Immortal Dreams

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Immortal Dreams Page 17

by Sage, Jennifer

  The only problem with the scene was that everything kept blurring, as if she were taking prescription glasses on and off. She saw the illusion and then the real world would flicker in. Interesting. Must be the change coming. She sighed and put the necklace back on, thinking of her mother’s words.

  Perhaps a bath would help after everything. She walked over to the water and gazed inside. It looked clean enough and was certainly going to get the spoils of battle off of her which would be a tremendous improvement. She stripped naked and walked to the chest where the shampoo was. Yep, her favorite brand of rosemary mint and everything. Imagine that. Apparently they didn’t have a soaper here, not that she would have used it if they did. She took a towel with it and walked to the small pool.

  Stepping in she noticed that it was actually warm, which was unexpected. Ok, she could deal with this. Letting her head drop beneath the surface she did a quick rinse and wash, scrubbing her hair of the nastiness. That was one thing she couldn’t stand, her hair full of Uglies. The grey matter that served as blood was like sticky goop and it was really gross when it was all matted in your hair. Think bubble gum and jello mixed.


  She shuddered as she washed it twice more and rinsed.

  The door opened quickly and Isabel gasped. “Knock ever!” she yelled as she bolted up and jumped straight for the towel. An ugly stepped towards her that she could only guess was a female from the way she swayed when she walked. There was no other resemblance at all. Unless, oh God, were those breasts? Barely discernible they swung lightly like extra flesh on the creature’s chest. Her eyes opened wide and she tucked the towel around herself tightly, the only sound in the room was the drip-drop of the water falling from her hair to the floor in a soft little stream of sound.

  “Well aren’t you a pretty little thing.” The white eyes narrowed and looked her up and down, scrutinizing her bare flesh where the cloth didn’t cover. “Hardly worth all this fuss if I must say so myself but certainly not too difficult on the eyes.”

  Ha! Speak for yourself! Isabel glared hotly at her.

  “No matter, you are our ticket out of this Elemental made hell. Had I known what Fieren was planning those many years ago I would’ve stopped him somehow. Can you imagine spending eternity with someone who kept a secret from you that ultimately caused your eternal damnation?” She sighed. “It’s really rather a sex killer, even after all these centuries.”

  Isabel held down the bile that was quickly rising in her throat at the thought of them bumping uglies. And then almost laughed at the thought bumping uglies, thankful that she didn’t.

  “Yes, I believe I can imagine it. I was about to make the same mistake. Damned Sidhe prince took me for a fool, and I almost fell for it,” she shivered with anger at the thought of Bodhe’s lying face.

  “So it would be the Elf that you choose after all this mortal?”

  “Does it really matter? I will not be living to make that choice, remember?” She took up her screw you stance, arms folded over her chest and legs straight. This one couldn’t hear her thoughts at least thank god.

  “It doesn’t matter, you’re right. But I am curious anyway. This is the most exciting thing that has happened here ever! You have no idea how boring it gets! And with such a short time in the mortal world to feed, you understand that we get terribly starved for affection.”

  Her white eyes widened as Isabel’s anger flashed remembering the way the town looked as they all scattered around.

  “See, even your anger makes me hungry dear. We had to leave early from the hunt because of this curse. My partner ordered us from the human realm after your capture and days before we usually must leave. The Unseelie are upset and in turmoil over this decision even though he promises that this will open the way for our kind to break free forever.”

  Well at least her world was safe, even if she wasn’t.

  “Why are you telling me all this?” She looked at her curiously.

  The Queen just waved her hand and dismissed her words. “You see, all of the Unseelie except for myself, my husband and my 2 girls were born here and this is home to them. They feed in the human world but they do not know the beauty of the other realms. Which is more torturous do you think mortal? Being trapped this way or being trapped this way knowing what is beyond this?”

  “I would imagine being trapped and knowing your majesty,” she whispered.

  “Do not call me majesty!” She screamed so loud the windows shook and the glass threatened to shatter in the panes.

  Isabel gulped, well that was a bit over reactive. “What should I call you then?”

  The Queen began to float towards the door. Just before she got there she looked over her grotesque shoulder. “You may call me Delia. Dinner is in about an hour down in the great hall. There will be human food for you.”

  She turned to her completely scrutinizing the chain around her neck. The stone was beneath the towel thank goodness. “What is that around your neck?” she swayed towards her again.

  “Oh, this? It’s just something I picked up somewhere. It’s supposed to bring good luck or something. A lot of good it has done me,” her laughter was as hollow as her words.

  “Take it out so I can see it.” Isabel hesitated.

  “Now,” her voice was still soft but commanding.

  Reluctantly, she pulled up the stone out of the wrapped towel. Gasping the Queen reached out to touch it.

  “Stay away from me!” She stumbled backwards out of reach, clutching the necklace in her hand.

  “Silly girl, you cannot lie to me. I’m not sure how my husband missed this but I am sorry. You can’t keep it.” The Queen lifted her fingers from across the room and the chain was ripped from her neck and hand and flew to her. Lightning surged from her body as it was taken and Isabel dropped to the floor. When she opened her eyes the room started shifting again. Bright and cheerful with flashes of reality.

  Isabel’s eyes blazed with anger. The queen was now beautiful, no longer a gangly grey thing but a tall, lithe dark haired beauty. Of course, the flashes of her true self kept blinking in but she was still shocked. Is this what she looked like before the curse?

  “Pardon me for taking it dear, but please understand, I cannot allow you to wear a magical pendant here. I don’t know what spells are within this but one can’t be too careful with the guarding of their guests. And between you and me, I am truly sorry that fate has led you here. If it were up to me I would go back to that dreadful day and run with my children. As it is, you are the only way I may yet give them their lives back.”

  “But I have done nothing! I am innocent too and Keiren’s daughter. Did you know my mother? How can you be so cruel to take my life for the lives of your own? No one even knows if it will work! And that necklace is all I have of her, please don’t take it from me. It merely dispels the glamour and keeps anyone from casting spells on me. I doubt that you two would bother since your plan is already set anyway.”

  Delia looked at her with tears brimming in her gorgeous dark eyes and then looked down to the necklace seeming to contemplate actually returning it. “I would not wish you harm child and I’m sorry I am taking this from you. This life has nearly turned me into the monster that I appear to be. Yes, I knew your mother before I was here and I loved her as I loved all of our people. But these are my children and I would do anything to let them escape this prison. I’m sorry Isabel.”

  She walked out shut the door quietly and she was left standing in her towel in total shock. How the hell was she going to get her necklace back? And why did the Queen nearly cry? She actually felt sorry for her. Wow, what a day. She was actually pitying one of the people who were going to kill her. The King however, he deserved this for his greed. If they were partners and were separated though, wouldn’t that nearly kill her as well? Could she trust that she just wanted to escape with her children?

  Of course not. She could trust no one.

  As she looked around the bright room for some rea
son though, it was a comfort to see the castle and their keepers in glamour. At least she would die with some sense of normalcy.


  As if being sucked dry of emotions by these creatures in any form was normal.

  Sighing, she walked over to the chest of clothes. At least I have illusion for comfort. If only it would stop flashing the ugly truth I might be able to relax.

  Screw it. I’m stuck in glamoured Ugly-world and I might as well enjoy it a bit.

  She opened the chest and pulled out what appeared to be a beautiful dress. It would probably turn out to be a rag stained with God knows what, but what the hell. When in Ugly-world, be as the Uglies are, right?

  Chapter 16

  Stomping through the woods Amele couldn’t think straight. She had let Bel down in the worst way possible. With only three days left until her turning and the end of this damned curse she was locked away in the Unseelie Kingdom having gods know what done to her and there was no way that she could get to her or get word to Loveryn. She was officially stuck.

  With a crunch, she sat down in the fallen leaves and began breaking one in her fingertips. They would all be looking to her for guidance but she had none to offer. Her sarcasm and light spirit went with Isabel and now there was just an angry old warrior in its place. She needed to fight, but couldn’t because there was nothing to kill. But she couldn’t just sit here either.

  She sifted from city to city, searching for any Unseelie that might have been slipping in and out for feedings. She found nothing. Finally she sifted back to the lake where she and Isabel used to swim during the hot summer months and though it was fall and the water was freezing, she stripped everything off except her dagger and dove in.

  Breaking through the icy waters made her body shriek for a moment but immortals didn’t feel cold the way mortals did. It was merely the rapid changing of the temperature that had shocked her. Yes, perhaps this would clear her mind. She swam to the bottom of the murky waters and looked for a sign. Anything that would tell her what to do.

  Slowly, a face appeared in the water. Handsome and chiseled and blue? He grinned at her, beckoning her closer. Heart pounding she grabbed her dagger and swam on but each time she neared him, he went further back. His body was solid as a rock, muscles ripping from every spot on it. He toyed with her each time she neared, scooting out of the way with each close encounter. Sure she was hallucinating some peace into an otherwise reckless day, she followed the beautiful being for a while. Suddenly he was gone and she was almost disappointed until she felt a soft hand brush across her back. Spinning around in the water she was inches from the face of a God, dagger frozen in her hand at her side. She could never strike this being, not even if he let her. And with not much more than a loincloth and binding around his arms and thighs, dammit if she wasn’t actually aroused. Her best friend has been taken hostage by the Unseelie and all she wanted this very second was to kiss those perfect lips.

  It was Nikolai. None of the other Elementals would have this appeal to her. Though she had only seen him once and it was fleeting, the feeling in her gut told her true. Did he want to help her? Why was he here? Would he trick her if she called him?

  He shook his head no as she thought the last question. Yeah right, an Elemental that won’t trick me?

  His face became dark and then he truly did disappear. She looked around the water for a few moments but saw nothing.

  Amele swam to the surface of the still lake and looked around. Not a creature stirred around or within the water. Dragging herself to the shore she slowly pulled on her clothes and refastened her sword. She stared at the water for a long time but nothing jumped out at her as she half expected it to. Nothing happened at all. The lake was calm.

  After what she had seen in her life, could summoning the Elemental really do anything to her that hadn’t been done before? An image of the Unseelie danced in her mind and she shuddered. He sure could. As gorgeous and succulent as he was, Nikolai would be a last resort.

  She sifted back to the house and found the demeanor of the men and women of the guard broken and still. Night was falling and there was no way to know what was being done to the girl by this point, or if she had even been kept alive this long. “Have we seen anything new?”

  They all just shook their heads in silent ‘no’s’. “And we still have no connection to any of the worlds I take it?”

  Another no from the group. “Well dammit! We are useless in this war. And I will not be useless!”

  She sifted back to the lake, gazing long and hard at the water as she called forth the courage to summon him. Vanity be damned, this was Isabel.

  Chapter 17

  Isabel dressed and walked down the hall, her bare feet lightly padding along the floor as she went. Starving from the long day of fighting, or had it been two since she had eaten? There was no way to tell; time really did pass differently here. How could any creature ever really get used to this place? It was horrid even cloaked in glamour. And besides the looks, it also had a putrid smell, like that of rotten flesh. Then she realized what that smell was and her stomach turned. They were all rotting. Eternally.

  Please let them have brought some canned soup or something that would not have to be heated. She didn’t think she could stomach even eating meat around them. Her heart was thundering in her ears as she stepped softly down the hall.

  Since she was free to roam and the dark corridors were at least not as scary and filled with shadows as they were when the necklace was on, she decided to take a look around. Treading lightly she came to a large door and decided to peek inside. It creaked a little when she opened it making her wince even though she had been told she could roam.

  The room was magnificent. Two stories high at least and had exquisite paintings all along the walls. It had an elaborate desk in the center made of gold and wood and even had an ancient quill and parchment on it. Too bad there wasn’t a computer with internet access. She could email Amele a mapquest of her location. She started laughing. Ok, I’m officially losing it.

  Walking around the room and stopping in front of each painting she blinked to try and see if it was glamour or if it was real. None of the paintings shimmered into anything else so she assumed they were real. The people in the paintings were beautiful. Two younger girls sat sprawled on silk lounges in a wooded setting, their smiles almost haunting. Then she came to a painting of Queen Delia as she had seen her with the glamour. A shiver ran up her spine. She was absolutely breathtaking. Dark eyes and hair that cascaded around her olive skin and a smile that was as lovely as the sun. She was so beautiful then. She was dressed in a flowing white gown and adorned with silver circlets around her arms and a matching samuril. Were they royalty before they were changed?

  Moving on to the next picture she saw a mouthwatering Sidhe male who stood in only his warrior pants and boots and had duel blades strapped to his back. His skin was deeply tanned and dark hair cut short curled around his handsome features his eyes were the color of the ocean in the islands. Clear and bright. This could not be? Once I was a being that you would have offered your first born child to. He was definitely hot. But first born child? That was a little much. What had happened to the girls? She felt so sorry for them. Even Delia, since her partner brought this upon her to begin with.

  She walked around the room looking at books that she couldn’t read on a bookshelf that looked as if it hadn’t been touched in ages. In fact, this whole room looked like it hadn’t been touched in ages. She could understand why though. When you are turned into a monster, how painful it must be to look at the life that once was yours. Would she kill an innocent woman to get her life back if she was in their position? No, she would never be in that kind of bind. It was greed that found them in this hell and even if the Queen at least didn’t deserve it, the path cannot be undone at this point. Or could it? Would they really be able to return after everything? She took another look at the man and woman in the frames and decided against seeing the girls one last tim
e. She quietly shut the doors behind her and continued walking down the hall.

  A small winding staircase built into the wall was down a short way on the left and had she not had a flash of reality right as she was passing it she may not have seen it at all. She felt the wall, or lack of one with her hands as the staircase wasn’t there when she couldn’t see beyond the glamour. Taking slow steps in what seemed to be a nonexistent stairwell she rose to the top of it, exiting on a rooftop balcony lit with golden light and she was shocked to see a few of the Uglies gathered…dancing? They didn’t notice her at first and she just watched them in stoic silence, afraid to move. This was getting weirder and weirder. They weren’t the grey Uglies that she was used to but beautiful people. If she didn’t know better she would think that she had walked into some candlelit romantic night for models with pointed ears. They were all nearly naked and had the most perfect bodies. All of them chiseled. But then reality flashed and the grotesque beings came into full focus. Gasping a little too loud she gained the attention of four sets of white sunken eyes and snarls.

  “Oh, my apologies! I was told I could roam around the castle, you know, before I’m dinner and all so I thought I would and well, here I am. I’ll be leaving now of course since I couldn’t dare intrude. Have a lovely evening!”


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