Immortal Dreams

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Immortal Dreams Page 10

by Sage, Jennifer

  “What the hell is that?” She muttered.

  “That is a break in the veil Isabel, and I believe that directly on the other side of that ripple is the Unseelie Kingdom. There’s no other explanation. How they got the demons to side with them is anyone’s guess. Dark heathons! Guard! How many do we have here now?”

  Loth spoke up. “About 30 in and around the house, 100 or more close by your majesty.”

  “Call them all to the mansion, this could get a little out of hand. And someone produce an extra sword for Isabel immediately!”

  Loth unstrapped the one from his back. “It would be an honor princess if you would take mine,” he held it out to her with his head bowed. Amele raised her eyebrows.

  “But what will you have to protect yourself with Loth?” She looked at him worriedly.

  “Don’t worry about me, I have another, I just need to go get it. This one wields a great protective magic, please take it,” his eyes pleaded with her and when she looked at Amele she nodded to her.

  “Thank you Loth. I shall keep it strapped on even in my sleep it seems.” She scanned the growing number of Unseelie outside and shivered doing just as she said she would and strapped the bulky thing on. Funny, it wasn’t nearly as heavy as it looked.

  Amele took her arm unexpectedly and suddenly they were in a wide open field, nothing for miles in any direction except corn. And damned if they weren’t in a huge circle of plowed corn. Crop circle? Really? What next?

  “What the heck did you just do?” She shouted, her head dizzy from the whatever-just-happened.

  “Hellooo, time sifting? Ever heard of it? Remember your mom’s letter? She is a time sifter too so get used to the effects, you just may end up using it quite a bit,” she crossed her hands over her chest and gazed at her with a half grin.

  “So what are we doing here when all the big uglies are back there your majesty?” Isabel glared.

  The sword was at her throat before she could even blink. Amele’s expression calm as a windless lake. “Ok! Sorry,” her eyes wide and panicked. “No more ‘your majesty’ I swear!”

  “We are here halfling, because you need to learn to fight before you face the big uglies as you call them. They will not stop their swords as I have done. And though I will do everything I can to protect you, part of that protection is teaching you to fend for yourself. Now draw your sword and make your Da’ proud.”

  Isabel saw the amber in Amele’s eyes flash and she reached over her head for the hilt. “But I’ve never even held a…”

  The first thrust came down hard and out of reflex she held out her hand. Clank! Holy shit! She blocked it! But just as she was reeling in her glory she found the hilt of Amele’s sword in her gut and she was flying backwards. With her back on the plowed corn plants and sword a foot from her hand she groaned.

  “Up! And I never want to see that sword fall out of your hand again. Hold onto it as if your life depends on it, because it will my little warrior.” Amele stood ready.

  She picked herself up off the ground and grabbed her sword, really feeling the handle this time. Amele attacked again and she got two blocks this time before she was eating crop circle once more. But the sword didn’t fall.

  “Again!” She commanded. But before Isabel could even stand she was racing towards her and reflex again kicked in. Literally. She thrust her leg out at the onslaught and nailed the warrior in the gut, which gave her enough time to rise. Laughter danced in Amele’s eyes and perhaps a little bit of pride even. She got brave and lunged, twisting the sword around as she had watched Amele do in the yard and it seemed almost natural. Of course it was quickly blocked by her but she got in 3 thrusts and quite a few more blocks before landing in the corn again. They scrapped like that for hours, Isabel getting better and better with each round.

  Panting and collapsing in the field Isabel looked up to see the dark tresses and amber eyes a glow. “Well done Princess. Your Da’ would indeed be proud.”

  Well, sleeping with the school football team had been out but she felt like she had just been fought by the entire NFL, so it seemed a fair trade all in all.

  Amele lay down in the grass next to her and put her hands behind her head staring up at the pink and golden hues of sky at sunset.

  “So Amele, if you can still sift, then why can’t you sift to the future and see what is happening? Go and see what choice I made?” She looked over at her curiously.

  “Because I can’t sift forward at the moment due to this curse. There is only one Sidhe who could possibly and she sleeps now. I can only sift laterally or backwards, which doesn’t help us really. And I can’t sift right now to the other realms because I am bound here with you. We are still in your world at the same time, just not at the same place. I believe we’re in Nebraska at the moment. The backwards sifting doesn’t do anyone much good by the way because we aren’t allowed to change the course of anything. Pointless really to have such a gift and not be able to use it.”

  Isabel thought about this for a moment and laughed. “That is an odd gift if it can’t be used. Really though, Nebraska? Couldn’t we have gone to Paris or Rome instead? I’ve always wanted to see the world.” She glanced at her and thought over her words. “Oh yeah, I’ve seen three now. Never mind.”

  Amele turned to her and smiled.

  “And when we go back? Will the day have passed as it has for us?”

  “Nope, isn’t that great? It will be like we just blinked out for a sec!” She laughed. “I have been forbidden to blink with you except in the most dire circumstances of course, but I think being surrounded by the uglies with our untrained Princess was more than justified. I feel much better about you fighting now. It’s really quite surprising how much of each of them you have in you. The battles we may yet fight,” she grinned.

  “Are you going to tell me about the whole majesty thing?”

  She hesitated with her words. “Not much to tell really. I’m the unruly younger sister of the High King. Trouble with a capital ‘T’ but it’s so much more fun to be naughty, don’t you think? So, they have given up on me finding a partner among the Sidhe since most of them fear me and they have actually started bringing in other immortals to see if that wild streak in me can be tamed. So far, I’ve liked a few enough to share my bed, but I kick them out of it by sunrise. They’ve all been far too…typical,” she scrunched her nose. “That water Elemental however, Nikolai, mmmm. He is something else entirely. I’ve come close to summoning him myself just to fight him into submission. I hear he’s a real beast of a God. Mmmmm,” she groaned closing her eyes.

  She looked over at Amele and started cracking up. “You are something else,” she snorted in a fit of laughter. “So why have you not called on the Elemental? You are a woman who gets what she wants are you not? And lord knows I doubt that even a God could refuse you. Do they have phones or something? Can’t you text him?” She giggled.

  “Ah, if it were that easy. Remember the Unseelie story Isabel? That is why I have not yet summoned that God to do my bidding. I’m too vain,” she laughed.

  “So do you live in Loveryn when you aren’t babysitting mortals or killing things?”

  “Certainly I have quarters there ‘Bel, but mostly I stay at my own home on the eastern coast. It’s a lovely little cottage by the sea that you will find absolutely charming I’m sure.” She winked.

  “Cottage eh? I bet it’s huge.”

  “It’s really not that big, I swear. It only sleeps about a hundred immortals comfortably.”

  She gasped and looked at her friend. “Maine my ass!” and they both burst out into laughter.

  Isabel smiled and looked down at her bare arms and legs. They were covered in bruises and cuts. “Ah Amele! Look at me. How am I supposed to go to Bodhe like this? He would run from me as if I’m a monster! I would probably run from me if I saw this!”

  “That’s a negative. First you will not look like that when you go to Bodhe, we have healers among us. And second, he would never run from
you Isabel. To you at lightspeed, but not from you.”

  She sighed. “I wonder if Morkain would run too?” She asked quietly.

  “Well, Elves are pretty damn fast.” Amele said laughing.

  She stood and reached out her hand for Isabel. Isabel nodded and stood with her, spinning right back to the parlor where the thunderstorm and uglies were.

  “I think I liked Nebraska better,” she sighed as the guards looked at her strangely. Oh! Crap, she beat the hell out of me. I must look like a train wreck! I wonder what they think of the princess now?

  “I hope the sword served you well my Lady.” Loth said with a bow.

  “Well, we can tell who won obviously, but your sword is magnificent. Thank you,” she said smiling.

  “Your sword Princess, the sword is yours now. You have certainly earned its keep,” he bowed to her and smiled.

  She smiled and gazed out the window, light falling from her eyes in a second. “Is there no way for us to close the door?”

  “I’m afraid not Isabel. All we can hope to do is slay this army and keep hunting until they retreat.”

  “But there are so many!”

  “And our re-enforcement's should be here any moment. Don’t worry little warrior, this is child’s play for us. You’ll soon see.”

  She shrugged, knowing firsthand that underestimating Amele was a careless thing to do.

  “If you’re not worried then neither am I,” she squared her shoulders and stood as tall as she could. Amele looked at her and chuckled under her breath.

  “Loth, go get a healer and bring them back here! We need to mend her if she’s going to be of any help!”

  He simply bowed and rushed off.

  The dark skies and equally dark and grey landscape that stretched out into the rural forest was bleak at best, as were her thoughts. More kept coming through that little ripple every second and the more she saw walking out into her world, the more pissed off she became. The cuts and bruises didn’t hurt at all. She just wanted to run out there with Amele and kick some uglies asses.

  Amele looked at her and rased her brows. “Check out your eyes Isabel, now that is cool,” she said, drawing out the word cool.

  She walked over to a mirror in the hall and checked them out. Instead of the green and brown hazel that they usually were, they were glowing like liquid gold, only a few splashes of green in them at all.

  “Wow,” she whispered to herself. Amele glided up behind her and grinned.

  “Wicked neat huh? I guess I could start calling you Goldie instead of halfling?” When she got a jab in the stomach she doubled over and feigned injury.

  Just then Loth came back with the healer, rushing to her side at the mirror. He looked at her eyes and grinned. “Interesting Princess.”

  “What do you mean by that?” She looked at him hard. “Forgive me, but Norgelon’s eyes turned the same color when he was about to go to battle,” he smiled.

  Interesting indeed. She barely felt the healers hands touch her but she felt the surge of power going through her body. She watched the gold in her eyes swirling and a glow emanate from the rest of her as all the fresh cuts and bruises disappeared. No way I am seeing this. A stranger looked back at her from the mirror. One with a wicked grin and glowing flesh. And eyes that glowered, bad ass.

  “So, when do we hunt?” She turned to look an equally wicked looking Amele in the eyes.

  “Right after you change halfling. You can’t go hunting in that!” She laughed.

  Shorts torn and bloodied and her t-shirt the same she nodded. “I’m afraid I haven’t much else with me though. I wasn’t quite prepared for this. T-shirts, shorts and my hiking boots are it for my wardrobe at the moment.”

  “C’mon Bel, lets fit you into some of my clothes. The fight will feel more authentic that way,” she winked and glided upstairs, a smiling Isabel behind her.

  Nice. She wasn’t sure who she wanted to see her first more. Morkain, Bodhe or her mom. Amele looked on approvingly and suffice to say, she did feel much more authentic as far as looks were concerned. Amele had done her hair in the 3 braids as hers was, the little points on her ears lifting delicately from her locks. Brown leather pants and a matching sleeveless top with a long cloak and the sword strapped on her back. Yeah, she looked the part. Too bad she was still wearing her hiking boots since Amele’s didn’t fit but even with those still on, yeah, she looked hot. But could she act the part as well?

  “What do you think, is a day fighting you going to be enough to prevent me getting killed by the uglies today?” She took a deep breath, still staring at her golden eyes approvingly.

  “A day fighting me is like a year fighting those things, so yes, I think you’re ready. And you’re going to do fine my little warrior. Your true instincts will not fail you out there, and you may even discover ones that you didn’t know you had.”

  Amele sighed.

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Oh nothing. It’s just that, you’re all grown up now! I knew it was coming but I kind’ve gotten used to our running around playing teenager and young adult.”

  Isabel started laughing. “Amele, I actually was a teenager and young adult!”

  “I know, I know, but it was fun for me to pretend too! You have no idea what thousands of years of monotony can do to a person!”

  Isabel looked at her, “Of course I do, you are my best friend,” she giggled. “At least it all makes sense now!”

  She caught the pillow flying for her head. Killer reflexes, check.

  “So, any last words of wisdom?” She asked looking out the window.

  “Yes actually. The only way to kill the Unseelie is by beheading them or stabbing them with your Raka, twice. And the only way to kill those nasty shadow demons is exactly the same. Only you have to do it while they are formed.”


  “Well, we don’t call them shadow demons for nothing!”

  Isabel scowled at her and returned the pillow at high speeds to her face. Of course she caught it.

  “They can go from form to shadow and back again in the blink of an eye, they are very tricky. The good news is they can’t hurt you when they are shadow but the bad news is that you can’t hurt them when they’re that way either.”

  Isabel just nodded and crossed her hands over her chest. “Oh, and one more thing, you’re going to feel a bit like bait.” She turned sharply on her heels.

  “And why is that?”

  “Because they’ll all be coming after you.” Well that’s just great.

  “But don’t worry, we will be surrounding you and I don’t want you busting out of the circle Bel do you understand? There’s plenty of time to be brave later.”

  No busting out of the circle into the raging uglies that want to kill me. Check.

  “Alright, I think I’ve got it. Anything else?”

  “Nope, this is going to be a blast! I haven’t gotten to go on a rampage like this in far too long!”

  Isabel scowled. “Geez, make babysitting me sound worse why don’t you Amele, thanks!”

  “Oh, I’m talking about before dear, babysitting you has been great. I did spend five centuries in a dragon realm locked up before that though. The King didn’t take it lightly when I kicked his females ass from one end of their realm to the other for calling me a faery. You know, you should never call us that,” she laughed even as she looked a million miles away in her thoughts.

  “Yeah, got that one the first night with Bodhe, thanks for telling me sooner.”

  Amele just chuckled. “And if you think I’m promiscuous now, wow, you should’ve seen me after the prince set me free! There wasn’t a dragon Lord on that countryside that I didn’t rake my claws on! They are probably still talking about the sex crazed Sidhe woman that terrorized them! Not to mention their females are not huge fans of mine either. Needless to say I am not entirely welcome there anymore.”

  “You are incredible!” She laughed, the images too much to bear. “And you are
so going to be telling me that story later!”

  “I promise. Now what do you say we go kick some Unseelie ass please? I’m jonesing in the worst of ways!”

  She took a deep breath and one more look in the mirror at the stranger staring back. “Ready as I’ll ever be!”

  When they walked back downstairs the guard’s revere was noticeable in their eyes and in the way they bowed as the two of them came off the final steps. Isabel just grinned, unaccustomed to this treatment but realizing she didn’t actually dislike it. While there were only a handful of them before, the entire lower chambers were now filled with the Sidhe that they had rounded up. And Loth, she noticed, did have a new sword strapped to his back now.

  “Magesties,” he opened. “I believe it’s time we cleared the forest a bit no?”

  Amele looked out at the bleak scene in the forest and nodded. “Yes Loth, it’s time. Under no circumstances is any here to break the circle around Isabel, are we understood?” They all nodded in agreement. She named twenty warriors that were to join her in the circle and then the rest were to fan out and kill any in their path.

  Taking a deep breath, she looked at Amele and nodded that she was ready. Was she really ready to go out into the horde? Her palms started sweating a little and she felt a little shaky. Even in this get up, she was still nervous. She closed her eyes for a moment and collected herself, opening them to find the Sidhe waiting.

  “Isabel? You do not have to go with us you know but I would prefer if you stayed near me.”

  She stood as tall as her five foot six inches would allow and shook her head. “I’m going. I just needed a moment. I’m good now, really.”

  Amele was by her side as they walked towards the door. “Remember, under no circumstances do you break the circle!” they all answered her in their native tongue. “And scouts, stay in pairs! I do not wish to see your heads to be the ones rolling out there!” Another round of agreements followed and the door opened.

  The scouts went first into the soggy landscape, rich with mud from the storms. And although the rain had stopped falling, lightning and thunder still shook the earth. They flew gracefully to the grey mass and shadow demons and when the clanking of swords were heard Isabel’s group rushed out. They formed a large circle around her and just as predicted the gray things began rushing towards them.


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