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Immortal Games: Betrayal

Page 3

by Elisa Adams

  “You’re speaking figuratively, right?”

  “No. I’m speaking quite literally. I can give you the gift of eternal life. All you have to do is say the word.”

  She frowned up at him, ready to tell him to take his crazy notions and shove them, but then she caught a glimpse of something that made her realize he wasn’t as crazy as she’d thought. She swallowed hard. Oh, shit.

  The guy had fangs.

  Sure, she’d heard stories growing up about vampires, werewolves and other assorted beasties. Her father and mother had believed, but Adriana had been a little more skeptical. Until now.

  She pushed him away and rushed out the door, her head spinning and her stomach threatening to heave. Vampires drank blood. Human blood. And as far as she could tell, there weren’t any other humans in the vicinity -- unless she counted the odd woman who had let her in, but Adriana now had doubts about that one’s humanity. “I think I really need to go now.”

  “You’re not leaving.”

  The words were barely above a whisper, but they hauled her to a stop as effectively as if she’d backed up against a brick wall. She sucked in a breath and pushed her hair off her face. “Are you planning on keeping me prisoner here?”

  “No.” He moved toward her until he had her up against the hallway wall. “I won’t have to.”

  What an arrogant jerk he was. At least in her fantasies she could make him a little less alpha. As if she’d really stay here just because he told her she would.

  She wanted to stay, had dreamed about being with him for years, but he didn’t need to know that. “Um, yeah, I think you will. I want to go on record now as saying, I have no interest in hanging around this place for another second.”

  “You’re lying.”

  No. But she didn’t say the word. It would have been a lie. She’d always known there was something different about Alec, something otherworldly, but had passed it off as her imagination. He’d fascinated her right from the start, but lately fantasies of him had started to take over her life. Dark, lurid fantasies that kept her up at night. She’d blamed it on her sickness, but what if he’d had something to do with it?

  “Can you read my mind?” she asked, wincing in preparation for an answer she didn’t really want.

  “No, not really. I can’t read your thoughts.”

  “But you can somehow plant suggestions in my head.”

  “They’re much more than suggestions. We have a connection. What happened between us is just as real to me as it is to you. I know you screamed my name on more than one occasion.”

  She opened her mouth to deny it, but couldn’t. Her face flamed and she glanced toward the floor. “You couldn’t have known that.”

  “Then explain how I did.”

  She closed her eyes and shook her head. This had to be the most twisted situation she’d ever found herself in, but at the same time it was exhilarating. Seeing the fangs explained a lot. “I don’t know. Do you have video cameras all over my apartment or something?”

  “I don’t need cameras.”

  “So you’re what, fucking my mind?” A little jolt of pleasure rushed through her at the thought. It was wrong, and that was half the reason it felt so right.

  He laughed. “I guess that’s one way of putting it. But, I have to admit, there are other things I’d rather be fucking.”

  Her panties dampened even more. Another few words out of his mouth and her pussy would be drenched. She opened her eyes. She wanted him. He obviously wanted her. What had she objected to again?

  There was his attitude, for one thing. The whole high and mighty act didn’t usually do anything for her, but she could look past it just this once.

  Then there was his insistence that they make a trade. It was an odd way to talk her into bed, but as far as pickup lines went, she’d heard worse. Not much worse, but there’d been a few.

  “Why didn’t you tell me? All these weeks and you never tried to contact me before the invitation you sent yesterday.”

  “I thought you’d send me away.”

  “You thought wrong.” She shook her head. Men could be so thick sometimes. “I’ve wanted you forever. If I’d known…”

  She raised her hand and placed her palm on his chest. “You’re warm.”

  “What did you expect?”

  “You’re a vampire. I thought you’d be cold. You know, dead.”

  “As you can see, I’m neither.” His hand came up to cover hers and she shivered. The heat of his cock reached her through their clothes.

  “I’m very much aware of that.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed his lips gently before settling back on her feet. His lips were warm, too, and soft. She felt the breath catch in his chest and his hand tightened over hers.

  She smiled. The control freak that he apparently was, he thought he had it all worked out. He thought everything would go the way he’d planned it.

  He really didn’t know her as well as he thought.

  She skimmed the fingernails of her free hand over one of his nipples, dragging a groan from him. His reaction urged her to do it again, with the same results.

  Alec dropped his hand from hers and cupped her chin in his palm. “Don’t tease.”

  “I’m not.” She fully intended to carry through, but she did plan to take a while getting there. He deserved it for breaking into her mind and not telling her the truth about it, though she could forgive him that -- eventually -- since he’d made it worth her while every single time.

  Adriana glanced down so he didn’t see her smile. She might not know much about him, but she knew he was a man used to having complete control over everything. The way he’d brought her here and told her she was staying showed her that. How would he feel if he knew she was anything but compliant?

  A wave of dizziness washed over her and she dug her fingers into his shoulders to keep herself upright. The wave passed within seconds, leaving her stronger than before. “Remind me never to drink again. No matter how much you insist. My body just can’t handle it.”

  He frowned. “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing. I got dizzy for a second, but I’m fine now.” More than fine. She rubbed up against him and licked her lips. “Should we maybe move this somewhere more private? Someone could walk by. And who’s that woman who was here earlier, anyway? Please don’t tell me you’re married or something.”

  “She’s no one important. And no, I’m not married.”

  He said the word as if it left a bad taste in his mouth, and she nearly laughed. But her humor soon evaporated. Alec grabbed her wrists and pressed her arms against the wall over her head. She pushed against his touch, but he was too strong and though she felt stronger tonight than she had in a while, her illness left her weak. So she let her head drop back and she stared up at him, into dark eyes filled with heat and passion and a mix of emotions she couldn’t identify. He held her wrists in place with one hand and used the other hand to tilt her chin up. Then he leaned down and his lips skimmed her neck.

  She thought for a second about pushing against his hold, but the thought was gone almost as soon as it entered her head. It felt so good to finally feel his weight against her, his lips and tongue trailing a path from her chin to her collarbone. She wouldn’t deny herself the pleasure, not when she’d been wanting it for so long.

  Alec’s teeth nipped at her collarbone and he started gathering her dress in his hand. The material rose up her legs, but apparently not fast enough for him, since he dropped her wrists to free his other hand up to tug at the fabric. She lifted his chin and tried to kiss him, but he shook his head.

  “Why won’t you kiss me?” she asked, aching for his lips on hers. A tiny brush didn’t count as a real kiss, and no way was she letting this go any further if he didn’t at least give her that.

  He glanced down at her with a worried expression. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I really don’t care if you do.”

  Where had that thought come from? Must have
been the wine. The excuse was getting tired, but at the moment it was the only one she had to explain her behavior.

  He didn’t give her much of a chance to think about it. In the next second, his lips crushed down over hers, his tongue delving into her mouth when she opened it in surprise. Her hands rested on his shoulders and she started pulling his shirt up his back, suddenly desperate to feel his skin against hers.

  “If you don’t want an audience, you might want to move into your bedroom.”

  Adriana gasped against Alec’s mouth at the sound of the masculine voice. Alec broke the kiss and turned his head toward the man who’d spoken. “What do you want, Ian?”

  Ian. She’d heard her father mention that name before, always in conjunction with Alec’s.

  “I just came to warn you. If you don’t go somewhere private, I’m sure you’ll have company soon.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.” As soon as the words were out of Alec’s mouth, he was grabbing for Adriana’s hand and leading her toward a door at the opposite end of the hall. He opened the door, ushered her inside and slammed it closed behind them.

  She gaped up at him, still confused at the speed in which he seemed to move. Not lightning-fast, but enough to make her blink. “What was that all about?”

  “Wouldn’t want company right now, would you?” He spoke the words against her neck, pulling her to him and spinning her around so her back faced the large bed she’d spied against the far wall.

  “No. Definitely no company.”


  Alec wasted no time tearing at her clothing, tugging the dress up and throwing it over her head. She didn’t notice where it landed, didn’t care. All she could think about was getting him naked so she could finally see in person what she’d been seeing in her head all these years.

  After he stripped off the rest of her clothes, he went to work on his own and soon he stood in front of her, his gaze so hot she was afraid it might scorch her skin. He was as beautiful as she remembered from her fantasies. Tall and strong, his muscles sculpted and his cock jutting out from a nest of dark hair. She sat back on the bed and licked her lips.

  He smiled. “You’re beautiful.”

  “I’m a stick. I have no body at all, thanks to this disease.” A disease that she hadn’t felt the effects of since she’d stepped through his door. She felt like she had before she’d gotten sick -- healthy and strong. Alive.

  “Don’t say things like that.”

  The anger in his tone took her by surprise. She swallowed hard, nervous but unsure why. “I was only telling the truth.”

  He advanced on her, stopping when he stood a foot away. And then he dropped to his knees. “The truth as you see it, not as others do. You have no idea what I see when I look at you.”

  He really thought she was beautiful, skinny body and sallow skin and all. She saw the truth in his eyes and she would have cried, had she allowed herself the luxury of tears. Instead, she touched his cheek with her palm and leaned down to kiss him. She barely knew him, yet she felt like he’d been in her life forever.

  When she broke the kiss, he settled her back against the mattress. His hands moved to her knees and nudged her legs apart. He brought his mouth to her pussy and stroked his tongue along her folds. She cried out, her hips arching toward him to increase the contact. It had been months since she’d let a man touch her -- far too long --but she hadn’t felt up to sex. Now everything had changed. It was a strange combination, the wine, the man, the house… she didn’t know what made her feel different. Maybe it was everything. Whatever it was, she didn’t want it to stop. Feeling alive again was the most amazing feeling in the world.

  The pleasure built inside her with each stroke of his tongue, driving her closer and closer to the breaking point. She tangled one hand in his thick hair, the other in the silky comforter under her, and held on tight.

  He spread her lips with his fingers and thrust his tongue into her pussy. At the same time, he pressed down on her clit with the pad of his thumb. That was all it took to push her over the edge. She tightened her fingers in his hair, her hips arching off the bed, as she rode the waves of the climax. Her eyes squeezed shut. Her breath sawed in her lungs, the tremors racing through her, and yet, he didn’t let up.

  When he finally broke the contact cool air rushed over her and she cried out, but he didn’t give her a chance to complain. With urgent movements, Alec untangled her fingers from his hair, scooted her up the mattress and knelt between her thighs.

  His smile as he looked down at her made her shiver and squirm. Her juices glistened on his chin in the flickering candlelight that filled the room. Time seemed to slow to a crawl while she waited, her body heating under his scrutiny. His gaze roamed her body, seeming to take in every inch of her, before he settled his hands at her waist.

  “I have to be honest with you,” he said softly. “I don’t think I can last very long tonight.”

  “My body can’t handle too much, anyway.” She ran her tongue along her bottom lip. “So it’s fine.”

  “Are you too tired now?”


  “Adriana.” His tone held a warning and his gaze searched her face, probably looking to see if she was lying.

  She wasn’t. She hadn’t felt so exhilarated in months. “I’m fine, Alec. Really. Please, just touch me.”

  He gave her a short nod of acceptance before lifting her hips and thrusting his cock into her, setting off another round of tiny explosions in her nerves. Her pussy quivered around his length and she arched her back. His hands skimmed her body, past her ribcage, until he cupped her breasts in his palms. His thumbs brushed her peaked nipples, dragging a harsh groan from her. When he started to move his hands away, she grabbed his wrists to hold him in place.

  “Don’t stop. Don’t stop any of it, okay?”

  “Okay.” He leaned over her, his hair brushing his face. She raised her hips to meet each of his thrusts, the stirrings of another climax building low in her belly. It didn’t take more than a few strokes for her to topple over the edge, and this time she took Alec with her.

  When the tremors had stopped and her body had stilled, Alec pulled out and collapsed next to her on the bed. He glanced at her, his eyes glazed over, and gave her a smile that on anyone else she would have described as sweet. It didn’t fit him, but it was endearing anyway and she smiled back. In the morning, she was sure she’d have regrets, but right now, she couldn’t think of one.

  Chapter 5

  Alec leaned against the headboard, his arm resting on his bent knee, watching the even rise and fall of Adriana’s chest as she slept. He let out a breath. She looked so peaceful, and yet so pale at the same time. She wasn’t so much sleeping as recovering, and it would be a while before she woke. The drink he’d given her had worn off, and last night had taken a lot out of her. Maybe too much. He’d robbed her of her strength and he had to do something to make it right. There was a permanent fix for what ailed her, but for now he’d have to stick with the temporary solution.

  He took a knife from the top drawer of his bedside table and made a one-inch cut in the pad of his hand. He brought his hand to her slightly parted lips, praying that instinct would kick in. It did, and she swallowed in her sleep. He let out a sigh of relief, and, after a few moments, pulled his hand away. A few drops of his blood would strengthen her, for now, but it wouldn’t heal her. Only turning her could do that, and he couldn’t force that on her. But he wouldn’t sit back and watch her die, either. He didn’t go back on his promises.

  “If I didn’t know you better, I’d swear there was tenderness on your face right now. But that can’t be right. You don’t have a tender bone in your body. At least you pretend you don’t.”

  Alec’s gaze snapped up and snagged with Elena’s. She stood in the doorway, a mug in one hand and the morning paper in the other. A silk robe draped her body. So bright red in color, he almost felt the need to shield his eyes.

  She stepped into the room, tosse
d the paper on the foot of the bed and set the mug on the bedside table. “I thought your friend might want some coffee when she wakes.”

  “That’s a nice gesture.” He lifted the mug to his nose and sniffed the contents. “Though I suspect an ulterior motive. What did you put in it?”

  Elena shrugged one shoulder. “Cream and sugar. Isn’t that how most humans drink the vile beverage?”

  “What else did you put into it?”

  “Nothing. Really.” She glanced toward Adriana and sighed. “I didn’t do anything to her coffee, unlike the wine you gave her last night.”

  “You know why I had to do that.”

  “Sure. Can’t tell her the truth now, can you?” She smiled before turning her attention back to Adriana. “How is she? Will she wake up soon?”

  Alec rolled his eyes. He should have seen this coming. Elena had a thing for the wounded, the frail. In fact, he had a feeling Adriana would fascinate most of the people around here. An illness like hers would have that sort of effect on his kind. “What do you want?”

  Elena glanced back at him, a spark in her eyes. “Can I play with her?”

  Though he’d expected her question, something fierce rose in him -- a beast clamoring to get out of a cage deep in the recesses of his mind. He narrowed his eyes and growled, moving closer to Adriana. “No. Hell, no. She’s not yours.”

  She pouted. “She’s not yours, either.”

  “Actually, she is. And you know why.”

  “Don’t I have something to say about that?”

  His gaze dropped and he found Adriana looking up at him, fire sparking in her eyes. When she saw Elena sitting on the bed, she yanked the sheet up to her chin and squealed. “What is she doing here? In your bed, of all places?”

  It wasn’t any place Elena hadn’t been before, but Adriana didn’t need to know that. “She was just leaving.”

  Elena flopped down on the mattress and smiled at Adriana. “How are you feeling today?”

  Adriana scooted closer to him and pulled her knees up to her chest. “Fine, thanks. Am I the only person here who thinks this is a little strange?”


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