Immortal Dreams

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Immortal Dreams Page 1

by Sage, Jennifer

  Immortal Dreams

  by Jennifer Sage

  Copyright 2011 Jennifer Sage

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Note from author




  This book is for my daughter, without whom I may never have had the inspiration to sit down and write again. She saved me from a great many things, and returned me to myself. To my readers who helped me get through the adventure intact, and last but never least to my family and friends who all read it (yes mom, I know it made you blush), helping me through some of the typos and such. To my editor Patti, you are so damned awesome and I’m blessed to have your angelic presence in my life. And last but never least, to the man that helped me find my inspiration again and my own immortal love. I love you all so very much. :)

  Chapter 1

  This is going to be a good one.

  “That’s my girl,” he purred as she took the cloth from his hands and began to run the washcloth in slow circles along his chest. The water fell in small streams down his torso and into the steaming water below. The bruises had already begun to fade from battle and as she peered over at his leg she saw that it too had nearly closed. Her gaze strayed moving up his thigh and she nearly gasped when she saw the size of him. Were all immortals made this way? Her body shook a little and she couldn’t help it when her tongue moistened her lips automatically.

  Hands slightly trembling, she lathered the cloth with soap and decided it would be safer to move to his back instead and there she took her time, watching the soap as it painted his endless frame. Muscles rippled beneath her touch, taunting her with the gentle rhythm as she passed over them. He groaned slightly as her hands massaged his neck, kneading him with her small hands.

  Mesmerized, she watched as he skillfully unbraided his pleats one by one and then submerged himself in the bath. When he rose his dark mane glistened with water and his flesh nearly sparkled.

  Words would not come to her mouth, thoughts barely formed in her mind. The only thing she felt was a searing heat and a carnal need to reach out to him again. Instead she began to back away, afraid of herself and of what she may do.

  A gentle but firm hand grasped her wrist in an unforgiving hold.

  “You aren’t finished yet Beauty,” he growled lowly and turned to pierce her with his cobalt gaze.

  “Well, I don’t know what else you think I’m washing Morkain but I’ve done all that I can.”

  His eyes sparkled with mischief at her words and he grinned at her with full lips and beautiful teeth. She knew what he wanted, she wanted it too. But damned if there wasn’t just too much on the line. She bit her lower lip, the internal struggle marked by that and the wrinkling of her brow.

  “I said you aren’t done yet.”

  Before she could even form a suitable verbal backlash for him commanding her to do something he grabbed her and pulled her into the warm frothy water with him, a squeal barely escaping her mouth before his covered it. His lips were searing and his tongue pressed into her mouth expertly, exploring her own with vivacious pleasure. She tried to stop it but the moan escaped her anyway. She was pressed against the chiseled body of this gorgeous creature and she could feel every single muscle that he held her against. Her head swooned and she was awash with the moment, nearly forgetting everything as his mouth moved from her lips to her neck and then down to the opening of the sheer white dress that might as well have been nonexistent at this point since it was soaking wet. Her nipples were already hard and even though the sheer fabric separated his tongue from them, when he closed his mouth around it her hips arched up and her nails dug into the flesh of his back.

  It was powerful the way he held her, with one hand firmly rooted on her lower back and the other behind her hair, tugging gently as he sucked on her breast through the cloth. She whimpered as he began to move his hips and she could feel the length of him beneath her, so close to being inside.

  “Morkain,” she panted her own voice almost foreign to her. “Please, not yet.”

  He thrust harder beneath her and held her tighter to him, his teeth moving to nip at her collarbone. Another ripple of pleasure causing her to moan even louder.

  “Why not Isabel?” He answered in a whisper. “Do you not like this?”

  She was rocking on his hips of her own accord now, another half an inch and her body would be filled with what it was craving this very second.

  “I want you Isabel. Can you not see how consumed I am? This is meant to be, just let me show you.”

  He pulled back from her and she gazed at him through lowered lids. He was shaking too and a fire burned in his deep blue eyes.

  Her small hands moved over the thick muscles of his chest and she trembled as he thrust again, this time even closer. The swelling mass between her legs was up against her now. God it would be so easy to just ease onto him and forget about everything except the pleasure she felt right now. Images began to swarm through her mind at that very moment though and she sighed defeated.

  “I’m not ready yet Morkain, please,” her cheeks flush with passion and lips swollen with his kisses.

  She looked at the disappointment on his face and her heart fell. Why was this so damned hard?

  “Isabel, please don’t go. Stay with me. I will make all of your dreams come true.”

  She shook her head and stood up in the water, her dress soaked. He grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her back down but the words were quickly uttered.

  “I wish to go home.”

  He roared as she felt the dizzying wind sweep her into a black nothingness again.

  ** ** ** ** ** ** **

  BEEP BEEP BEEP! She swatted at the alarm clock with her eyes closed, groaning. Isabel kicked the covers off herself and punched the pillow, burying her head in it so she could scream without making too much noise. The wood floors creaked outside her door and she shut her eyes again.

  “Not now Amele! Give me a second at least!” she shouted out. Silence.

  Isabel’s eyes opened again. God, did she listen? Her eyes moved over to the pile of her crumpled Vickie’s pj’s that were against the corner and she felt a new heat wave flashing over her. It was one thing to go to sleep naked and wake up that way but when you have a full sleep set on with drawstring pants on before you fall asleep, it gets quite annoying to wake up in your birthday suit every day. Not that the pj’s were her biggest concern at the moment.

  She rubbed her eyes and shook off last night’s dream. Once upon a time it had been pretty cool to have such lucid dreams but this had really been getting out of hand lately. How the hell was she going to make a choice? Being tossed back and forth the way she had been was surreal and even with the events of the last few days she wasn’t sure if she should believe all this. Okay, she should definitely believe it. But she didn’t want to.

  Isabel stumbl
ed to the bureau and pulled out a t-shirt and jeans and put them on. She quickly ran a comb through her wild curly hair and pulled it back into a knot on her head, securing it with a scrunchie. The wood floors creaked beneath her bare feet as she walked to the bathroom and splashed water on her face before trudging downstairs. The smell of her favorite coffee wafted through the air and as foul a mood as she was in she couldn’t help but to smile. At least that hadn’t changed.

  As she headed for the expensive chrome device that did everything except grow the beans itself, she almost laughed at how out of place it looked in this sparse kitchen. Natural woods and light colors, space that was devoid of clutter. And then there was the monstrosity that she adored. She took a ceramic cup from the cupboard and poured some of the black gold into it. Rich, sweet aromas came swirling up from the cup and she smiled. She had no idea where Amele bought her coffee from but it certainly was the best she had ever tasted.

  After pouring in her sugar, she moved a bit more gingerly to the fridge and frowned. Out of creamer again? Out of a lot by the looks of the fridge. Leftovers from various restaurants and pizza houses from God knows how long ago stared back at her but no creamer. She scribbled that on the list that hung on the fridge and walked back over to the coffee. Ah well, no light and sweet today but it would do. Hell, after last night she seriously contemplated spiking it just to make her mind a bit numb to the lingering effects of suitor number two.

  “Isabel, we must talk.”

  “Why Amele? It was just another night in paradise,” she grumbled.

  Amele peered at her from over the couch with an amused grin tugging at the corners of her perfect mouth. “Spill it. Now.”

  Isabel muttered some choice words beneath her breath and walked over to join her friend on the couch. Sighing as she began to recant her dream between sips of the delectable brew. Choice? This was no choice. This was absolute torture.

  9 Days Earlier…

  Steven Tyler’s voice pounded through her as she sat at the bar in Pete’s tavern. What better place to spend her birthday than the most happening bar in town. Okay, so it was the only bar in town if you were straight and didn’t want to see strippers and there were only one of each of those two as well. And they were nowhere near the center of Troy. Being from a small town had its perks and its downfalls. Everyone thinks they know everyone, which is obviously a downfall. Perks? Well, you didn’t need to worry about big city crime in a place like this. Most people didn’t even tend to lock their doors. There were always the few strangers that passed through, truck drivers and such on their way somewhere else but nobody stayed long and the local paper was never very interesting. The most exciting things that happened around here was when someone tried to touch her and random tornados would form, ruining the crops or lighting would set fire in the woods. Tornados just didn’t happen around these parts. Except near her. She glared at the boy across the room and then turned towards the bar.

  Isabel reached over towards the red fruity shot awaiting her and clanked the glass against Amele’s.

  “Happy Birthday Isabel. Maybe next year we can go to Cancun instead?”

  Isabel laughed and felt her mood lighten. Thank God for Amele. She always knew how to make her smile. “Sure Amele, count me in. I could use a break from this place anyway.”

  She gulped down the shot and shivered, feeling the liquid set fire all the way down to her stomach. They weren’t too bad actually considering she never drank. Pete handed them another and Isabel took it, grinning at Amele.

  “Why the hell not? It is my birthday after all.”

  She sucked that one down too and then pulled Amele off the barstool as she heard one of her favorite songs come on.

  “Let’s dance!” She giggled as she moved out to the dance floor. It must have been the drinks because Isabel never danced.

  Whatever it was, she was determined to have a good time tonight.

  She was dressed up to the max and had everyone’s attention in the bar, including her ex and she loved it. She let her hips move to the music, swaying sexily to the beat of the base. She almost felt as beautiful as Amele, who was difficult to compete with on any level. She had beautiful long blonde hair and even longer legs, a tan that she never worked on and a bosom to match. Isabel always felt a little out of place standing next to her but tonight she was beginning to feel on top of the world. Her own long curly hair was moving in waves around her and damn if she didn’t feel pretty sexy at the moment.

  When the song ended she pulled her back over to the bar and ordered another round. These things were awesome. Amele just laughed at her every time she ordered another and complied every time she went out to the dance floor, following her like a faithful friend should. And every time a man came too close, Amele was there to head him off. That bit was a little irritating but none of them were very appealing anyway. Another con to living in a small town. You knew everyone, most since they were kids and therefore knew far too much about their personal habits. Her eyes did however keep straying to her ex and his new girlfriend getting far too comfy over by the pool table. To hell with him, she was going to have some fun.

  When the song ended and too many shots to count had been ingested Isabel felt her legs getting a little heavy so she went over to sit on the barstool and take a break.

  Pete poured another two shots and slid them in front of her and Amele, but Amele quickly intercepted the one in front of her and drank it down followed by her own.

  “Hey! I was going to drink that!” Isabel stammered, the glare returning in her eyes at the couple on the other side of the bar.

  “You’ve had quite enough Isabel, trust me.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about Amele. I’m fine.”

  Looking over at Pete, “I’ll have another please.”

  He looked back and forth between Isabel and Amele and shrugged. “It is her birthday,” and began to prepare another.

  “Okay Isabel, have it your way. But don’t say I didn’t try to warn you later.”

  “Thank you Pete. And lighten up Amele, I just want to have some fun.”

  Amele sighed and smiled. “I know, and you definitely deserve it, these things just have a way of sneaking up on you.”

  “Sometimes I feel like you’re twice my age and I should call you Mommy.” Isabel laughed as she got a playful tap from her friend.

  “I’ll be right back, gotta use the restroom,” her speech slurring noticeably now.

  Amele stood with her arms across her very blessed bosom with a half-smile creeping across her face. As Isabel tried to step up off the barstool the floor wasn’t where it was supposed to be at all and she fell flat on her face staring at some gorgeous silver spiked heels. And where did those legs lead as her eyes rose? Right into the face of Michael’s new girlfriend Sheree. Laughing it off she shrugged and stood shakily, trying to retain some sense of dignity even though her cheeks were flaming.

  “Oh, these shoes! They always get caught on everything. Amele, remind me to toss these in the Goodwill bag when I get home,” she stammered.

  The girl just looked at her smirking and Michael was doubled over in laughter across the room.

  As the girl continued to stare with that menacing smile at her she began to feel something build inside her that was practically foreign.


  She wanted to smack the smile right off her face.

  “Is there something you need Sheree? Other than my seconds?” She said smugly, a smile creeping to the corners of her mouth.

  “Oh please, seconds? Michael told me all about you lightning girl,” she giggled and then looked over at Amele who had the deadliest look in her eyes that Isabel had ever seen, other than in the movies. Or was that the alcohol?

  “Shoo, little girl.” Amele whispered eyes on fire as she stared Sheree down.

  The smile left the girl’s face and she lifted her chin and spun away, walking back to where Michael and his friends were. Cheeks still burning she walked as gra
cefully as she could back to the bar and sucked back the shot that Pete had put out for her in one gulp. She looked over at Amele who was again calm and sweet faced and then went to use the restroom. It wasn’t until she could barely stand over the toilet that she realized how very drunk she was. After an extended restroom stay trying to splash some cold water on her face and reapplying her lip gloss somewhat successfully she returned to the bar where Amele was waiting for her.

  “Everything alright?”

  “Yeah, but I think you’re right. Time to go.”

  She shot one more glance over towards Michael and Sheree and frowned. They were still laughing loudly. Jerk.

  “Now, now girl. Don’t go getting all ruffled over that.”

  Isabel snorted and looked away. “Too late.”

  Amele placed a few large bills on the counter and smiled to Pete.

  “Happy birthday Isabel,” he grinned.

  Yeah right, happy indeed. Drunk, embarrassed, beginning to get very fuzzy. Yes. Happy? Maybe not so much.

  They walked out of the bar, arms linked and headed for black beauty. That would be Amele’s black BMW. The girl always has had money but no family. She said she inherited it young, some kind of trust fund was set up or something.

  “Oh geez Amele, is the world going to stop turning anytime soon?”

  She just looked at her and laughed. “Well certainly by morning dear, but not a second before!”

  Great. She closed her eyes hoping that would help but it just made it worse.

  She should’ve never had that last drink. The world was spinning and she could barely hear the laughter of Amele in the distance.

  “Ok, we’re going home. Just hang in there and don’t throw up in my car,” she laughed.

  “Well, I wouldn’t feel like I needed to if you weren’t driving in circles!”

  “Oh man, whose good idea was this to get you tanked for your twenty-second birthday? Oh yeah, it was mine. I’m the brilliant one.”

  Isabel looked at her with as much ferocity as she could muster and then let the spinning resume. “Why did we go out again? Oh, how could I forget? You thought it would be fun to torture me into getting drunk and groveling over Michael and his new girlfriend. G-r-e-a-t birthday bash, thank you Amele.”


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