years. She forced her body to breathe normal breaths and struggled against the tension gripping her chest.

  When the doors swept open she stepped from the elevator with determined steps. She walked the short hall on wooden legs and arrived at the desk that would be her new home if this wasn't a hoax.

  Carie swallowed a lump before she moved to the connecting door and knocked. A deep voice called for her to enter.

  This was it, the moment of truth. She inhaled a fortifying breath and prepared to step inside the president's office. Once she opened the door, she entered on trembling legs.

  A large man sitting behind the desk rocked back in his high-back leather chair. Holding a pen between his fingers, he watched her enter his office with a serious expression. It was the messenger that had delivered the envelope to her home, the Frenchman with the dark handsome complexion. She was in Mr. Morrison's office, so the information about the buyout must be a fact.

  "Good morning sir. I have arrived early as your message stated.” If he said “what message,” was she supposed to explain the situation and pray for mercy?

  Would he be furious that she had the nerve to believe she was good enough to be his secretary slash assistant?

  "I believe I have some explaining to do.” He pointed the pen at the chair before his desk. “I am Mr. Hale Noble, I purchased this company recently. I wish to keep the purchase a secret, awhile if possible. It will be beneficial to stock if we manage it correctly. I asked you to come early because I was hoping that you would kiss your clown before the day starts, and we are officially on the clock."

  Advancing into the office, his words settled in her mind, her mouth fell open as stunned disbelief froze her mind and she stopped walking.

  He smiled. “I hope you are not mad at me. I have been very clumsy with you. I am normally more apt at romancing a woman, but you have an odd effect on me."

  Leaning forward he tossed the pen on the desk, and rose from the high back executive desk chair. His large frame rose up and she couldn't take her eyes off of him. He was as handsome as she had imagined.

  Dressed in a dark blue suit he was imposing and his size seemed
to dwarf her. Stuck to the floor, she watched him advance toward her. Her face scanned his regal features and his plump lower lip. She felt completely amazed and could think of nothing to say.

  The man she had believed she would never see again was walking toward her. Then remembering what she had allowed to happen with a complete stranger, heat rushed her face.

  He smiled almost shyly. “I made love to you before you started working for me on purpose. I didn't want you to believe it was sexual harassment when you discovered I wanted to be with you. Your job was never on the line and it still isn't even if you never see me again outside the office. Your job doesn't depend on our continuing to see each other. Nor, will I bother you at work. During office hours we will behave in a strictly business fashion. However, I would like to see you privately. I believe we have something worth pursuing.

  "I hope you will forgive my fumbling. I am in awe of your beauty and feel frightfully intimidated by the raging emotions I have for you. I know we can have a wonderful relationship, if you will give us a chance.” He stroked her soft cheek with the tips of her fingers.

  "I will do all in my power to make you as wild for me as I am for you,” softly he murmured.

  "You knew who I was at the party?” Her mind was starting to churn again, asking questions.

  He nodded; his dark eyes studied her expression for a sign of her reaction.

  "Why didn't you tell me who you were?” Her eyebrows wrinkled.

  "I did tell you my name was Hale. It meant nothing to you. Had I said your new boss you would have been self-conscious around me. I wanted you to be comfortable."

  "I thought you weren't being humorous and meant h-e-l-l.” She spelled it out.

  She inhaled a startled breath then took a step forward. “You wanted me?” She realized. “Before the party."

  Hale dipped his head. “I admit I did. I still do.” He slid his hand around her neck and held her as he leaned forward to claim her mouth.

  The touch of his lips melted the wall of tension holding her in its grip. She leaned into him and returned his kiss with equal fervor.

  She was as wild for him now as she had been at the party, perhaps more. What was it about his mouth that melted all the resistance and restrain she possessed? Her hands sliding up his chest, she pushed his coat from his shoulders. It fell away.

  Her hands moved to the buttons of his shirt and worked the buttons through the holes without conscious effort. Her full concentration was on the feel of his hands on her back, and then on his lips kissing her. A conscious part of her mind was on the feel of his body against her. She was inside his shirt touching his silken flesh before he released her mouth.

  "Does your undressing me have a meaning?” he spoke against her mouth.

  "Undressing?” Her gaze fell onto a chest covered in curly hair.

  "We have twenty five minutes, before we are on the clock.” He smiled and claimed her mouth. His hands cupped her buttock and lifted her from the floor against his hard torso. He rubbed his engorged erection again her pelvis.

  "I believe we can do better than last time."

  "Yes.” He carried her across the room. Then he sank to the floor, carrying her down with him. His hands worked quickly, removing her outfit. When she was in bra and panties he leaned away to gaze at her body. He slid the strap from her shoulders and lowered her bra, revealing her breasts to his eager gaze.

  "I see you removed my brand.” He reminded her of the last time her nipple had been in his mouth. “I shall need to give you another. Leaning down, his mouth took her nipple and suckled.

  Carie had never felt such uncontrolled desire. Her body needed his possession as much as food. He removed her remaining clothing while suckling her breast. As he slid on top of her, he lifted his head and claimed her mouth.

  "I have never needed a woman as I need you.” Positioned he thrust into her sheath. He groaned, stopped, and laid his head on her shoulder.

  "Please spend the night with me tonight."

  "Let's worry about now first.” Her body moved beneath him, rocking her pelvis up to take him deeper. “Love me, Hale. Is that your real name?"


  "My own vampire."

  "I'll drink from your body daily. You won't mind if I take your juices instead of blood?"

  Her body moved with the force beyond her control. Carie loved him while his body fed her need with his desire.

  He slid his arms beneath her knees and lifted her legs, as he thrust deep into her body.

  "Come for me baby. Come now, I'm not going to last.” He was hitting the magic spot. She didn't think she could have stopped her climax if she had wanted.

  Her body shattered as though it were ice.

  Hale claimed her mouth and drank her cries of release.

  Almost immediately, he groaned into her mouth and spewed his seed into her body.

  Soon he leaned on his elbows panting heavily, holding up his weight from her torso. “We shall be the objects of office gossip. Can you handle it?"

  She nodded, puffing. “Wasn't Betty's boyfriend Gabe fired because he was having sex with his boss?"

  "No, she is married and he was blackmailing her, and that is strictly confidential information between me and my assistant."

  That explained all the raises Gabe was receiving.

  "But you fired his boss too?"

  "She was using the company to pay the blackmail. She should have gone to the police. He lost his job, but he didn't go to prison. Don't feel sorry for a person that escaped so lightly."

  "I don't."

  He helped her to her feet. “Now my dear, I believe we should dress before we are caught in a compromising situation."

  During the day, he was completely professional. Not once did he touch her, or even look at her in a personal manner. Over lunch, she had explained to Mary what was happening, so she wouldn't be expecting her to call her after work to tell her about the new job.

  The lunchroom had new chairs that didn't snag her hair, she wondered if Hale had known of the problem. Then she remembered the last time her hair had been snagged and a man had assisted her, that man had been Hale. She was free from any obligations and more than willing to wait on her new lover, when at the end of the day he popped his head out his office doorway.

  "Wait for me; I'll only be a minute."

  A few minutes later, he was stepping from his office. Hale slipped his arm around her waist and escorted her to the private elevator.

  Once the doors closed, he pressed the stop button and locked the elevator with a key to prevent anyone from overriding his command. Opening the panel, he turned off the security camera.

  "Now my dear, where were we. Oh yes, I believe I remember.” Drawing her into his arms, he claimed her mouth.

  "I do believe you are trying to start office gossip,” she teased when he came up for air.

  "I don't care what anyone thinks, do you?"

  With her arms around his waist and pressed against his body how could she object, she shook her head. “Are we going to make love here?"

  "I know it is very unprofessional, but I don't think I can wait until tonight."

  Placing his hands on her shoulders, he slid his hands down her chest and stopped above her breasts.

  "My dear I am afraid I will stain your lovely blouse.” There was a michevious twinkle in his eyes.

  "Then I suppose the wise thing to do, would be remove it.” Solemnly she remarked.

  "I am afraid it is necessary,” he spoke seriously.

  Carie struggled to contain a smile while pretending to be resigned to her fate, they worked together to remove her blouse.

  He left her bra on, but slipped the straps from her shoulders and then sliding his hands inside he pushed down on the cups while lifting her breasts free.

  "I believe we can leave the skirt."

  Turning her to face the wall, he tipped her forward. Leaning over her back, he reached around and fondled her breasts. She felt deliciously wicked to
be undressed at work. He lifted her skirt and tugged down her underpants. Then playing with her nipple with one hand, he released his erection and slid it into her sheath.

  Holding onto the handrail on the side of the elevator, she closed her eyes and allowed the pleasurable sensations to rush through her body. She rocked back against his engorged shaft and gasped when he reached around her and fondled her sensitive nub.

  "Hold on tight sweetheart.” he grasped her hips and straightening, worked his pelvis, grinding into her and banging hard against her buttocks.

  Hard smacking sounds filled the elevator, accompanied with their grunts and moans as passion flowed through their bodies. Carie had never felt so perfectly in tune with another human.

  "You have a beautiful ass."

  "Why, thank you sir."

  "It is my honor to view it my dear. Ready for my load baby?"

  "Yess,” she squeezed out between clenched jaws as her climax rushed through her body.

  "Thank heavens.” He growled and spewed against her womb. “If I get you pregnant will you marry me?"

  "I'm on the pill."

  "So, I will have to work hard. Hold still."

  He pulled from her body and sank to his knees then spread her neither lips, and lapped her sensitized nub.

  After a minute of pleasuring her, he flattened his tongue against the little spud and suckled until she was whimpering with need.

  Smiling, he pulled away and tugged up her panties as he stood. “That should hold you until we get home."

  "Hold me! You have aroused me all over again."

  "I certainly hope so. I want to keep you hot and ready for me."

  "You plan to keep me aroused all the time?"


  "It would be hell.” she complained.

  "I'll let you enjoy being satisfied sometimes,” he conceded.

  "I should certainly hope so. Why do you want me to stay aroused?"

  "You ass swings seductively when you're aroused?"

  "And you would know this how?"


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