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Liberation Page 19

by Sabine Priestley

  “What just happened?” Kit asked.

  Balastar grasped her hand, and they turned in a full circle. There didn’t appear to be any walls. The temperature was comfortable, and there was the faintest hint of cinnamon in the air.

  “I think we’re about to find out what’s been causing the trouble with our psi,” Balastar said.

  “Is this place acceptable?” A strange, metallic-sounding voice spoke directly in his head. The scent of cinnamon was quite strong now.

  “You hear that?”

  Kit nodded. “Who are you?”

  “That is not important.”

  “Uh, yeah, it kind of is,” Kit said, spinning around.

  “You will tell us of the gateway keeper, the monolith that was recently moved. Why was it disturbed?”

  “Pfft. Why was it moved…?” Kit led them to the edge of the marble floor and reached out her hand.

  Balastar did the same. He touched something neither solid nor liquid. It was similar to a process used on Sandaria to create transparent walls and floors, only this was much softer, more malleable.

  “Because of greed?” Kit said. “Power? Because Loc Zorton is a sadistic crag’s mate?”

  “We do not understand.”

  “It was a power struggle within the guild,” Balastar said. They made their way around the perimeter of the platform. “The current leader, a man called Loc Zorton, brought it to the planet we’re docked over.”

  “One man controls the keeper?” The voice was becoming more human, less metallic.

  “Yes.” Balastar could sense the being’s emotions. It was not pleased with the news. “Are you the God that grants the guild its power?”

  Intense amusement washed over him. “We are not gods. Is that what has become of our gift to Sandaria? A new religion and power struggles?”

  “Pretty much,” Kit said. “Who are you?”

  A long pause and some conflict. “We are neighbors. Watchers. We have not paid attention for some time.”

  “Why are you talking to us?”

  “You were identified at the original resting place. Sandaria, you call it. The connection you share makes communicating easier.”

  “That would be our bond,” Kit said.

  “We must ensure the monolith’s safety.”

  There was a slight shift in psi. “We also enjoy your bond.”

  The tone of this voice was somehow different. Balastar had the impression it was meant to be heard by him and Kit alone and not the rest of its kind.

  “What do you want with us?” Kit asked.

  “The monolith should be taken someplace safe. The planet you call Earth, perhaps. We will decide its fate later. The two of you can use its remaining power. For now.”

  “Um, okay, but we’re kind of being held captive at the moment.”

  Consternation washed over her from the foreign entity. “You must resolve the issue. If you cannot, we will retrieve the monolith and all portals will vanish.”

  “All of them?” Balastar asked. Even with the ones that had failed, there were tens of thousands of portals across the galaxy. People relied on them. The devastation of millions stranded would be extreme.

  “Yes. All of them. Good luck.”

  They were back on Balastar’s ship, Marco and Jules had arrived, and everyone was talking at once.

  “Jules!” Kit let go of Balastar and hugged her friend. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m helping your boys locate you. Where did you go? We walked in to see you blink out.”

  “What was that?” Marco asked. “Scared the shit out of us.”

  Balastar shook his head. “I think we just made contact with whatever race created the portal maker.”

  “I think there was more than one, don’t you?” Kit asked.

  “Yes, but one in particular seemed to be responsible for communicating with us.”

  “How?” Armond asked.

  Kit shrugged. “We don’t know, but it has something to do with our bond.”

  “What did they want?” Marco asked.

  “They want us to take the monolith to Earth for safekeeping. If we don’t, they’ll take it back, and all the portals in the galaxy will disappear.”

  Marco frowned. “All of them?”

  “That’s what they said.” Kit paced the room. “I wonder if he meant the Vertan portals as well?”

  “Good question.” Balastar took her hand and stroked her palm with his thumb. It was an unconscious move, one she appreciated.

  “We can port you out in teams,” Armond said. “But the monolith is surely beyond our weight limit.”

  “Mystery man said Balastar and I could use the thing’s power,” Kit said. “I suspect we’ll be able to port it aboard. But we can’t do anything yet. If any of us leave, they’ll attack Vertan again.”

  “Then maybe we go planet-side and take care of that Portal Master, Loc.”

  “No, we need help,” Kit said. “They have heavily armed guards.”

  “Any idea how many?” Armond asked.

  “I don’t know. In the dozens maybe? I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen everyone. Any word from the GTO?”

  “Nothing new.” Balastar ran his hand down her arm, igniting a slow burn in her core. “I’ll reach out to Rucon, see if he can spare some support.”

  “It will take them a week to get here from Earth,” Armond said.

  “Shit.” Kit said. “I don’t know if we have a week. Whoever ported us out just now said we needed to get this sorted. Contact him anyway. See what he can do. I’m going to put out a call to the other Vertan captains. Maybe some of them are closer than Earth. I get the feeling if we can apprehend Loc, the others might not be too much trouble.”

  Balastar worked with Armond and sent a message to Rucon while Kit did the same for her Vertan captains. It would be at least an hour before they could hope to hear back from Rucon. The Vertans, however, were used to being stealthy and had a code whereby they could use the PortalNet and not worry about being overheard. Out of the fifteen Vertan ships, three were within a day’s journey, and all agreed to come. It wasn’t much, but it would have to do.

  Once they finished, Kit locked eyes with Balastar. “I can stay a couple hours. Can we talk?” She didn’t need to talk, and he knew it.

  Psi-mates who were separated soon after bonding only needed one thing. Kit followed Balastar to their room. Her desire for the man was beyond any rational thought. It was pure obsession. A requirement for her survival. The kiss was all consuming, and the feel of his skin ignited her core. They lost their clothes in a jumbled pile on the floor. His hands explored every inch of her. When he took a nipple in his mouth and plunged his fingers deep inside her, she nearly lost it.

  “Kiss me,” she said. She ran her hands through his hair and guided his head up to meet her lips. Gods, the pleasure was intense.

  She reached down and stroked Balastar as they kissed.

  He plunged his fingers in deeper and spread the wetness around her mound.

  She moaned as her body responded. He sent her over the edge, and she rode it out. So good, but she knew it would be even better when he was inside her. But not yet. Kneeling to the floor, she kissed her way south. She loved the way his muscles trembled at her touch. Their bodies spoke a language all their own.

  She trailed her tongue down his pelvis, and he spread his legs for her. She nibbled his thighs and cupped his balls. He was hard, and the thick vein that ran the length of his cock pulsed. She nibbled the tender flesh, and he moaned in response. His eyes were hooded with desire. He wanted this as much as she did.

  She wrapped her hand around his shaft, kissing her way to his head before taking him in her mouth. He tasted so good. Her lips rode him, and she sucked and licked, pumping up and down. Crazy and impossible, but she felt it between her legs as she sucked him to oblivion.

  When he came hot and hard in her mouth, she came with him. Heart pounding, she rested her forehead on his abdomen a moment, loving what
she could do to this man. Soaking up just being with him, she trailed her fingers up and down his legs as they recovered. Their energy was building, and she knew this was only the beginning.

  He reached down and helped her up.

  She stroked him until he was hard and ready again. Their psi hadn’t stopped and continued a dance that pulsed with pleasure all its own.

  He led her to the bed, and she lay back in the center, spreading her legs and welcoming him home. He teased her mercilessly, barely entering before withdrawing again. It was insanely erotic, and the sensations built with each partial penetration.

  “What are you doing?” She could hardly get the words out as the tension in their bodies and psi increased.

  “Is that a complaint?” He eased in a little further before withdrawing.

  “Mother Goddess.” She lay her head back and let him do what he pleased. No complaints from her.

  When he finally slid home, she locked her ankles around his back. Her body and psi exploded with sensations as he filled her. Pleasure rocked through her as he found their rhythm. Their psi intertwined and merged.

  Balastar took his time pumping into her, finding the spot that only he could. Short, fast thrusts had her climbing to the edge.

  Then she smelled cinnamon.

  They were on his bed, and yet somehow not. He looked at her with eyes on fire, ablaze in blue light. When he moved his hips, pleasure mounted.

  “Balastar, your eyes.”

  He smiled wide. “And yours.”

  A wave of foreign emotion washed over her. Consternation, embarrassment, curiosity, and something more. Desire?

  “They’re watching us.”

  Balastar nodded with another plunge. She understood. They couldn’t stop now.

  “I apologize. I only wanted to discuss the gateway keeper… I—I am alone.”

  Balastar growled and pounded into her again and again. The foreign psi twirled together with theirs, and the pleasure was otherworldly.

  “Oh, Goddess.” Kit’s body tensed as the orgasm exploded in and around her. She tasted cinnamon, and the world turned blue. And then there were three unique psi swirling together in a sea of ecstasy.

  Her heartbeat slowly returned to normal. She ran her fingers along Balastar’s back, the presence still with them. “Who are you?”

  “A friend?”

  “Is that a question?” Balastar propped himself up on his elbows and played with her hair. He tightened his cock inside her, sending out a jolt of pleasure.

  “Perhaps. I should not have done this, but I thank you. It is truly amazing what you have.”

  She couldn’t argue with the amazing part. What was it like for him? Did he even have a body like theirs? “I want to meet you. We want to meet you.”

  “That would be…difficult.”

  “One could argue,” Balastar said, joining the conversation, “that you owe us that much.”

  They felt the alien’s humor. “Maybe someday. I assure you this will never happen again. I will send an automated message in future to ensure your privacy. I’m afraid that once I made the connection, I was unable to stop. That was extraordinary.”

  They were getting to know this bodiless entity. And Kit liked him. “What do we call you?”

  “How about Orion?”

  “That’s a hunter figure from Earth mythology,” Balastar said.

  “Are you hunting us?” Kit asked.

  “I do not need to hunt that which I already have.” His foreign energy pulsed through them. “After what we just experienced, I feel we are…friends is the word?”

  Kit laughed. “I guess you could say that.”

  “Good. When you are ready, reach out to me. I will help you move the keeper to this ship. You must resolve the issues with Loc Zorton. My people lose patience. I will assist if possible.”

  “How do we reach you?” Kit asked.

  “Use the portalkeeper.”

  “Thank you,” Balastar said.

  With that, Orion was gone.

  “Wow.” Kit ran her hands up Balastar’s chest and into his hair, eliciting a contented sigh.

  Balastar’s eyes dimmed and returned to normal. “That was interesting.” He kissed her before sliding out and sitting up.

  Kit stretched and sat up next to him. “Poor thing was really embarrassed. Weird how we couldn’t stop, though.”

  “Yeah. Good thing he has a sense of honor. Sharing you isn’t on the agenda.”


  Later, he and Kit sat at the dining table that overflowed with the remains of a meal that should have served four but had barely sufficed for them.

  Rucon had promised to dispatch one of his most heavily armed transports and a full fifteen man unit, but a week was too long. Two of the Vertan captains would be there within two hours and the third shortly after that.

  They hoped it would be enough manpower. Even if they succeeded, they still needed the GTO to deal with the Torogs around Vertan.

  Armond came in looking half-asleep. He poured some caff and joined them at the table. One eyebrow rose as he took in the empty meal packs that littered the surface. “Are you ready to return?”


  Balastar squeezed her hand. “I’m coming with you.”

  “You can’t,” Kit said.

  “I can. I’ll stay in your room. I’m not letting you go again.” He felt her relief. He turned to Armond. “Do you have more focal points?”

  “Only five. I’ll give you four. Distribute them as you see fit. I’ll keep one here just in case.”

  “I gave the incoming Vertans Balastar’s ship’s signature,” Kit said. “They’ll contact you when they’re near. We’ll need to get together when they arrive and form our plan.”

  Armond nodded. “I shall contact Ian as soon as I hear from them.”

  “Sounds good.” Kit finished her caff and stood.

  “I’ll have to send you to the location of one of the other focal points,” Armond said.

  “Make it Dani and Ian’s room next to mine,” Kit said. “There’s an adjoining door, so it’s perfect.”

  Balastar took Kit’s hand as they stood and waited for Armond to port them down.

  “Stay safe,” Armond said.

  Balastar blinked in the darkness. Moans greeted them to their left. Expecting the worst, he swung around and pulled out his laser.

  Legs in the air, and a white ass moving at a steady rhythm.

  “Oh shit,” Kit said. “Sorry guys.” She couldn’t hide her laughter.

  The legs dropped, and Ian rolled off Dani and sat up. “What the frack? Is that you Balastar?”

  “It is. We’ll step next door and let you two finish up. Come on over when you’re done.” He joined Kit in a much needed laugh.


  Kit closed the door behind them and leaned against the smooth wood. As with virtually everything these days, seeing Ian’s tight ass pumping into her friend was a serious turn on.

  Balastar took her in his arms. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

  “That new psi-mates shouldn’t be separated?” She reached down and rubbed her hand against his erection. It strained to break free of his pants, and she was happy to oblige.

  They quickly did away with their clothes, and he pressed her against the wall. He ran his hand up her thigh and over her ass, pausing to trail his fingers between her legs. She moaned and angled her hips, desperate for penetration.

  He slid his fingers over her wetness, making her squirm.

  He reached up, wrapped his fingers in her hair, and pulled her head back. His kiss was nothing short of possession. He trailed his other hand down her side. Lifting her leg, he held it to his hip as he found her entrance and filled her completely.

  Pleasure nearly overwhelmed her as he drove in and out.

  Captive against the wall, she rode the storm that was her mate. His mouth covered hers, and he increased his tempo. Balastar moaned and buried his face in her neck. H
e gave her what she needed, and it took her breath away. She held on as he brought them to the edge and pushed them over.

  They stood still a moment, hearts pounding.

  Balastar flashed her his perfect smile.

  She was again floored by the fact he was hers. She cupped his face and ran her thumb along his perfect jawline. “Have I told you recently how much I love you?”

  “No. I don’t believe you have.”

  “I love you, Balastar Alder, with every fiber of my being.”

  A knock preceded Ian’s head popping through the door. “Frack,” he said, closing it again. “I guess we’re even now,” he said through the closed door. “Get some clothes on.”

  Kit laughed as Balastar pushed himself off her. “An ass for an ass.”

  They dressed quickly and knocked on the door to let Dani and Ian know it was clear.

  They entered the room to an awkward silence until Kit and Dani burst out laughing.

  “Good morning,” Dani said.

  “It is a good morning,” Kit replied with a wink.

  “So dish. How’d you get here?” Dani asked.

  “Forget that. How’d you find us?” Ian asked, leaning against the dresser with arms crossed.

  Balastar was filling them in on Jules and how she tracked them down when a pounding on the door to the hall startled them all. There was no time to react before the door flung open and Burns and Mouse burst into the room, weapons drawn. “Time for a little meeting down—” Burns aimed his weapon at Balastar. “You again?”

  “Just in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by,” Balastar said, raising his hands in the air.

  “Funny guy, huh? Tie him up, Frank. Use the psi-bands. And search the hell out of him. We’ll let Loc decide what to do with him.”

  Kit bit her lip. She knew firsthand what kind of crag this man was.

  When Mouse put the bands on Balastar, the absence of his psi hit her like a punch to the gut. He found Balastar’s com but not the focal points. That was something.

  “Nice of you to join us,” Burns said. “You won’t be skipping out on us this time.”


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